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NEW VIDEO : David Schafer- Survive the Great Day (Rev. 16:16)

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”So here we are, right on the cusp of the outbreak of the great tribulation.”


I had to look up the word cusp since it was new to me. In swedish it was translated to the tip of something, like a knife, a spear or a pencil. That says to me that it can tip over just anytime. And so easy, it takes just a little puff and it starts. 

But I hope we all get to attend our convention about courage first. 

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At least we know what it is about, and we know the basics. We can prepare. We’ve been given the ability to do just that. Jehovah will not treat any of us differently because, “the dominoes started falling”, and we live where the convention hasn’t happened. His education and protection will continue on into the new system. 

In the meantime talks like this are a gift. Serious stuff. We have  talked about the end for years, and, “we are on the cusp”. Serious, yet exciting. This is a good video to watch over and over, and over. 

Edited by Miss Bea

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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7 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

At least we know what it is about, and we know the basics. We can prepare. We’ve been given the ability to do just that. Jehovah will not treat any of us differently because, “the dominoes started falling”, and we live where the convention hasn’t happened. His education and protection will continue on into the new system. 

In the meantime talks like this are a gift. Serious stuff. We have  talked about the end for years, and, “we are on the cusp”. Serious, yet exciting. This is a god video to watch over and over, and over. 

You are right sister. :thumbsup:

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7 hours ago, Stavro said:

Since this video is so densely packed and will probably be quoted in other threads, here's the transcript pulled from the subtitle (VTT) file, with minor edits for readability. (Remove timestamps and extra linebreaks.)


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“They gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon.”

Who are “they”? Who is being “gathered”? And what is the significance of that to us as we go about our sacred service today? The answers can be found in the context. I invite you to find Revelation chapter 16, and let’s begin reading in verse 13, which says:

“And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.”

And verse 16 says: “And they [these “expressions”] gathered them [“the kings of the entire inhabited earth”] to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon.”

“Expressions.” Now, these must be very persuasive expressions because they compel not just a few isolated kings here and there but “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” to this situation called Armageddon. Now, these expressions, you notice, are unclean, so they cannot originate with Jehovah.

And yet, they are inspired —“inspired by demons.” And yet, they have their ultimate source in “the mouth of the dragon,” Satan the Devil —“the father of the lie.” But, now, who actually gives voice to these expressions?

Well, notice in verse 13 that the expressions also ‘come out of the mouths of the wild beast and the false prophet’—political entities of Satan’s world. So here we have unclean expressions inspired by demons —originating with Satan but voiced, repeated, parroted, and echoed by people who constitute Satan’s wicked world.

But, now, just what are these expressions that are so persuasive that they compel kings? What concept would be so compelling? Since 1914, Satan has been stepping up his efforts to mislead “the entire inhabited earth.” And one of his goals is to deceive mankind into thinking that humans—that Satan’s way of ruling is the best—that humans can actually achieve peace and security through their own systems and governments. Moreover, according to 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3, they will soon be saying that they have actually achieved “peace and security.”

Now, adding to the power of these inspired expressions are the signs. The signs make it seem as if these expressions are actually coming true and perhaps that they even have the backing of God. But the only god backing these particular inspired expressions is “the god of this system of things.”Is it unprecedented that Satan the Devil would use miracles in an attempt to lend credibility to his ideas, his wicked lies? At Exodus 7:10-12, Jehovah empowers Aaron’s rod to become a snake, but Pharaoh’s magic-practicing priests mimicked that very sign. Likewise, they mimicked the first and the second of the Ten Plagues.

OK, but what about after the Christian congregation came into existence? Paul indicated at 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 that the apostate movement, which eventually gave birth to the clergy of Christendom, would be backed “by the operation of Satan “with every powerful work and lying signs and wonders.”—2 Thessalonians 2:9. Moreover, Mark 13:22 says—In the prophecy of the last days, Jesus said: “False Christs and false prophets “will arise and will perform signs “and wonders to lead astray, if possible, [even] the chosen ones.”

So, clearly, demons teach. And it is not beyond Satan and the demons to back up their false claims with wonders at times, although, obviously, their power in that regard is limited. A subtle reminder of that fact is found at Revelation 16:16, which says that they are ‘gathered together to the place called Armageddon,’ “to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” “The Almighty”—only Jehovah can hold that title. And that very word is a guarantee that Jehovah’s will will ultimately prevail.

Still, is it possible that some professed Christians could start to believe “expressions inspired by demons” that “perform signs”? If it weren’t possible, at least for individuals, then why would Revelation chapter 16 contain this warning right in the middle of the discussion about Armageddon that we just read? The verse that we skipped, verse 15, contains a very relevant reminder for each and every one of us. Now, sometimes we skip it because we keep all the verses about Armageddon together.

But, this is not an afterthought, a sidebar, just a wise saying plunked in for no apparent reason. It’s totally relevant. Let’s read it: “Look! [verse 15] “I am coming as a thief. “Happy is the one who stays awake and keeps his outer garments, “so that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” So here we are, right on the cusp of the outbreak of the great tribulation. You have an identity—“garments”—an identity as a faithful witness of Jehovah God. Keep your identity. How? By keeping awake spiritually.

The article from which our text is taken, entitled “‘Your Deliverance Is Getting Near’!” in the July 15, 2015, issue of The Watchtower, points out—in harmony with the Scriptures, boiling down a number of Scriptural facts—that Babylon the Great will be destroyed. Then, the initial part of the great tribulation will be cut short. There will be a brief respite, during which the majority of mankind will seek refuge in human organizations. Our message of good news will change to one of judgment. Then, the coalition of nations referred to as Gog of Magog will be bent on attacking Jehovah’s anointed ones and their associates. Now, only loyal love for Jehovah and obedient support of his anointed ones will get us through. That will mean everything!

So, what must we do now? Stay awake. You have an identity—not just a Bethelite or Gilead graduate. No. You’ve worked hard, with Jehovah’s help, to establish an identity as a Christian worshipper of Jehovah—keep it.

Perform “holy acts of conduct.” We could say, things we don’t do—things we don’t watch, things we don’t read, things we don’t think about, things we don’t say. Don’t let the demons tamper with your identity as a Christian with their “unclean inspired expressions.” Perform “deeds of godly devotion,” we could say, things we do —preaching, lingering in prayer, continuing in your personal study.

Much is covered in Gilead, yes, but not everything. The online Study Bible is amazing, and it just keeps getting better day after day, helping us to forge a closer bond, a close personal attachment, with Jehovah. Continue devoting time to such “deeds of godly devotion” now and you will succeed then. You will not be duped by the expressions that perform signs, as others are. No, you will survive “the great day of God the Almighty,” now so very near at hand.


Direct download: https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_broadcasting/99/jwb_E_201802_12_r720P.vtt

Brother Stravo, I maybe inept in technology. I am unable to read the transcript. Do you have it in another format? If not it is ok. I really love this talk. We are being warn and now the question is, are we ready for what's to come.

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2 minutes ago, nicolette said:

I am unable to read the transcript

I used this on-line site:


to change the vtt file into a plain text (.txt) file. You can then read using any program that read plain text files. I loaded it into Word on my laptop and removed all the quotation marks and otherwise made it readable. Hope this helps you.

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13 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Nicolette, hit the "reveal hidden contents" and the whole talk will appear.  Then you can copy it into a word document, or such, and save it. :thumbsup:


7 minutes ago, DavidMc said:

I used this on-line site:


to change the vtt file into a plain text (.txt) file. You can then read using any program that read plain text files. I loaded it into Word on my laptop and removed all the quotation marks and otherwise made it readable. Hope this helps you.

It does!! Thank you so much!

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Thanks for the transcript.


This is the part I found most interesting and it seems others did too:



But, now, just what are these expressions that are so persuasive that they compel kings? What concept would be so compelling? Since 1914, Satan has been stepping up his efforts to mislead “the entire inhabited earth.” And one of his goals is to deceive mankind into thinking that humans—that Satan’s way of ruling is the best—that humans can actually achieve peace and security through their own systems and governments. Moreover, according to 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3, they will soon be saying that they have actually achieved “peace and security.”

Now, adding to the power of these inspired expressions are the signs. The signs make it seem as if these expressions are actually coming true and perhaps that they even have the backing of God. But the only god backing these particular inspired expressions is “the god of this system of things.”Is it unprecedented that Satan the Devil would use miracles in an attempt to lend credibility to his ideas, his wicked lies? At Exodus 7:10-12, Jehovah empowers Aaron’s rod to become a snake, but Pharaoh’s magic-practicing priests mimicked that very sign. Likewise, they mimicked the first and the second of the Ten Plagues.

OK, but what about after the Christian congregation came into existence? Paul indicated at 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 that the apostate movement, which eventually gave birth to the clergy of Christendom, would be backed “by the operation of Satan “with every powerful work and lying signs and wonders.”—2 Thessalonians 2:9. Moreover, Mark 13:22 says—In the prophecy of the last days, Jesus said: “False Christs and false prophets “will arise and will perform signs “and wonders to lead astray, if possible, [even] the chosen ones.”

So, clearly, demons teach. And it is not beyond Satan and the demons to back up their false claims with wonders at times, although, obviously, their power in that regard is limited. A subtle reminder of that fact is found at Revelation 16:16, which says that they are ‘gathered together to the place called Armageddon,’ “to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” “The Almighty”—only Jehovah can hold that title. And that very word is a guarantee that Jehovah’s will will ultimately prevail.

Still, is it possible that some professed Christians could start to believe “expressions inspired by demons” that “perform signs”? If it weren’t possible, at least for individuals, then why would Revelation chapter 16 contain this warning right in the middle of the discussion about Armageddon that we just read? The verse that we skipped, verse 15, contains a very relevant reminder for each and every one of us. Now, sometimes we skip it because we keep all the verses about Armageddon together.


EDIT: Greg - thanks for pointing out to me the part about "God's backing"  :wave:




Now, adding to the power of these inspired expressions are the signs. The signs make it seem as if these expressions are actually coming true and perhaps that they even have the backing of God. But the only god backing these particular inspired expressions is “the god of this system of things.”Is it unprecedented that Satan the Devil would use miracles in an attempt to lend credibility to his ideas, his wicked lies? At Exodus 7:10-12, Jehovah empowers Aaron’s rod to become a snake, but Pharaoh’s magic-practicing priests mimicked that very sign. Likewise, they mimicked the first and the second of the Ten Plagues.



Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I've listened to this three times so far. No doubt, I will review many more times because that's what it seems to take for me to digest and retain the deeper things... and yes, that above section is what I am fixated on at the moment. 


A fairly clear picture is emerging of what we can expect..  Thank you Jehovah for always preparing your servants!

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Cusp. -- Yes, I had seen this word before but had to look up again last night.  A synonym for cusp is "apex", which denotes "the uppermost point" or "the highest or culminating point".  Either way, Brother Schafer brought the critical point home:  the Great Tribulation is now imminent and we must be spiritually prepared!

(Jehovah, save us, please, we beg! -- Ps.118:25a.)


Side note: A relative once mentioned a couple of years ago that one would have to be "deaf, dumb, and blind" not to realize that we are in the "last minutes" of this old system of things.  As in the days of Noah nowadays masses of the population are doing the same: i.e., eating, drinking, men marrying and women given in marriage and taking no note -- until it's too late!  I believe it's not a coincidence that the theme of each regional convention from the last 5 years (including this year) ties in with what we, as Jehovah's people, must do in our lives to win the race.  Do we not all fondly remember the grand theme in 2014 to "Keep Seeking First God's kingdom", a life-saving work that we are commissioned to do as we "Imitate Jesus", our Exemplar?  By fulfilling this divine commission, we also in turn, "Remain Loyal to Jehovah" and He will be loyal to us.  And by their shining example and having the "peace of God that excels all thought" our Russian, Eritrean, Korean, and Venezuelan family is telling us "Don't Give Up", we're so close; now is not the time to shrink back!  Do not tire out...keep running towards that finish line!   And soon, our message of good news will turn into a message of judgment.  Will we "Be Courageous" like Jonah when that time arrives?  For me...I pray so! :bible2:

Edited by Omoyeme
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Wow what a great talk! Truly rings some bells for us.


Btw this just came to my mind, so thought of sharing it here. I remember, long back during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, led by Saddam Hussein, an Arab reporter asked him (Saddam) what prompted him to invade Kuwait and his reply was that "allah" appeared to him in a dream and repeatedly told him to do so. 


Since we know that Satan has entrusted his demon princes to share with him in ruling the earth now just like back in Daniels time when the "prince of the royal realm of Persia"...stood in opposition to the angel commissioned by God, could it be that the p&s be initiated through a gathering of world leaders at the UN alongwith the relative bad guys like kim and rouhani and they make 'peace' with trump? If so then that would mark a great portent by Satan's princes, acting together for the final war, and deceiving the masses to believing that the elusive world peace is now a reality. 


Thats my 2 cents there... we can wait and see how things unfold...


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Or the Middle East. Talked to a man a couple of days ago that served in Lebanon as a Un-soldier in the 1980-ies. He said, muslims were shooting at muslims and christians at christians, so it wasnt a religious war at all as you would think. It will never be peace in that region. Not in my lifetime, its too complicated. (He was in his 50-ies)


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This system is sure getting primed ...for the “biggest show in history “

The actors have their scripts... 


What is truth... the drumbeat of this system is that there is no truth in anything ... it is all fake.


”the operation of Satan with every powerful work and ‘lying ‘ signs and wonders”

”False Christ’s “ or fake ones


The truth is we have an Identity as ..a part of the family of Jehovah and the worship of him alone.


But the world will try to make us believe that is also fake.... where is your God when try and stomp on you...perilous times we are living in 


Edited by Lance

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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Mathematics:  A point at which the direction of a curve is abruptly reversed.



We are often told that Jehovah's day will come suddenly

This system of things can and will be abruptly reversed.

This is not a time to be sluggish in our service to Jehovah.

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Remember this 'unification' of nations for the declaration of p&s is part of Satan's last effort to destroy God's people before Jah intervenes at Armageddon. Satan wants a unified "gog" that will be hell bent on his wicked agenda to do it...

Edited by stargazer


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22 hours ago, Miss Bea said:

At least we know what it is about, and we know the basics. We can prepare. We’ve been given the ability to do just that. Jehovah will not treat any of us differently because, “the dominoes started falling”, and we live where the convention hasn’t happened. His education and protection will continue on into the new system. 

In the meantime talks like this are a gift. Serious stuff. We have  talked about the end for years, and, “we are on the cusp”. Serious, yet exciting. This is a good video to watch over and over, and over. 


I think I’ve watched it 6 times already! Indeed serious & yet exciting times just ahead.....

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2 hours ago, Gregexplore said:

Australia? :scared:


Our conventions start late....

Sunday, our public talk...he talked about those who spend lots and lots of time setting up dominoes. Lots of time. When that first one is touched, it is over, quickly. He compared that to how fast this system can start going down. Needless to say, we have been warned! 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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4 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

When that first one is touched, it is over, quickly. He compared that to how fast this system can start going down. Needless to say, we have been warned! 

Hope the whole thing crumbles just that quickly. Tribulation #1 lasted a bit longer than I can bear to think about at the moment.


But yes, we have been warned, and I am so grateful. Time to push forward and stay awake!

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1 minute ago, Saffron said:

Hope the whole thing crumbles just that quickly. Tribulation #1 lasted a bit longer than I can bear to think about at the moment.


But yes, we have been warned, and I am so grateful. Time to push forward and stay awake!

Don’t  think. Trust. Pray, concentrate on what Jehovah is giving us to help. 

I think of those Israelites, at the edge of the Red Sea. You and I both know they could be problem children for Jehovah, yet look what He did for them! 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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44 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

Sunday, our public talk...he talked about those who spend lots and lots of time setting up dominoes. Lots of time. When that first one is touched, it is over, quickly. He compared that to how fast this system can start going down. Needless to say, we have been warned! 


It could be set off by something seemingly small. (Just an excuse to show the picture really.)



The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. Ec 12:13

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On 2/26/2018 at 10:33 PM, Stavro said:

Hey Starvo, how did you work out that specific link? I would like to be able to do this simple trick for all the videos that have captions so that I can search through the the text of all the videos. 


I tried copying the download link and then simply switching out the file type at the end (because that's what it looks like you did) but there is one tiny difference:

Your linkhttps://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_broadcasting/99/jwb_E_201802_12_r720P.vtt

My Link:  https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_broadcasting/be/jwb_E_201802_12_r720P.vtt


My link does nothing xD - but it is the same as the video download, just with the ending swtiched. 

How do you find the vtt file?

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