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  1. It all started with a text...just a simple stupid text message. I hardly even gave it a glance at first...I was out on my cheese route...and I barely had time to read the first couple of sentences before my attention was diverted to a question from a customer regarding our Sharp Cheddar. After returning to my work van...I took a moment to read this brothers text...and during the 45-minute drive to my next stop...I pondered how to respond to the question he had buried in the three paragraphs of his scattered thoughts. I prayed about it and, after arriving to my next stop...I performed a quick search for a point that had formed in my mind and, after copying and pasting a few portions of the article I had found...followed by my own general thoughts about the situation...I hit send. And...just like that...I messed up. Of course, I didn't realize it at that moment...no, it wasn't until days and days later that the full import of what I had done finally hit home...but the simple and plain truth is...I should have never done what I did...this is one instance where I should have kept my opinions and my personal thoughts to myself. I won't go into detail about the situation...just suffice it to say that, even though my intentions were good...I had no business stepping into a dispute between a husband and his wife. True...I had no idea that this what I was actually getting myself into, (it wasn't presented as such), ...but I could have asked some questions...I should have investigated a little more before I just walked right up to that ledge and walked straight off it into the mess that followed. Again, I won't go into details...but suffice it to say that I was contacted by a couple of elders from this brother's hall...and was then made aware that my words, along with the article I had used...had started a firestorm between the two parties. They acknowledged that, although technically I was correct in how I had applied the article and the scriptures used therein...I was not aware of all the details involved in the situation...and thus it would have been better for me to tell the brother that he should ask that same question to his local elders. As you can imagine...I stumbled and fumbled around...looking for any words that could justify my actions...and finally I just sighed deeply and apologized profusely...asking what I could do now...if anything...to fix what I had unwittingly messed up? They simply said to leave the matter lay for now...and if I was contacted by either party...to apologize and say I am out of it. The elders both said they knew I hadn't done this to get involved...they also said this brother shouldn't have come to me at all...and had apparently only done so because he knows I like to do a lot of research...and thus would likely be able to find something that could be used to prove this brother's point...but then one of the elders, (who knows me very very well), asked me a question which completely threw me off...and the resulting conversation is what I am choosing to share this morning...because maybe it will help someone else who is in my shoes...or who has been in them. "Tim...do you know who Reginald Mungomery is?" He asked. "Uh...ummm...no...not a clue." I replied, completely thrown by what I thought was a random question. "He was an entomologist who was sent to Hawaii from Australia to study a certain kind of toad. In Australia...beetles had become a massive problem with the sugarcane crops...and he brought back over 100 of these certain toads and introduced them to the cane fields...all with the goal of solving one problem...with another natural solution." He said, and the other elder on the phone expressed the same awe I did...because neither of us had ever heard of this. "The problem was, Tim...," This elder continued, knowing he had my attention now. "The problem was...that the toads mostly just ignored the beetles...and became a serious pest themselves...in fact they have devastated parts of the environment there." He then went on to explain how hard they have tried to control the population of these toads...and how this Reginald Mungomery had gotten a lot of flak for bringing them into Australia in the first place. This brother then asked me to turn to 1 Peter 4:15...and had me read it aloud. "However, let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or a wrongdoer or a busybody in other people’s matters." He then directed me to read the following quote from the Insight book regarding this verse: " “Busybody in Other People’s Matters.” The apostle Peter warned against becoming “a busybody in other people’s matters.” (1Pe 4:15) This expression renders the Greek word al·lo·tri·e·piʹsko·pos, which literally means “Busybody in Other People’s Matters.” The apostle Peter warned against becoming “a busybody in other people’s matters.” (1Pe 4:15) This expression renders the Greek word al·lo·tri·e·piʹsko·pos, which literally means “overseer of what is another’s.” Francisco Zorell defines this word as “one who takes upon himself the duty of minding and correcting other people’s matters, the one who imprudently thrusts himself into other people’s affairs.”—Lexicon Graecum Novi Testamenti, Paris, 1961, col. 70. Francisco Zorell defines this word as “one who takes upon himself the duty of minding and correcting other people’s matters, the one who imprudently thrusts himself into other people’s affairs.”—Lexicon Graecum Novi Testamenti, Paris, 1961, col. 70." "Do you see what the word "busybody" literally means, Tim?" He asked. "Overseer of what is another's..." I said stupidly, feeling the heat of pure and utter shame creeping up my neck, now understanding where he was headed. "Exactly." He said simply...letting the silence stretch out...allowing the full import of his words and example to set in. "I'm not saying you did this on purpose...I'm not even saying you did it with bad intentions." He said, pausing for a moment. "And...it's not wrong to share scriptural advice or points with your brothers and sisters...we need that...it's actually a provision from Jehovah." He added in sincerity. "But..." He said, pausing again. "But...you have to be able to discern when it's appropriate to get involved...versus when it's better just to take a step back and refer the person to those who have been appointed as overseers in their congregation. And it's very important that you understand how inserting yourself into a situation can make you responsible for what that situation becomes..." The other elder broke in and pointed out how serious Jehovah takes this...it's mentioned alongside other serious crimes like theft and even murder. Both brothers let me know that they didn't think I had done anything majorly wrong...just that I should be more careful in the future in assessing situations and what to say to others in those situations. I thanked them both for the correction...and this has been on my mind and my heart ever since. I did not mean anything bad or negative when I texted that brother back...but it honestly doesn't matter. Those brothers are absolutely right...I had no business inserting myself into a situation that I didn't know all the facts about...and it could have easily led down a path where I could have been put myself in a situation of being an overseer of what is another's...and never would I want to do that. I can barely manage my own life...my own household...I certainly don't need any more responsibilities on my plate that aren't even mine to carry. So, to anyone on this site who feels like I have inserted myself into their lives or situations in a similar manner...I deeply apologize...and I will attempt to rein myself in more often from now on before I hit send...and mess up again.
    22 points
  2. JWB Feb 2025 transcript.
    19 points
  3. Young people and elderly ones will pass into the new world with life. Do not lose hope, do not lose faith. Keep looking ahead, dear elderly brothers—the finish line is ahead.
    19 points
  4. JW.org has reached 1,100 languages https://www.jw.org/en/
    17 points
  5. a bit ot (maybe not) wife just called and says shes ok, she works just nearby and heard the gun shots i know what the subject will be for our service day tomorrow.. the scary/crazy part is that this is almost not "news" here around anymore
    17 points
  6. It has been posted later than expected these last few months. possibly to stop ones like ME from gaining Early access to the program.
    17 points
  7. When the hand writes MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN on the wall above the UN speaker during a highly televised broadcast about P&S.
    16 points
  8. Once again I find myself sitting in front of my computer...a steaming mug of strong coffee comfortably within reach...my mind teeming with thoughts and feelings which I need to get down in writing. This post is for everyone and anyone on this site...it's something I have thought about all week...pondered on and pored over until my brain finally kicked into gear and came up with what I hope will be a suitable way for me to explain the randomness and oddity that is...my brain. To me...personally...it doesn't matter whether you started this website...or whether you have simply been lurking as a guest for weeks or months... (or anywhere in between) ...all of us need reminders and adjustments from time to time. My goal is not to provide such an adjustment to anyone...it's simply a question which I have been asking myself this entire week...and as usual...I came here to share what I have found. I was doing some personal research a couple of weeks ago and ran across a 1986 Watchtower article that spoke to me...sang to my mind and heart in a way that hasn't happened in a while. The main thrust of the article is about apostates and why we should stay away from anything and anyone related to them and their kind...but there were a couple of paragraphs that have had me in their grip for the better part of a week...and I will now share a couple portions of them with you this morning...along with a couple of pictures to illustrate my point. What do you see...my dear friends? Depending on where you are from...or what life experiences you have had...this picture can breathe life into literal memories in your personal life...it can evoke feelings, sights, smells, memories of certain tastes or even make you mentally reach out and touch the gnarled branches...feeling the sharp bite of the frosty limbs as the cold instantly saturates your skin and starts to seep into your bones. For some of you who have never experienced this kind of scenery...perhaps it evokes feelings of excited wonder...curiosity...or even, just maybe...depression at all the various shades of bleakness and darkness that present themselves. So... perhaps you are now wondering...what do I see when I look at this picture? At first...some of the same thoughts as those I've just expressed...but then I looked deeper...then I thought deeper...and suddenly...a whole different thought process jumped out at me...and I will share that with you now. Friends...believe it or not...this is how some people view our spiritual paradise...they see it as a bleakness...a darkness that engulfs them in a cold bitterness until they start to lash out at everyone and everything around them...they see broken and damaged trees of little to no value...and thus they grab a chainsaw and set about hacking and slashing...determined to bring down as many trees as possible before they leave. Of course...I am speaking about Satan and his followers...which include all the apostates. Satan has blanketed this world in a spiritual darkness that has brought about an icy winter which never seems to end...and his only interest is in taking as many people with him as he can...before he is put to sleep forever. Some of our brothers and sisters become disillusioned...the end hasn't come...still...and they simply drift away. Others...they fall prey to one or more of Satan's traps and suddenly this spiritual paradise comes to look like the picture above...they still see the trees...but suddenly the bright green foliage has been stripped away...suddenly the snow has fallen all around them without them even noticing and now all they can see are the ugly and gnarled branches of a bunch of rough looking trees that look twisted and bent. Any and all contact brings about searing pain from their own hardened consciences...and thus they start to lash out...breaking off any fellow Christian's "twig" or "branch" within arm's reach...until they leave...or are put out! Par 3 of this 1986 Watchtower study article brings out: "But being in Jehovah’s spiritual paradise is not something we can take for granted. We came into this paradise voluntarily; we can walk right out (or be put out) if we go into unbelief or willfully violate Jehovah’s righteous laws." Thankfully some are returning...thankfully some are starting to understand the simple unvarnished truth...they are finally starting to remember REALITY: This, my dear brothers and sisters...is the simplest yet most profound visual example I could find that demonstrates how it feels to be one of Jehovah's people...not ALL the time...but when compared to the bone chilling cold dark of winter that Satan and his system offers. Paragraph four of this beautiful article gave me the chills, my friends...and that is why I'm sharing it, the article it came from and my personal thoughts on it...with each and every one of you! Par 4: "To borrow from a proverbial saying, we could come to the point where we would find it difficult, perhaps even impossible, to see the forest of the spiritual paradise because of looking so closely at the imperfect human trees now in it. The thrill we had in learning the truth of God’s Word, the grand hope we came to have, the love we developed for God and our spiritual brothers, and the zeal we had for Jehovah’s service can fade. If drastic steps are not taken to reverse any such spiritual deterioration, soon God’s loving requirements seem to be oppressive. The wholesome spiritual food from “the faithful and discreet slave” may seem to be something contemptible, and the brotherhood of loving servants of Jehovah may appear to be a household of enemies. Then the only satisfaction, of a perverted kind, may come in beginning to beat one’s fellow slaves with slander and half-truths.—Matthew 24:45-51." May we never we of that sort, my dear friends. May we all continue to see through the illusion that Satan is trying to ram down our throats...and see the rich warmth of the beautiful spiritual paradise that Jehovah has provided us. May we all continue to strengthen one another...please don't be afraid to reach out, digitally or in person...take a person's hand if they'll let you...and guide them over to that bench. Help them take a seat...invite them to sit back...close their eyes...and experience fully what Jehovah is extending to each one of us. And please don't forget to wander over there yourself and join them...after all...Jehovah invited you as well...and he did it personally! I love each and every one of you...we are so close...please don't give up now. https://www.jw.org/finder?srcid=jwlshare&wtlocale=E&prefer=lang&docid=1986203
    16 points
  9. I do love me a nice beard. My husband looks better with one. Although he likes to grow his a little longer than I like. He likes the ducktail style beard and I prefer it a tad shorter. But I do have to say, seeing him up on stage giving a talk with his beard is very attractive. But I’m partial to him. This is his beard style now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    16 points
  10. Maybe. Jehovah could put one thought into the world leaders right away but apparently he decided to to give us some time to prepare for GT and yo reach even more people with good news. Let’s do it. (We started 3 Bible studies this morning during group service [emoji3590]). Wysłane z iPhone za pomocą Tapatalk
    16 points
  11. Well, I think based on last AM that anything that particular politicians say has no bearing on start of GT. I thought when Ukraine was invaded 3 years ago is that we might be just before the GT. It might turn out this is „just” a sign of last days and of the pushing. Dissecting statements of particular politicians won’t give us insight. The WWI would start even if archduke Ferdinand hadn’t been assasinated because Satan was full of rage and wanted take away attention from Kongdom, WWII would start even if Hitler hadn’t been born because conditions for it were laid in n 1918. So, I enjoy this thread but we don’t have to grasp on every word said by any politician (this is just a general remark). I’m really curious about situation with UN. If any major country withdraw from it (logical because is so ineffective although I suppose it won’t happen) it would be even more spectacular to watch Jehovah made them rejoin and give power to it. Love to you all, dear brothers and sisters [emoji3059] Wysłane z iPhone za pomocą Tapatalk
    15 points
  12. I'm most sorry for those who have been here since infancy, toddlers - never knowing their native country - but deported anyway. Not thieves or murderers, but husbands, fathers or young children. I read of such an example yesterday. The man was arrested in front of his young son when they were on the way to school. He's been in the U.S. since he was two years old, never been to El Salvador. But he's going now.. This entire system is so horrible. A merciless, ignorant, horrible system. Come, Lord Jesus.
    15 points
  13. My mother (a third generation witness) lived to age 97 before she died in 2002. She wanted to see what was going to happen to Satans old system. But, at least she will be able to hear about it and not have to endure it. Thanks, Jim
    15 points
  14. Caught on Twitter a few minutes ago: “The United States and Israel agree under President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu to transform the Gaza Strip into the “Riviera of the Middle East” — a historic and unprecedented move that will bring lasting peace and stability to the region. President Trump has made it clear: the United States sees a long-term ownership position in Gaza, ensuring its reconstruction into a thriving economic hub. "Everybody I've talked to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land, developing it and creating thousands of jobs," Trump said. Its vision is to transform Gaza into a prosperous, safe and modern place where people from all over the world — including Palestinians — can live and work. Rebuilding Gaza as it was is not just impractical—it is impossible. Decades of Hamas rule have turned it into a terrorist breeding ground, with deeply rooted radicalization and an infrastructure designed for war, not peace. Trump’s plan presents the only viable long-term solution: remove terrorist influence, clean up the dangerous remnants of war, and replace chaos with economic opportunity. Unlike the failed policies of the past, this approach prioritizes real investment, security and prosperity. Trump's leadership is not just about military strategy — it's about building a future. His plan includes US-led efforts to dismantle all unexploded bombs and weapons, laying the groundwork for large-scale infrastructure projects, businesses and tourism. Instead of endless war and suffering, Gaza could become the Middle East’s leading economic and cultural destination — an international model for development. The suffering of innocent Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023 must never be forgotten. Families were torn apart, civilians brutally attacked and entire communities traumatized. The world has seen the true nature of Hamas, and any future that allows its continued rule is unacceptable. Israel cannot be expected to live alongside a terrorist regime that has shown no interest in peace. A long-term solution must ensure Israel’s security while offering Palestinians a fresh start in a stable and prosperous environment. The two-state solution has failed because it ignores reality. Unless there is a dramatic shift in ideology, peaceful coexistence remains a fantasy. There are more than 50 Muslim countries in the region — any of which could offer resettlement opportunities. But Gaza itself can become a symbol of peace and progress if it is managed correctly. Trump's vision is bold, but it is also necessary. Weak globalists have allowed this crisis to fester for too long. Now, with real leadership, a path forward is possible — one that prioritizes security, economic development, and a future free from terrorism. Under Trump, the cycle of war ends and a new era begins.“
    15 points
  15. From the Annual meeting: Yes, they will empower the United Nations so that the United Nations will be in a position to take action against false religion. Now, this adjustment in understanding also means that we have to adjust our understanding of verses 12 and 13. So if you’re in Revelation 17, please, let’s look at verses 12 and 13: “The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings “for one hour with the wild beast. These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.” So up to now, we’ve assumed these “ten kings,” which represent all the political powers and governments in the world at the moment, did this during the last days by supporting, first of all, the League of Nations and then the United Nations. But now what do we understand this to be, seeing we understand verse 17? Well, there will come a time when all political powers on earth, which includes many who have never been part of the seven world powers, will see that they need to collectively pool their power by giving it to the United Nations to try to solve some of the problems in the world. So current events are actually going in the right directions as nations are not able to "solve" problems including Ukrainian War. Instead politicians engage in angry outburst and arrogance.
    14 points
  16. It makes a lot of sense: - KOTN and KOTS have been in conflict for centuries - Since we expect a mutual consensus on giving UN total power the conflict must be pacified - If we expect a world cry of peace and security makes sense to see them working together for comum goals is it just me who see that GT can start in months? 😳
    14 points
  17. Because the next move we are about to see it’s political ( from human point of view) even though it’s orchestrated by Jehovah Daniel 11 and revelation mentions kings nations governments world powers UN that s the reason mentioning aspects of prophecy fullfilled or imagine how things may happen is harmless and it doesn’t mean we take party or aren’t neutral
    14 points
  18. And yet, soon, they will come together and give the UN authority. Today's headlines really have no bearing on how things play out. They will play by Jehovah’s rules whether they like it or not.
    14 points
  19. This picture made me think about reality that some elderly will be so close to “death” and yet GT will “rescue them” from inevitable death. And young children will never taste old age… Amazing events are just ahead of us.
    14 points
  20. God will put it in their minds = they see the need. From their point of view they will not know it's Jehovah's thought. Therefore, they will think it's their idea.
    13 points
  21. I will say this only once in my best neutral voice…. Putin, Trump and Vance are all vile bullies and it was shameful, but what more do we expect I’m just back from shopping and three people have asked me if I watched the TV yesterday… and then commented how angry they were regarding that debate I had some good conversations though…. We’re just grateful for Jehovah and it will be so interesting to see how all of this plays out.
    13 points
  22. You can't please everyone. Some may say Christians should or should not wear certain colors. Some will say it's not proper for Christian women to use makeup or jewels. Others will say women should cover their head. I once met a person in service who believed Christians should greet others with "Peace!". So if the brother happens to greet that person with "Good morning" instead of peace, or if the sister is wearing earrings, how would they react to the "chastisement and the embarrassment that will follow"? Well, it it were me, I wouldn't feel chastised or embarrassed at all. I don't offend people intentionally, but I don't have to please everyone. Jesus was perfect and some complained that he did normal things. Eric, I think what happened in this occasion is that that lady's bias validated your own preferences. Had she complained that some Witnesses came to her using brown shoes instead of black, you wouldn't have given any importance to her idea.
    13 points
  23. Sheep

    "...abstain from blood."

    We are progressively considering new ways to educate the medical community in treating Jehovah’s Witnesses while respecting our position on blood. Perhaps you have already seen the medical section of jw.org designed for clinicians. But now you can take a look at another method to help them handle medical challenges we sometimes face. The Hospital Information Desk (HID) in the United States now has a website for medical professionals to take accredited training. Topic: Medical Management of Jehovah’s Witnesses: A Collaborative Approach. This 90-minute presentation highlights evidence-based clinical strategies consistent with the position of Jehovah’s Witnesses on medical care and details the many resources available to support clinicians. This accredited presentation is delivered live to healthcare audiences throughout the United States. (It seems this program is only available in the US... for the time being.) Look at our new website here.
    13 points
  24. Just remember that BTG is not limited to churches in Christendom, it encompasses all religions and organisations including all continents. Only Jehovah’s power can destroy such vast empire of false religion (of course using UN as a tool) If “Christians” support such destruction then what about Asia and religion there …what about Islam? What about Orthodox religions everywhere… ? And the list continues…. Only Jehovah can do this. Soon we are going to eyewitness amazing events.
    13 points
  25. Would be a shame to loose the eyebrows and eyelashes though
    13 points
  26. trottigy

    Religion in the news

    When it comes to "illegal" immigrants a good principle from the Bible to keep in mind is the one found in Philemon about O·nesʹi·mus. Recall he was a run-away slave (:15 & :16) - basically an "illegal", but Paul baptized him in that state and allowed him to help. It was Paul that sent him back, but said: So, he could have stayed where he wasn't legally allowed to stay and continued to assist Paul, but Paul didn't want to make that decision without consent of his "owner" (BUT he could have). So, yes - there is a scriptural precedent to baptize someone who is in an "illegal" situation AND allow them to assist, BUT we just don't consider them as exemplary. Interesting how one of those little books you don't think much about packs powerful lessons. Jehovah is AMAZING!
    13 points
  27. Just a friendly reminder: While we may find…interesting, some of the things that the President says or does, we need to remember that he IS the president and does deserve respect, as part of the “superior authorities”, regardless of what we may personally think about him. Not saying this to or about anybody in particular, or directing this to anyone, but I wonder if going down the well-trodden path of publicizing Caesar’s blunders here, could be construed as affecting our neutrality. Just a concern I wanted to bring up… That's all.
    13 points
  28. “We’re just pencils in Jehovah’s hand, letting him do the writing.”
    13 points
  29. I mean, sure? It's like this. The nations give power to the UN. We are the only people expecting that to happen. When it does, why wouldn't it be obvious to us that it's Jehovah's hand? What if Jehovah's stepped in already? Well, I guess if tomorrow we see all the nations give power to the UN, then we will know. Personally, I don't think Jehovah will need much time or that he needs to lay groundwork. He puts in their heart his thought and they go. He's Jehovah God. The nations are streams of water in his hand. Jehovah puts hooks in the jaws of Gog and jerks him where he does not want to go. It's only one thought. How much advance work does that sound like?
    12 points
  30. NY Yankees catching up with us JW trendsetters! 😄
    12 points
  31. My husband’s beard…he is the old guy in the black shirt next to me in yellow. The other brother is in our congregation too. Both of them grew beards around 6 months after the update. They both still have. I keep reminding my husband I only like him with a beard if he keeps his hair styled modern. If he doesn’t then he looks like an old hill billy which I don’t like.
    12 points
  32. In my final post on this subject, let’s take a look at the present and see where we are headed: 1) Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 after holding a “referendum” and incorporated it into the country, while at the same time fomenting unrest in Ukraine’s Russian-speaking east, giving the rebel fighters supplies and weapons, all in the name of “protecting” the Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine. The West did nothing more than protest and slap some sanctions. 2) When Russia invaded Ukraine, KotS was not so much interested in saving Ukraine as they were in weakening Russia: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/25/russia-weakedend-lloyd-austin-ukraine 3)The support KotS gave Ukraine was not as “ironclad” as the world leaders said. They gave Ukraine only enough to hang on, not to inflict decisive defeat on Russia. These “allies” have used Ukraine as nothing more than a political football, a tool to fight a proxy war against KotN. These security guarantees, (1994 Budapest Memorandum, for example: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum) like the one made with Czechoslovakia by England and France have proven to be completely worthless. 4) And now with about 1/5 of Ukraine’s land occupied, Trump is now appearing to push them to accept a deal with Putin. KotS has just met with representatives of KotN without any Ukrainian or EU representatives. Sound familiar? In conclusion: history is repeating itself, and it’s clear that the prophecy @ Daniel 11:27 is accurate. These men might appear to be looking for diplomatic solutions, but in the end, all they each care about is their own respective countries’ interests. Whether all this results in a cry of P&S remains to be seen, but it’s clear that the “scene of this world is now changing”.
    12 points
  33. We've had two snowstorms in a row in Montreal, with only a day or two in between!!! I didn't measure it, but it was supposed to have been 25 to 40 cm each time (10 to 16 inches)!!! (Who said the age of shovelry is dead?!) Here's what my street looks like:
    12 points
  34. I visited my sister through the week. I took this pic from her balcony.
    12 points
  35. The 3rd brother - Ivanushchenko Sergiy is imprisoned in Sumy Pretrial detention center. He has got 3 years and had lost the Appellate court. About 700 brothers are in process of prosecution. Frequently brothers has gotten on the streets, sometimes put in the trunk of a car, formally and quickly passed medical comission and passed to military camps without variants. One thing what they can do is refuse to put milirary form and take part in military training. Despite of this they already considered as mobilized persons and they are threatened not 3 years but from 5 till 7 years. Many brothers are escaping from military camps or during transportation here. Somebody several times. They usually have not cellphones or money, need to go home from another sides of Ukraine, but local brothers providing all the help to this "tourists".
    12 points
  36. There is another aspect of gas prices going up that I never thought of before, until recernly. I had only heard of a few reports over the years in which gasoline was being stolen from vehicles in various parts of the US. But then this became more of a reality to me as I have now had the gas stolen from my vehicle 5 times in the past year! 😞 I have an older truck, so I guess I was naive in thinking that an older truck would not be a target of theft. But apparently older trucks are an excellent target by thieves because Older vehicles usually have no alarms Older vehicles usually have no lock on the fuel door But even if you have lock on the fuel door or add a “locking gas cap”, trucks are high enough off the ground for a thief to slide underneath and make a hole in the gas tank Last year I had to clean up the street area where my truck normally is parked because gas had been pouring out underneath my truck! I had never dealt with a gasoline spill, so I was really nervous and worried. This caused me so much trouble and then when I took it to the mechanic for a replacement gas tank, which was quite the cost along with expensive labor, the mechanic never mentioned anything to me that this could have been the result of someone trying to siphon gas directly from my gas tank! Instead I thought and told the mechanics that since the truck was older, the gas tank must have been rusty maybe and then possibly it easily cracked open when I had accidentally driven over something? But maybe mechanics are getting more business with cracked gas tanks and so some may not bother showing the customers that their gas tank had a hole in it caused by thieves? So when I left the mechanic shop with the replacement gas tank, at least I felt comforted that no longer would I leak gasoline because I had a new gas tank. But just last month, guess what happened? My neighbors told me that there was a strong gasoline smell from under my truck that they could smell from their house! That’s when I realized that my previous broken gas tank must have been a result of thieves, because since that first gas tank replacement last year, I also have had the gas siphoned out from the fuel door 3 times! The last time was just a few weeks ago. 😞 So now I feel that I have no choice but to try and sell my truck as I can no longer afford to keep repairing or replacing the gas tank or even afford to keep losing all the gas in my truck each month, as my older truck has become a special target of thieves 🎯 I thought I would post about this personal situation so that all of you will at least be aware of this latest criminal trend. I hope this does not happen to any of you. If you do not have a truck or SUV, then hopefully thieves will not try and crack a hole in your gas tank as cars are lower to the ground and there is little room for a thief to slide under. But cars are still having the gas siphoned from the gas door also, so please be aware and maybe adding a “locking gas cap” will be a good preventative measure. Sadly if gas prices rise, there will be more stealing of gas. Here is a link to an article in Arizona where this trend has started very recently and is being noticed by the police and local mechanics. https://tucson.com/news/national/thieves-costly-new-tactic-puncture-vehicles-gas-tank/article_98bf67c9-0015-57e2-b4bd-97cfab86491b.html
    12 points
  37. Nice to get your viewpoint, but, nope, speaking as one who 'has been around a long time,' this could not be further from the truth. Very interested in seeing exactly how it happens and all acquaintances in my 'age group' likewise! We've been waiting for it for a long time.
    12 points
  38. 70 - 80 yrs of waiting is nothing compare to eternity . Older women in the congregation, dont wanna die and wanna see armageddon in their lifetime but years pass by. Yes they get sad. Its innate that nobody wants to die. Nevertheless, Jehovah is a God of comfort. He will use young ones to encourage older ones.
    12 points
  39. It looks like now that anyone who is clean-shaven are now the rebels…
    11 points
  40. It was these points Jerry brought out earlier that made me think of that time. It is sort of ironical, because very similar things happened a long time ago. Ill explain as simply as I can: The issue involved Nazi Germany under you-know-who, and Czechoslovakia under President Edvard Benes. It involved a German-speaking territory called the Sudetenland, which was a strip of land inside the modern-day Czech Republic on the German border. Hitler claimed that the Germans were being abused and targeted by the Czech govt and demanded they hand the area over or he would declare war and march in. The Czechs initially refused to give in, they relied on treaties they had with Britain and France to help protect them, they expect their Allie’s to stand up for them. So a conference was called to discuss the matter in the fall of 1938. There, despite their treaties with Czechoslovakia, Chamberlain and French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier believed Hitler’s lies that the Sudetenland was all he wanted, and that after taking it, he had no more territorial demands. Besides, he only wanted to protect the German minority from persecution. So, with NO Czech representatives present, and WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT, Britain and France simply caved to Hitler’s demands under the policy of appeasement (let’s just give him what he wants, he seems like a nice, reasonable fellow), and demanded the Czechs give up the borderlands. Those treaties each had made with Czechoslovakia were worth absolutely nothing more than the pieces of paper they were printed on. These guarantees were totally worthless, as in the end, Britain and France had completely failed their end of the deal and betrayed their ally. After Germany took the borderlands, they easily goose-marched into Prague the next spring and absorbed the Czech Republic, with Slovakia becoming a puppet state. Now I’m shortly going to get to the modern similarities in my next post. You guys will have to excuse me, it might be a little while, since I’m getting ready for work, but later I want to get more into why I chose this example; I still have some more points to make. You can read more about it here: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/munich1.asp https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/appeasement-and-peace-our-time
    11 points
  41. The UN has everything set up. Climate Accords. Human Rights Courts. Even the Geneva Conventions. But all the members of the UN ignore these laws whenever it suits them, because there are no consequences to doing so. The European Powers are meeting to discuss their 'response' to what's going on in the KotS. Turning to the UN would make sense. It would give them political weight (and cover) if the 'world' was united on the subject. But giving the UN some teeth is a direct act of Divine Influence. Politicians never make a Law, an Army, or Oversight that they themselves are subject to.
    11 points
  42. Just a thought - IF President Trump and Putin agree on the way to end the war (and it seems like Putin's ides is to put a puppet ruler in charge of Ukraine) this doesn’t mean the war is over. The Ukrainians have to accept whatever condition is offered. They might even get more help from Europe to fight even longer. So, not having the Ukrainians involved in the peace process doesn't make any sense to me. Meanwhile, I just keep praying for the Kingdom to come and Jehovah to take full control of all Earth's governmental affairs.
    11 points
  43. https://www.wola.org/2025/01/weekly-u-s-mexico-border-update-a-quiet-border-mass-deportation-military-flights/ According to PBS currently there are 13.7 million who are in the US illegally. At a rate of 1,000 a day (that's more than already being removed) it would take 13,700 days or more than 37.5 years to remove them. (Just for math's sake - it would take removing 37,500 per day, every day for the next 4 years to get that many people removed. ) I wonder what the cost of doing all of that will be? Note: the first link is a good one for those interested in accurate reporting.
    11 points
  44. Or four more years will go by and he won't be president any more ... Anyway, it will all go on Jehovah's timetable and hove nothing to do with who is US President, eh.
    11 points
  45. The plane is our journey through life. The turbulence around the plane is this system of things. Jehovah is the pilot.
    11 points
  46. Gary Breaux, helper to the Service Committee, is the host. The overall theme is humility. I could learn from this. Why did I have to be the one to reveal the theme of the broadcast?
    11 points
  47. 11 points
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