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Covid-19 Vaccine Research, Development, Ingredients and Reactions

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3 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

Thanks for your reply Lauren .. I wasn't asking a question of anyone ... but enjoyed your replies anyway thank you my dear. We seem to be on the same page.

I had heard trials for Pfizer won't end until end of 2023 but the FDA site says they don't have a time line.  So I agree with you, the sooner the better.

See their answer in screens hot below. The FDA site FAQ section.


Wow, 2023! I guess that makes sense that they want to see how it goes longer-term. Thanks for posting the FAQ!

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Reports are now coming in that unvaccinated women who are exposed to vaccinated people are experiencing disruptions in their menstrual cycle..... my hairstylist is experiencing this herself. This past Saturday i had an appointment and she told me that every since California opened up hair salons again, she has been working on clients who are vaccinated, and every month her period has been 2 to 3 weeks late and her blood flow is much heavier...... The video below is a handful of doctors discussing this and the possibilities of why this is happening


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Heartbreak and prayers for our brothers and sisters in India. Please keep us posted and try to think if there is anything we/I can do directly. This Pandemic is leaving us with a helpless feeling, but if you can fathom up something that will expedite or ease your particular challenge, please offer a suggestion. I'm at a loss for words. (And that doesn't happen too frequently) pauline 

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My son met a young man online from India and had been studying with him for about a year or so. The study ended, but after reading about the C-19 upsurge in India he’s been trying to reach him and getting no response. He is quite worried and fearing the worst. 🙁

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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2 hours ago, zoebarry said:

Reports are now coming in that unvaccinated women who are exposed to vaccinated people are experiencing disruptions in their menstrual cycle..... my hairstylist is experiencing this herself. This past Saturday i had an appointment and she told me that every since California opened up hair salons again, she has been working on clients who are vaccinated, and every month her period has been 2 to 3 weeks late and her blood flow is much heavier...... The video below is a handful of doctors discussing this and the possibilities of why this is happening



It seems the anxiety of all that the pandemic brings can alter a woman’s menstrual cycle, but there’s no way someone’s cycle can be affected by being near to a vaccinated person. 

What is interesting is that for women who are vaccinated, there may be something causing the changed period - from the vaccine maybe, or just the stress of everything in this pandemic. This needs to be investigated.by medical professionals.

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Pfizer progresses to human trials in development of antiviral pill treating COVID-19

While the world holds out hope global vaccination against COVID-19 will be akin to a panacea for the pandemic, a number of drug companies are progressing in development of another weapon against the killer disease.

It’s been revealed 60 people are taking part in a new trial for a Pfizer pill, which is hoped to cure coronavirus.https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/pfizer-progresses-to-human-trials-in-development-of-antiviral-pill-treating-covid-19-c-2697109

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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4 hours ago, zoebarry said:

Reports are now coming in that unvaccinated women who are exposed to vaccinated people are experiencing disruptions in their menstrual cycle.

Many things can easily upset the menstral cycle, though. Stress, over-exercise, undernourishment, unexpected cysts, illness, hormone imbalance, anovulation, late ovulation, mimicking the rhythm of another woman’s cycle, or other physiological factors. Hard to pinpoint it on one thing... perhaps different factors contribute.

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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9 hours ago, zoebarry said:

BitChute is a video hosting service known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hateful content.[a] The platform was created in 2017 to allow video uploaders to avoid content rules enforcement on YouTube,[14] and some creators who have been banned from YouTube or had their channels barred from receiving advertising revenue ("demonetised") have migrated to BitChute.[1]



BitChute describes itself as a “free speech” website, but researchers say it is has become a major platform for neo-Nazi videos, racism, violence, conspiracy theories and even terrorist propaganda.



Overall, we rate BitChute extreme right and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, propaganda, hate speech, poor sourcing, fake news, and a lack of transparency. This source is not credible for accurate information and may be offensive to some (most).




Edited by Shawnster

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Coronavirus research news:


Transmission and children

A study of household transmission in Wuhan suggests that children and adolescents are less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection but more infectious than older individuals. The findings also indicate that people are most infectious before developing symptoms (presymptomatic), but those who do not develop symptoms (asymptomatic) are less infectious than those who do.

In the absence of vaccines for children, the rapid identification of silent infections among kids will be key to breaking transmission chains, according to a modelling study with simulations.

Post-covid sequelae

The largest study to date, with over 70,000 hospitalised and 13,000 non-hospitalised COVID-19 patients, shows these patients suffer from several sequalae beyond the first 30 days of illness. These include respiratory, neurocognitive, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and mental health disorders, as well as fatigue, muscle pain and anemia. The risk of post-covid sequelae was highest among those with severe disease.

T cells lead the way

A study (not yet peer-reviewed) shows that T cell responses almost reach their maximal level already after the first vaccine dose, while antibodies need two doses to reach maximal levels. In fact, the magnitude of the CD4 T cell response after the first dose predicted the levels of CD8 T cells and neutralizing antibodies after the second dose.

A super antibody?

The analysis of a large number of B cells (which produce antibodies) from COVID-19 patients identified a series of potently neutralizing antibodies targeting the Spike protein. One of these antibodies was capable of fully neutralising the original SARS-CoV-2, the B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 variants, and even SARS-CoV. These antibodies could help design future treatments and vaccines with broad effect against coronaviruses.

One dose for previously-infected people

Yet another study shows that one vaccine dose is enough for previously-infected individuals. Naïve individuals required both vaccine doses for optimal increases in antibodies, particularly for neutralizing titers against the B.1.351 variant. In recovered individuals, antibody and memory B cell responses were significantly boosted after the first vaccine dose and did not increase after the second dose.

Vaccines and pregnancy

Preliminary findings of a study with 35,691 pregnant participants do not show any safety signals among pregnant persons who received mRNA Covid-19 vaccines.

More clues on the rare cases of thrombosis

The German team that first studied the thrombosis cases associated to the AstraZeneca vaccine provides further evidence on the possible mechanisms. Certain non-viral vaccine components related to the vaccine fabrication process may be favouring the production of antibodies that activate the platelets and trigger the thrombotic events. The paper has not yet been peer-reviewed.

1 billion doses and a stark gap

Only 15 months after the pandemic started, more than 1 billion (1000, 000, 000) vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. However, almost 9 out of 10 have been administered in high and upper middle-income countries. Only 0.2% of these doses have reached the poorest countries.

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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T-Cell response is early induced, is durable and the most important part in our protection against SARS virus:


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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4 hours ago, Sofia said:

Certain non-viral vaccine components related to the vaccine fabrication process may be favouring the production of antibodies that activate the platelets and trigger the thrombotic events. The paper has not yet been peer-reviewed.

From the study, yet to be peer reviewed:


We have provided evidence that VITT is not a consequence of antibodies directed against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (produced by all vaccines) cross-reacting with PF4 (preprint).36Those findings, together with our current study, indicate it is the adenovirus vector-based vaccines that are at risk of inducing VITT through adenovirus and/or other PF4-DNA interactions. The degree of acute inflammatory response induced by the vaccine components appears as an important—potentially remediable—cofactor that could be diminished by reducing impurities and omitting EDTA.


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42 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

From the study, yet to be peer reviewed:


We have provided evidence that VITT is not a consequence of antibodies directed against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (produced by all vaccines) cross-reacting with PF4 (preprint).36Those findings, together with our current study, indicate it is the adenovirus vector-based vaccines that are at risk of inducing VITT through adenovirus and/or other PF4-DNA interactions. The degree of acute inflammatory response induced by the vaccine components appears as an important—potentially remediable—cofactor that could be diminished by reducing impurities and omitting EDTA.


it´s a bit weird.

1) other vaccines had also clot issues

2) the virus it self induces to clots in certain patients with covid 19

so, saying that it´s caused by the manufacturing it self, sound a bit ...strange explanation. The truth is that the spike protein it self can induce clots. If the manufacturing can also induce clots, then it´s 2 inducing factors in one vaccine.


time will tell

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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It seems too simple to be just the ingredients in the vaccine (since clotting also occurs for serious covid disease).


However, EDTA can cause clotting of some people’s blood in in-vitro blood tests. Maybe we should have a test for susceptibility to clotting by using a patient’s blood and how it affected by exposure to EDTA before being vaccinated? 🤔

EDTA (‘Ethylendiamine’ for short) that is used extensively—and safely—as a ‘filler’ in orally ingested medications, in foods, and as a stabiliser for the in vitro (test-tube) blood samples that are the bread and butter of standard bloodwork tests. It is well known, however, that in a small percentage of people (0.1 to –2 per cent) EDTA causes an in vitro clumping of their blood platelets, leading to a reduced platelet count. In itself this familiar effect, called EDTA-dependent-PTCP (‘ETA-dependent-Pseudothrombocytopenia’ or simply ‘EDTA-PTCP’) is not considered a pathological condition. Instead it is the result of a harmless tendency, in a small percentage of people, for blood platelets to clump in vitro in response to exposure to EDTA, together with an artifact of the automatic counting of platelets by machines that cannot distinguish between platelet clumps and single platelets.


(not endorsing their views, which is critical of how the vaccination producers/manufacturers and governments are handling this - we know the answer is only God’s Kingdom. But it explained EDTA and it’s possible role in blood clotting in a simpler way).


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59 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

It seems too simple to be just the ingredients in the vaccine (since clotting also occurs for serious covid disease).


However, EDTA can cause clotting of some people’s blood in in-vitro blood tests. Maybe we should have a test for susceptibility to clotting by using a patient’s blood and how it affected by exposure to EDTA before being vaccinated? 🤔

EDTA (‘Ethylendiamine’ for short) that is used extensively—and safely—as a ‘filler’ in orally ingested medications, in foods, and as a stabiliser for the in vitro (test-tube) blood samples that are the bread and butter of standard bloodwork tests. It is well known, however, that in a small percentage of people (0.1 to –2 per cent) EDTA causes an in vitro clumping of their blood platelets, leading to a reduced platelet count. In itself this familiar effect, called EDTA-dependent-PTCP (‘ETA-dependent-Pseudothrombocytopenia’ or simply ‘EDTA-PTCP’) is not considered a pathological condition. Instead it is the result of a harmless tendency, in a small percentage of people, for blood platelets to clump in vitro in response to exposure to EDTA, together with an artifact of the automatic counting of platelets by machines that cannot distinguish between platelet clumps and single platelets.


(not endorsing their views, which is critical of how the vaccination producers/manufacturers and governments are handling this - we know the answer is only God’s Kingdom. But it explained EDTA and it’s possible role in blood clotting in a simpler way).


Edta is used and anti-clot in collecting tubes

its what I use to collect blood for DNA tests so as blood won’t clot

also weird...

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says that an oral drug for COVID-19 could be ready next year.


The drug blocks protease, a critical enzyme that the virus needs to replicate.


"Particular attention is on the oral because it provides several advantages," Bourla said. "One of them is that you don't need to go to the hospital to get the treatment,




We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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4 hours ago, rocket said:

The drug blocks protease, a critical enzyme that the virus needs to replicate.

Now this is amazing..protease inhibitors in food!!


Chemical compounds in foods or beverages like green tea, muscadine grapes and DARK CHOCOLATE can bind to and block the function of a particular enzyme, or protease, in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to a new study by plant biologists at North Carolina State University. In vitro lab experiments completed by Yue Zhu, an NC State Ph.D. student in Xie's lab, showed similar results. The chemical compounds in green tea and muscadine grapes were very successful at inhibiting Mpro's function; chemical compounds in cacao powder and DARK CHOCOLATE reduced Mpro activity by about half.



Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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17 hours ago, SUNRAY said:

chemical compounds in cacao powder and DARK CHOCOLATE reduced Mpro activity by about half.

Brother Glenn ! @Dustparticle! this is amazing!

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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I wanted to write something important for all of you about COVID-19.

I study Coronavirus for 2 decades. Not sars, but the feline FeCov.

They are similar, so I know a great deal about these viruses.


Many of you will  read about the vaccine triggering Shingles. This is true.

A study in Israel showed that the vaccine may trigger herpes crisis in recipients.


This happens also when natural infection occur. SarsCoV2 is a particular virus that can mimetic other infections. It DOESNT cause them. But mimetizes them.

If you ever had herpes ( chickenpox ) or cmv epv (mononucleosis - also another type of herpes virus) then for sure the coronavirus will "awake" them triggering symptoms and that makes a person a long hauler.

If  you never had chickenpox or mono, then you dont have anything to worry about.

Scientists believe about 45% humans have these virus living in their nervous system, dormant. I do. Im one of these 45%.


Most long haulers had mononucleosis in the past. That´s caused by CMV or EPV. If you test for IgG for those viruses, long haulers have high titres,  that Sars triggers mononucleosis crisis again.


I had this, I was a long hauler and I have studied this. Now doctors prescribe ACICLOVIR to treat long haulers and shingles after COVID infection or.... vaccine.


Now bear this in mind: It´s not  a reason for NOT taking the vaccine! The vaccine triggers it because the issue is in the spike protein, and the vaccine has the spike protein. If you get the infection you will be feeling far much worse.


So all of you that had MONO or HERPES stay tuned for shingles or mono symptoms AFTER vaccination or infection. it´s treatable with ACICLOVIR (zovirax (c)), prescribed by your doctor after diagnosis. It´s treatable.


Sorry for the long post :D

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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19 minutes ago, Qapla said:

Fortunately, I have never had chicken pox (neither did my Mom or brother) so it appears I am immune to it ... I should not have to worry about shingles


My mother THOUGHT she never had mono, and she tested positive for antibodies! Some viruses pass to us assintomatic. My mother had covid at same time like me and she was a long hauler for 12 months too like me

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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