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School Shooting Coral Springs, Florida

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10 hours ago, Kristian said:

Since 2018 it's been only 46 days, and there were 18 school shootings. 

Starting like this, this year will be very interesting.. 





No dog in this fight but just want to point out that this statistic is incorrect,  the company behind it is heavily anti-gun...


I read an article that pointed out how they had counted as a school shooting an accidental discharge,  in front of a school that had been abandoned for years. .


Another one was a police officer that mishandled his weapon and it went off, in the school. ...yup, another school shooting. ..

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43 minutes ago, tekmantwo said:

No dog in this fight but just want to point out that this statistic is incorrect,  the company behind it is heavily anti-gun...


I read an article that pointed out how they had counted as a school shooting an accidental discharge,  in front of a school that had been abandoned for years. .


Another one was a police officer that mishandled his weapon and it went off, in the school. ...yup, another school shooting. ..


Well, as a rule, I don't like people cooking the figures, but in this area I'm prepared to make an exception. A school is the one place where a gun should be least likely to go off, and if the only solution anyone's willing to offer is posting armed guards in every school hallway? Then their guns going off unexpectedly around kids should count as part of the problem.

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The world has indeed, gone mad. When, a school, of all the places has ended up tp be a combat zone. Trouble is, the system has raised this crop of youths. No respect for much of anything. Plus, being youths, they have not fully developed, emotionally. Now, let’s maake dope legal, give them some more violent video games. It’s no wonder. We know the solution, and the only solition. 

Plus, I think, behind the scenes, I think they are making carrying guns, publicly, easier. As I said...


I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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7 hours ago, Thomas Walker said:


Then their guns going off unexpectedly around kids should count as part of the problem.


It should only count if someone gets shot. Typically when we hear school shooting, we think of a student getting shot. Our maybe a teacher.  



Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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7 hours ago, Thomas Walker said:

Well, as a rule, I don't like people cooking the figures, but in this area I'm prepared to make an exception.


Why support people who openly lie? Someone made a conscious to say "ten school shootings isn't enough, let's double that".


These are the sorts of people who support sending children to court over pop tarts and pointing. They don't really care about safety at all, they only care about continuing their anti-gun narrative (and the donations it brings) no matter how many innocents are hurt in the process.


Since we are ostensibly neutral on political matters, I really don't think that the perceived good of any political viewpoint should justify our support for people and groups who Jehovah "detests". (Proverbs 6:16, 17)

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Just since yesterday, a high school not to far from my home, an arrest was made.  The police came in wearing riot gear and they handcuffed a young kid for bringing a weapon to school.  He had it in his back pack.  The police were also looking for another person of interest but have not heard any more on the news about the 2nd one.  That school was on Lock down for about 1 hour.  Another kid saw the gun in the back pack and told the authorities of the school they called in the police.  The kids in the school thought it was just a drill, but when they realized it was for real, they were all scared.    The police and the parents of the other kids were grateful for the other kid who reported it.  It saved lives.  Then (like copy cats) in another state, a grandmother called authorities and had her grandson arrested and her grandson.  Man, what the police found, was wow!  an arsenal of weapons in this kids room, and video of him saying he wanted to kill a lot of kids at his school.    And just last night on NBC, and most of the main news networks, reported  on that kid who snuffed out 17 lives in Florida,, the killer said he had heard voices telling him to kill.    So I agree with our sister in here in part 1 of this forum, where Jehovah has been giving us something to fall back on (we the living) the hope of the resurrection for our loved ones.  A guaranteed hope even for those who's children were murdered in Florida and else where.    

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Just now, Allabord4Jah said:

Just since yesterday, a high school not to far from my home, an arrest was made.  The police came in wearing riot gear and they handcuffed a young kid for bringing a weapon to school.  He had it in his back pack.  The police were also looking for another person of interest but have not heard any more on the news about the 2nd one.  That school was on Lock down for about 1 hour.  Another kid saw the gun in the back pack and told the authorities of the school they called in the police.  The kids in the school thought it was just a drill, but when they realized it was for real, they were all scared.    The police and the parents of the other kids were grateful for the other kid who reported it.  It saved lives.  Then (like copy cats) in another state, a grandmother called authorities and had her grandson arrested and her grandson.  Man, what the police found, was wow!  an arsenal of weapons in this kids room, and video of him saying he wanted to kill a lot of kids at his school.    And just last night on NBC, and most of the main news networks, reported  on that kid who snuffed out 17 lives in Florida,, the killer said he had heard voices telling him to kill.    So I agree with our sister in here in part 1 of this forum, where Jehovah has been giving us something to fall back on (we the living) the hope of the resurrection for our loved ones.  A guaranteed hope even for those who's children were murdered in Florida and else where.    

I forgot to add, that a local news reporter told the people in the State of Maryland, please report these things to the authorities, it can prevent the loss of life, whether the weapon is real or fake.  

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I forgot to add this one in here.  This happened here yesterday too.  From WBAL News (local news) Feb 15, 2017


Student found with BB gun at Baltimore City school


Pimlico Elementary/Middle School student found with BB gun, officials say


A student was found with a BB gun at a Baltimore City school Thursday morning.

City school officials said a student threatened to bring a weapon inside Pimlico Elementary/Middle School before the regular school day began.


School police responded and the school locked down, keeping all students safe in supervised areas of the building, officials said.

School police found the student, discovered and secured a BB gun and took the student away from the school.

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5 hours ago, Miss Bea said:

The world has indeed, gone mad

Yes. Really. 



Not guns this time, but a student threw acid or some corrosive substance on classmates, causing chemical burns. 


All of this stuff going on at schools is utterly ridiculous. I homeschool one child and it looks like I will have to find a way to homeschool the younger one as well.. unless this system ends sometime soon, that is. It's just not safe anymore. 

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Well, as was indicated by our local news, banning or restricting guns is not the answer ....


They arrested a school kid today nearby who threatened to bring a knife to school so he could stab people

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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One school shooting in 2018 is too many. It’s a scary thing as a parent, sending your child off to school and not being confident they will return. Our daughter is only in Primary School ( elementary in the US I believe it’s called) but I’m seriously considering home schooling for high school, not just because of the violence, but the sex, drugs, bullying.....the list is endless. 

Edited by shans81

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36 minutes ago, shans81 said:

school, not just because of the violence, but the sex, drugs, bullying.....the list is endless. 


Your concerns are valid. These are reasons that I had to pull my older child out in middle school. She has autism and just couldn't defend herself. The school also wasn't in a position to protect her.. Not their fault. Lots of students with behavioral issues and few staff comparatively speaking.. And I'm in a "good" area with very high school taxes. Our schools are beautifully maintained and we have the best teachers around. In the end, it does not even matter. Satan is quite busy. 


This latest shooting incident has really upset me. The poor parents! I can not even imagine the pain they are in. 

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From the North Bend, Oregon Police Department 



Let me preface this post with the statement that I hold myself equally culpable as anyone else for school shootings.  Every time a tragedy like this occurs, the fingers get pointed, the arguments start, and everyone tries to pigeon-hole the reasons for it occurring into ONE category...its the 2nd Amendment, it's mental health, it's video-games, it's the parents...


People...it's ALL of us.  When I wear a hole in my clothing, it's not because ONE thread broke...it's because ALL the threads wore thin and broke.  The FABRIC of our society is weak and broken and we have holes everywhere.

Anecdotally to this point, let me share what I have learned about Florida's tragedy.  Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and I attended the FBI National Academy together, Session 212, Section 4.  He is a good man and so I went to his briefing to seek facts.  You can find that briefing here:



As I watched this briefing, I began taking notes on points of potential intervention.  I don't have all the facts...and maybe some of them were acted upon...but I was ASTONISHED at how many chances we might have had to intervene and possibly save lives.  Let me share some of those based on this briefing alone, starting with the day of the shooting and moving backward:


1)  An UBER driver dropped the shooter AT the school WITH a rifle in a soft rifle case.  Maybe the case looked like a saxophone case?  Maybe a call then could have minimized casualties?  (Call 911 if you see something suspicious!)


2)  The shooter entered the high school at 2:19 pm while class was in session, through a gate and into a stairwell.  Have we not learned that locked gates and school doors with restricted entry while class is in session save lives?  (If you are a school administrator...please take this easy precaution seriously!  Restrict entry, keep our kids safe, get security assessments done, upgrade your facilities!)


3)  The shooter entered and started shooting in rooms 1215, 1216, 1214, and 1213...then RE-ENTERED rooms 1215 and 1216 and shot more people.  Why were the doors not closed and locked after he entered the first time?  Our active-shooter survival training (ALICE) teaches this and challenging the shooter and seeking escape routes.  Why did that not happen?  (North Bend, Oregon, organizations can contact NBPD to hold ALICE training AT your organization - Call us at (541)756-3161 and ask for an ALICE trainer.)


4)  He then proceeded upstairs and shot someone in room 1234.  Did they not hear the shooting downstairs?  Did they not lock down?  Once again, have we failed to teach our people how to survive?  (North Bend, Oregon, organizations can contact us to hold ALICE training AT your organization - Call us at (541)756-3161 and ask for an ALICE trainer.)


5)  On 09/25/17, a vlogger posted a comment under a Youtube video indicating, "I'm going to be a professional school shooter."  The name of the poster was the actual name of the Florida shooter.  It was reported to the FBI, but they couldn't identify the poster of the comment and YouTube removed the comment.  The vlogger did the right thing and reported it...now law enforcement and social media outlets need to work better together and intervening.


6)  The shooter and his brother were orphaned as young children, already putting them at risk for the future.


7)  The couple who adopted them both died recently, the father of a heart attack and the mother of flu in November, checking another box of kids who might need help.


8)  The shooter was having a hard time coping with his mother's death.  How was he being helped?


9)  The shooter asked to live with a friend's family, which was granted and that family KNEW he had a firearm and had him keep it locked up...but the parents knew the shooter HAD the key!  I know we want to put the best construction on everything, but a young man with that many boxes checked for risk should not have that easy access to a known weapon. (Yes, I know he could have gotten another somewhere else...but couldn't we start by securing the one we knew about?)


10)  The shooter had a history of abusing his girlfriend.  Box checked.


11)  The shooter had been expelled from high school for beating up his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend.  Box checked. 


12)  The shooter posted pictures of guns on social media and others who knew him suspected he might do something like this.  Box checked.

Folks, this is exemplary of a breakdown in our society.  How did we not address this MULTIPLE times before we got to this point?


If you see something, say something.  In North Bend, Oregon, you can:

1)  Call NBPD - (541)756-3161
2)  Call Mental Health Hotline (541)266-6800 or (888)543-5763
3)  Train survival techniques (NBPD teaches ALICE...call for an appointment)
4)  Stay observant and report what's not right.


Let's quit pointing fingers and start working together on being better human beings.  I'm starting with me.

Go the Distance,
Chief Kappelman

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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On 2/16/2018 at 1:11 AM, tekmantwo said:

No dog in this fight but just want to point out that this statistic is incorrect,  the company behind it is heavily anti-gun...


I read an article that pointed out how they had counted as a school shooting an accidental discharge,  in front of a school that had been abandoned for years. .


Another one was a police officer that mishandled his weapon and it went off, in the school. ...yup, another school shooting. ..


The article you are quoting is from pro-gun advocate.

One thing that cannot be dismissed however is that all the incidents were at schools or school property. Many of them had nothing to do with when school was in session but almost all of them violated the laws about having firearms on school property.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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1 hour ago, rocket said:

The article you are quoting is from pro-gun advocate.




The USA Today isn't a pro-gun outlet by any standard, and they dispute the cited numbers. In one case, the "school shooting" was outside an abandoned building that had once been used as a school. Is that really a reasonable standard to use? Where does the line end?


The real numbers here are bad enough, 20 dead and 40 injured so far this year, let's not push the boundaries our neutrality by supporting the lies of political organizations.

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2 hours ago, Stavro said:




The USA Today isn't a pro-gun outlet by any standard, and they dispute the cited numbers. In one case, the "school shooting" was outside an abandoned building that had once been used as a school. Is that really a reasonable standard to use? Where does the line end?


The real numbers here are bad enough, 20 dead and 40 injured so far this year, let's not push the boundaries our neutrality by supporting the lies of political organizations.


I saw it on fox news of which is pro-gun. I am not pushing the boundary of political neutrality in saying that all the incidents of the 18 accounts have something to do with schools. 

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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13 minutes ago, rocket said:

I saw it on fox news of which is pro-gun. I am not pushing the boundary of political neutrality in saying that all the incidents of the 18 accounts have something to do with schools. 


But is it fair to call something a "school shooting" when referring to an abandoned building? How long does that building need to be abandoned before it is no longer counted as a school? I live next to a one-room schoolhouse that was converted into apartments many years ago, does that mean that the residents who do target practice there are also committing school shootings? Does that mean I commit a school shooting every time I shoot a gun so close to a "school"?


Personally, I draw the line of political speech when the primary source is a political organization and the claim has not been independently verified. In this case, many anti-gun media outlets have directly rejected that claim, so the only primary source remaining is the political organization that originated it.

Edited by Stavro
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The abandoned building one I personally wouldn't count unless the property is still owned by the school system.  I could care less about the source of the info if it is accurate any more that those who dispute it. The definition of school shooting is really all that is at issue. To me if a firearm is discharged on school property it is a school shooting. It doesn't matter if it is a student, parent, stranger or policeman. The individual that committed suicide in the wee hours of the morning in the school parking lot meant no harm to children but it was still a school shooting because it was on school property.


Others would say that a school shooting is only when children are at school and in immediate danger.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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18 shootings .... 1 school shooting .... or somewhere in between - what's the difference?


As a famous Vulcan once pointed out to a well known doctor - humans seem to put more emphasis on death when the number is higher .... however, is one death any more acceptable than multiple deaths.


It doesn't matter exactly how many there have been or the exact number who have been killed and/or injured. The fact is - kids shooting kids in school is a bad thing! Even ONE is too many!


Furthermore, regardless of the laws man does or does not pass will not solve the problem ..... only Jehovah has the lasting solution.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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