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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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Spain is to lockdown, France is closing many businesses while the United States Suspends travel from the UK and Ireland which will bring the total number of travel restricted countries from Europe to 28.  The above link has more information as well.

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36 minutes ago, Bluebell said:





for the first time in the history of its existence, announced the cancellation of its evangelism activities, including house-to-house, street and literature cart witnessing in the entire UK.

The way they worded that is interesting. I wonder if that will make doubters and people that know we'd stop wonder if it's too late and start trying to contact when/if things do clear up? I know it'd spook me a year ago.

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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“. . .Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security! . . .” (1TH 5:3)

While we can't be dogmatic that either this pandemic will lead to "peace and security" or that it will not, It seems reasonable that more events in the world must occur first to cause world leaders to officially proclaim, "Peace and security". If a vaccine is discovered and Covid-19 no longer becomes a threat, while this may help many to feel more "secure", this may not bring about the other aspect, "peace". Many people nor governments right now feel at "peace" with one another. Also, we have learned from our publications that the proclamation by world leaders of "peace and security" may "involve just one proclamation or a series of announcements."


So even if a cure is found for Covid-19 and world leaders give 1 cry of "peace and security", this might only be the 1st of a "series of announcements", and a series of announcements may take some time. Other world events such as vital international peace treaties, or the resolving of certain financial crisis in the world could then trigger the next series of announcements, but these may involve many more months or even several years.  So I don't think that just finding a vaccine/cure for Covid-19 would be the fulfillment of prophecy of world leaders proclaiming "peace and security". But we never know, this could be a start, we just don't know. But what we do know is that there are still many people in the world, including some of our family members, relatives, acquaintances, that need to hear the Good News!  :crush:


*** w19 October p. 9 pars. 3-4 Keep Busy During the Last of “the Last Days” ***
World leaders sometimes use similar expressions when they talk about stabilizing relationships between nations. However, the announcement of “peace and security” that the Bible describes will be different. Why? When this happens, people may think that world leaders have succeeded in making the world a safer, more secure place. But in reality, “sudden destruction” will follow as the “great tribulation” unfolds.—Matt. 24:21.
 We know some things about the declaration of “peace and security.” However, other things we do not know. We do not know what will lead up to it or how the declaration will be made. And we do not know whether it will involve just one proclamation or a series of announcements. Whatever happens, we do know this: We should not be fooled into thinking that world leaders can actually achieve world peace. Rather, it is that declaration that we have been told to watch for. It is the signal that “Jehovah’s day” is about to begin!

What can we say about the progress of the Kingdom-preaching work? Year by year, this work is moving ahead. For example, think about the increase in the number of Kingdom proclaimers worldwide during the last days. In 1914, there were 5,155 publishers in 43 lands. Today, there are some 8.5 million publishers in 240 lands! Even so, our work is not yet over. We must keep proclaiming God’s Kingdom as the only solution to all mankind’s problems.—Ps. 145:11-13.
9 Our Kingdom-preaching work will not be finished until Jehovah says it is over. How much time is left for people to come to know Jehovah God and Jesus Christ? (John 17:3) We cannot say. We do know that until the great tribulation begins, any who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life” can still respond to the good news. (Acts 13:48) How can we help these people before it is too late?



Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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MDA: Those with beards can't help coronavirus patients

Saturday, March 14, 2020
MDA Director-General says anyone can join first response organization, but only those without beards can respond to coronavirus patients.......... in other threads I always see mention of a controversy over beards which I never got to read so I thought I would post this
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6 minutes ago, Todd komaniak said:

MDA: Those with beards can't help coronavirus patients

Saturday, March 14, 2020
MDA Director-General says anyone can join first response organization, but only those without beards can respond to coronavirus patients.......... in other threads I always see mention of a controversy over beards which I never got to read so I thought I would post this

The masks can't seal around beards

Glad I've kept mine shaved

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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8 hours ago, Lemuil said:

They're singing the Sicilian classic "Ciuri, Ciuri" (which means fiori/flower).  So perhaps this is being sung in Sicily?  I still have my copy of the record :)

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How coronavirus symptoms compare with those of the flu, allergies, and the common cold

Some symptoms of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, overlap with those of the common cold, allergies, and the flu. That can make it tricky to diagnose without a test.

 COVID-19 can be most easily distinguished from colds, allergies, and the flu based on a trifecta of symptoms: fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath. That last symptom is not associated with colds or the flu, though it is common for allergies.

If you're sneezing and have a runny nose, it's unlikely that you have COVID-19. The flu is also more likely than COVID-19 to come with aches and pains.


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5 minutes ago, Lee49 said:



How coronavirus symptoms compare with those of the flu, allergies, and the common cold

Some symptoms of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, overlap with those of the common cold, allergies, and the flu. That can make it tricky to diagnose without a test.

 COVID-19 can be most easily distinguished from colds, allergies, and the flu based on a trifecta of symptoms: fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath. That last symptom is not associated with colds or the flu, though it is common for allergies.

If you're sneezing and have a runny nose, it's unlikely that you have COVID-19. The flu is also more likely than COVID-19 to come with aches and pains.




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21 minutes ago, Wren said:

Woke up with sore throat and watery eyes but no fever. I don't fulfil the criteria to be tested according to the government. Rang work to cancel my shift and the RN on duty flipped out telling me I need to be tested. I'll try to get to the doctor today.

My son was the same, but had a more compassionate approach from his employer.  Testing is (at the moment) only if you are exhibiting more of the symptoms, eg fever.  Did you ring Health Direct?  (I couldn't get through when I tried, but instead went on their website healthdirect.gov.au.  Their number is 1800 020 080 - Australia only.


He tried to go to the docs, but they wouldn't see him just for a cold.  Hoping you can go for reassurance, but don't count on it.

Edited by hatcheckgirl
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17 minutes ago, Wren said:

Woke up with sore throat and watery eyes but no fever. I don't fulfil the criteria to be tested according to the government. Rang work to cancel my shift and the RN on duty flipped out telling me I need to be tested. I'll try to get to the doctor today.

I don't believe I have anything more than a the usual kind of virus. My son has been sick with similar symptoms but he had pain when breathing. He had scans done a couple of days ago and turns out he has pleurisy which will resolve on its own. Our doctor, who is always very thorough with testing, said he did not have all the symptoms required for the testing however she wanted to rule out a pulmonary embolism, hence the scan. 

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I like this wolfstreet article.


It explains why we need to bend the curve. Otherwise hospitals will be overloaded and breakdown.


Note that this is a logarithmic chart. So a straight line means exponential growth.


See how well South Korea (dotted blue line) has done it with their aggresive testing. They have bent the curve.


The conclusion: Because Defense is the Only Offense, it’s time to Stay Home and Stay Healthy





The data come from the Johns Hopkins University COVID dataset, supplemented after 3/9 by county reports for the US hot spots.


All 5 regions show the same process:

    Detection of early spread of the disease, with testing “catching up” to what’s going on.
    Exponential growth with a doubling time of about three days.
    Two possible outcomes: either defeat – massive fatalities due to “ICU overload”; or victory – a “bend the curve” taming of the outbreak.


For each region, the tipping point between “really bad flu season” and “thousands dead” occurs if too many patients with COVID pneumonia overwhelm hospitals.


With enough ICUs, ventilators and oxygen support, coronavirus is much less deadly.  But if too many people need those resources, doctors must make life-or-death decisions.  The oldest and sickest get left to die, so that others have a chance to live. “Excess Mortality” spikes up not just among COVID patients, but for all ailments that cannot get full care.




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Our meetings have not been cancelled and we are doing the memorial campaign.  Only our Assembly has been cancelled.  


The assemblies in Columbia South America has been cancelled as well - at least in the area my son lives.  

"Life can be understood by looking back but it must be lived by looking ahead".

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3 hours ago, Wren said:

I don't believe I have anything more than a the usual kind of virus. My son has been sick with similar symptoms but he had pain when breathing. He had scans done a couple of days ago and turns out he has pleurisy which will resolve on its own. Our doctor, who is always very thorough with testing, said he did not have all the symptoms required for the testing however she wanted to rule out a pulmonary embolism, hence the scan. 

Just got off the phone with my brother in law. He has tested about 7 or 8 people so far including one person who had no symptoms but couldn't sleep because he was convinced he had it. So I guess for that person it was a discretionary test to ease his psychological distress. While I don't, at this stage, need testing it would be nice for the sake of knowing my immunoligical status. But that is a luxury when people in other countries can't access tests.

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A very vivid description of what's happening in Italy. How the hospitals are overwhelmed. All doctors have to become ER doctors.

Testimony of a Surgeon working in Bergamo, the heart of the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy.


I myself looked with some amazement at the reorganization of the entire hospital in the previous week, when our current enemy was still in the shadows: the wards slowly "emptied", elective activities interrupted, intensive care unit freed to create as many beds as possible. Containers arriving in front of the emergency room to create diversified routes and avoid infections. All this rapid transformation brought in the hallways of the hospital an atmosphere of surreal silence and emptiness that we did not understand, waiting for a war that had yet to begin and that many (including me) were not so sure would never come with such ferocity


(I open a parenthesis: all this was done in the shadows, and without publicity, while several newspapers had the courage to say that private health care was not doing anything).


Staying at home until the symptoms worsen does not change the prognosis of the disease. Now, however, that need for beds in all its drama has arrived. One after another, the departments that had been emptied are filling up at an impressive rate. The display boards with the names of the sicks, of different colors depending on the department they belong to, are now all red and instead of the surgical procedure, there is the diagnosis, which is always the same: bilateral interstitial pneumonia.


Now, tell me which flu virus causes such a rapid tragedy.


I can also assure you that when you see young people who end up intubated in the ICU, pronated or worse, in ECMO (a machine for the worst cases, which extracts the blood, re-oxygenates it and returns it to the body, waiting for the lungs to hopefully heal), all this confidence for your young age goes away.


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36 minutes ago, WilliamChew said:

ECMO (a machine for the worst cases, which extracts the blood, re-oxygenates it and returns it to the body, waiting for the lungs to hopefully heal), all this confidence for your young age goes away.

This is something I didn’t think about - the blood issue. Time to refresh that worksheet we did about blood related procedures. 

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Remember China?


After reporting thousands of new cases per day only a month ago, the commission said on Saturday that there were 13 new deaths and just 11 new cases, including people who recently arrived in China from other affected countries like Italy.”



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2 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

This is something I didn’t think about - the blood issue. Time to refresh that worksheet we did about blood related procedures. 

I recently heard about a treatment using blood of recovered victims to harvest their antibodies for transfer to other sick ones.  The article said this is not a new idea and it was actually practiced w some limited success during the Spanish influenza outbreak--but now our science and bloodbanks are vastly improved to the point it is a viable cure.  I wonder if this could become a test of our faith?  I don't really know how it works and whether it would even be considered taking of blood, perhaps antibodies would be comparable to some of the other options that are a conscience thing? But imagine if the world finds the cure and it involves blood Transfusion... The world would rush to the "cure".  Would we be pressured or even forced by authorities to fall in line? 


I didnt save the article, so no link sorry.  I'm sure it wouldnt be hard to research the subject

Edited by rolypoly
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8 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

They're singing the Sicilian classic "Ciuri, Ciuri" (which means fiori/flower).  So perhaps this is being sung in Sicily?  I still have my copy of the record :)

Mamma Mia!! that song takes me back to my childhood! My mum had the record & played it a lot when we were growing up! I’m humming the tune as we speak! Lol! 😁

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