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Broadcasting February 2024

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I loved the new video for Our History in Motion, talking about MEPS. Because I knew the truth right at the time this system was being developed. And I heard a lot about MEPS and how it helped with the translation of publications. Later, when I went to serve at Bethel, I saw it working firsthand.


It was a pleasant surprise for me that this topic became part of this series.

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I took the audio for the month's music video and made an mp3 file for you. It's been posted in my song collection if you'd like it. Just look for a zip archive in the same name as the song; it contains the song, the lyrics, and the official album art photo.


Again, if you don't have the link to my song collection, send me a PM.

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9 minutes ago, Araujo JW said:

I loved the new video for Our History in Motion, talking about MEPS. Because I knew the truth right at the time this system was being developed. And I heard a lot about MEPS and how it helped with the translation of publications. Later, when I went to serve at Bethel, I saw it working firsthand.


It was a pleasant surprise for me that this topic became part of this series.

Me too. I remember the MEPS system first being brought in to help with translating. And some brothers in my congregation at the time thought that MEPS was doing the translating! That is, until a meeting part better explained exactly what it does and doesn't do.

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5 minutes ago, Sheep said:

Moi aussi. Je me souviens que le système MEPS a été introduit pour la première fois pour aider à la traduction. Et certains frères de ma congrégation à l’époque pensaient que c’était MEPS qui traduisait ! Autrement dit, jusqu'à ce qu'une partie de la réunion explique mieux exactement ce qu'elle fait et ne fait pas.

I remember too. Deduction : we're all old around here...🙂

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The morning Worship videos and the Monthly Broadcast videos are on the organizations "download" servers and also on the commercial servers that we use to make a world-wide distribution of the programs.  If you know the URL used by the servers you can download the videos.  they are not 'secret' or 'confidential' they are just not set up as 'public'.
The Broadcast will be available on JW.ORG and the JW Library sometime this afternoon.  Probably between Lunch and Supper (Noon to Six pm).  Our forum and the moderators do not want the details of the server URL posted in public, like this discussion page.  The download location changes each month. The next video this month will be in the same place as the Broadcast.  In fact, the videos from last week's morning worship are already there.  If you know the URL, we just change the monthly ID to the new month and the video is available.  It only comes out a few hors early so just be patient and it will be here in 3-4 hours or so.
If you absolutely cannot wait, PM me.

This concise explanation should be pinned to every threat that talks about monthly broadcasts



🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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3 hours ago, jwhess said:

The morning Worship videos and the Monthly Broadcast videos are on the organizations "download" servers and also on the commercial servers that we use to make a world-wide distribution of the programs.  If you know the URL used by the servers you can download the videos.  they are not 'secret' or 'confidential' they are just not set up as 'public'.


The Broadcast will be available on JW.ORG and the JW Library sometime this afternoon.  Probably between Lunch and Supper (Noon to Six pm).  Our forum and the moderators do not want the details of the server URL posted in public, like this discussion page.  The download location changes each month. The next video this month will be in the same place as the Broadcast.  In fact, the videos from last week's morning worship are already there.  If you know the URL, we just change the monthly ID to the new month and the video is available.  It only comes out a few hors early so just be patient and it will be here in 3-4 hours or so.


If you absolutely cannot wait, PM me.

Thank you. I was just curious how it worked. Web design was never really my thing 😂

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17 minutes ago, MM9106 said:

Thank you. I was just curious how it worked. Web design was never really my thing 😂

Our organization uses commercial servers to deliver the electronic/digital information around the world.  We use (lease) space on the Akamai company server farms which are available in 135 countries around the world.  We send them the data (like our monthly broadcast) and they post it on their servers.  When a request is made to stream or download a copy of that data, Akamai determines which server is closest or can deliver the end product most quickly.  If the nearest server is busy they will immediately shift to another less busy one.


Our organization has some storage of their own to used to distribute to Akamai servers.  So if you know where on Akamai or JW servers the data is stored, you can ask for a copy.  When the assigned time is right, the organization will post the video on JW.ORG or JW Library and makes the connection automatically available for you from every corner of the world.

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52 minutes ago, Mykyl said:

Hmmm. It’s almost Tuesday now and no sign of it. Everything else is up but I broadcast. 

yeah, it's 11am Tues here in OZ. Broadcasts usually drop around 8am. There's 2 new short vids listed, but not the broadcast, as of yet.

Edited by SteveAus
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Well... it's almost there.




It's in the What's New and the Latest Videos sections of jw.org, but not in the JW Broadcasting category of the videos. Just give it a few more minutes, and the rest of it will appear.

Edited by Sheep
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Brother Anthony Griffin. His mother-in-law died last month, and they waited for him to come back from Japan to have the memorial this last Saturday. His nephew is our CO and he left part way through his visit with our congregation so he could attend the memorial too.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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3 hours ago, Sofia said:

No dear

this was filmed way back before am


For example the video dramatisation highlighting lessons from the life of John the Baptist was evidently filmed in 2022 - so between 13 to 25 months ago, or in round terms, basically at least one year before the 15 December 2023 GB Update regarding beards.


2022 Yeartext: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2022240#h=2-3




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5 hours ago, Sheep said:


Transcript for the February 2024 JW Monthly Broadcast




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