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23 minutes ago, richietj77 said:

BA email arrived today!!!! :ecstatic:
Accounts... linked (with some troubleshooting, nothing major)

Name... Text messages... Emergency contact... OK
Skills.... woa... This is going to take time...


But still, it's for Jehovah! It's the best life ever!



Watch the Help videos and PM me if you have any questions. I know less than nothing about BA but I might make a good guess...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I worked at the AH today. I told the Maintenance Overseer that I ready to paint the town red so he handed me a bucket of red paint and had me paint the No Parking curbs...:lol1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our congregation will be getting a new metal roof. If ones from our congregation who have not filled out a form for LDC, are present...let's say..to serve food..do they need to fill out a form?:lol:

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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33 minutes ago, SUNRAY said:

Our congregation will be getting a new metal roof. If ones from our congregation who have not filled out a form for LDC, are present...let's say..to serve food..do they need to fill out a form?:lol:


I just worked on a project at a local double KH and we pulled out all of the chair, replaced the carpet and reinstalled the chairs. There were a lot of friends from the congregations were invited to work on their KH and they were not LDC even though it was an LDC project.  The congregations also provided lunch each day.

So my experience is that you do not have be part of LDC to provide lunch and you may even be able to do some work on your own hall.

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If you are part of the Local Congregation where the work is being done, you do not have  to be "in the LDC" to assist. However, you do have to be approved by the BOE and you are supposed to complete "Safety Training".

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Is it possible for a MS who has a full time job to become LDC Volunteer? What I mean by possibility is in the sense of time management, like he can done his work after secular job or at weekend? 


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5 minutes ago, ivy said:

Is it possible for a MS who has a full time job to become LDC Volunteer? What I mean by possibility is in the sense of time management, like he can done his work after secular job or at weekend? 


LDC volunteers are invited to work on projects thru the Builder Assistant program, the volunteer selects the dates they can work. So yes, you can manage your time by only accepting an assignment when you are available. 

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6 minutes ago, Tortuga said:


LDC volunteers are invited to work on projects thru the Builder Assistant program, the volunteer selects the dates they can work. So yes, you can manage your time by only accepting an assignment when you are available. 


Thank you for answering me, Richard... My hubby is considering to become a volunteer since our CO is urging more brothers to join..  


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23 minutes ago, ivy said:


Thank you for answering me, Richard... My hubby is considering to become a volunteer since our CO is urging more brothers to join..  

Glad to hear that. It will be very easy for him to balance his time. The Builder Assistant program tracks who accepts the invitation and the days they are able to work, so it's easier for the project manager to know who will be there each day. 

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I have been on many, many RBC and later LDC projects while holding down a full time job and my assignments in the Congregation


With the LDC, they work through the week now, but there is still work for the weekends - depends on what your husband does,

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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7 minutes ago, ivy said:

Then, maybe I can join too? (tu)

There are a lot of sisters in LDC.

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13 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I just discovered that Ministry Assistant can record LDC hours. I didn't know that..:confused:

Are you a regular pioneer too brother tortuga? Because you can :)

All glory and praises goes to Jehovah :) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

We are installing two 70 inch monitors in the AH classroom this week. The WEC-Florida is scheduled to have some work done this spring so two SKE classes are scheduled for our AH and the monitors are replacing the two large whiteboards.


My wife and I were asked to be part of the Wednesday morning breakfast crew for the two classes...:thumbsup:

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3 hours ago, Qapla said:


Great to hear!

Maybe I will get an invite to work 



We heard that before the hurricane hit the area so it sounds like it was scheduled work. I heard there are SKE classes at another AH in our area too.

So it sounds like the WEC-Florida classes are relocated to other AH.


Our two SKE classes start the end of December and are back to back, so they end the end of April 

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Hello! I have been having technical difficulties connecting to both links to no avail. I sent an email but to no avail. A sister at my hall had the same issue but it was later rectified and now she was invited to participate in a new Kingdom Hall project in Maine!! Sooo happy for her. Can someone assist me, if possible? If not, I'll wait for the Brothers to reply to my help ticket.





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14 minutes ago, nicolette said:

Hello! I have been having technical difficulties connecting to both links to no avail. I sent an email but to no avail. A sister at my hall had the same issue but it was later rectified and now she was invited to participate in a new Kingdom Hall project in Maine!! Sooo happy for her. Can someone assist me, if possible? If not, I'll wait for the Brothers to reply to my help ticket.


Do you have a JW.ORG account?

Have the elders in your congregation linked you congregation information to your JW.ORG account?

Edited by Tortuga
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18 minutes ago, nicolette said:

The coordinator have already. He inputted the code. The issue is linking both website.

I understand.  

The congregation information has to be linked to JW.ORG account before you can link the BA account.

The information in the JW.ORG account has to match the information in the BA account or they won't link.

Have you ever had a Builder Assistant account? 

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From the link it shows i'm unable to log into the Builder Assistant account.  The sister in my Hall told me to change my password on the JW account. I have my LDC volunteer number, but to no avail, I am at a standstill. I will go out in service with her on Saturday and she told me she'll walk me through.

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2 hours ago, nicolette said:


From the link it shows i'm unable to log into the Builder Assistant account.  The sister in my Hall told me to change my password on the JW account. I have my LDC volunteer number, but to no avail, I am at a standstill. I will go out in service with her on Saturday and she told me she'll walk me through.


Ok, lets start from the beginning to ensure we don't miss anything..


First you need a JW.ORG account and all the information needs to be correct, no guessing...:)


If you have a JW.Org account, your congregation elders need to link the congregation to your account, you can check that by logging on to your JW.Org account and your profile will show the congregation name and number.


If that is done, you should have an email from LDC that your Builder Assistant account is active.


If that is done, you should be able to log on to the BA account with your JW.org logon and password, that will link the accounts.


If that doesn't work, did you have a BA account with RBC? Was it inactive? Did it use a different password?

Try the old RBC password. 


If that doesn't work, there should be a link on the logon screen that you can use in case you have forgotten your password.

Use it.

This works if you had a BA account with RBC and it was inactive and used a different password. Once LDC reopens an old RBC BA account, it still uses the old password. If the temporary password opens the BA, it will link with the JW.org account and your JW.org account password will become the BA account password automatically.


If that doesn't work, then it's possible that some of the information on the BA account is different than the information on the JW.org account and they wont link. Sometimes the information on the DC-50 is indistinct and the brothers input the wrong information. If you made a copy of the DC-50, check it to ensure you submitted the correct information and compare it to the information on the JW.org account. 


...then wait for the LDC to call you...:) 


Edited by Tortuga
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