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Local needs - Choose Your Apps Wisely

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As someone not married to a brother and not a regular pioneer anymore I've felt out of the loop. This site keeps me informed and up with the moving of the chariot. Thanks faithful moderators who make it safe to be here.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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13 hours ago, bagwell1987 said:

As someone not married to a brother and not a regular pioneer anymore I've felt out of the loop. This site keeps me informed and up with the moving of the chariot. Thanks faithful moderators who make it safe to be here.

As a widow. . . . This sums up nicely how I feel

"Life can be understood by looking back but it must be lived by looking ahead".

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A question I asked myself ... what would the faithful slave need to say for me to consider this site no longer suitable? Besides mentioning it by name of course.


Beyond what they said in that local needs video, I can’t think of much more they could say. So I guess I have my answer 🤔

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10 minutes ago, 4502114 said:

A question I asked myself ... what would the faithful slave need to say for me to consider this site no longer suitable? Besides mentioning it by name of course.


Beyond what they said in that local needs video, I can’t think of much more they could say. So I guess I have my answer 🤔

It's nice that the brothers regularly remind us of the dangers of social media, books, TV, Internet, movies, video games  and now apps and web sites. Each Christian is left to make their own decision on these matters.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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15 minutes ago, 4502114 said:

A question I asked myself ... what would the faithful slave need to say for me to consider this site no longer suitable? Besides mentioning it by name of course.

The Slave said not to download our spiritual food from any other place than the official site. They also said to be cautious when you use apps or websites that are not endorsed by the Slave. "Being cautious when using" is not the same as "stop using", is it? :)


Some dangers they warned about are inaccurate information, theft of personal data and exposure to apostate thinking. The moderators work hard to make sure none of those happen in this site, but of course we always need to be cautious. Some friends have decided to stop their membership here and that's fine. They do well to stick to their conscience and we commend them for that. But that's not necessarily what the video said. :)

Edited by carlos
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The way I see it,  Jehovah always lovingly wants to protect us from the things in Satan's world. it's not the one good site that we need to be cautious about. It's the 99 bad ones  that Satan uses to lure us away like the trap of the bird catcher.


Keep your guard up now more than ever as the end draws near.

The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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1 minute ago, Vinnie said:

The way I see it,  Jehovah always lovingly wants to protect us from the things in Satan's world. it's not the one good site that we need to be cautious about. It's the 99 bad ones  that Satan uses to lure us away like the trap of the bird catcher.


Keep your guard up now more than ever as the end draws near.

It's a valid warning. There are a lot of sites that say they are JW sites and they obviously allow apostates on the site. Occasionally some of the members here will accidentally post a link to one of the other sites. So we need to stay on guard and not assume that every site is theocraticly secure. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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9 hours ago, 4502114 said:

A question I asked myself ... what would the faithful slave need to say for me to consider this site no longer suitable? Besides mentioning it by name of course.


Beyond what they said in that local needs video, I can’t think of much more they could say. So I guess I have my answer 🤔

I think the answer isnt just in what they said, but if I saw this site approving of posts that were contrary to what we have in our literature - or even slightly askew (1% wrong is 100% wrong), then I'd have to leave. That seems the way to apply what was said.


Fortunately, when we talk we quote our literature and accept it as our "final answer". 


Granted at times some have wondered if a point is out of date, but we are happy to wait and see rather than force a contrary opinion. Maybe here the moderators can be more diligent and let what ever we have in writing be the final answer until we get a NEWER article that says different. And that has happened.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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JW Apps Transcript






Are you confused about the number of JW apps in the mobile app store? Maybe a brother or sister has shown you an app saying "It works great". Some seem to be designed for Jehovah's Witnesses, but are not provided by the Faithful and Discreet Slave. What dangers are there with unauthorized apps for mobile devices?


First, it's very important to know the source for the information it provides. It is also important to make sure that it comes from the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Some unauthorized apps may contain low-quality information, that is only partially correct. Remember, if it's just 10% correct, it is 100% misleading.


Other apps may even be written by those who intentionally promote false information with a malicious intent. The authors of these apps can be like the bird catcher that the prophet Jeremiah described as setting a deadly trap. Their information can be spiritually damaging.


What about internet websites that are not sponsored by the Faithful and Discreet Slave? It's important to remember, anyone can put anything on the internet. Some websites and social media websites that claim to be for Jehovah's Witnesses may also provide information that is misleading. What we read can even expose us to apostate ideas. A website may also ask for personal information. This can put your privacy and personal identity at risk. 


How can you know if an app or website is from the Faithful and Discreet Slave? Ask yourself, 'Have I seen this app or website mentioned in our publications? Has the Governing Body specifically recommended that we use it?' 


Electronic tools like JW Library and JW.org are powerful and accomplish good. As we use them, our appreciation grows for the healthy spiritual food they give us. Use them freely while being very cautious about other mobile apps and websites. Follow the advice at 1 Thessalonians 5:21 to "make sure of all things", especially making sure that any mobile apps or websites we use are the genuine article. Spiritual food from the Faithful and Discreet Slave.



We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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This video reminded me of the late 70's early 80's when the branch squashed groups getting together to study the Watchtower together. Why did they do that? R. Franz was going Apostate and trying to take as many with him as possible. If I remember correctly one of the things he pushed was that "all Bethelites were now Anointed."  It is Jehovah that does the Anointing not R. Franz. In like manner a number of years ago a member of this Forum gradually went Apostate and tried posting Apostate Ideas. He was squashed and banned.  Even though he tried many many times to use false ID to gain membership, he failed to do so. Bottom line, "be very caution" when using social media web sites, this one included. It is only as safe as we/all-members make it.  Use the report button if a post seems out of line with the FDS. JW Talk has never claimed to be nor is it the source of Spiritual Food. We direct the friends to jw.org as the source of accurate and up to date spiritual food of which comes from the Bible.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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On 3/27/2020 at 8:39 PM, Bro Richard said:

That would be difficult for the brothers that use Ministry Assistant, Territory Helper or any meeting scheduling programs or apps...

I've used Ministry Assistant in the past.  I always assumed that it had been developed and/or created by brothers. 

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As a point of interest:


KHConf and SoundBox were both created, written, developed and distributed by Brothers ... actual JW's - however, neither of them were from the FDS or any Branch.


Technically, that made them "unofficial".


They were not frowned upon by JW's because they weren't "official" - they were embraced and both of these app have been used by many Congregation worldwide for and during the meetings. There were a few people that expressed the idea that we shouldn't be using them because they weren't part of jw.org - but these were very few who said that.


On the other hand, there were quite a number of Brothers who cautioned others NEVER to use ANY app that is not "official". They told others they should not use apps like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or any other social media .... including JW Talk. Then, at meeting time, these same Brothers launched SoundBox to show their videos during the meetings and tied the meeting to the phone system with KHConf.


In time, the organization made changes to the JW Library app and it became able to show the videos at the meetings. At first, some tried it but, due to the problems the early versions of JWL had, many kept using SoundBox. Eventually, JLW became stable and the Branch informed the Congregations that we should be using JWL and cease using other apps, like SoundBox, for the meetings.


They have also acquired KHConf so it is now an "official" app.


However, The JWL app still does not display static images that a speaker may want to use in a part nor does it show videos that are not part of the meeting media. Both of these types of media need a 3rd party app to be displayed and the Branch allows us to use whatever app works best for our computer system. (Just to clarify, there are times when a video is scheduled that an Elder downloads from JW org that is not included in the meeting media but is supposed to be shown during the meeting. Also, the LDC Maintenance Trainers showed videos during the HOT Meetings) 


It would be good to note that the Brother who wrote SoundBox discontinued meeting support for that app when JWL became a viable app for meetings in keeping with the Branch direction. He did, however, separate some of the features he has written into SB as separate apps that do things that JWL doesnot. He has a timer app and one that shows video and static media. These are used at many KH's on a regular basis.




The long and short of it is ... the Branch has not said "DO NOT USE any app that is not "official" ... they said we should use caution and ONLY d/l our publications and videos from official the JW org site - the only place for getting spiritual food - they never said we couldn't associate with each other .... if that were the case, they would not  now be encouraging us to hold meetings with ZOOM.

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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3 hours ago, 1MKnight said:

I'm really confused. We didn't have this part. All's my workbook says is "Local Needs", no mention of a special video. We had assembly scheduled last week. I searched "Choose your apps wisely" but didn't find anything. 

We had it as our Local Needs item.  May vary by congregation.

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19 hours ago, 1MKnight said:

I'm really confused. We didn't have this part. All's my workbook says is "Local Needs", no mention of a special video. We had assembly scheduled last week. I searched "Choose your apps wisely" but didn't find anything. 

We had an assembly last week too, so no "Choose your apps wisely" part.


15 hours ago, Eejay said:

Probably why. ?The video is accessible to your elders and in your case will likely be scheduled for a later date.

I thought the same thing; it will no doubt be rescheduled. It's not the first time this has happened. When this video was part of a local needs the week of an assembly, all the congregations in one neighbouring circuit rescheduled the part.


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On 3/27/2020 at 11:30 AM, Qapla said:

Sometimes people hear information and still miss the point ...


The part on apps was a warning that the ONLY place to d/l publications should be from jw.org because we cannot be sure ones from any other source have not been altered ... and ... that we are not supposed to send publications electronically to others because, if we do, it could violate the copyright - instead, we should direct others where to d/l the publications from jw.org themselves. The part about the copyright is not because they don't want us to share the Truth - it is to preserve the copyright protection under law.


This part did NoT say we are NOT to use any apps other than the ones provided by the Organization.


If the part had been saying that we should not use ANY other websites or app, they would not have encouraged us to meet by means of Zoom or mentioned keeping in touch with each other with apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype and others that were mentioned in our Hall during this part.





Thank you for stating this in your comments.  A sister in my congregation, told me flat out, if it doesn't come from the F&DS, I don't want you

(meaning me) sending me video's or so called funny images.   So am glad for your explanation.  I know I didn't send her a website or an app from some weird site.  It was just a video of our children saying that we love you and and stay strong, cause these kids are in lock down with their parents around the world due to the virus.   She didn't believe me when I told her I was happy to have read on JW.ORG that 1 of our brother's in Russia, sentence was suspended.  She drilled me like a you don't know what.  She kept asking me from what APP was I getting that information.  I almost lost it.   How many JW.ORG's are there out there?  I have never seen on the world web any other site to get information on the Bible, world events, prophecies, and news about our brotherhood worldwide.  Like some of you replying in here to qustions on the app video from F&DS, some take this to the point of condemning a person.  I have a conscious, so does the person.   

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22 minutes ago, Allabord4Jah said:

sister in my congregation, told me flat out, if it doesn't come from the F&DS, I don't want you

(meaning me) sending me video's or so called funny images.  

Sorry you had that experience Sister Lisa. Sounds like that sister was worked up over more than just an App and you got the brunt of it. Neither fair not pleasant but something we all get at times.


I hope the two of you were able to get on ok after, we know Satan is trying to cause extra rows at this difficult time (took over twelve hours yesterday before my wife finally accepted my motives hadn't been self centered on a matter, it's what happens).


34 minutes ago, Allabord4Jah said:

have a conscious, so does the person.   

And we all just want to stick to Jehovah.


Take care and see you around the Forums. Agape



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54 minutes ago, Allabord4Jah said:

She didn't believe me when I told her I was happy to have read on JW.ORG that 1 of our brother's in Russia, sentence was suspended.  She drilled me like a you don't know what.  She kept asking me from what APP was I getting that information.  I almost lost it.   How many JW.ORG's are there out there?  I have never seen on the world web any other site to get information on the Bible, world events, prophecies, and news about our brotherhood worldwide. 

Well this site would not be for her then.

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