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Aliens vs True Worship??

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"NASA is looking to the heavens for help with assessing how humans will react if alien life is found on other planets and how the discovery could impact our ideas of gods and creation.


The agency is hiring 24 theologians to take part in its program at the Center for Theological Inquiry (CTI) at Princeton University in New Jersey, which NASA gave a $1.1 million grant to in 2014.


CTI is described as building 'bridges of under understanding by convening theologians, scientists, scholars, and policymakers to think together - and inform public thinking - on global concerns.'"




This is astounding news!! I've thought a lot about what could cause world government to eradicate Bablyon The Great, but never this way!


Could the discovery of "alien" life, whether demon-influenced or fabricated, be a way to get humankind to no longer worship their false gods and cause a full on attack on religion itself?


Could their be a time where belief in God is considered old fashioned and the world becomes "united" under one false belief?


Could this coincide with signs in the heavens?? Please, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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If Satan and the demons could some way convince people there was alien life, why didn't they do that 100 years ago? 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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42 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

If Satan and the demons could some way convince people there was alien life, why didn't they do that 100 years ago? 

It's more convenient in a world where Religion has lost a tremendous deal of influence.

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1 hour ago, Dages said:

It's more convenient in a world where Religion has lost a tremendous deal of influence.

100 years ago, religious would have destroyed any attempt at fabricating aliens. They would have found themselves in the same position as the ones who tried to overturn church teachings when it came to astronomy. Since it was a lie, it would have truly died. 

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Destruction of false religion comes from Jehovah.  It won't be because of demonic lies or fabrications. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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5 hours ago, Skyler said:

"NASA is looking to the heavens for help with assessing how humans will react if alien life is found on other planets and how the discovery could impact our ideas of gods and creation.


I don’t think that there’s anything that rules out there being life on other planets. Although if there is, I wouldn’t expect Jehovah would allow them to fly around here and try to interfere in some way with us. We know he uses his Angels as he sees fit. When certain angels in Noah’s day decided to mingle with earthlings without Jehovah's permission, they were banned from doing it again. 


5 hours ago, Skyler said:

Could the discovery of "alien" life, whether demon-influenced or fabricated, be a way to get humankind to no longer worship their false gods and cause a full on attack on religion itself?


Could their be a time where belief in God is considered old fashioned and the world becomes "united" under one false belief?

Just my opinion but I don’t see belief in aliens living on other planets having any effect on BTG being destroyed. I don’t think this is as big a deal to most people in the world, as it seems to be with us. Many people walready believe theres is a possibility of life on other planets. I dont see something like that as having an impact on the demise of BTG. 

5 hours ago, Skyler said:

Could this coincide with signs in the heavens?? Please, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I don’t see it....but thats just me. I think when people see the "signs in heaven", if they are literal....they will view it as it is....An Act of God, because they will see natural events   and phenomena as part of their destruction.



Edited by Pjdriver
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By the way, a while back at pioneer school a coffee maker was making the same noise in Contact. Boy, that freak me out. I thought we was making alien contact through a coffee maker at Pioneer School. Now, that would be big news. The KH would be loaded with military and crew from the news. And I would be the one discovering this too. 

Edited by Dustparticle
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6 hours ago, Skyler said:

"NASA is looking to the heavens for help with assessing how humans will react if alien life is found on other planets and how the discovery could impact our ideas of gods and creation.


The agency is hiring 24 theologians to take part in its program at the Center for Theological Inquiry (CTI) at Princeton University in New Jersey, which NASA gave a $1.1 million grant to in 2014.


CTI is described as building 'bridges of under understanding by convening theologians, scientists, scholars, and policymakers to think together - and inform public thinking - on global concerns.'"




This is astounding news!! I've thought a lot about what could cause world government to eradicate Bablyon The Great, but never this way!


Could the discovery of "alien" life, whether demon-influenced or fabricated, be a way to get humankind to no longer worship their false gods and cause a full on attack on religion itself?


Could their be a time where belief in God is considered old fashioned and the world becomes "united" under one false belief?


Could this coincide with signs in the heavens?? Please, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I agree with you . I saw this article and my first thought was Hmm sure NASA (and their backers) are super interested in religion and the effect of such a discovery!…(Not 😆)


no instead they clearly have some other objective. what it is we don’t really know of course, but I too can see how fabricating alien invasion or inter-dimensional beings and presenting them as a threat to our security would indeed do at least a few things;

1. would throw many religions into confusion thus the “need” for theologians to monitor and influence policies 

2. would distract many from Gods kingdom instead to an alternative world system maybe 

3. would give worldly institutions the ‘authority’ to do whatever they see fit (whether that’s ban all religion/ or more likely use threaten military force against ‘anything’ that’s heavenly (which will eventually include an angelic army)

i could keep going on with more reasons why this works for them. The question then remains who are ‘they’ and since I don’t know more than the fact that the world is run by bankers then I don’t have the answer so it’s all conjecture


either way it’s a bit mad that NASA want theologians involved this makes NO SENSE 

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5 hours ago, Tortuga said:

If Satan and the demons could some way convince people there was alien life, why didn't they do that 100 years ago? 

They were "recovering" from kicks and bruises after the war in heaven ...LOL 🤣

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Some interesting points we were presented in the past


Talk - David Schafer Survive the Great Day Rev 16:16 

In his talk he mentions inspired unclean expressions

Please note this in 2.32min

Then Peace and Security is mentioned in 3.17min- 3.40min 


What is noteworthy that Peace and Security pronouncement could be associated with unclean expressions, and SIGNS that originate with demons. 


Edited by New World Explorer

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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1 hour ago, Honeybarrel said:


either way it’s a bit mad that NASA want theologians involved this makes NO SENSE 

It's called 'plausible deniability'.  When NASA says they have found 'evidence' of alien life , they can say that even their own theologians are stunned by this.


BTW -  Theologians cannot be bought off.  They can be rented, however.

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The Society has discussed the topic of sentient extraterrestrial life only once. They said it was unlikely, because of the Ransom. If the rebellion in Eden happened after life on other planets was created, there would have been no need for a Ransom, since there's be a planet of perfect people out there. Option two, Humans were created first, in which case God would have held off on creating any more species, until the topic of Sovereignty was decided.


That was supposition, because there's nothing in scripture that describes alien life. Nothing that refutes it, either. It's just not part of the story in the Bible. And I like the idea that the more varied and interesting the Creation, the greater the Glory you give to the Creator. Because no artist stops at one painting, no engineer stops at one invention. If there's no other planets with people on them, then there will be eventually. The universe is a big canvas, waiting to be filled in.


Somehow, in the last year, the world has gotten so twisted up in itself that when the actual US Navy went on the record saying that there were UFO's buzzing around and they had no idea where they came from, the majority of the human race barely noticed. Like most of the wonders of creation, people don't see past the end of their nose.

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9 minutes ago, Thomas Walker said:

The Society has discussed the topic of sentient extraterrestrial life only once. They said it was unlikely, because of the Ransom. If the rebellion in Eden happened after life on other planets was created, there would have been no need for a Ransom, since there's be a planet of perfect people out there. Option two, Humans were created first, in which case God would have held off on creating any more species, until the topic of Sovereignty was decided.

This. And that makes perfect sense.

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35 minutes ago, Doug said:

It's called 'plausible deniability'.  When NASA says they have found 'evidence' of alien life , they can say that even their own theologians are stunned by this.


BTW -  Theologians cannot be bought off.  They can be rented, however.

The Bible does not discount the possibility of microscopic alien life like bacteria, or even more complex life such as plants or animals.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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7 hours ago, Tortuga said:

If Satan and the demons could some way convince people there was alien life, why didn't they do that 100 years ago? 

Because they have spent the last 100 years priming us with radio, television, pharma, normalised sexual perversion, destruction of the family unit and the 24 hour news cycle. People in 1921 were had more moral fibre than their 2021 contemporary. Because they allowed less poison in their minds/ hearts.

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/28/2021 at 1:27 AM, Shawnster said:

The Bible does not discount the possibility of microscopic alien life like bacteria, or even more complex life such as plants or animals.  

To be precise, the Bible does not discount any kind of extraterrestrial life, whether intellectual or not.

The universe is  so huge, so large, that it is only likely that there is life elsewhere. It is hard for me to believe that Jehovah created an entire universe and only one planet with life. The Bible, of course, doesn’t deal with it, because that’s not the purpose of the Bible, and besides, people didn’t understand much about the universe at the time - and we don’t understand that either.

No matter how the wind howls the mountain cannot bow to it. 

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46 minutes ago, Jimi-L said:

To be precise, the Bible does not discount any kind of extraterrestrial life, whether intellectual or not.

Have you consolidated your opinion with why Jehovah allowed challenge to his Sovereignty to go ahead in the garden of Eden? Could not Jehovah simply point out to another planet where faithful intelligent creation is serving him and dismiss the challenge? But what about if they were not faithful? Did they have opportunity for the ransom? And if yes, who provided the ransom for them? 

It appears that we are alone in the Universe (at least for now)

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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4 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Have you consolidated your opinion with why Jehovah allowed challenge to his Sovereignty to go ahead in the garden of Eden? Could not Jehovah simply point out to another planet where faithful intelligent creation is serving him and dismiss the challenge? But what about if they were not faithful? Did they have opportunity for the ransom? And if yes, who provided the ransom for them? 

It appears that we are alone in the Universe (at least for now)

That is an interesting question. Jehovah expects obedience from us. If there is life elsewhere, he would probably expect the same from them.
However, I would see this as largely theoretical. If the Fall did not happen elsewhere, good for them, but not for us. If the inevitable happened, i.e., the Fall , the controversy would arise anyway. The Sin, one and original one, occurred here. In any case, we would have to face a problem. All the more so if the Fall did not occur elsewhere, the issues involved should be "clarified" right here.  The controversy itself is mainly about people and what they choose to do or not do. It is true that some of the angels also fell. But they were not the targets of the original fall (except for Satan?) Even if some other living beings have not sinned, that in itself is not enough to answer the question of how people would act after "The Fall". It would make sense to think that God would do this with all of His creations. 


 If God asked other distant inhabitants to testify for his rule, it would hardly affect people. After all, people could argue that different circumstances contributed to why these ‘aliens’ didn't fall.


Of course, it may be that life, at least the intellectual one, is not yet there but will come later, or it has already begun but we just don’t know. So I'm not saying I know how it really is. The answers to these we get when the NW  here.  Or then we may never know. Who knows? 🤷‍♂️



Edited by Jimi-L

No matter how the wind howls the mountain cannot bow to it. 

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5 hours ago, Jimi-L said:

To be precise, the Bible does not discount any kind of extraterrestrial life, whether intellectual or not.

Have you considered the Awake articles from April 8, 1990?


*** g90 4/8 p. 3 Is Anyone Out There? ***
But when man asks of the vast universe, “Is anyone out there?” he will need more than high-tech hardware to find an answer. In many ways it is a spiritual question. In groping for an answer, man reveals some of his most cherished hopes: the end of war, the end of disease, perhaps even the attaining of immortality itself. So the stakes are high. But after centuries of wondering and decades of searching, how close is man to an answer?


*** g90 4/8 p. 4 Extraterrestrials—The Age-Old Dream ***

MODERN-DAY science-fiction writers did not invent the notion of extraterrestrials. Some 23 centuries ago, a Greek philosopher named Metrodorus taught that a universe containing merely one inhabited world would be as unlikely as a large field growing only one ear of corn. Lucretius, a Roman poet of the first century B.C.E., wrote that “in other parts of space there are other earths and various races of men.”



*** g90 4/8 p. 6 Extraterrestrials—Where Are They? ***

ACCORDING to science writer Isaac Asimov, this is “a question that, in a way, spoils everything” for those who believe in life on other planets. Originally posed in 1950 by nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi, the question capped an argument that went something like this: If intelligent life has arisen on other planets in our galaxy, many civilizations should now exist that are millions of years ahead of our own. They should have developed interstellar travel long ago and spread abroad in the galaxy, colonizing and exploring at will. So where are they?



*** g90 4/8 p. 9 Extraterrestrials—Finding the Answer ***

So, then, according to the Bible, is anyone out there?




From this Awake series we see the conclusion reached, based on the scriptures, is that Satan, Adam and Eve's sin raised the issue of universal sovereignty. Satan challenged whether entire physical universe could be loyal to Jehovah. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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4 hours ago, Jimi-L said:

Of course, it may be that life, at least the intellectual one, is not yet there but will come later, or it has already begun but we just don’t know. So I'm not saying I know how it really is. The answers to these we get when the NW  here.  Or then we may never know. Who knows? 🤷‍♂️

For the reasons already mentioned it seems very unlikely that there's intelligent life in other planets out there. Yet that doesn't mean the universe will remain that way forever. As you say, perfect humans might spread in the universe later. Or Jehovah might create other intelligent creatures. Who knows? With everlasting life ahead the future is full of possibilities. :)

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