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Prison Guards Plant Knife in Dennis Christensen's Cell

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A Danish Jehovah’s Witness jailed in Russia on extremism charges has accused prison guards of “planting” a knife and then filming its discovery in his cell, the religious organization said.


Wardens in the Kursk region prison colony are “trying unsuccessfully to keep Christensen from discussing the Bible with cellmates, although it’s not prohibited under colony rules,” the group said.



Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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5 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

planting” a knife and then filming its discovery

Do Russian prison guards take video everytime they go into a cell?


How foolish it is of these incompetent people, they just dont have a clue, do they? 

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13 minutes ago, tekmantwo said:

Do Russian prison guards take video everytime they go into a cell?


How foolish it is of these incompetent people, they just dont have a clue, do they? 

Of course, they do have a clue, because it is all a set-up - part of the Russian authorities' control tactics.  

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So good to see how brother Christensen continues in his steadfast course as the guards are unsuccessful in hindering him from preaching to other inmates :D Let Jehovah continue strengthening him!

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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They want to break his faith for the whole world to see. JEHOVAH  wants otherwise.  I wonder who will win this particular battle  ... hmm ...let me see...



Who will separate us from the love of the Christ?+ Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword?+ 36 Just as it is written: “For your sake we are being put to death all day long; we have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.”+ 37 On the contrary, in all these things we are coming off completely victorious+ through the one who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers+ 39 nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


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I wish so badly he could hear the original song "NEVER ALONE", every time I listen to it I think of him and our dear brother Andrej (the one in solitary confinement for almost a year) and of course Paulos, Negede and Isaac from Eritrea.  It was so very encouraging to read the recent posting on "What's new" on jw. org about the Eritrean man who was in prison with those brothers from Eritrea and later came into the truth in Norway when he was contacted because of the example those 3 brothers set!  They have no idea that someone who came and left that prison now has everlasting life in his future because of their faithful, honest, loving conduct!  I would love to see them all together someday when they meet for the first time and learn all of this!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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I can't help but wonder if the "knife planting" was more than to just keep our dear brother from witnessing.  They also know we have appealed his case to the European High Courts.  I have a feeling with the growing dissention internationally that they are doing this (and video taping it) for use in that case, trying to prove that Br. Christensen is dangerous and should be kept under lock and key.  Just when you think, Satan can't do anything more to make your life miserable he shows you that he can.  I will be praying about his incident specifically in my prayers to Jehovah so that Satan will not be able to silence our dear brother while incarcerated in this horrible penal colony.  Please everyone - pray that Jehovah reveal the truth to those who can make a difference and that our dear brother always remembers that "there are more with him than against him"!

Edited by shali

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Never fear Sis Brigette, think of Haman and his schemes - he thought he was so clever.... that was until he ended up hung in his own  stake!  Satan is never bored he is constantly manipulating events to his evil ends, but Jehovah is always ahead of the game. 


Our God will provide a way for them to receive the needed encouragement, his hand is never short!! 

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  • 3 months later...

My wife and I are writing letters to Dennis now. Just discovered that he suffered from pneumonia in October and that the prison hospital had very poor conditions. That must have been terrible. Fortunately it was reported in the end of October that he was feeling better again. 


We would like to write letters to other brothers and sisters in Russia too, but have only found the address to brother Dennis so far. Is there a list of JW prisoners with mail addresses somewhere? (Not just for Russia.)

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My wife and I are writing letters to Dennis now. Just discovered that he suffered from pneumonia in October and that the prison hospital had very poor conditions. That must have been terrible. Fortunately it was reported in the end of October that he was feeling better again. 


We would like to write letters to other brothers and sisters in Russia too, but have only found the address to brother Dennis so far. Is there a list of JW prisoners with mail addresses somewhere? (Not just for Russia.)



I recommend you/we bookmark/favorite this page:




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18 hours ago, Tbs77 said:



I recommend you/we bookmark/favorite this page:




Click the location then click pdf

Imprisoned For Their Faith

Thank you, but there aren't any addresses here to send letters to. We can still pray, though, so the lists are very useful! 😊

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On 12/10/2019 at 4:26 PM, Norbro said:

We would like to write letters to other brothers and sisters in Russia too, but have only found the address to brother Dennis so far. Is there a list of JW prisoners with mail addresses somewhere? (Not just for Russia.)

Be mindful that there are certain "rules" to writing letters to our brothers in Russia.  First of all, they can't be written in any other language but Russian (so they can read them before they give them to the brothers) and you can't use God's name in them or talk about anything to do with his case pending the high courts.  I wrote my letter in English and went to the Internet to have it translated to Russian (I then took the Russian translation and translated it back to English just to make sure it made sense).  Then I copy and pasted it into Word and used a plain font and printed it out as dark as I could.  Then I put another sheet of paper over it and copied it exactly so that it would be in my own handwriting to make it more personal.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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3 hours ago, shali said:

Be mindful that there are certain "rules" to writing letters to our brothers in Russia.  First of all, they can't be written in any other language but Russian (so they can read them before they give them to the brothers) and you can't use God's name in them or talk about anything to do with his case pending the high courts.  I wrote my letter in English and went to the Internet to have it translated to Russian (I then took the Russian translation and translated it back to English just to make sure it made sense).  Then I copy and pasted it into Word and used a plain font and printed it out as dark as I could.  Then I put another sheet of paper over it and copied it exactly so that it would be in my own handwriting to make it more personal.

Ouch, I knew they had to be in Russian but not that Jehovah's name has to be omitted. A sister in my previous cong had been to a convention abroad where some of brother Christensen's relatives (I think) had handed out information about how to write him. I was a little puzzled that it said scriptures are okay to use. Should have realised that scriptures from our "extremist" translation are not okay. Thanks for the clarification. Nice way to get the Cyrillic type down, too. We wrote the letters in Russian using the Latin alphabet as we were under the impression that Russians can read this way (similar to how Japanese can read Hiragana/Katakana converted to Latin letters) - but maybe this won't work? 

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There is a sister in this forum named Svetlana (from Russia or the Ukraine, I forget) who gave us the guidelines in an earlier thread about Brother Christensen. I wouldn't of known all the guidelines if it weren't for her.  Do a search for earlier threads with his name in it and you may find the information she gave us.  

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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12 hours ago, shali said:

There is a sister in this forum named Svetlana (from Russia or the Ukraine, I forget) who gave us the guidelines in an earlier thread about Brother Christensen. I wouldn't of known all the guidelines if it weren't for her.  Do a search for earlier threads with his name in it and you may find the information she gave us.  

Svetlana's username is campanula. I think she is Ukrainian. But she hasn't posted anything on the forums since the beginning of November, although she has been online recently. On the other hand, there is another member on JWTalk, username Victoria, who is Russian.


Svetlana's post about Dennis' address is here.


Some other details about writing to Dennis (and others in Russian prisons): Only write in Russian (Google translate will do), or else the letters get thrown out. Never write anything negative about Russia or mention Jehovah's name. "God" or "JHVH" is acceptable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/25/2019 at 12:24 AM, Sheep said:

Svetlana's username is campanula. I think she is Ukrainian. But she hasn't posted anything on the forums since the beginning of November, although she has been online recently. On the other hand, there is another member on JWTalk, username Victoria, who is Russian.


Svetlana's post about Dennis' address is here.


Some other details about writing to Dennis (and others in Russian prisons): Only write in Russian (Google translate will do), or else the letters get thrown out. Never write anything negative about Russia or mention Jehovah's name. "God" or "JHVH" is acceptable.

I did say that in my post above (#18) (about only writing in Russian).

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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