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What specific statement, a sentence or two, has been most inspiring to you?

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On 6/13/2021 at 2:31 AM, Dages said:

"one faithful Witness + Jehovah = an overwhelming majority." 


Many French friends know this sentence because it was said during a convention from an incredible speaker : Betty George (not sure about the orthograph). He is very talented and has a lovely Quebec + Haiti accent... we aren't used to this combo in France (especially his way to talk is like... an evangelical pastor? it feels unnatural for a JW speaker but it's in fact refreshing).



Brother Betty was invited here last week in the French Hall in Massachusetts. I agree with you regarding his speaking “talent. “

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Loved this comment Bro. Hendricks made the other week ago, to give some context, he was visiting a hall and gave a presentation about the public information desk, someone asked when will be able to go back to the kingdom hall and out in service, he responded that there is no discussion on the horizon by the Governing Body on that as of yet, but what he could say is that meeting attendance, publishers, pioneers, bible studies have all saw historic peaks and that what the GB are focusing on.... that's when he concluded by saying, let me just say this, "when you look at the timing of Jehovah, would we as a people been ready for the great tribulation before COVID?" I thought that was powerful and something to mediate on! Jehovah is so loving how he allows obstacles and challenges to train us and make us better! 

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54 minutes ago, Anthony said:

that's when he concluded by saying, let me just say this, "when you look at the timing of Jehovah, would we as a people been ready for the great tribulation before COVID?" I thought that was powerful and something to mediate on! Jehovah is so loving how he allows obstacles and challenges to train us and make us better! 

That puts us right on the cusp , doesn't it?   Training that was needed .

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9 minutes ago, Doug said:

That puts us right on the cusp , doesn't it?   Training that was needed .

I do agree with that. Someone mentioned to me the other day, something I never really thought of, but they said it was interesting that the slave, especially in recent years never pictures us in the kingdom hall shortly before or during the great tribulation. You have to wonder, how was Jehovah going to get 8 million + people all around the world out of the halls.... now of course we don't know what the future holds, will we go back and then leave? will we stay out? no one but Jehovah knows, but it is indeed food for thought. 

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   Brother Cook's talk on faith  in the second Friday morning session was very insightful.  He emphasized that Psalm 41: 3 said that Jehovah will sustain us on the bed of illness - he promised not a cure, but to sustain us.  He said that he will change our bed, from a bed of hopelessness to one of faith and hope.  He also referred to James 1:2-4 that we are not asking him "make me better" but "help me be strong".


So many religions concentrate on so-called faith healing.  But what they were looking for was what Jesus did to show people that he was the Christ, not to cure everybody now.  Even Paul had to live with an ailment, possibly in his eyes, after using God's power to cure many people and even raise the dead.  But that joyous time is still in the future when God will "wipe out EVERY tear from our eyes, and death will be NO MORE!"  He quoted Isaiah's promise that there will be a time when NO ONE will say "I am sick"  Then, everyone will have health and will be cured.

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Morning Worship-Stephen Lett:

“Win the Inner Struggle” (Rom. 7:23)


“A moment of pain, for an eternity of pleasure.

An ounce of sadness, for tons of happiness”


"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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On 7/6/2021 at 8:48 AM, Anthony said:

I do agree with that. Someone mentioned to me the other day, something I never really thought of, but they said it was interesting that the slave, especially in recent years never pictures us in the kingdom hall shortly before or during the great tribulation. You have to wonder, how was Jehovah going to get 8 million + people all around the world out of the halls.... now of course we don't know what the future holds, will we go back and then leave? will we stay out? no one but Jehovah knows, but it is indeed food for thought. 

The part of this that I have an issue (not sure the right word here is: struggle, dislike, irritation, bother - all of them?) with is - I notice some who say "we are never going back" seem to be saying "I am never going back" and they just don't want to be the only one who doesn't go back. I believe the motivation for some is - I like not having to get dressed, drive (to and from) and I never really liked being around a bunch of people anyway (for whatever reason).


That's not good! We need our global brotherhood! We need intimate interaction with our brothers and sisters! We need more support than we can get with just a phone call or zoom meeting!


Do we now know how to meet without a hall now? Yep, but should we indefinitely REGARDLESS of whether it is safe or not? NO. Once it is reasonably safe to meet again - and it should be sooner rather than later - we really NEED to.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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1 hour ago, trottigy said:

The part of this that I have an issue (not sure the right word here is: struggle, dislike, irritation, bother - all of them?) with is - I notice some who say "we are never going back" seem to be saying "I am never going back" and they just don't want to be the only one who doesn't go back. I believe the motivation for some is - I like not having to get dressed, drive (to and from) and I never really liked being around a bunch of people anyway (for whatever reason).


That's not good! We need our global brotherhood! We need intimate interaction with our brothers and sisters! We need more support than we can get with just a phone call or zoom meeting!


Do we now know how to meet without a hall now? Yep, but should we indefinitely REGARDLESS of whether it is safe or not? NO. Once it is reasonably safe to meet again - and it should be sooner rather than later - we really NEED to.

I agree, I think that none of us should feel that way but I, too, have heard some friends (although in the minority) echo similar feelings and it is disheartening to hear. If it is safe to do so, and the great tribulation is not about to break out, I am sure Jesus will guide us to return because meeting in person is in itself a way for us to strengthen our faith. However, there will come a time, either soon or later, where we WONT be able to meet in kingdom halls and at BEST very small groups. This has been training for that turbulent time and it may well be that we never do get back, none of us know. And I have heard some friends get grouchy and be like why aren't we back already or we should be soon. I think this is just as poor of an attitude to have. We need to trust Jehovah's organization and even if, hypothetically, in the future it appears safe to return but the faithful slave keeps us out, we should be confident that Jehovah is guiding them. With that being said, if this system lasts, I'd hope all of us would want to return to being with our brothers and sisters again in person. At the end of the day, let Jehovah's will take place and not our own! 

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Friday afternoon portion of the Powerful by Faith Convention showed us Jehovah provides everything his creation needs.  Even the Blue whale that has a huge appetite.


When it comes to humans, this is a keeper:  Jehovah can fill an open hand with more than a closed fist.


Another one; From a Gilead graduate commenting on his years of full-time service:  I learned that Jehovah can take better care of me than I can.



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For someone who thinks Jehovah will never forgive him:
“If your son has made a mistake, but then he comes to you crying for the wrong he has done, would you forgive him? Who is more loving you or Jehovah?
Jehovah is always ready to forgive, the ransom serves as a legal basis for being able to do so.”

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Fear Jehovah.  Do what is right.  Obey his commandments.  That's it.

We complicate things at times and equate how we're used, where we're asked to serve, as things that define our value.


Fear Jehovah.  Keep his commandments.  Just serve Jehovah.  Do the best you can.  Stay balanced.  Give according to what you have.

Those are the important things.

And if you do them, no matter what your personal circumstances, you will remain "especially acceptable" to Jehovah.

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there were a ton of 'great hits' this weekend in the Annual meeting(2021)

here are a few i liked

David Splane - 'Way of Holiness' referenced George Storrs (1796-1879) who found a tract in a train and read it and later wrote a series of articles that influenced many Christians like Russell

"we have just recently left the dark ages of Church influence" -- " it would not be strange to find we still wear some Babylonian Garments"

--(still influenced by Babylon the Great - need to remove those pieces of the old personality)


Br G Jackson - "are you there?"

referencing Book of Remembrance

'your name may be there now, but it's only written in pencil....do all you can to keep your name in the book and pass the final test -- so your name can be written in ink"


Br Lett

'Take up full suit or armor - do you want to be the soldier who showed up to battle in his underwear? - EVERY piece is vitally important'


there where probably another dozens - but these stuck in my head


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On 10/5/2021 at 4:40 PM, DarinS said:


Br G Jackson - "are you there?"

referencing Book of Remembrance

'your name may be there now, but it's only written in pencil....do all you can to keep your name in the book and pass the final test -- so your name can be written in ink"

I’ve always loved the expression “ only in pencil “. A lot to meditate on 

On 10/5/2021 at 4:40 PM, DarinS said:

Br Lett

'Take up full suit or armor - do you want to be the soldier who showed up to battle in his underwear? - EVERY piece is vitally important'




😀Wow- Imagine having to visualize this one! I can see Br. Lett facial expression too🤣

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