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JW Broadcast - November 2023

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As an Autistic brother, I feel the same way. I am not so good in starting casual talk from door to door, as I am unable to read body language, and deaf to tone nuances. I understand an angry face and shouting. I'll leave. 

When that door opens, I need to start talking... that scares me. 
In a street or in a train or at a square etc.. I have time to observe people and guess my way to what person they are and can ask the brother what I could use. So to me it is difficult as well.
Ditto for me too. I have always felt inadequate and thought the brothers put alot of effort into the presentations, I could not improve on it. So have just done what they do every month. Obviously if need be I go off topic but 99% of the time it helps me to know what to say.
Now I'm a very nervous pioneer again.

Sent from my SM-A336E using Tapatalk

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Besides our normal house-to-house territories, our territories will be our immediate neighbors, schools, workplaces, parks, gyms, riding the bus, line ups at the grocery stores or banks, hospitals, cleaners or helpers, or wherever we get the chance we normally talk a few minutes to anyone. It‘s exactly like the special pioneer sister said in the interview that it was never about how many hours she had to put in, but that in her daily life finding people to preach to. Love the new focus.

Edited by Amygdala

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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These skills are important ... because our structured ministry may not be available to us very soon. We will need to be unobtrusive and genuinely show we care in informal settings.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Great talks! When they mentioned that we’ve been counting time since the 20’s, it really helped me to better appreciate how patient Jehovah is because he’s been tolerating us counting time (non pioneers) for over 100 years.


On a side note, I would like to know the ratio of sisters who were colporteurs vs brothers because women didn’t earn the right to work in the United States until 1923. A lot of them must have been sisters.

Edited by *Jack*

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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1 hour ago, Amygdala said:

Besides our normal house-to-house territories, our territories will be our immediate neighbors, schools, workplaces, parks, gyms, riding the bus, line ups at the grocery stores or banks, hospitals, cleaners or helpers, or wherever we get the chance we normally talk a few minutes to anyone. It‘s exactly like the special pioneer sister said in the interview that it was never about how many hours she had to put in, but that in her daily life finding people to preach to. Love the new focus.

And now you don’t have to count the minutes you spend on doing that

Not even trying to remember when the conversation has started 🙏💖☺️☺️

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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6 hours ago, Rodejong said:


As an Autistic brother, I feel the same way. I am not so good in starting casual talk from door to door, as I am unable to read body language, and deaf to tone nuances. I understand an angry face and shouting. I'll leave. 

When that door opens, I need to start talking... that scares me. 


In a street or in a train or at a square etc.. I have time to observe people and guess my way to what person they are and can ask the brother what I could use. So to me it is difficult as well.


It doesn't mean we can't use the presentations we have been using. There are plenty. Jehovah is happy with the best we can do.


But I do wonder if this is one of the reasons for the 2024 year text!



Screenshot_20231107_084200_JW Library.jpg

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I feel like the ministry has been completely overhauled. It feels like they’re preparing us for the time when ‘formal’ door to door ministry might be gone. Let’s give it our all and our best try, obviously there will be some that are better at conversations than others, but we try.

That’s all Jehovah asks. Can’t wait to get stuck in. Now I’m thinking of all the ways I can start a conversation! 

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I am feeling like going back to the old way, get a subject and a verse and bake a 5m speech, only with index and books before internet, jw app, wol and those neat things we have now 😀

Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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8 hours ago, Tortuga said:

Bison Yellowstone GIF by Nat Geo Wild

Indeed, but really we show Love without charge😅

1 John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

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25 minutes ago, Luisabola said:

I feel like the ministry has been completely overhauled. It feels like they’re preparing us for the time when ‘formal’ door to door ministry might be gone. Let’s give it our all and our best try, obviously there will be some that are better at conversations than others, but we try.

That’s all Jehovah asks. Can’t wait to get stuck in. Now I’m thinking of all the ways I can start a conversation! 

Yes it seems that there is more prominence given to Informal Witnessing now as can be seen from the new workbook format. However, there are several parts dedicated to the House to House setting as well. 

Edited by truce
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7 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Relax, Jehovah has your back. 

If you read carefully in the brochure, we are encouraged not to talk too much. 


Good morning, 


How you been today?

(scenario where householder comes back with grocery shopping)

I can see you just came back from grocery shopping...

Do you think there will be a time when food will be plenty and accessible to all? 

Show Bible promise...

I’m not too worried about what to say it’s just as an autistic person change can be very challenging for me. 

it often takes me longer to process and adapt to changes, and we’ve had a lot of change recently so I’ve got a lot to get used to. 

change to my routine is usually the worst and now the midweek meetings are changing it’s something new I have to get used to- which will probably take a while. 

I know a lot of neurotypical people also struggle with change but for an autistic (or any neurodivergent) person it can feel really unsettling and stressful 

Edited by TheKid23
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19 minutes ago, booboo said:

That was my first thought about the brochure as well.  Could very well be…..🤔hmmmmmm


i feel that too.

All my Bible students came from informal witnessing so I know it definitely works.

now GB is preparing us with the method

Soon we will be updated with the message contents 

We will preach more directly announcing what’s really comming soon and that the window of oportunity is fading soon

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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1 hour ago, Luisabola said:

I feel like the ministry has been completely overhauled.

Yes and No, looking at the content of the brochure section 2 deals with "return visits' 

section 3 "bible studies" 

There is section for informal witnessing, but it moves beyond that. 

The way I see it, the brochure helps us with door to door witnessing, but not to go about it as programmed robots but display qualities and conversational way that reaches the heart. Predetermined sample conversation is over and done with. 

We need to respond to the needs of people. I see greater preparation for ministry will be required. 

Edited by New World Explorer

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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43 minutes ago, TheKid23 said:

I’m not too worried about what to say it’s just as an autistic person change can be very challenging for me. 

it often takes me longer to process and adapt to changes, and we’ve had a lot of change recently so I’ve got a lot to get used to. 

change to my routine is usually the worst and now the midweek meetings are changing it’s something new I have to get used to- which will probably take a while. 

I know a lot of neurotypical people also struggle with change but for an autistic (or any neurodivergent) person it can feel really unsettling and stressful 

I am sure you have friends in the congregation that ill patently help you to adjust. 

Jehovah will take your hand. (Pace yourself) 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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4 hours ago, Stormswift said:

These skills are important ... because our structured ministry may not be available to us very soon. We will need to be unobtrusive and genuinely show we care in informal settings.

I had the same thought looking at the SCL and "structured" meetings... this is giving us much autonomy with tools to strenghthen ourselves.

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18 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

I am sure you have friends in the congregation that ill patently help you to adjust. 

Jehovah will take your hand. (Pace yourself) 

I’ve got 1 friend and he’s great but unless you’re autistic as well you don’t really understand what it’s like or how it feels. 

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For as long as I have been a witness I hated to practice or parrot words that were not mine.  I always felt that if one professed to be a christian than, the topic was always about talking about Jehovah,  to friends, neighbors, families, etc.  I always found a way to turn it into a spiritual conversation.


If we are christians then, we should talk like we are.  There is no better topic then Jehovah, His Kingdom and Paradise.


At least that was what I always thought and did.  It should come natural to all of us.

Edited by cme
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3 hours ago, Sofia said:

And now you don’t have to count the minutes you spend on doing that

Not even trying to remember when the conversation has started 🙏💖☺️☺️


I'm thinking of a brother from my old congregation. He always goes with a stopwatch. Clicks it on when the door opens, and stops it when the door closes again. How he managed to pioneer that way, is still a mystery for me. But he was very active in service, and I admire him for that. 


He doesn't pioneer anymore but what will he do now with that stopwatch? It really became a habit for him. 

jworg1.jpg.fbee44f18d05bd7fd5a2c3c8110f64c6.jpg  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."—Ps. 56:3

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1 hour ago, TheKid23 said:

as an autistic person change can be very challenging for me.


5 hours ago, Fiona said:

As an Autistic brother, I feel the same way. 

I truly relate to what you are both saying, especially how change is a different challenge for someone on the “spectrum”.  (My Mom was, a Nephew and my Husband are on the Spectrum. (dyslexic ADHD)). You both are wonderful examples in courage and love for Jehovah.


your sister


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1 hour ago, TheKid23 said:

I’m not too worried about what to say it’s just as an autistic person change can be very challenging for me. 

it often takes me longer to process and adapt to changes, and we’ve had a lot of change recently so I’ve got a lot to get used to. 

change to my routine is usually the worst and now the midweek meetings are changing it’s something new I have to get used to- which will probably take a while. 

I know a lot of neurotypical people also struggle with change but for an autistic (or any neurodivergent) person it can feel really unsettling and stressful 


Exactly. They announced that we will start our midweek meetings in 2024 on 18:30 in stead of 19:00

That alone gives me stomach aches, as I need to adjust to that, as well as the yearly switching between 11:00 and 16:00 on Sundays. 


All these small changes are stress items on my list. 


We know that Jehovah helps us with this, as he won't let us suffer needlessly beyond what we can bare. But it is still hard.


Rationally I can see the benefits, but my brain has a hard time to adjust.

jworg1.jpg.fbee44f18d05bd7fd5a2c3c8110f64c6.jpg  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."—Ps. 56:3

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It‘s definitely easier to proclaim our faith when we are at the meetings. We may be good, even brilliant commenters, know how to articulate freely, and even give good presentations or talks at the meetings. Doing so is because we are in “theocratic modus“ with other like-minded people, and we know what to expect. But take this “theocratic, expected modus“ away and to turn it into reality in the real world can be really scary for some.


So in my mind, this new focus blends everything together - in our meeting life, but also personal life and makes us more people aware. Of course there are same days where we might not be up to talking to strangers if opportunity presents itself, but in my experience, we don‘t even need to start overthinking words on how to start, because often people say things to us or inadvertently say something one can respond to.


My only challenge is I am great at starting conversations with people to talk and direct them to the Bible. But even if I get a phone number with Whatsapp, it can be challenging to follow-up with positive results that lead to an actual Bible study. So I am hoping I can get some new tips from the friends sharing their experiences or demonstrations.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Just something positive to share - I went to the gym this morning and met an old, stubborn lol return visit. She talked about how great she looks for her age, and I started about wouldn‘t it be great to see that you can look great forever and grow and stay young again, according to what Jehovah has promised? Her eyes lit up. 


A couple of Sunday‘s ago at the gym, I heard an American woman fall over on her sport ball, and she exclaimed something to the effect of “well that wasn‘t pleasant“ in English. (I live in Germany) I continued with that thought, and later found out she teaches English at a highschool. She was at the gym working out her stress because of how hard it is to handle roudy teenagers in school, social media addiction, bad attitudes, etc. We continued talking, and me agreeing and listening.  I told her I had a magazine that gives 6 good tips on how to raise children successfully. She agreed to receive it and said that it might be good and would pass it on to the other teachers in her school. Then I later sent it to her on Whatsapp in English and German. She thanked me for the article, and said if she doesn‘t see me at the gym, that we can meet perhaps for coffee one day. :) Hopefully it continues…

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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1 hour ago, TheKid23 said:

I’m not too worried about what to say it’s just as an autistic person change can be very challenging for me. 

it often takes me longer to process and adapt to changes, and we’ve had a lot of change recently so I’ve got a lot to get used to. 

change to my routine is usually the worst and now the midweek meetings are changing it’s something new I have to get used to- which will probably take a while. 

I know a lot of neurotypical people also struggle with change but for an autistic (or any neurodivergent) person it can feel really unsettling and stressful 


That's another cool thing about this forum. It gives us a head start with more time to adjust, which is what I really appreciate x

Edited by Abigail
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