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We have never seen weather like that!

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Last year, 68 per cent of Australians were living in an area that was covered by a natural disaster declaration. 


Much of last year's disaster declarations were due to wet weather and floods across the east coast of the country, which Treasury estimates wiped $5 billion from the national economy.


This year has already seen the flow-on effects of earlier floods throughout the Murray-Darling basin, with towns in South Australia inundated. Record flooding is also affecting the Kimberley region in Western Australia's north-west and much of central Australia. 


Livestock losses in the once-in-a-century event are expected to be in the tens of thousands.

Footage of cattle being swept down the Fitzroy River were confronting images for pastoralists, who have also lost equipment and are facing a massive clean up.


Treasurer Jim Chalmers said: "When it comes to things like the price of fruit and veggies in our supermarkets, when you consider a lot of our logistics chains are broken but these natural disasters, our prime agricultural land and some of our mining areas [are] as well.

"For all of those reasons, the economy is vulnerable to natural disasters."




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On 1/13/2023 at 12:00 PM, hatcheckgirl said:


Treasurer Jim Chalmers said: "When it comes to things like the price of fruit and veggies in our supermarkets, when you consider a lot of our logistics chains are broken but these natural disasters, our prime agricultural land and some of our mining areas [are] as well.

"For all of those reasons, the economy is vulnerable to natural


There was a ABC reporter at one of the airports in WA reporting a story where the only way in and out of the town was via this airport. The part I found interesting while watching the reporter going his bit, in the background showing the airport (just a dusty flat area for planes to take off and land) was the people who were arriving at this airport was FIFO (fly in/l, fly out) mine workers. Gina & Twiggy are not letting any flood going to ruin their mining operations.

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On 1/14/2023 at 6:51 PM, Pabo said:

There was a ABC reporter at one of the airports in WA reporting a story where the only way in and out of the town was via this airport. The part I found interesting while watching the reporter going his bit, in the background showing the airport (just a dusty flat area for planes to take off and land) was the people who were arriving at this airport was FIFO (fly in/l, fly out) mine workers. Gina & Twiggy are not letting any flood going to ruin their mining operations.

That's a pretty cynical viewpoint.


I'm sure the workers appreciate the fact that they can still work and earn their wages to support their families, pay their bills and eat. 


There is more involved than just Gina and Twiggy's mining operations not being ruined - or RIO's, BHP's and all the other mining corporations up there.


Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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37 minutes ago, GeordieGirl said:

That's a pretty cynical viewpoint.


When you live in a mining area, it makes you cynical of the mining industry.


During the lockdown period, the mines where permitted to relax the square metre rule for their employees because they work in "close quarters." But every other business had to comply with this rule with having distance or limits of how many can be on their premises. But everyone entering a mine site had the be screened and did a RAT going in, and some sites also had to do a RAT at the end of the shift.


But it is funny that when the lockdowns we done away with, the mines were now having to deal with not enough employees to operate a mine due to the amount of employees being down with COVID. Why? Because testing the employees was costing the mines too much.


Thus I have no sympathy for the mining industry. They think they are above everybody, they make and change the laws to suit themselves. And basically pay no taxes.


Do you know how much GST these mining companies pay to the Taxation Department? Basically nothing, because if the goods have left the country within 60days from date of invoice, they are not required to charge GST to the customer. When does the mining company bills the customer? When they are loading the ship. Thus the government has now short changed themselves of possibly a trillion dollars of GST revenue since 2000. 

Edited by Pabo
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9 hours ago, Pabo said:


When you live in a mining area, it makes you cynical of the mining industry.


During the lockdown period, the mines where permitted to relax the square metre rule for their employees because they work in "close quarters." But every other business had to comply with this rule with having distance or limits of how many can be on their premises. But everyone entering a mine site had the be screened and did a RAT going in, and some sites also had to do a RAT at the end of the shift.


But it is funny that when the lockdowns we done away with, the mines were now having to deal with not enough employees to operate a mine due to the amount of employees being down with COVID. Why? Because testing the employees was costing the mines too much.


Thus I have no sympathy for the mining industry. They think they are above everybody, they make and change the laws to suit themselves. And basically pay no taxes.


Do you know how much GST these mining companies pay to the Taxation Department? Basically nothing, because if the goods have left the country within 60days from date of invoice, they are not required to charge GST to the customer. When does the mining company bills the customer? When they are loading the ship. Thus the government has now short changed themselves of possibly a trillion dollars of GST revenue since 2000. 


I live in WA. I have lived in the Kimberley and the Pilbara. 

3 of my sons and both my ex husbands have worked in mines in the past, both open cut and underground. I was a pilot vehicle driver escorting road trains right across the Pilbara to all the mines. 

Yes, I know a tad about the mining industry. 


As far as not being able to find workers, that applies to just about every industry here, whether it's mining, tourism, retail, doctors, vets etc. etc.


But at the end of the day, none of it matters. The system is dying and everything is out of our control. Being cynical about any of it is not going to change it and is likely to just make us angry about the greed, the injustice, the effect on the environment etc. 

We know that these things are going to happen because we have been educated by the greatest teacher in the universe. We just have to endure and tell people that there's something better just around the corner. 


We know that money is their god and no matter how many billions they have, they just want more.

Being cynical about it, or them, can distract us from our job, which is to spread Jehovah's word about his kingdom, and that includes to Gina and Twiggy if they want to listen, and being sarcastic about them personally, or cynical of the industry they represent, and the tax they don't pay, can colour how we view, not just them, but the people who work in that industry. 


People still have to work and earn money and mining provides that work and income for thousands of people. It is a huge industry in this country but without it Australia would be on its knees. 

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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Sorry.  This topic is about the weather and I went right OT.


Apologies to all.


Back to the weather,


We are currently having weird weather here.  I have lived in this state for 47 years and I don't remember a January ever being this cool.  It is currently 23C at 2.15PM and the minimum tonight is supposed to be down to 12C.  Very odd - but I'm not complaining. I don't like the heat.

Later in the week it is supposed to be back to normal in the high 30s.

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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We are having the weirdest winter. First we get high winds and about 2 feet of snow. Then we get a melt down and some pretty decent weather. 

Today it’s 35*F, (1.66 Celsius) wind chill of 29*F. (-1.66 C) Now we’re getting rain. 

Sidewalks are a death trap.



Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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12 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:


We are currently having weird weather here.  I have lived in this state for 47 years and I don't remember a January ever being this cool.  It is currently 23C at 2.15PM and the minimum tonight is supposed to be down to 12C.  Very odd - but I'm not complaining. I don't like the heat.

Later in the week it is supposed to be back to normal in the high 30s.

Same here.  We are having some hot days 28-30C but most nights are lovely and cool so you can sleep comfortably.  I have hardly used our air conditioner this summer.  Sometimes I wear dresses/tops with 3/4 sleeves when usually through summer it’s sleeveless weather.  

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52 minutes ago, Loopy said:

We are having the weirdest winter. First we get high winds and about 2 feet of snow. Then we get a melt down and some pretty decent weather. 

Today it’s 35*F, (1.66 Celsius) wind chill of 29*F. (-1.66 C) Now we’re getting rain. 

Sidewalks are a death trap.



Every time I think of icy sidewalks, I think of those spiky things you can put on the bottom of your shoes, or I’d take some shoes I didn’t wear anymore and put small gravel on the souls of them.

I know, I’ve had a laugh at FB postings that show one’s trying to go up a slope, or even more interesting, going down. 
i sort of shudder. Broken bone time.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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                                          Flying Iguanas !




When temperatures drop below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, iguanas go into a dormant (or cold-stunned) state. It is their bodies’ way of protecting them until the temperature warms back up above 50 degrees.

They’re still breathing, with critical body functions still operating.

“They may fall from trees, but they are not dead,” the National Weather Service in Miami has said.

The concern for people is iguanas often sleep in trees. So when cold, paralyzed lizards seemingly fall from the sky during their slumber, they can smack streets, cars or even people walking around..............

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Zealand... :( It has rained in 15 minutes the same as 75% all rain during the year.

This is SCARY

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Hey there sweet lady, so lovely to see you are still here. Huge hugs.


No I'm quite a way down the North Island. We have been getting the tail end of it all. However, over the next few days the system is being pushed back in and combining with an atmospheric river. With things as they are the ground is sodden and very compromised so anything may happen yet.


I've seen one photo of witnesses being evacuated in Auckland the water was waist high in their home. I've never seen it this bad and this wide spread in Auckland. But then it's happening in other places around the world too. This system is done needs to go.

Edited by Dages

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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1 hour ago, Stormswift said:

Hey there sweet lady, so lovely to see you are still here. Huge hugs.


No I'm quite a way down the North Island. We have been getting the tail end of it all. However, over the next few days the system is being pushed back in and combining with an atmospheric river. With things as they are the ground is sodden and very compromised so anything may happen yet.




I've seen one photo of witnesses being evacuated in Auckland the water was waist high in their home. I've never seen it this bad and this wide spread in Auckland. But then it's happening in other places around the world too. This system is done needs to go.


I'm glad you're safe, at least for now.  Just take care of yourself and your loved ones.


My prayers for you all down there.


Love and hugs ❤️

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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Waves to Richard. Hello there!!! I'd say there'd be lots heading up to help. We have had a few families from North Shore and areas move in over covid. It's sad to hear of the individual experiences. 





<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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The Amazon rainforest lost an estimated 5 million acres in 2020, an area roughly the size of Israel, according to a recent report on the region. Experts warn that unchecked deforestation in the Amazon basin, which encompasses nine countries in South America, could trigger a tipping point in the world's largest tropical rainforest within decades.


This might seem to be a little off-topic, but it goes along with the problem of climate change.  And climate change is the cause of the weird weather.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the meantime, we over here in the West of Australia are having the mildest Summer I can remember since moving here 46 years ago.

Today the temperature is 27C, though as I write this it is still only 23.7C and it's the middle of the day. Yesterday was 28C and tomorrow is going to be 27C again.


Admittedly, by the middle of next week we will be back up in the mid to high 30s but we are currently heading towards the end of Summer and we haven't yet had one 40C day, which is so rare I can't remember a summer without one.

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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