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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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43 minutes ago, Lee49 said:



For churchgoers during the Covid-19 pandemic, a deadly lesson from the 1918 flu

To gather or not to gather has been the question at the forefront of the minds of today's religious leaders and their church members.

During the 1918 influenza pandemic that ultimately killed 50 million to 100 million people, different answers to that same question resulted in either collective well-being or widespread, devastating loss.


Denial is one coping mechanism that could give people subconscious permission to live life as normal. Any of those schools of thought could lead someone "to make decisions accordingly,"


A long read! Some just don't get it!

It is about money and power. Jehovah will get them especially the religious leaders. I'm glad Rutherford was attacking them around 100 years ago for almost 25 years. They hated him.

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39 minutes ago, Lee49 said:



L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Issues Citywide Stay-at-Home Order: ‘It’s Time to Hunker Down’


UPDATE: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued an emergency targeted safer-at-home order for the city of L.A. late Wednesday evening, effective immediately. The order mirrors that of L.A. County and requires all residents to remain in their homes, ceases the operation of non-essential businesses that require in-person attendance by workers and prohibits gatherings with those outside of one’s household. However, there is a long list of exemptions, including healthcare operations, grocery stores and restaurants providing takeout or delivery service. Beaches, parks, trails, tennis courts and golf courses will also remain open.

Earlier on Wednesday, Garcetti delivered a COVID-19 response update, telling residents that “it’s time to hunker down” as COVID-19 cases continue to climb in the county. “Cancel everything,” he advised in his first public address in a week.


 I do believe a total shut down is going to happen throughout the US! Why, the vaccine is going to take too long to reach the population and many will not take it!

Heh - lets hope this applies to all locals including himself. Remember Gavin Newsom as well, who ignored his own Covid orders while issuing them:


California’s Gavin Newsom just proved himself a hypocrite and a liar (nypost.com)

Edited by Bob
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Was able to witness to one of the guys at work yesterday. He was talking about how so many won't stop gathering together. I was able to share with him how my group are closer than ever, Zooming congregation meetings  or study or just visiting. That we're closer than ever as we spend time with those from all over the world! He asked what religion I was and I proudly told him. Then said we're reaching more people than ever. We're not isolated or lonely. He was duly impressed. My last time I'll probably talk to him as he leaves for a different job in 10 days, sad really, I've known him since he was 16, hes now 53. Maybe he'll get another witness in his new job.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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Was thinking about the documentary on 1918 Great Pandemic on YouTube. Looking at the information on JW.org I came this, thought it was very pertinent 

12/22/05 Awake

The Threat Continues

The journal Emerging Infectious Diseases of April 2005 says: “Optimists once imagined that serious infectious disease threats would by now be conquered.” The magazine adds, however, that “infectious diseases have continued to emerge and reemerge.” Nature magazine of July 8, 2004, notes the consequences: “About 15 million . . . annual deaths worldwide are estimated to be related directly to infectious diseases.”

“The emergence of AIDS led to renewed appreciation of the inevitability and consequences of the emergence of infectious diseases,” Nature explains. “In the 45 most affected countries,” reports UNAIDS, an AIDS program sponsored by the United Nations and other groups, “it is projected that, between 2000 and 2020, 68 million people will die prematurely as a result of AIDS.”

Within the past 25 years, AIDS has proved to be a devastating plague, killing over 20 million people. But the Spanish flu wreaked its devastation in a little over a year. Now, according to repeated warnings, the world appears long overdue for the emergence of a virulent form of influenza for which it is not prepared.

On May 19, 2005, Reuters Alert Net warned of the continuing appearance of new flu viruses, adding that these “pose a continuing and potentially growing pandemic threat.” The Wall Street Journal of the day before said: “The bird-flu virus currently active in Asia is known as H5N1 and was first spotted in Hong Kong’s poultry markets in 1997. It is unusual for its virulence—it kills as many as 80% of those who catch it.” The virus can reportedly infect people who come in close contact with infected animals.



Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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(Updated December 5, 2020)

Some patients are sent out of state for care

This onslaught of Covid-19 is taking a devastating toll in rural areas. In Missouri, some patients are getting sent hundreds of miles away.

"My fellow physicians in my state, they may spend six hours calling around to a hospital" that can accept a Covid-19 patient, said Dr. Christopher Sampson, president of the Missouri College of Emergency Physicians.

"We've had reports of people who have been transferred out of state. So ... your family member goes to the emergency department, and the next thing you hear, unfortunately, is they're being transferred to another state hours and hours away because that's the only hospital that has room to care for them."


"Missouri is now nearing a situation we all feared, our hospitals and ICUs are being overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases," he wrote.

"As physicians working clinically, we routinely wear masks for 8 to 12 straight hours to keep everyone safe in the hospital.


El Paso County Medical Examiner's Office staff lock up mobile morgues before moving bodies in bags labeled "Covid."


El Paso County Medical Examiner's Office staff lock up mobile morgues before moving bodies in bags labeled "Covid."



Edited by Mclove

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Just announced in our meeting tonight that those with less than 15 mins of field service to report will still be considered to be active publishers.


If the number of minutes done is less than 1 hour, it need not be reported. Just inform the group overseer of having participated in the field ministry.

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Germany is now distributing the FFP2 masks free of charge for all seniors over 60 years of age, and those with medical conditions. They will be available at all drugstores, and each elderly or for medical reasons affected person, is entitled to 3 masks each. In the new year, they will also be given 2 coupons of 3 masks each, so 6 masks in total. Germany is getting on the offensive now to protect it's elderly citizens.


This is an article about it, though in German:






Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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China flight attendants advised to wear diapers for Covid protection

Lilit Marcus, CNN • Updated 10th December 2020


"It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks." While such advice may seem dramatic, it's no secret that lavatories can be the germiest place on an airplane. In August, a woman traveling from Italy to South Korea contracted coronavirus during her trip, and a visit to the bathroom -- the only place where she didn't wear an N95 mask -- was named as the possible source of her infection.
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On 4/3/2020 at 9:17 AM, Mykyl said:

It looks like it has panned out.  But the mainstream organizations don't care.  Here is a recent press conference about Ivermectin:



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LIMA: Peru has temporarily suspended clinical trials of a COVID-19 vaccine made by Chinese drug giant Sinopharm after detecting neurological problems in one of its test volunteers.

The National Institute of Health said on Friday (Dec 11) that it had decided to interrupt the trial after a volunteer had difficulty moving their arms, according to local media.

"Several days ago we signalled, as we are required, to the regulatory authorities that one of our participants (in trials) presented neurological symptoms which could correspond to a condition called Guillain-Barre syndrome," said chief researcher German Malaga in comments to the press...


In the 1970s a campaign to vaccinate Americans against a supposedly devastating strain of swine flu ground to a halt after about 450 of those vaccinated developed the syndrome, which can also cause paralysis.


60,000 across the globe have already taken the Sinopharm vaccine, including volunteers in Argentina, Russia and Saudi Arabia.



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5 hours ago, Naturale said:

LIMA: Peru has temporarily suspended clinical trials of a COVID-19 vaccine made by Chinese drug giant Sinopharm after detecting neurological problems in one of its test volunteers

This is actually good news in a way. It proves that even countries like China, well known for hiding information, adhere to the safety regulations regarding vaccines when they try to sell their products in Western countries. One would think Chinese companies could use their powerful influence to force Western authorities to turn a blind eye, but that didn't happen here. That's a reassurance that once a vaccine is allowed into the market it has been reasonably tested. :)

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13 hours ago, carlos said:

 That's a reassurance that once a vaccine is allowed into the market it has been reasonably tested. :)

So almost a million people in China have taken an emergency Covid-19 vaccine that is still in its testing phase, the company that developed the vaccine has said.  


Chinese authorities released the vaccine, developed by China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm), to select groups of people in July including Chinese government officials, students, and workers travelling overseas, before the vaccines had been proven to work.


Both China and Russia have gone ahead with vaccination programmes before completing full testing, including large scale Phase 3 trials.


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8 minutes ago, Naturale said:

So almost a million people in China have taken an emergency Covid-19 vaccine that is still in its testing phase, the company that developed the vaccine has said.  


Chinese authorities released the vaccine, developed by China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm), to select groups of people in July including Chinese government officials, students, and workers travelling overseas, before the vaccines had been proven to work.


Both China and Russia have gone ahead with vaccination programmes before completing full testing, including large scale Phase 3 trials.


Please helped understand your point Susanna. Are you thinking that the vaccine is being given to people without being tested?

I don't  follow this thread much, guess that's why I'm asking. 

From what little I've read here it seems that if people are willing to accept the new vaccine prematurely then isn't it their choice? And any consequence are theirs to bear?

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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13 minutes ago, bagwell1987 said:

 Are you thinking that the vaccine is being given to people without being tested?

I don't  follow this thread much, guess that's why I'm asking. 

From what little I've read here it seems that if people are willing to accept the new vaccine prematurely then isn't it their choice? And any consequence are theirs to bear?

In China and Russia vaccines been given out to people before all trials have been completed.  I doubt the majority of people in those countries would have much choice or be in possession of all the facts.


Francois Balloux, professor of computational systems biology at University College London, described it as “a reckless and foolish decision”. “Mass vaccination with an improperly tested vaccine is unethical.


 Phase 3 trials looks at safety, and because many more subjects are involved, Phase 3 can identify less-common side effects that might still be very bad. (One example is ADE, which can make a viral illness worse than it would otherwise be.) 






Untested vaccines can cause severe harm. A Covid-19 vaccine, for example, could cause serious adverse reactions. It could even make Covid-19 infections more lethal. In other words, an unproven vaccine can cause thousands of needless hospitalizations and deaths. When the Philippines rolled out a dengue vaccine, it actually caused more severe illness in vaccinated patients..."


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Yup, ok. Well, to me it's just what the world does. What control is there over what they decide to do?

When my daughter was a young woman she'd get fired up over what she perceived as injustices or events that she deemed completely unfair. Her boss eventually asked her "how does what's happening to them affect you"? She now uses that analogy in her life to help her stay balanced, this stupid world will do as it seems fit. It's usually in conflict with bible standards or even basic common sense. So, how much control do we have over what others do - absolutely none. We can be exasperated at what they do but getting upset overly much is unproductive. They have limited, and temporary, authority. Jehovah will completely undo the works of the devil, it'll all be corrected soon. 


To bring this back on topic, I have to admit that there's a big increase in infections here. They're calling for an even larger surge in January. I just pray worldly people will show a modicum of respect and do Zoom celebrations,  but I'm not confident in that. 

I told my daughter back in July that we'll probably see a baby boom by years end.....yep, its started! Saw on Yahoo news the first batch of Covid-babies. Wow.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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"My primary biggest fear is that a substantial proportion of the people will be hesitant to get vaccinated," Fauci told the Daily Beast. "I think there are going to be many people who don't want to get vaccinated right away. But once you get, you know, tens of millions of people vaccinated, it looks like it's working and it's safe, then I think we'll win over a large proportion of the rest of the population, who might have some hesitancy about getting vaccinated."


Fauci has previously said returning to normality depends on these folks overcoming that hesitancy...



We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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4 hours ago, bagwell1987 said:

Please helped understand your point Susanna. Are you thinking that the vaccine is being given to people without being tested?

I don't  follow this thread much, guess that's why I'm asking. 

From what little I've read here it seems that if people are willing to accept the new vaccine prematurely then isn't it their choice? And any consequence are theirs to bear?

I would not be surprised if China or Russia started using a vaccine before thoroughly testing first.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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So this coming Wednesday until January 10th, Germany is going on full lockdown, so as to avoid any repercussions from gatherings during the Christmas and New Year's celebrations. Despite politicians efforts to warn citizens to reduce contact, the trend has been going upwards. So despite prior objections, all political parties and states have agreed to shut down before the holidays begin, so as to ensure no spikes in cases. As one politician said, it's not to just have people stay at home, but to stop people from having contact with one another. So nothing will be opened, except grocery stores, drugstores, and other essential stores, and gas stations will be opened. Everything else including schools (though online learning), and hair salons are shut down.


Fireworks are also not allowed to be purchased for New Years celebrations. Yay for a quiet one this year! The neighbors go wild every Dec.31st right in front of our windows, and blow up fireworks and firecrackers all over the place here. Yes, people are normally allowed to buy such loud and somewhat dangerous fireworks here at grocery stores.




Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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1 hour ago, hatcheckgirl said:

How extraordinary! Sounds like the German govt is trying it’s best. Are the borders with other countries closed?

At the moment, the borders are still open, but not without travel warnings, especially if an area is a hotspot. It could be a neighbor country also imposes a minimum quarantine time period upon arrival. Though there are no border checks here, but registering at a holiday apartment would then be notification upon arrival. Then upon returning to Germany, a traveller has to take a corona test and quarantine for minimum 14 days, unless the test is negative. I read the test has to be taken within 48 hours before returning back to Germany, or if afterwards, the health department has to be contacted. But travelling in general is discouraged here at the moment. Though I read that Holland has lifted any lockdowns, and they are just 2-3 hours away from us. But I have heard most are not travelling anywhere at the moment.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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9 hours ago, Naturale said:

In China and Russia vaccines been given out to people before all trials have been completed.  I doubt the majority of people in those countries would have much choice or be in possession of all the facts.

You are right on this point. People in China have been forced to get this vaccine, and nobody trusts that China has been tested this vaccine thoroughly. And if there are any side effects in the future, they will be silenced as well.


What I meant by good news is that the fact that this vaccine has been prevented from being sold in Western countries is proof that those countries take safety much more seriously. We have a guarantee that vaccines and treatments that are allowed into the market have undergone some serious testing (at least considerably more comprehensive than in China).

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London and close area in tier three lockdown


They have identified a new variant of coronavirus which may be associated with the faster spread in the South of England 


Quote: "Initial analysis suggests that this variant is growing faster than the existing variants. We've currently identified over 1,000 cases with this variant predominantly in the south of England although cases have been identified in nearly 60 different local authority areas. And numbers are increasing rapidly."


"I must stress at this point that there is currently nothing to suggest that this variant is more likely to cause serious disease and the latest clinical advice is that it's highly unlikely that this mutation would fail to respond to a vaccine, but it shows we've got to be vigilant and follow the rules and everyone needs to take personal responsibility not to spread this virus."

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