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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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The Pangolin did it!?   Did the worlds most endangered animal get even?


The Pangolin Is Now a Potential Suspect in Spreading The Wuhan Coronavirus to Humans 




FEBRUARY 08, 2020


Chinese researchers investigating the animal origin of the deadly coronavirus outbreak in China said Friday the endangered pangolin may be the "missing link" between bats and humans, but other scientists said the search may not be over.

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This was reported on our local news 4 consumer alert in Nashville Tn.


CONSUMER ALERT: Scammers are using Coronavirus to trick you and steal your information


"Not only are scammers using this illness to trick you, they are doing so pretending to be from legitimate health organizations we all know and trust."



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this is going around....receive it from everywhere


This is a fantastic quote. Shame they didn't go on to tell of other future events such as the GT and Armageddon




Coronavirus: How Jehovah Witness predicted the source of the outbreak since 2005

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According to this site, an exiled Chinese billionaire says that a leaked information out of wuhan that the death toll could be as high as 50,000 and up to 1.5 million could be infected. And apparently they are secretly cremating the dead bodies.




There is a site called windy.com that was showing massive release of sulfur dioxide gas from the outskirts of Wuhan that is commonly associated with the burning of organic matter. Makes you wonder. (See pic)







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1 hour ago, Lewis said:

According to this site, an exiled Chinese billionaire says that a leaked information out of wuhan that the death toll could be as high as 50,000 and up to 1.5 million could be infected. And apparently they are secretly cremating the dead bodies

It is believable. It also explains the super draconian measures the Chinese authorities took to contain the outbreak. 


Edited by Bek
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27 minutes ago, Dustparticle said:

I wonder had it spread into North Korea? It is very quiet over there.

It is reportedly having a quiet "crisis" as a result of the virus.





Edited by Bek
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  1. May 18, 2019 - And what is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? ... An epidemic occurs when an infectious disease spreads rapidly to many people. ... A pandemic is a global disease outbreak
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1 hour ago, Dustparticle said:

I wonder had it spread into North Korea? It is very quiet over there.


We suspect it had; but it is unknown officially, since the North Korea has have not reported the case yet.


The WHO also does not recognise any North Korean infectee, despite supposed “rumors.”


Previously, the North Korea has reported the official record of the disease with the Avian Influenza outbreak on 2009. So they do have a history of admitting the case.

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Couldn’t help but think of this.  The rider on the pale horse is riding hard.


10. At the opening of the fourth seal, what did John observe and hear in the vision?

10 “And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say: ‘Come!’ And I saw, and, look! a pale horse; and the one seated upon it had the name Death. And Hades was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.”



But the Spanish flu was just the beginning. Experts estimate that hundreds of millions died of smallpox during the 20th century. To this day, the lives of millions are cut short by AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, despite intensive medical research.

The result is the same, death—whether due to war, famine, or plague. The Grave relentlessly gathers up the victims, offering no hope.



Edited by booboo
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How Jehovah may have given us a degree of protection. The Corona virus is primarily a respiratory virus. It will have a disproportionate mortality rate among those with preexisting respiratory diseases. Such as are caused by smoking.   The Chinese are notoriously heavy smokers with a lifelong history of living in heavily air polluted cities.

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14 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

How Jehovah may have given us a degree of protection. The Corona virus is primarily a respiratory virus. It will have a disproportionate mortality rate among those with preexisting respiratory diseases. Such as are caused by smoking.   The Chinese are notoriously heavy smokers with a lifelong history of living in heavily air polluted cities.

Not all pre-existing respiratory diseases are caused through smoking.

I never smoked in my whole life but suffer with Asthma.......meaning that if I get

the Coronavirus I might enter the new world through the Garden Department....

Every time I get a cold/flu it's touch and go.....

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1 minute ago, Bluebell said:

Not all pre-existing respiratory diseases are caused through smoking.

I never smoked in my whole life but suffer with Asthma.......meaning that if I get

the Coronavirus I might enter the new world through the Garden Department....

Every time I get a cold/flu it's touch and go.....

Through the Garden Department. Love that! Gonna plagiarize it!  Now imagine that , if in addition to Asthma you also smoked? 😲 . Jehovah is also protecting you to this degree. And through the Garden department ( which I also anticipate). 

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My neighbor below me smokes 3 packs a day.  She's had bronchitis twice now in 2019. So it's a matter of time when she gets the flu again, or maybe this horrific corona-virus!  I wouldn't be surprised!  One less for Jehovah to remove at Armagadden. (For 9 yrs now, I have been trying to work with her on her smoking addiction to no avail.  I've witnesses to her many times, but she tells me "Am not interested" for 9 yrs).    She falls under one of the MOST SELFISH people I've met up close (well not to close, cause the stench of her cigarettes reach out to 5') no one can get near her.  I hope to move this year, please pray that I can sell and go.  Senior no smoking apartment.  The only stench I'll have is someone's else' cooking. I can line my vents there too!




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"The death toll from the coronavirus sweeping across China and surging around the globe closed in on 1,000 Monday amid warnings that the 40,000 known cases may be "the tip of the iceberg."



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I decided to do a search on Instagram.."China Virus". This is just one page that came up in the list..this is a screenshot from a video showing two nurses holding the hands of their patients while singing to them to keep them calm! Each post had the option to translate from Chinese to English..so touching, yet heart-rending.💔


Edited by SUNRAY


Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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There are recurrent cries of notable media (W.H.O. and Aljazerra amongst others) of 'misinformation' being reported that is compounding or even slowing up progress.

The problem I have with this so-called misinformation is that 'facts' that are being purported by the same media who are decrying this are often not only clashing with something they've said on another platform, but is taken up in very different ways by the separate Governments. (should we expect anything else? Maybe not).


What I would like to see is what IS the news that can be relied on and what is the misinformation?

For example: Earlier on - the misinformation was the following:


1. That this disease was asymptomatic - one Doctor even saying it was biologically impossible for it to be so.

     NOW ESTABLISHED FACT: This disease has proven to be asymptomatic.


2. This disease takes up to two weeks to incubate - this was one early perception that came from China themselves, but was purported to be misinformation by W.H.O. and others.

     NOW ESTABLISHED FACT: This disease can take between 5 and 14 days to incubate. In fact at the 4.30 mark of this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=schbWdW0TwM&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR03grbyxzLCcC3__zn_O26sIVyneJhVC0Oot67M25TsymMc8PCgHQ_UIdo)


3. We saw the Sulphur emissions in an earlier post that could only be contributed to the burning of natural carcasses? Presumed human because of the height of emissions and news reports about funeral homes burning bodies 24/7. Now is this misinformation? Or is it fact in the making? and of course, if this proves to be fact then the next item below is not misinformation but fact:


4. The actual stats - from China - are they under-reported or over-reported? If they are under-reported and time will tell on this, then the stats that are being given currently by W.H.O and others is in fact, accidental misinformation.


5. How it is contracted: Via mucous - this is an established fact, eyes, nose and mouth are points of transmission of the 2019-nCov - (which incidentally means that the manner of wearing masks by the vast majority of the population is ineffective as they leave their eyes exposed) - we have been advised to not touch our face.  It was purported to be transferred with droplets - landing on surfaces. Now is purported to be Aerosol ... which by my interpretation is not quite airborne but has a longer range. Again: (Misinformation or fact?)


6. The 2019 nCov - cannot penetrate skin. (Misinformation or fact?)


7. The 2019 nCov can live on surfaces from 12 hours to 5 or more days! (Misinformation or fact?)


8. The recovered patients can be reinfected with 2019 nCov - (Misinformation or fact?)


9. The target group. While many who have underlying conditions are contracting it - many have been reported by media of being in their 30's with no underlying conditions. The Whistleblower Doctor is one such example. (Misinformation or fact?)


10. It's just another flu. ... now this is quite important in my opinion. It's being parroted here in New Zealand often, as oh it's no problem it's just like the flu or another flu. And while, essentially it's certainly in the same family - what concerns me is this is the very words spoken by many in 1918 - prior to the outbreak of the flu. Now, if this in hindsight proves to be just another flu -it  thus becomes absolute proof of this statement being fact, rather than misinformation. 

I would like to bring to the fore - reasons why this 2019 nCov - even if it proves to be 'just like the flu' is a problem and could a problem they are as follows:

a. The annual contraction and death statistics are foreseen by the medical community - thus appropriate processes are put in place to handle the upsurge of ill patients.

b. There is a vaccine available to all, free often for those in the target group ... and even though many suspect that this vaccine is ineffectual as it deals with only certain strains there is some comfort for people that this is at least something proactive. (NB: I don't take the flu vaccine as it makes me get the flu which I don't usually get).

c. The hospitals are designed to take in patients to the maximum number projected for each year. This, at the base level of being just a flu, will overload hospitals and staff. Which is what is being claimed out of China right now - to show why new hospitals need to be built.


Just want to add something that maybe people aren't thinking of: It is also purported that this virus will die off in warmer climates/seasons -  is not Philippines a warmer climate? Australia has also contracted some cases? Are we going to see an upsurge in the Southern Hemisphere once our flu season hits? Just some more 'facts' to be filed in the box of facts or misinformation?


Anyway my post is long enough ... but wanted to deal on this misinformation title - and I am of the opinion the more informed we are by FACTS, the more prepared and less anxious we will be. It's really just adding to our emergency kits or go bags isn't it?


Will be keeping an eye on what is true and what is fake. Oooh sounds like a youtube channel.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I dont think anyone knows what's going on but if one beliefs what's leaking out of China and the reaction from business and foreign agencies is anything ... it's bad, really bad.  Only time wil tell if we are dealing with "fake news" and government sponsored panic or one of the worse epidemics (potential pandemics) we have ever seen.




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28 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

   NOW ESTABLISHED FACT: This disease can take between 5 and 14 days to incubate. In fact at the 4.30 mark of this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=schbWdW0TwM&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR03grbyxzLCcC3__zn_O26sIVyneJhVC0Oot67M25TsymMc8PCgHQ_UIdo)

at the 4.30 mark of this there is suggestion that the incubation period could be as long as 24 days.  If so, that spells out real trouble.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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