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Arrests of believers across Russia

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jw-russia.org: In prison for the faith


A rough translation using Google translate camera.

In prison for faith

15 June 2018

Полярный=Polyarny  2 men in prison. Псков=Pskov Criminal case, there may be arrests. Орёл=Oryol 1 person in prison. Шуя=Shuya 1 person in prison. Магадан=Magadan 3 Men in prison. Пермь=Perm Criminal case, there may be arrests. Саратов=Saratov 3 Men in prison. Набережные Челны=Naberezhnye Chelny 4 Men in prison. Уфа=Ufa 1 person in prison. Майский=Maysky Criminal case, there may be arrests. Прохладный=Prokhladny Criminal case, there may be arrests. Оренбург=Orenburg 2 men in prison. Томск=Tomsk 1 person in prison. Хабаровск=Khabarovsk 1 person in prison. Биробиджан=Birobidzhan Criminal case, there may be arrests. Владивосток=Vladivostok 1 person in prison


After the liquidation of the LRO Jehovah Witnesses

18 Criminal Cases 100 Searches in Homes 20 People in Jail


декабрь 2009 Верховный Суд Рф признает (экстремистскими) 34 публикации и ликвидирует МРО Свидетелей Иеговы (Таганрог)

December 2009 The Supreme Court of Russia recognizes (extremist) 34 publications and liquidates LRO of Jehovah's Witnesses (Taganrog)


Ав*усм 2011 Уголовное дело по статье (экстремизм) в отношении 16 Таганрожцев

August * 2011 The criminal case under article (extremism) against 16 Taganrog


февраль 2014 начало систематических подбросов (зкстремистских) материалов Свидетелям Иеговы с последующими обысками

February 2014 began systematic incursions (extreme materials) of Jehovah's Witnesses with subsequent searches


Марм 2016 обвинительный приговор для всех 16 Таганрожцев до 5,5 лет лишения свободы условно

March 2016 conviction for all 16 Taganrog residents to 5.5 years of imprisonment conditionally


Июль 2016. Акция вооруженного спецназа против верующих в Карелии знаменует начало силового давления на верующих

July 2016. The rally of armed special forces against believers in Karelia marks the beginning of power pressure on believers


On April 20, 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation watches all 396 Witnesses' organizations in Russia with reference to (extremism)

20 апреля 2017 Верховный суд Рфлиkвидирует все 396 организаций Свидетелей Иeroы в России со ссылкой на (экстремизм)


25 мая 2017 Перед КПЧ ООН Россия официально отрицает преследования за веру В СИЗО отправлен первый верующий Д. Кристенсен, г. Орел

May 25, 2017 Before the UN Human Rights Committee, Russia officially denies the persecution for the faith The first believer D. Christensen, Orel, was sent to the pre-trial detention center


25 авгусма 2017 ООН призвала Россию аннулировать Федеральный список экстремистских материалов

August 25, 2017 The UN called on Russia to annul the Federal List of Extremist Materials


23 января 2018 12 о6ысков и уголовное дело за (оpraнизацию экстремистской деятельности) , г. Кемерово

January 23, 2018 12 crimes and a criminal case for (the organization of extremist activity), Kemerovo


7 февраля 2018 16 обысков и уголовное дело за «организацию экстремистской деятельности», г. Белгород

February 7, 2018 16 searches and criminal case for "organization of extremist activity", Belgorod


23 марма 2018 Перед ЕСПЧ Россия официально отрицает преследования за веру

March 23, 2018 Before the ECHR, Russia officially denies persecution for the faith


10 апреля 2018 Обыски, отправлен в СИЗО A. Вилиткевич г. Уфа

April 10, 2018 Searches, sent to jail A. Vilitkevich, Ufa


18 апреля 2018 Обыски, отправлены в СИЗО Р. Маркин и В. Трофимов, г. Полярны?

April 18, 2018 Searches sent to SIZO (detention centre) R. Markin and V. Trofimov, the city of Polyarny


19 апреля 2018 Обыски , отправлен в СИЗО В. Осадчук, г. Вла??восмок Обыски , позже отправлен в СИЗО Д. Михайлов, г. Шуя

April 19, 2018 Searches, sent to SIZO V. Osadmuk, Vladivostok Searches, later sent to SIZO D. Mikhailov, Shuya


10 мая 2018 Евросоюз заявил в ОБСЕ о гонениях на Свидетелей Иеговы в России

May 10, 2018 European Union stated in the OSCE about persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia


15 Maя 2018 Дания вступила как 3-е лицо в дело «Кристенсен против России)

15 Mas 2018 Denmark joined as third person in the case of Christensen v. Russia)) 


16 мая 2018 19 обысков , отправлены в СИЗО В. Кочнев и А. Суворов , г. Оренбург

May 16, 2018 19 searches, sent to SIZO V. Kochnev and A. Suvorov, Orenburg


17 мая 2018 23 обыска, отправлен в СИЗО но позже освобожден А. Алиев, г. Б*ироб**жан

17 May 2018 23 search, sent to SIZO but later released A. Aliyev, Birobidzhan


22 мая 2018 Обыски , отправлен в ИВС , позже под домашний арест А. Соловьев , г. Пермь

May 22, 2018 Searches, sent to the IVS, later under house arrest A. Soloviev, Perm


27 мая 2018 10 обысков , отправлены в СИЗО И. Каримов , К. Матрашов, В. Мякушин, А. Юльметьев, г. Н. Челны

May 27, 2018 10 searches, sent to jail I. Karimov, K. Matrashov, V. Myakushin, A. Yulmetyev, Naberezhnye Chelny


30 мая 2018 Обыски, отправлены !в СИЗО К. Петров , Е. Зяблов и С. Еркин, г. Ма*а*ан Oбыски, отправлен в СИЗО И. Пуйда, г. Хабаровск

May 30, 2018 Searches sent to pre-trial detention center K. Petrov, Ye. Zyablov and S. Erkin, Magaidan Obyski, sent to I. Pujda detention center, Khabarovsk


3 июня 2018 Обыски, отправлен в СИЗО С. Климов, г. Томск. Обыски, уголовное дело, г. Псков

June 3, 2018 Searches, sent to SIZO S. Klimov, Tomsk. Searches, criminal investigation, Pskov


12 июня 2018 Обыски, отправлены в СИЗО К. Баженов, А. Буденчук и Ф. Махаммадиев, г. Саратов

June 12, 2018 Searches sent to SIZO K. Bazhenov, A. Budenchuk and F. Makhammadiev, city of Saratov


Сколько ещё

How much more?

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More problems for our br. and sr. in Shua (Ivanovo region) In Shuya new searches, a 10-year-old child is questioned


The first searches were in April. In May/June Dmitry Mikhailov was arrested and send to prison, suspected of "financing" extremist activities.

On June 26 police conducted new searches


(From the article but edited slightly)

According to investigators, a hidden video camera is installed in one of the believers' apartments. After the new searches, the believers were taken to the investigative committee body. During the interrogation, in the presence of the school psychologist, the child (a 10-year-old girl) was forced to disclose the confession of the family, she burst into tears. Her mother was threatened that if she refused to cooperate with the investigation, she could be charged with another crime - "involving minors in committing a crime".


New criminal cases were initiated and a written undertaking not to leave the place with four local residents, one man and three women, including Elena Mihailova, the spouse of Dmitry Mikhailov.


To interrogate one of our young ones and sending one of our sisters to prison to me is a new low but not unexpected.


For the first time for her Christian faith a young woman was sent to prison

There is one address for Sergei Valeryevich Polyakov and another for Anastasia Andreevna Polyakova to send letters of support.


Сколько ещё - How much more?

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1 hour ago, humblebumblebee said:

There is one address for Sergei Valeryevich Polyakov and another for Anastasia Andreevna Polyakova to send letters of support.

Anastasia and Sergei can send letters of support. Letters in foreign languages in the SIZO do not miss, except for children's drawings. 

Address for letters:


Sergei Valeryevich Polyakov, born in 1972, PKU "Investigation isolator № 1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for Omsk region", ul. Ordzhonikidze, 86, Omsk, 644007. Electronic letters are also received through the " FSIN-letter " system. (You can not discuss topics related to criminal prosecution in letters.)


Anastasia Andreevna Polyakova, born in 1984, PKU "Investigation isolator № 1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for Omsk region", ul. Ordzhonikidze, 86, Omsk, 644007. Electronic letters are also received through the " FSIN-letter " system. (You can not discuss topics related to criminal prosecution in letters.)


Can we send emails?

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 hour ago, Vinnie said:

The arrests don't stop. First couple to be imprisoned.


Latest news from JW.ORG




He was beat during the arrest, Campanula provided the link.




There are some updates about Dennis Christensen too.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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11 hours ago, Omoyeme said:

Just when I thought that the RF could not stoop any lower...:X

Get this one from Thursday...




Yuri Zalipayev faces up to 5 years of imprisonment under part 1 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity"

The prosecutor is accusing him of humiliation of human dignity? (I don't get it)


The rest of the article shows how low they are stooping resorting to out-and-out falsehoods! Are they trying to put all 175 thousand of our brothers in prison?

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Three more searches on the 22nd of July in Berezovsky

jw-russia.org: In the Kemerovo region, two believers are placed in custody



One of the apartments officers UFSB in the Kemerovo region decided to storm from the balcony, despite the fact that the hostess opened the door to another group of employees. At the same time, a window was broken, the splinters of which injured the landlady (cutting the forehead and hands).


Brothers Sergei Britvin (who is disabled) and Vadim Levchuk, are the ones placed in custody on the 24th of July until September 19, 2018. A criminal case was instituted in part 2 of Art. 282.2 - The basis of this case, as in the case of Dennis Christensen , is the testimony of a "secret witness" whose name the investigation does not disclose.


Ez 9:4 sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...
On 7/3/2018 at 6:34 PM, humblebumblebee said:

jw-russia.org: At the airport of Krasnoyarsk, a believer was arrested


July 3, 2018 at 4:20 am in the Krasnoyarsk airport Emelyanovo, FSB officers arrested 44-year-old Andrei Stupnikov. He is suspected of professing the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.

When registering for the flight, two men approached Andrei and his wife. One of them produced an ID card from an FSB officer. Andrei was announced that he had been detained and would be taken to the FSB of Russia by the Krasnoyarsk Territory on ul. Dzerzhinsky, 18. According to state security officials, within 2 days the court must decide on Andrei the question of the measure of restraint.


Usually the report is about searches and breaking down doors of homes, being stopped this way surprised me.



When you see pictures like this one, with brother Stupnikov in the middle, and the friends who came out to meet him when the court decided to release him from house arrest, you can tell how courageous they are. And these peace-loving brothers and sisters are the ones the King of the North wishes to annihilate!



🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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  • 10 months later...

I'm not sure if anyone's noticed yet...


JW-Russia.org is now available in 10 languages besides Russian since June 1. Now, the entire site will be machine-translated, not just the first paragraph of each article. Choose the language at the top, and see this article.


Edited by Sheep
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Well the King of the North continues as our dear brother SHPAKOVSKY has been sentenced.  I know they want to distress us and terrify us but it will not work - the joy of Jehovah remains our stronghold.  I will, pray for my brother in particular this evening as it seems the brothers are often "welcomed" to a new facility by a thorough beating.  May his heart be strong.

Edited by sunshine
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I saw that on jw.org.




But I'm still wondering what the King of the North expects to gain by these tactics. One of their "experts" said that as soon as a few Witnesses have been sentenced to long prison terms, all the other Witnesses will immediately turn away from their religion.


Hhmm. There's a lot he doesn't know about Jehovah's Witnesses, isn't there?

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On 6/10/2020 at 11:17 PM, Sheep said:

I saw that on jw.org.




But I'm still wondering what the King of the North expects to gain by these tactics. One of their "experts" said that as soon as a few Witnesses have been sentenced to long prison terms, all the other Witnesses will immediately turn away from their religion.


Hhmm. There's a lot he doesn't know about Jehovah's Witnesses, isn't there?

If he said that he can't be much of an expert.




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/10/2020 at 2:17 PM, Sheep said:

One of their "experts" said that as soon as a few Witnesses have been sentenced to long prison terms, all the other Witnesses will immediately turn away from their religion.

Wouldn't it be remarkable if the friends (175K +/-) were to participate in the November campaign !!!

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