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Which was your favourite songbook?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Which was your favourite songbook?

    • 1966/1969 (The Pink Songbook)
    • 1984/1986 (The Brown Songbook)
    • 2009 (With the picture on the cover)
    • 2016 (The Silver Songbook)

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The 1966 Songbook (AKA: The Pink Songbook) & Kingdom Songs



Dear all,

I thought I'd start off my first contribution to the forum with something that I'm sure will be dear to many of your hearts: the actual songbooks (in English & Spanish) from 1966 and 1969 plus the songs themselves.

The scans of the songbooks were not done by me but are of good quality and I wanted to include them here in the post for the sake of completeness. The scans of the LP covers were done by me.


I recently bought a digital/analogue converter for my professional record deck and have been busy converting to digital format my old vinyl collection that isn't available in other formats.


All the kingdom songs have been recorded by me and I've removed the clicks & pops as best I can, although the records themselves are in great condition, seeing as I've had them since the 1978 International Convention in the UK at Sheffield. Therefore, I accept any responsibility for any naming errors. I've recorded them in the best MP3 quality available at 320k and each file contains the relevant ID3 tags and album cover. The whole process brought back some great childhood memories and both my wife and I were surprised at how many of the lyrics we remembered even though we hadn't sung many of them for over 35 years!


The actual files themselves are hosted on my own server, not on JWtalk so as not to cause any copyright issues, although I doubt there would be any problems as they are classed as discatalogued now and are unavailable anywhere else as far as I am aware.


I hope they bring back as many memories for you all as they did for us.


Hugs. Stoffer


REAR LP COVERS: http://stofferrussell.com/wp-content/archivos/say-e-1966/(1966)_Watchtower_-_Singing_&_Accompanying_Yourselves_Rear_Album_Covers.pdf


ENGLISH SONGBOOK: http://stofferrussell.com/wp-content/archivos/say-e-1966/(1966_Songbook)_Singing_&_Accompanying_Yourselve_(say-E)_[SCAN].pdf

SPANISH SONGBOOK: http://stofferrussell.com/wp-content/archivos/say-e-1966/(Cancionero_1969)_Cantando_y_acompañándose_con_música_(say-S)_[SCAN].pdf



























































































































SONGS SUNG BY 1966 US BETHEL FAMILY (side 2 of record 10)








Edited by carlos

removed commas in filenames

It's bigger on the inside!

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I had a few problems with the file names on the server. It didn't like spaces in the files, which I sorted by inserting an underscore instead of spaces.

Then I saw that the file names with commas in them weren't even uploaded so I uploaded them again minus the commas. This means that in the list above, there are about 10 songs that won't download. All you need to do is delete the commas when you copy and paste into your browser and voila!

I'd edit them myself but I can't see where to edit my post here on the iPad. Sorry!

It's bigger on the inside!

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1 hour ago, Stoffer said:


I'd edit them myself but I can't see where to edit my post here on the iPad. Sorry!

The edit function is available only for a few minutes after you post. If you have a new list, send it to a moderator and they can edit for you.


If you send it to me, it will be a while before I can do it. I'm traveling and on the highway until later this evening 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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52 minutes ago, markrp said:

Would it be possible to create a Zip file to include all songs?

Indeed it would. I'll do it over the weekend. That way, they can keep their original user-friendly file names. Thanks for the idea Mark.

It's bigger on the inside!

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3 hours ago, carlos said:

Thank you for this great first post. You did an awesome job recording those songs!

I do remember the pink songbook, how many memories! :)


Thanks for all your help on getting me started on this forum and for correcting the errors in the links.

Saludos desde Andalucía, ¡la playa de Madrid! jeje

It's bigger on the inside!

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Here are the songs, covers and songbook scans all in one ZIP file.
It's almost 1GB so I would advise a fast and/or unlimited Internet connection.

Thanks to MARKRP for the idea of putting everything together in one file.


DOWNLOAD: http://stofferrussell.com/wp-content/archivos/say-E-1966.zip

It's bigger on the inside!

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A quote from Jehovah Always Rewards His Loyal Ones:

Do you recall the pink vinyl songbook, “Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music in Your Hearts”? When this was approaching its final preparation, Brother Knorr said: “We are going to make some recordings. I want you to put together a small orchestra, just a few violins and a couple of flutes. I do not want anyone ‘blowing his horn’!” The Kingdom Hall at Bethel would be our studio, but there was some worry about using it. What would happen with sound bouncing off undraped walls, tile floors, and metal folding chairs? Who could help us solve disagreeable sound problems? Someone suggested: “Tommy Mitchell! He works at the ABC Network Studios.” We got in touch with Brother Mitchell, who was glad to help out.

The first Saturday morning for recording came along, and as the musicians were being introduced, one of the brothers had a trombone case. I remembered Brother Knorr’s warning: “I do not want anyone ‘blowing his horn’!” Now, what could I do? I watched as the brother took his trombone from the case, fixed its slide in place, and started to warm up. The brother was Tom Mitchell, and his first few notes were beautiful. He made the trombone sound like a violin! I thought, ‘this brother has to stay!’ Brother Knorr never objected.

In that orchestra, we had a group of fine musicians who were also loving brothers and sisters. There were no prima donnas! Recording was a strenuous job, but there were no complaints. When the work was finished, there were tears; and a strong camaraderie remains among those who took part. Every one of us enjoyed the privilege, and thanks to Jehovah, we got the job done.



🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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  • 3 years later...

Bump.  These links are no longer available. Are there any other options? 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Thank you Shawn for unlocking this topic.


I would love to have these old songs. Are any chances that someone has them?

If yes, we can find a way to post them in a different location (I can provide an upload link).


Thank you!

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6 hours ago, Shawnster said:

Bump.  These links are no longer available. Are there any other options? 


5 hours ago, Calin Daniel said:

Thank you Shawn for unlocking this topic.


I would love to have these old songs. Are any chances that someone has them?

If yes, we can find a way to post them in a different location (I can provide an upload link).


Thank you!


I have these songs and the 1984 songs in MP3 formats.


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2 hours ago, Hinata said:



I have these songs and the 1984 songs in MP3 formats.



I would put the download link here, but I don’t like the idea of my personal drive link floating around on the internet.


So users who want the 1966 & 1984 songs may always feel free to message me for that link. It’s about 3 GB in total.


(For @Shawnster, I’ve put the download link inside of the edit log, he or other moderators may check there instead of messaging me.)


Edited by Hinata
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3 hours ago, Hinata said:


I would put the download link here, but I don’t like the idea of my personal drive link floating around on the internet.


So users who want the 1966 & 1984 songs may always feel free to message me for that link. It’s about 3 GB in total.



Thank you Minwoo, I've send you a private message.

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It was my first song book :) I remember a few of them. My favorite was song #4. I used to play it in a small piano we used to have 😉

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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This was my favorite songbook because I could sing all the songs without having to keep changing my voice from one range to another within the same song.


I cannot comfortably sing the songs in the newer song books. 


I am an alto.  So I could start singing a song in this songbook


and finish the song without having to change from alto to soprano and the back to alto and then from alto to soprano and then back to alto---all during the same song!!!


I remember being at an Assembly in Norway, Michigan when the new songbook was first announced.  


I don't know a whole lot about music.


If I remember right, the speaker said the change would take the songs from a G range to a C range.  This change was supposed to be for the better.


It may have been better for others, 

but not for me.  :D


I can still sing the original version of "The Lord's Evening Meal", and I can still hear the words to "The Shulamite Remnant" whenever that song that uses that song's melody is played.


Music has a very powerful influence on our minds...and hearts.👍💜




Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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39 minutes ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

I can still sing the original version of "The Lord's Evening Meal", and I can still hear the words to "The Shulamite Remnant" whenever that song that uses that song's melody is played.

My wife and me do that all the time. We sing the old lyrics without realizing. :lol:


I can't remember what I had for breakfast but songs from forty years ago? No problem! :lol:

Edited by carlos
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Same here. The opening song from last week's WT study, #33 "Throw Your burden On Jehovah," has a chorus I've been singing with the original lyrics for decades. When singing it this past Sunday, I realized the lyrics had been changed drastically, and I had to stop and actually read them while trying to sing. :confused:



Throw your burden on Jehovah;
He himself will you sustain.
He will never let you totter
But will help you firm remain.


Throw your burden on Jehovah;

Trust in him to sustain and save you.

He will always give protection.

He is loyal; he is true.

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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Yes I still revert to the old songs if I am tired and not concentrating! 


We had an elderly sister who played the piano for the songs at the Circuit conventions in the 1960s. The piano was usually already in the corner of the stage of whatever community Hall we had hired for the occasion. 

If she was playing a song she was not particularly fond of, she tended to play it faster, to 'get it over with' and we would all be pretty breathless by the end of it! ☺️

It was so much better once the orchestral recordings were available, but the little musical interlude before the last verse often caught newbies out - glad they dropped that!



What I liked about the old songs was learning where they were written and the circumstances. This was discussed in some old magazine articles for the 1966 songbook. The songs written by brothers in the Nazi camps that helped them endure. The widow of Brother Harold King - the brother who spent years in solitary confinement in prison in China - brought the tiny manuscripts of the songs he wrote that we still sing (or sang - as some have been dropped from our later songbooks), over from Hong Kong to our meeting one week. We learned to sing the one he wrote 'From House to House '( used to be song 10 in the Pink songbook) in Chinese, which works so well in that language. However, they changed the tune and I cannot get used to the new way of singing it. If I am remembering correctly, it may have been changed because Bro King was hearing Chinese Propaganda broadcasts while in prison, with bits of their tunes and may have inadvertently used some of the musical phrases in his works, so they had to change or be dropped??


When you know the original country of some of the songs, the tunes do make more sense as you recognise the influence the music of that culture has on the tune. It also makes you realise that the song has been translated - sometimes not too successfully and makes more sense/sounds or flows better in the original language.


I love many of the new songs, but only having a 'lead sheet of music', rather than a proper score with melody and harmony, for many songs is a little disappointing. I am not such a good piano player that I can guess what the left-hand harmony should be when I to try to play them on my parent's old piano or my little keyboard.


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I just saw that too, but I haven't really gotten a clue as to why...







And the "new" songs are included in the weekly program - can anybody help to figure out why that is so



If Satan reminds you of your past remind him of his future.

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On 3/2/2021 at 9:58 AM, Friends just call me Ross said:

I can still sing the original version of "The Lord's Evening Meal", and I can still hear the words to "The Shulamite Remnant" whenever that song that uses that song's melody is played.


Music has a very powerful influence on our minds...and hearts.👍💜





To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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