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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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Australia is in a good position, but.....


"I hope they haven't reached, sort of pandemic fatigue where they're a bit over it," she said.

"I know that people who are suffering the economic strain just want everything to go back to normal but I'm hoping that when we open up the borders, we'll recall we had a terrible time … and keep our social distancing."


So, social distancing is always going to be the norm going forward. I see on the news many are flouting this regardless, many at beaches and parks in the Northern summer.🥺

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7 hours ago, Lieblingskind said:

David, I am exhibiting symptoms with a mild headache for a few days, had the runs, and now I woke up in a sweat and a mild fever. It's a mild gnawing pain headache. Do you think they will test me?

I am not David, but a simple call to your primary healthcare physician would be the best advice. Minus the runs it reminds of the allergy symptoms that I have spring to winter. Please consult with PHP.


3 hours ago, Bob said:

New York Times busted for making a pretty big mistake by including a homicide victim in their front page of 1000 Covid 19 deaths:




Clearly, this author just googled obituaries, probably “covid 19 obituaries” and copy/pasted a list of names, and didn’t bother to fact check. 

And the media wonders why there is a divide and a high level of suspicion in this country: it’s due to their one-sided, half baked reporting. 

Oh well they make mistakes too. I do not think they present themselves as perfect news media organization.


You can 'shoot' the watchdog (in this case an imperfect news media organization of Satan's world) all you want to, if you want to. 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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8 hours ago, Lieblingskind said:

David, I am exhibiting symptoms with a mild headache for a few days, had the runs, and now I woke up in a sweat and a mild fever. It's a mild gnawing pain headache. Do you think they will test me?

That sounds like food poisoning to me. 

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41 minutes ago, AH173 said:

I am not David, but a simple call to your primary healthcare physician would be the best advice. Minus the runs it reminds of the allergy symptoms that I have spring to winter. Please consult with PHP.

I did call them this morning asking about a corona virus test (which they don't do), but maybe I should have just mentioned the symptoms and let them decide.


Come to think about it, I started eating Millet for breakfast this past week, but it's gluten-free, so should be ok. The food I have in the fridge isn't bad as hubby didn't get sick, so I must be intolerant to something. This is true. Perhaps an elimination diet to figure it out. Thanks for the comments friends!!

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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5 minutes ago, Lieblingskind said:

I ate at my inlaws on Friday. Could be. Just wait it out and see, I guess.

Do they like you....?.....:whistling:

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After 15 years, and bearing their grand-daughter, I should hope so. 😝


Plus my MIL is way more sensitive to foods than I am, so don't think she would purposely feed me allergens.🤮

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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23 hours ago, ChocoBro said:


It's really funny you should say that, I've read at least three news pieces claiming the exact opposite, namely that there is no evidence pointing towards a relevant spread of the virus through contact surfaces.

They really do not fully understand this virus. I will not take the flu shot. I keep myself as healthy  as possible. 
If my husband, who takes the flu shot, (and is quite proud of it) if he gets a cold, (and he does, more then me) I have avoided it by making sure I don’t touch my eyes, nose, or mouth, except with a clean tissue. And, I have avoided his colds, doing that.

We received extensive instructions at the midweek meeting, regarding how to handle this thing. 
And, it was comprehensive. 
We isolate, wear masks when we go in public, wash our hands regularly, and do not eat food prepared by someone else, when we have to go shopping. 
People that are staying in their home have still been getting it. 
I gave this some thought. Like it or not, we bring things into our house, (and I have to admit, after a huge shopping trip, we are not cleaning everything that comes into our house). 
How many ones touched your groceries before you toted the into you home? 
My whole point is, even in your home, do not touch your face with an unprotected hand. Period. Do everything you can to clean surfaces,

But, I tell you, we cannot sterilize our homes. (Thought I suspect a couple of my good friends do!) 

I’m not going to pretend that is me. 
I do my best not to touch my eyes, nose, or mouth, realizing I can contaminate myself, even at home! 
We just shop once a month, so, eventually it might be safe. 
But, we get packages regularly. Amazon, etc. 

So, in reality, no relaxing. 
As I tell myself, Jehovah will not allow us all to be killed off. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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2 hours ago, Miss Bea said:

They really do not fully understand this virus. I will not take the flu shot. I keep myself as healthy  as possible. 
If my husband, who takes the flu shot, (and is quite proud of it) if he gets a cold, (and he does, more then me) I have avoided it by making sure I don’t touch my eyes, nose, or mouth, except with a clean tissue. And, I have avoided his colds, doing that.

We received extensive instructions at the midweek meeting, regarding how to handle this thing. 
And, it was comprehensive. 
We isolate, wear masks when we go in public, wash our hands regularly, and do not eat food prepared by someone else, when we have to go shopping. 
People that are staying in their home have still been getting it. 
I gave this some thought. Like it or not, we bring things into our house, (and I have to admit, after a huge shopping trip, we are not cleaning everything that comes into our house). 
How many ones touched your groceries before you toted the into you home? 
My whole point is, even in your home, do not touch your face with an unprotected hand. Period. Do everything you can to clean surfaces,

But, I tell you, we cannot sterilize our homes. (Thought I suspect a couple of my good friends do!) 

I’m not going to pretend that is me. 
I do my best not to touch my eyes, nose, or mouth, realizing I can contaminate myself, even at home! 
We just shop once a month, so, eventually it might be safe. 
But, we get packages regularly. Amazon, etc. 

So, in reality, no relaxing. 
As I tell myself, Jehovah will not allow us all to be killed off. 

You do similar to what I do, shop once  a month, and bring in bags of groceries.  I used to wipe everything down in my car before I brought it in.  But, I started to think what if???  So, now I just leave it in the trunk (perishables I take in) bottles, boxes, I leave in trunk for 48 hours, then I take them in. Shoes, I remove before going into my home, bags bottoms are clean I set down on floor.  Go to sink and remove gloves and wash like the Pharisee's up to my elbows, then start putting things away.  Clothes removed and into washing machines, shower for me.  It will be probably the norm.  I can't disinfect everything, I've got to leave some good bacteria around, can't be sterile.  I do not do flu shots, cause they are dangerous to my health.  But I do wash my stink-en hands quite a lot, year round.  And do not touch my face unless I have a Kleenex tissue, even toilet paper, paper towel.   Mask, gloves, check/check... use gloves to get gasoline for the car, once a month.  Yep, till this system ends, all of us will be living in unusual times.  Every day if different. 

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22 hours ago, Lieblingskind said:

David, I am exhibiting symptoms with a mild headache for a few days, had the runs, and now I woke up in a sweat and a mild fever. It's a mild gnawing pain headache. Do you think they will test me?

speak to your FSG overseer  - he should be able to give you recommendations specific to your area

do not put it off

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Thanks for the suggestion, Darin. I don't think our FSGO would know (a good friend of ours), but I am feeling much better today. Perhaps it was just a case of food allergies. So I will make an appointment with the dermatologist here. Of course, I am watching over my symptoms and making sure nothing unusual develops. I can usually tell if I am coming down with a cold or flu, so this seems a little different. Could be some other health issue.

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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On 5/25/2020 at 2:01 AM, Lieblingskind said:

David, I am exhibiting symptoms with a mild headache for a few days, had the runs, and now I woke up in a sweat and a mild fever. It's a mild gnawing pain headache. Do you think they will test me?

At this point in the US they will test anyone with symptoms, please do consult your PCP, this could be signs of a completely unrelated and serious condition. Or it could be allergies. 

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Vaccine discussion split into separate discussion https://jwtalk.net/topic/45213-covid-19-vaccine-discussion/


Please continue with coronavirus news discussion here and vaccine discussion there. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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11 hours ago, BenJepthah said:

At this point in the US they will test anyone with symptoms

That maybe the official line, however CNN had a woman on 3PM EDT whose mother died of the virus and Was Not Counted.

Apparently many states are following WH lead and lowering infected and death rates. I noticed CNN at 3PM reported over 97,000 deaths whereas last count

earlier in the day was


Tuesday count.jpg

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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4 hours ago, BenJepthah said:



The latest statistical model from the CDC . Notice the overall death rate under scenario 5 . 
    Now, I could be reading this wrong but does that not indicate an overall mortality rate of less than 1%?  

I've seen other news agencies report that the CDC is stating that the mortality rate is much less than what the WHO has been saying.   It seems the CDC and WHO are at odds.


Is it based on science or politics, though?

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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38 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

I've seen other news agencies report that the CDC is stating that the mortality rate is much less than what the WHO has been saying.   It seems the CDC and WHO are at odds.


Is it based on science or politics, though?

We may not know for quite some time. One or both agencies may actually be serving as “ agencies” for something other than science. From what I have personally seen in my own part of healthcare it’s probably not going to be very high of a death role statistically ( by percentage ) . At least not this go round. 

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Slide 2 of 19: Meir Gitelis eats while wearing a mask fitted with a mechanical mouth that opens to enable diners to eat without taking it off at Avtipus Patents and Inventions lab in Or Yehuda, Israel May 18. REUTERS/Amir Cohen


Man eats while wearing a mask fitted with a mechanical mouth that opens to enable diners to eat without taking it off at Avtipus Patents and Inventions lab in Or Yehuda, Israel May 18. REUTERS

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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1 minute ago, Mclove said:

Slide 2 of 19: Meir Gitelis eats while wearing a mask fitted with a mechanical mouth that opens to enable diners to eat without taking it off at Avtipus Patents and Inventions lab in Or Yehuda, Israel May 18. REUTERS/Amir Cohen


Man eats while wearing a mask fitted with a mechanical mouth that opens to enable diners to eat without taking it off at Avtipus Patents and Inventions lab in Or Yehuda, Israel May 18. REUTERS

this is easier...


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4 hours ago, Mclove said:

Slide 2 of 19: Meir Gitelis eats while wearing a mask fitted with a mechanical mouth that opens to enable diners to eat without taking it off at Avtipus Patents and Inventions lab in Or Yehuda, Israel May 18. REUTERS/Amir Cohen


Man eats while wearing a mask fitted with a mechanical mouth that opens to enable diners to eat without taking it off at Avtipus Patents and Inventions lab in Or Yehuda, Israel May 18. REUTERS

Great big 🙄😳

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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Considerations for Using Public Transit

Stay up-to-date.

  • Check with local transit authorities for the latest information on changes to services and procedures, especially if you might need additional assistance.

Avoid touching surfaces.

  • Limit touching frequently touched surfaces such as kiosks, digital interfaces such as touchscreens and fingerprint scanners, ticket machines, turnstiles, handrails, restroom surfaces, elevator buttons, and benches as much as possible.
  • If you must touch these surfaces, as soon as you can, wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water or rub your hands with sanitizer containing 60% alcohol.
  • Use touchless payment and no-touch trash cans and doors when available. Exchange cash or credit cards by placing them in a receipt tray or on the counter rather than by hand, if possible.

Considerations for Using Rideshare, Taxi, 


Avoid touching surfaces.

  • Avoid contact with surfaces frequently touched by passengers or drivers, such as the door frame and handles, windows, and other vehicle parts. In circumstances where such contact is unavoidable, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol as soon as possible afterwards.
  • Avoid accepting offers of free water bottles and avoid touching magazines or other items that may be provided for free to passengers.
  • Use touchless payment when available.


Practice social distancing.

  • Sit in the back seat in larger vehicles such as vans and buses so you can remain at least 6 feet away from the driver.

Improve ventilation.

  • Ask the driver to improve the ventilation in the vehicle if possible — for example, by opening the windows or setting the air ventilation/air conditioning on non-recirculation mode.
  • After leaving the vehicle, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol

Considerations for Using Personal Vehicles

Clean and disinfect surfaces.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces regularly (for example, the steering wheel, gear shift, door frame/handles, windows, radio/temperature dials, and seatbelt buckles).
  • When using parking meters and pay stations, consider using alcohol wipes to disinfect surfaces or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol after use. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as soon as it is possible.

Improve ventilation.

  • Improve the ventilation in the vehicle if possible (for example, open the windows or set the air ventilation/air conditioning on non-recirculation mode).


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Brazil’s Daily Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses That of U.S.

Latin American country reports that 1,039 people died from Covid-19 in one day as president calls for the economy to reopen





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19 hours ago, Shawnster said:

I've seen other news agencies report that the CDC is stating that the mortality rate is much less than what the WHO has been saying.   It seems the CDC and WHO are at odds.


Is it based on science or politics, though?

I just divide the number of deaths by the number of total cases in the US:


As of today, there are 1,747,781 active cases in the US. There are 102,197 deaths. That's a rate of 0.05 percent. And that doesn't include the number of asymptomatic cases or undercounted deaths. 


But that alone isn't helpful. We need the death rates for each age group. So here a link to that info:



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