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Covid-19 Vaccine Research, Development, Ingredients and Reactions

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1 hour ago, runner92 said:

For everyone who decided to laugh in my face in my last post, y'all can have this thread. I'm thoroughly done. Continue to laugh in the face of people who decide to be cautious for very real, historical reasons.

I'm not quoting Runner to reply to her, but to respond in her bahalf.


(Romans 12:18) If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men.
(Hebrews 12:14) 14 Pursue peace with all people and the sanctification without which no man will see the Lord. 
(James 3:18) 18 Moreover, the fruit of righteousness is sown in peaceful conditions for those who are making peace.

We always want to respond to our members here peacefully and with love even when we disagree.  Laughing, calling someone's opinion delusional are not the working of peace.  If we were in person and we knew the person we were having a face-to-face conversation with would feel ridiculed or belittled if we laughed at their opinions, would we still laugh?

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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10 minutes ago, M.J. said:

She gave one example, because it is well known and famous. But there are other examples of deception, misleading statements, and putting money over people's well being, especially pharmaceutical companies, who have big lobbyists on their side. Surely you must be aware of this.


This is something she personally feels strongly about, so though you wanted to make a point and make her views appear exaggerated by the syphyllis remark, you came out sounding snarky, just as she said. Good for her for standing up for herself. 


Tragically, disadvantaged, minorities or low income populations are sometimes used as guinea pigs. That is not imaginary. It's simply true. Feel free to research it for yourself.


By the way, I heard a news interview about how the vaccine was produced.  The vaccine was given to volunteers. Those who came back complaining of symptoms were then identified as such.  But,  they never tested all the volunteers to check those who still got sick after the vaccine but were asymptomatic! Insane - plausible deniability technique.


AND, they passed a special law, no one can sue the drug companies if they are harmed seriously by the vaccine. They've been given total immunity from prosecution or liability. 

Well can you give any examples of this vaccine being given to disadvantaged minorities as Guinea Pigs?

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Just now, Bob said:

Well can you give any examples of this vaccine being given to disadvantaged minorities as Guinea Pigs?

How about we just move on now and get back on topic.  Stories about unwitting people unwittingly being experimented on is not the topic of this discussion.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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7 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

How about we just move on now and get back on topic.  Stories about unwitting people unwittingly being experimented on is not the topic of this discussion.

Sure. But I am not the one who brought the 1930s Tuskegee evils into this thread. 



Edited by Bob
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3 hours ago, cricket246 said:

My apologies, could someone delete my last two posts, it won't let me edit anything... When the governing body released the letter to let us know that the Pfizer & Biontech vaccine was blood free.... Since Moderna wasn't mentioned, I was under the impression it wasn't an option at the time... :(  And if vaccines don't contain blood, why did the governing body advise us they were blood free? This whole vaccine thing has me confused, and it's becoming a tense discussion, so I believe I will remove myself from posting on this subject.... ❤️ Agape love. 

At the time of the GB statement, only the one vaccine by the joint venture of Pfizer & BionNTECH had been approved or was close to being approved.  Maderna's vaccine had not been recommended for approval until today much less been approved.  I suspect that we will hear from the Branch shortly concerning that vaccine.

Edited by rocket

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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1 hour ago, Shawnster said:

How about we just move on now and get back on topic.

This is on topic...

I have done research on which ingredients were included in the vaccine lipids and why..it is too much to post, but here is one of 2 ingredients of concern that may have caused allergic reactions needing medical intervention..I found PEG is in many products..cosmetics, perfume also. Since I am chemical sensitive, this could be a concern. PEG is from by products of refining petroleum. It is possible that many may have become allergic to PEG and not know it just by using cosmetics and cleaners...thus may have an allergic reaction! Also, this explains the sore arm that resolves in a day because the body finally takes care of it. Another ingredient is stearic acid..also a toxic irritant..research sm-102. Why use these? Because besides providing a stable liquid to deliver the basic ingredient to the cell, they cause inflamation!! This is needed for the immune system to wake up and say "wait! What is this!!!" In other words, these lipids act as an aduvant. Moderna researched to find lipids that provided the minimum inflamation needed so it could be tolerated by most people. I respect that..Moderna has posted info. on their first trial as well. There is more information out there now, friends...It takes time, but research helps. Other vaccines for flu, etc. used worse lipids and aduvents like squalene, with worse side effects, so in comparison, even though we don't want chemicals injected into our bodies, it helps to understand.



Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) and their derivatives are non-ionic polymers of ethylene oxide commercially available over a wide range of molecular weights from 200 g/mol to 35,000 g/mol and widely used in medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, industrial, and food products....Since its development, PEG polymers held a reputation for safety, nevertheless from mild to life-threatening immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions have been reported, with clinical manifestations ranging from generalized urticaria to anaphylactic shock [2,3,4,5]. Awareness about the allergenic potential of these polymers is minimal due to the non-standardization of their nomenclature, inadequate labelling of products containing PEGs, and the lack of suspicion as the agents responsible of such reactions.

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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On 12/17/2020 at 2:25 PM, sunshine said:

The vaccine is I think estimated to have a 95% success rate...obviously when you compare 5% with possible lighter symptoms if vaccinated, with the  0.4 % that can survive without it,  it seems to me  the science isn't in yet which is better vaccination or naturel immunity.  Still, we must try and not let these shocking figures fighten us.




It’s gotten to the point that I’m not just concerned about dying from COVID. It’s also the long-term effects that scare me. I’ve heard so many stories of people with heart or lung issues even 8/9 months later. Out of breath from a flight of stairs. Or even just a simple thing as being unable to taste or smell even after months 😔

My husband and I have both taken every recommended vaccine throughout our lives and have thankfully never had a bad reaction, so for us at least, a 95% effective vaccine sounds way better than any other option at this point! 

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Elizabeth,  that was very well researched. I really appreciate that. And agree with what your research found.

I'm not going into a long diatribe about my stance on vaccines. Briefly however history says that when vaccines first came out in the late 1700's it was a miricle and they did wonderful things. But then Big Pharma got involved and Pharma does what it does.....anything to make money. So, in my research and estimation, it will do what it wants to make as much money as possible...much to the detriment of the populus. So for me I will not take a vaccine for Covid. Nor for anything else...unless I get rabies from a bat bite or something like that 😳. I'm not an anti-vaccine person per se. The decision is personal, what others decide is totally up to them, I have no opinion on what others decide because it's none of my business. That said I really did appreciate what Elizabeth posted.

Edited by bagwell1987

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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5 minutes ago, bagwell1987 said:

But then Big Pharma got involved and Pharma does what it does.....anything to make money

Cheryl, I thank you for your thoughts..Yes, I agree..also, each one makes their decision. We plan on continuing to wear a mask if near anyone, and when we receive a delivery, I wear goggles, a mask and gloves, go outside, open the box, bring in the contents and wash each item in the sink..even though no person is near me! It can be exhausting..but prudent. I protect others with my ppe, and myself..even those vaccinated are supposed to do that!!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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16 hours ago, runner92 said:

EEOC has now said employers can mandate you have this vaccine. Here we go....




Just imagine: a vaccine so safe that you have to be threatened to take it, all for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know whether you have it -- or not!



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51 minutes ago, SUNRAY said:

This is on topic...

Another ingredient is stearic acid..also a toxic irritant..research sm-102. Why use these? Because besides providing a stable liquid to deliver the basic ingredient to the cell, they cause inflamation!! This is needed for the immune system to wake up and say "wait! What is this!!!" In other words, these lipids act as an aduvant. Moderna researched to find lipids that provided the minimum inflamation needed so it could be tolerated by most people. I respect that..Moderna has posted info. on their first trial as well. There is more information out there now, friends...It takes time, but research helps. Other vaccines for flu, etc. used worse lipids and aduvents like squalene, with worse side effects, so in comparison, even though we don't want chemicals injected into our bodies, it helps to understand.


Can you share what information you’ve found on SM-102 that says it’s a toxic irritant? As far as I can tell, like you said, the lipids are used to protect the mRNA and help it get where it needs to go. 

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In California, wealthy patients are offering top dollar to cut the line for a Covid-19 vaccine

 While the nation continues to see record levels of new Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths, wealthy patients in Southern California -- the epicenter of the state's Covid-19 crisis -- are offering to pay top dollar to cut the line and be among the first to receive a vaccine.

 Dr. Jeff Toll, whose boutique internal medicine practice has admitting privileges at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said one patient offered to donate $25,000 to the hospital in exchange for an early shot of the vaccine. Toll's practice services a well-heeled clientele that includes chief executives and entertainment figures, but the doctor said he is telling his patients they too must wait as the first round of vaccines are distributed to those most in need of protection.


Didn't see that one coming! $$$$  😷

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As COVID-19 vaccine rolls out, undocumented immigrants fear retribution for seeking dose


  As the COVID-19 vaccine makes its way throughout the United States, immigration activists and lawmakers are rallying to ensure that the 11 million undocumented immigrants at the heart of the nation's food production and service industry sectors are not left out.

Experts say it is unlikely that health officials will discriminate against undocumented Americans. But after years of isolationist and punitive immigration policies from the Trump administration, many immigrants — whose physical and fiscal health has, along with many people of color, been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic —  might be unwilling to come forward and get vaccinated. 

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 Free Free Free! - Uber to offer 10 million free or discounted rides to people seeking COVID-19 vaccination

  Uber will offer 10 million free or discounted rides to people looking to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.

The rides include transportation to and from their destination, as well as rides for their second and final dose. 

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McDonald's giving away free food – from cheeseburgers to coffee


 So there ya go, get your free ride to get a free covid shot and pick up some free food at McD's then wait on getting your free stimulus money! Don't get no better! 



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26 minutes ago, Lee49 said:



McDonald's giving away free food – from cheeseburgers to coffee


 So there ya go, get your free ride to get a free covid shot and pick up some free food at McD's then wait on getting your free stimulus money! Don't get no better! 



Still no free donuts ....LOL 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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 In 1954, the New York City Department of Health launched a massive publicity campaign to promote vaccination against polio. Columnist and media bigwig Walter Winchell threw cold water on the effort, saying the vaccine, developed from an inactivated virus by Jonas Salk, “may be a killer.” This invited a correction from Salk himself. The following year almost 900 thousand New Yorkers were vaccinated, and the number of new cases declined sharply.

 Backstage at CBS Studio 50, before a 1956 airing of The Ed Sullivan Show, New York City Commissioner of Health Leona Baumgartner, right, holds the arm of Elvis Presley as Assistant Commissioner Harold Fuerst administers the polio vaccine to the king of rock ‘n’ roll. In 1963, the health commissioner at that time announced that vaccination had reduced the number of new cases in Gotham to zero.


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7 hours ago, SUNRAY said:

Research DSPC for Stearic Acid..also SM-102, another interesting ingredient.

This post was to correct my reference to SM-102 as an irritant, but I would like more information about SM-102 as part of the lipid profile in Moderna's vaccine..any research appreciated!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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9 hours ago, bagwell1987 said:

So for me I will not take a vaccine for Covid. Nor for anything else...unless I get rabies from a bat bite or something like that 😳. I'm not an anti-vaccine person per se. The decision is personal, what others decide is totally up to them, I have no opinion on what others decide because it's none of my business. That said I really did appreciate what Elizabeth posted.

This brings up a question that I have never followed up on. Now might be the time.

Treatment  for rabies uses immunoglobulins which are extracted from plasma.

By our standards is this considered a blood fraction or a blood component?

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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14 minutes ago, Old said:

This brings up a question that I have never followed up on. Now might be the time.

Treatment  for rabies uses immunoglobulins which are extracted from plasma.

By our standards is this considered a blood fraction or a blood component?

Interesting article.

Animal Lovers, Beware! https://www.jw.org/finder?wtlocale=E&docid=101978369&srctype=wol&srcid=share&par=19

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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15 hours ago, runner92 said:

For everyone who decided to laugh in my face in my last post, y'all can have this thread. I'm thoroughly done. Continue to laugh in the face of people who decide to be cautious for very real, historical reasons.

Dear Sister Gabby, I wasn't following closely enough to catch if someone was laughing in your face. Not me. Sorry that happened to you, Sis.

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2 hours ago, Old said:

By our standards is this considered a blood fraction or a blood component?

Is this a rhetorical question?  A question to open discussion?  Or are you genuinely unaware?


*** km 11/06 p. 3 How Do I View Blood Fractions and Medical Procedures Involving My Own Blood? ***
How Do I View Blood Fractions and Medical Procedures Involving My Own Blood?

The Bible commands Christians to “abstain from . . . blood.” (Acts 15:20) Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or the four primary components of blood—namely, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. They also do not donate or store their own blood for transfusion.—Lev. 17:13, 14; Acts 15:28, 29.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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