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Which of these brought you into the truth?

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My introduction to the Truth (I love how much this encompasses!) was at a Book Study using the Live Forever book.

They were studying the model prayer and parsing it - Bang! - this is it !!!!!

(I had attended that meeting in order to prove Jehovah's witnesses wrong !!!)

Loved that book.

Edited by 50gumbys
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in the 50's I would read "From Paradise Lost to Paradise Restored" book often with my grandmother before bedtime, from the time I could barely read till we moved west. Another favorite was the "Make Sure of all things hold fast to what is fine" book that come out in 65'.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Lori was it like this?       :pistols:       OR  :gun-toot:    ??


Welllll pardner - not quite like that.


More like ....


:o worried at first :perplexed: what am I hearing?  :wub: I LOVE this!  :infatuated: I'm excited!  :loopy: No - I'm really excited!  ::o I never heard this before!  :surrender: I surrender Jehovah. :backflip: I'm happy now. 

I think that about covers it!

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The Blue Bombshell.   After two study sessions, I realised something different about the book.  I read the whole book in one night. Told the study conductor, no point in carrying on with the study for another one year.   Need to complete soon.  He accepted to study twice in a week. Completed in few months, got baptized.


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I started studying in the "Live Forever" book in 1986 after my first child was born. Nanny as we all affectionately called her, studied with me while pregnant with second child and I got baptized in 1988 when pregnant with my third child. Nanny was the perfect sister to study with because to this day she is my children's grandmother and my mommy. And sadly all her kids left the truth so we are hers forever. 

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In 1961 while living in Pomona, California  my siblings and I studied with a sister out of the orange book, Paradise Lost , Paradise Regained.    I remember the photos of people being swallowed up in the earth.     For a 4th grader it really stayed in the back of my mind.     In my third year of college, 1972   my sister planted seeds of truth with me (she wasn't baptized but had studied with JW's) and it 'sounded to good to be true'  and you know what THEY say about things that sound to good to be True.   That they usually aren't  .    Well were THEY wrong this time!      I realized it was the TRUTH I had been searching for and my sister and I were baptized April 1, 1973   40 years.      I studied twice a week and I didn't even go through the whole book, "The Truth That Leads to Eternal Live"   I KNEW without a doubt  Jehovah had shown me the WAY in which to walk.   Been walking the walk ever since.    And what a WALK it has been,  hand in hand with a loving Creator, Jehovah and his wonderful son, Christ Jesus.   

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My mother and her whole family studied "Let God Be True", they were all baptized at the same time, in a pool underneath a Kingdom Hall platform, somewhere on the Westside of Cleveland, in 1956.  It was my mom, her 2 sisters, her mom and dad and her Aunt!   I think that is sooo cool!  Also, there were only over 450,000 publishers, earthwide, at that time! 

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Its so great to hear what wonderful publications my brothers and sister started having a study in for me it was the live forever book my aunt gave me as a gift i started studying in feb 1990 at the age of 16 i was brought up a catholic but found it boring and didnt learn much about God's word when i saw the pictures of paradis i thought i want to know more so i had a study and started going to the meetings around april then sept 1992 i got baptized age 18.

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I started studying in the "knowledge book", and then later in the bible teach book. i was almost finishing the knowledge book, but i was afraid of becoming a publisher - i thought i was too young to preach -  so i started avoinding the study. Later in  2008, my zeal was revived and i got baptized in 2009.

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Well, I was raised in the Truth, however, I went through the Live Forever Book, I was baptized in 1988.

I wasn't raised in the truth but I studied from the "Live Forever" book. I was baptized in 1989 at Stanley Theater in Jersey City, NJ. The best day of my life!!!!

Voni in NC

The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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My wife and I studied the book "You may survive armageddon into God's new world" from

the mid 50's.

It was a tough book for someone who had no bible knowledge.

It was very interesting. It didn't deal with doctrines but rather prohecies.

When we got to the part from Ezekiel 9 where it talked about the man with the secretaries

inkhorn and the marking work I could see that the only people on the earth doing such a

work were Jehovah's Witnesses.

When my wife and I went to the convention in Del Mar to get baptized, all of the candidates drove to

a Kingdom Hall in Linda Vista. The baptism pool was under the stage.

It wasn't until we got to the halll that I saw that my mother and my sister were there to be

baptized also.  I didn't even know they were studying.

We are all still firmly established in the truth along with about 35 offspring, inlaws, nephews and nieces etc.


It's fun and interesting.

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I dabbled a little bit in the You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth book as a child after my interest in the truth had been sparked, but it wasn't till much later and after the Knowledge that Leads to Everlasting Life that I was baptized in 2002.


I started studing in 1975 with the short form call Truth Book or the 1968 "The Truth that leads to Eternal Life".

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Many many moons ago, I once lived in L.A.  The City of White Angels.   I was so naive back then and in the world!   Imagine me wearing these bell bottom pants, hip huggers, and platform shoes!   I saw a lot back in the mid 70's, and I didn't like it.  Hollywood stars (new generation and the old) shopping at food marts with sun glasses on.  I thought maybe some school for the blind was there shopping.  Naw, it was the so called "movie stars" of that time, like Brenda Vaccaro, sunglasses, like I didn't know who she was, yeah right!   And Ingrid Bergman, she was beautiful, in her checkered sport coat and skirt, with sun glasses, and her (then) hubby no.???  She got out of a sport's car and came into the restaurant where I worked.  Then I had to pick someone up at the Santa Monica Airport (that place is small) and it was Sonny but without Cher.   He looked like he was spaced out (most of them were back then).     I did noticed that these people were not happy, all those films and money, and they weren't happy.    They lived in these massive mansions, in Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades Beach front homes, Brentwood and other areas.  Sitting in their glass cages and not happy at all.  


I wasn't happy being there, to many people snorting heroin.  Men were walking down the street holding hands and I saw two men kiss.  Well, that was the last straw.   I couldn't stand living in that State, everywhere you went people were high on something or the other.  I made up my mind, am out.  I sold my fire engine red, 2 door sport 65 Mustang with cream plastic interior, took the money and caught a plane out of L.A.   I have never looked back! 


Came back to Maryland and got the truth! Studied this wonderful book The Book That Leads to Eternal Life.  When I got a hold of that book, I couldn't put it down!  I got a hold of The Finished Mystery (old copy) and read that, I loved those WT's.  I set my hand to Jehovah's plow and I have never looked back.  Now its worse there in LA. then ever before.  Its worse worldwide.  But I never looked back.    Am older and sick now, but I will never look back, there is nothing back there to make me go.   This world is headed down hill.  Never look back and I never dreamed of what if? 

Edited by allabord4jah
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