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We have never seen weather like that!

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2 hours ago, Dages said:

Today is a red day in France... 42 C (107 F) is expected in my area (not in direct sunlight).

Spiritual Public activities are cancelled 

Same in Portugal

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Living in Australia, we are used to extremely high summer temperatures. However, our heat in the Southern hemisphere seems to be very different to that in the Northern.  The cold is also different.

I know when I have been home to England in the Summer and it has been a mere 30 odd degrees Celsius, it has been stifling. Yet here, we have dealt with 43C and yes, it is very hot, but very different and very unlike the heat in England.


In the same way, I get so cold in Winter here and it is rare for our Winter temps to go much below 15/16C.  Yet the last time I was in England it was March and there was a Polar Vortex in the Artic and the temperature where I was didn't get above 10C and yet I didn't feel as cold as I do here when it's 19/20C, and I was outside.


I feel for all of you in England and Europe at this time and I will keep you in my prayers.  Stay safe and keep as cool as you can.  Wet towels around your neck, on your head and under your feet can help keep you feeling cooler. ❤️

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone in the Dallas area?

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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China is also adversely affected by the worst heatwave on record. 


Nothing In History Compares To China's Brutal Heat Wave, Weather Historian Says


Nothing In History Compares To China's Brutal Heat Wave, Weather Historian Says | HuffPost


“This combines the most extreme intensity with the most extreme length with an incredibly huge area all at the same time,” Herrera told New Scientist on Tuesday. “There is nothing in world climatic history which is even minimally comparable to what is happening in China.”

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'Get out now': Mayor urges residents to flee ahead of rising river waters in Mississippi

By Nouran Salahieh and Paradise Afshar, CNN


Updated 0223 GMT (1023 HKT) August 29, 2022

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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  • 1 month later...

Thousands have been forced to flee their homes as heavy rain hammers three states causing widespread flooding.

Large parts of Victoria, NSW and Tasmania were hit with heavy rain on Thursday night.


....... around 500 homes had been flooded.


“A too late to leave” order has been issued for Seymour in the Mitchell Shire after the town broke flood records not experienced since May 1974.

(I lived in Seymour in 1975/76 so I missed those floods).









Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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The flooding in Victoria (Australia) has been unprecedented. And it’s not only humans who suffer this dire situation. 

“this latest flood crisis in northern Victoria and Tasmania was yet another blow to Australia's native animals, which have suffered through multiple major bushfire and flood events in recent years. 

Nearly three billion animals including mammals, reptiles, birds, and frogs, were killed or displaced by the country's 'Black Summer' bushfires in 2019-20, according to figures by the World Wide Fund for Nature. 

"That's the challenge with natural disasters that are increasing in frequency. The wildlife impacts can last a very, very long time afterwards”.


Kangaroos were being brought to shelters full of mud because they had been trapped in the fast flowing muddy waters. As this is Spring, many animals have young in their pouches, and it is really catastrophic for them.


(warning: some may be distressed by the pictures in the article)

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On 10/13/2022 at 11:13 PM, GeordieGirl said:

Thousands have been forced to flee their homes as heavy rain hammers three states causing widespread flooding.

Large parts of Victoria, NSW and Tasmania were hit with heavy rain on Thursday night.


....... around 500 homes had been flooded.


“A too late to leave” order has been issued for Seymour in the Mitchell Shire after the town broke flood records not experienced since May 1974.

(I lived in Seymour in 1975/76 so I missed those floods).









Earth natural climate patterns are getting more extreme due to higher greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.


1973 - 1976 was also a strong La Niña event like we are experiencing right now (2020 - ?)


El Niño will be worst in the next round for Australia, when it was ENSO neutral a few years ago for Australia, there were massive fires, worst than ever before, and usually those big fires happen during El Niño. In the next El Niño event, I imagine those fires will be even worst and maybe more prolonged.


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Yes, we are dreading the next fire season.  Australia has always suffered from drought, fires and flooding rains.  But, they still go and build homes on flood plains, and into the bush where there is more risk of loss.  They still farm massive agricultural properties producing crops not conducive to our climate, such as cotton - a real water guzzler and the main culprit behind the drying up of our large river systems in the interior of Eastern Australia. 


Humans + climate change = Rev 11:18

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2 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Yes, we are dreading the next fire season.  Australia has always suffered from drought, fires and flooding rains.  But, they still go and build homes on flood plains, and into the bush where there is more risk of loss.  They still farm massive agricultural properties producing crops not conducive to our climate, such as cotton - a real water guzzler and the main culprit behind the drying up of our large river systems in the interior of Eastern Australia. 


Humans + climate change = Rev 11:18

You are so right and I feel for everyone in Australia.


Another thing I’ve noticed is that La Niña has been good for growth in Australia’s forests to which sounds like good news but actually isn’t since that growth is sitting there as fuel waiting for the next El Niño event. I wonder if the next El Niño will finish off the great barrier reef.


While La Niña has been bad enough for Australia, if i had to choose between to two, I would choose La Niña over El Niño.

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We don't get much affect of the La Nina here on the West coast but even we are getting more than our normal amount of rain this year and have broken a few records during the Winter with prediction of breaking another one this month.  Not that we are complaining because we can always do with some extra water as dams have been very low over the last few years.

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Oh no, not again! Floods in the central parts of NSW. And, as usual, they are unprecedented and higher than record floods before.




That's a pic of Wyangala dam spilling over!




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There is a place here in Australia called the Hay Plains which is in central southern New South Wales, where it is the flattest place in the southern hemisphere (second after the Sahara Desert) where there is only 17 meters in rise between the highest and lowest points. I have driven through it and believe me, it is flat as a tack.


Here is a video of a sunset showing how flat this land is.



Here is a picture of what it is like to drive though it now with the flooding. If you want to see the video in the news article click here.






The usually dry Hay Plains have been turned into a sea of water.


We only need it to rain constantly for 40 days and 40 nights to equals once in a 4,000 year flood.




Edited by Pabo
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  • 2 weeks later...

Deadly landslide tears through Italian island of Ischia


A number of people are feared to have been killed after a mudslide triggered by heavy rains swept away homes on the island of Ischia, near Naples.

The torrent of mud and debris dislodged trees, engulfed buildings and dragged cars into the sea as it reached the coast early on Saturday.


........  the people missing were believed to be trapped under the mud. Up to 155mm (6.1in) of rain fell over the course of six hours.



Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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