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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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Jehovah’s organization has spoken up. We got the letter. According to our physical condition, some are more at risk. However, “universal precautions”, will not hurt. I do this to avoid flu. 
We should be doing this anyway. Common flu kills. I don’t take the flu shot, so I start with things I know will support my immune system. 
We need to be cautious about getting the flu. If we lead a common sense life, clean hands, don’t touch face, etc, we should be pretty much okay. 
If the worst happens, we have the best insurance on this earth, the resurrection. 
In the meantime, keep your hands away from your face! And wash them regularly. 
I’m not going to depend on store bought things. If they are not available, a simple wash rag in a little plastic bag. (I will spray a touch of cleaner that has bleach in it) 

We can do it friends. We have Jehovah, Christ, his organization, and all of you! Could we ask for more? 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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4 hours ago, Foxes53 said:

Just curious for those congregations in the United States. Have any made it a policy to encourage through an announcement no handshaking or hugging.

The letter read in our Congregation, Munising, Michigan USA, recommended that we avoid hugging.

Can't recall if avoiding handshaking was included.  Makes sense, though.

Will have to read the letter on the board...if they ever let me back in. :D 


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29 minutes ago, Lee49 said:

Speaking of TP, one extreme cheepo woman solved the expense of having to buy it, since they were trying to climb out of debt, the family uses rags, puts them in a small trash can when used then washes them and reuses, had a video of her and the kids folding the rags to be placed back in the rest room, seems they weren't Too Proud to admit it even  informing their  guest of the proper disposal method - Do Not Flush!

Public television had a series in which they took modern-day families and stuck them back in time, to see how they would cope.   One woman couldn't cope with using a rag, so she broke the rules and smuggled toilet paper into her supplies. :D 


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so should we make extra preparations or just wait til we hear something official?  i mean we have already been advised to have a go-bag w food/water.  I see my shelves here locally starting to dwindle.  still plenty, but that could change any moment.  I havent been going crazy, but i have bought some dry goods and canned goods, really just replinshing my pantry that has been bare for a while.  I did get extra flour and pasta and powder milk and shelf stable juices. plus some canned meats which i usually wouldnt stomach.  but nothing over board.  I hear worldly associates talking about they are "PREPARED!!".   If we do get sequestered or told to avoid public, I feel like we should have something ready, but I also dont want to not be relying on Jehovah.  is it wrong to stock up now, or just wait til we hear it from platform?  


I also wonder about electricity.  if it turns out to be bad, and no one is working, how will electric grid maintain?  i have many generators and batteries, and machinery.  is it bad idea to stock up in case?  all this panic is getting to me.  I try to be calm.  


i need gas for machines, propane for grill, manual pump for well (or long rope w skinny bucket!), lots of bottled water, more food, etc.   I have many n95 masks for my work, lots of 91% alcohol, lysol, bleach, wipes, etc, just from normal stock of biz and home.  


If this is just a sign of the times, one of many things to happen in this time, is it wrong to protect oneself?  for some reason I feel guilty to 'stock up'.  


I feel like this could be nothing, or it could just EXPLODE any minute now.  

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I was told this morning that the upcoming Special Campaign for Chinese has been postponed until further notice due to the outbreak.


My son and I have a trip planned March 8th-March 14th to visit Bethel. I am a little nervous....not so much about getting the virus, but getting stranded in New York if things worsen while we are there and flights are cancelled to get back home....

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5 minutes ago, rolypoly said:

so should we make extra preparations or just wait til we hear something official?  i mean we have already been advised to have a go-bag w food/water.  I see my shelves here locally starting to dwindle.  still plenty, but that could change any moment.  I havent been going crazy, but i have bought some dry goods and canned goods, really just replinshing my pantry that has been bare for a while.  I did get extra flour and pasta and powder milk and shelf stable juices. plus some canned meats which i usually wouldnt stomach.  but nothing over board.  I hear worldly associates talking about they are "PREPARED!!".   If we do get sequestered or told to avoid public, I feel like we should have something ready, but I also dont want to not be relying on Jehovah.  is it wrong to stock up now, or just wait til we hear it from platform?  


I also wonder about electricity.  if it turns out to be bad, and no one is working, how will electric grid maintain?  i have many generators and batteries, and machinery.  is it bad idea to stock up in case?  all this panic is getting to me.  I try to be calm.  


i need gas for machines, propane for grill, manual pump for well (or long rope w skinny bucket!), lots of bottled water, more food, etc.   I have many n95 masks for my work, lots of 91% alcohol, lysol, bleach, wipes, etc, just from normal stock of biz and home.  


If this is just a sign of the times, one of many things to happen in this time, is it wrong to protect oneself?  for some reason I feel guilty to 'stock up'.  


I feel like this could be nothing, or it could just EXPLODE any minute now.  

Throw your burden on Jehovah. Take your concerns to him in prayer.

Praying always clears my head and calms my fears. :D



Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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2 minutes ago, rolypoly said:

so should we make extra preparations or just wait til we hear something official?  i mean we have already been advised to have a go-bag w food/water.  I see my shelves here locally starting to dwindle.  still plenty, but that could change any moment.  I havent been going crazy, but i have bought some dry goods and canned goods, really just replinshing my pantry that has been bare for a while.  I did get extra flour and pasta and powder milk and shelf stable juices. plus some canned meats which i usually wouldnt stomach.  but nothing over board.  I hear worldly associates talking about they are "PREPARED!!".   If we do get sequestered or told to avoid public, I feel like we should have something ready, but I also dont want to not be relying on Jehovah.  is it wrong to stock up now, or just wait til we hear it from platform?  


I also wonder about electricity.  if it turns out to be bad, and no one is working, how will electric grid maintain?  i have many generators and batteries, and machinery.  is it bad idea to stock up in case?  all this panic is getting to me.  I try to be calm.  


i need gas for machines, propane for grill, manual pump for well (or long rope w skinny bucket!), lots of bottled water, more food, etc.   I have many n95 masks for my work, lots of 91% alcohol, lysol, bleach, wipes, etc, just from normal stock of biz and home.  


If this is just a sign of the times, one of many things to happen in this time, is it wrong to protect oneself?  for some reason I feel guilty to 'stock up'.  


I feel like this could be nothing, or it could just EXPLODE any minute now.  

There's nothing wrong with being prepared.  I don't know that entire cities will be quarantined the way they were in China, because I just don't see any way of actually enforcing that.  There are currently two coronavirus cases in Georgia, and they're in a county south of me.  I'm not super worried about myself.  I'm worried about my mom, who's 85.  


It's not wrong at all to protect yourself and your family, but don't believe all the media hype.  Follow the instructions the brothers have given us.  

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We know that all of this is part of the sign that Jesus explained, we know that Jehovah is not the cause of these disorders.
Directly or indirectly Satan is trying to throw a smoke screen to distract us from what is most important.
When the Kingdom was born in 1914 he did the same, the world went to war and few realized that the king was present.

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We, who are immune compromised make preps each year for the flu anyway ... beyond that there isnt much we can do.  No cure so nothing extra really. Just be more vigilant with hygiene.


Carry on as normal until we are told not to.  (Carts are excellent as we are at a distance from people and people will only approach if they wish).

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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4 hours ago, Shawnster said:

The difference is Jehovah caused or sent the plague mentioned at Exodus 9:6.   Jehovah did NOT send or cause this coronavirus pandemic. The Bible shows that Jehovah is not the cause for such global suffering. 

i know the difference... pestilence is the sign of the last day.... But perhaps Jehovah will use  virus like plague during GT. .. Public talk before: he could use radiation, people will kill one another, natural forces.. etc 

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2 minutes ago, JennyM said:

i know the difference... pestilence is the sign of the last day.... But perhaps Jehovah will use  virus like plague during GT. .. Public talk before: he could use radiation, people will kill one another, natural forces.. etc 

Keep in mind that whatever method that he decides to use to cleanse the earth, there will be no doubt that it is coming from Jehovah. The nations will know it is Jehovah's Day. So far there isn't any indication that this virus is coming from Jehovah.  OTOH, earthquakes, wars, food shortages and pestilence are part of the signs we will see while Satan is still around...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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2 hours ago, Barbllm said:

There's nothing wrong with being prepared.  I don't know that entire cities will be quarantined the way they were in China, because I just don't see any way of actually enforcing that.  There are currently two coronavirus cases in Georgia, and they're in a county south of me.  I'm not super worried about myself.  I'm worried about my mom, who's 85.  


It's not wrong at all to protect yourself and your family, but don't believe all the media hype.  Follow the instructions the brothers have given us.  

its in the georgia county where my bro in law lives.  he said 2 cases so far.  his young son is at doc now w a fever.  of course that could be anything.  


I had a horrible sickness back in December.  I thought the doc said I had pneumonia.  I missed my followup visit and just made it back to her a few days ago.  I spoke of the pneumonia, and she said " well i dont know what it was, but you were negative for flu, and I treated you for pneumonia".  i am a pretty healthy, strong guy, and whatever I had, I thought i might die.  I had 104 fever, chills, cold, sweat, delirious.... I slept for 3 days straight, barely ate or drank, just barely made it to bathroom, otherwise i was passed out.  my family was so scared to catch what i had, they abandoned me!!  of course i wanted them too.  now i have read a few reports that this coronavirus may have been circulating longer than we realize and it may already been out there... makes me wonder what i had.


2 days ago i had a customer show up at my shop.  one look and i was concerned.  His face was so red and sick looking.  I have never seen someone look so red and sick, he looked like he had ebola!  I asked if he was ok, and he said yes.  then through convo he stated he just got back from a Caribbean cruise and he was sick w the flu the whole time!!!  GREAT!! I was holding my breath and would not shake hands.  he look sooooo bad.  Why would he come out like this and even pretend like he was not ill?  ridiculous.  

Edited by rolypoly
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MARCH 3, 2020

Coronavirus Update and Response

The world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses is closely monitoring the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (known as COVID-19). We know from Bible prophecy that pestilence is a notable feature of the last days. (Luke 21:11) When there is an outbreak of disease, it is wise to take practical measures to protect ourselves as well as others.—Proverbs 22:3.


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Always a nice article !


Do Not Panic. While it is good to be alert to epidemics and to take reasonable precautions, the response should be a measured approach based on facts, not on fear.—Proverbs 14:15; Isaiah 30:15.

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30 minutes ago, humblebumblebee said:

MARCH 3, 2020

Coronavirus Update and Response

The world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses is closely monitoring the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (known as COVID-19). We know from Bible prophecy that pestilence is a notable feature of the last days. (Luke 21:11) When there is an outbreak of disease, it is wise to take practical measures to protect ourselves as well as others.—Proverbs 22:3.


Take-aways from JW.ORG article:


Publishers may be able to participate in the ministry through phone calls, text messages, e-mails, or letters.



#1 on the way to allay our fear:

Contact your friends and family=Jehovah and JWTalk. :D 


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We have all read that wearing a hospital type mask does nothing to prevent one from getting the virus but ones with the virus or related symtoms should wear a  mask. This presents an interesting scenario. You descide to wear a mask just because it makesyou feel more secure. Others will then assume you have the virus or the symptoms so they will avoid you. Sounds like a practicle way to keep the crowds at a distance. :)

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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1 hour ago, JennyM said:

i know the difference... pestilence is the sign of the last day.... But perhaps Jehovah will use  virus like plague during GT. .. Public talk before: he could use radiation, people will kill one another, natural forces.. etc 

What Jehovah CAN do and does do is turn bad situations into good or at least provide silver linings.  When he uses radiation (IF he does) or other natural forces it will be at a time that people in the world will be of no doubt that it's coming from Jehovah. .


If we argue that he's using this virus - then the arguments that priests and others have put in place for disasters such Tsunami etc were from god would have validity. They don't, because unless Jehovah says he's going to - he doesn't use natural forces to cause pain/suffering/death to innocent people.   They are just that, natural or caused by man.

CAVEAT: Even when he does announce prior the use of natural forces - ie: Flood Sodom and Gomorrah - it is never at the expense of innocent people

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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1 hour ago, rolypoly said:

its in the georgia county where my bro in law lives.  he said 2 cases so far.  his young son is at doc now w a fever.  of course that could be anything.  


I had a horrible sickness back in December.  I thought the doc said I had pneumonia.  I missed my followup visit and just made it back to her a few days ago.  I spoke of the pneumonia, and she said " well i dont know what it was, but you were negative for flu, and I treated you for pneumonia".  i am a pretty healthy, strong guy, and whatever I had, I thought i might die.  I had 104 fever, chills, cold, sweat, delirious.... I slept for 3 days straight, barely ate or drank, just barely made it to bathroom, otherwise i was passed out.  my family was so scared to catch what i had, they abandoned me!!  of course i wanted them too.  now i have read a few reports that this coronavirus may have been circulating longer than we realize and it may already been out there... makes me wonder what i had.


2 days ago i had a customer show up at my shop.  one look and i was concerned.  His face was so red and sick looking.  I have never seen someone look so red and sick, he looked like he had ebola!  I asked if he was ok, and he said yes.  then through convo he stated he just got back from a Caribbean cruise and he was sick w the flu the whole time!!!  GREAT!! I was holding my breath and would not shake hands.  he look sooooo bad.  Why would he come out like this and even pretend like he was not ill?  ridiculous.  

Yes, it's in Fulton County.  Apparently, it's a 15 year old son and his 57 year old father.  And of course it's been through Hartsfield-Jackson airport.  


I really wish people would just stay home when they're sick, especially if it's for non-essential things.  I know employers sometimes give employees a hard time about taking time off, but it's necessary for you to heal and for you to not get anyone else sick.  

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43 minutes ago, Old said:

Others will then assume you have the virus or the symptoms so they will avoid you. Sounds like a practicle way to keep the crowds at a distance. :)

...unless the sick ones decide to see how you are doing...😳

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Meanwhile... Down Under...this photo was taken on my phone, today in a supermarket. 
The mainstream news today in Australia is telling people there is now a limit to 4 packets of toilet paper per transaction.
My question was:How does CO-vid 19 affect toilet paper use?
Then I saw this:38997b194d7dc1369b3665c9eacd133d.jpg

Just Older

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