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Syrian Refugees

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I'm not sure if recall it correctly but was Syria one of the countries where there are no witnesses? If so, with this present tribulation for them is it possible that this is an opportunity for these fleeing to come to know Jehovah by crossing into countries that do have witnesses? What's your thoughts?

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I'm not sure if recall it correctly but was Syria one of the countries where there are no witnesses? If so, with this present tribulation for them is it possible that this is an opportunity for these fleeing to come to know Jehovah by crossing into countries that do have witnesses? What's your thoughts?


There are Witnesses in Syria, but the country is not listed in the annual report, so that means our work is banned there. an dprobably the ratio of inhabitants per publisher is very high.


Possibly one of the few positive consequences of this refugees crisis is that many of them will now have a chance to hear the good news.

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and this is why I see something good in all this 'refugee' thing


I remember an article wrote by a british journalist some years ago about attending the memorial in Damasc


I wonder if there are any brothers and sisters among these refugees

Edited by Adelin

" Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive ? "

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Thing is, it's much harder to preach to these people than you think.


For one, they have an awkward group dynamic. If you want to preach to an Eritrean or Arab, you will have to get him by himself. They seem to feel some sort of obligation to protect each other from our preaching campaign, unless you speak to them on their own, then they're not so defensive.


For another thing, Churches and church-linked charity groups are trying to make public preaching in refugee homes as hard on us as they can. Some will allow us in if we explicitly state that so-and-so has invited us in, but there were cases where the interested people have been put under pressure not to speak with us or else be moved to more uncomfortable locations.


Satan still latches on firmly to these people. Any way he can prevent the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 he will do it.

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I'm not sure if recall it correctly but was Syria one of the countries where there are no witnesses? If so, with this present tribulation for them is it possible that this is an opportunity for these fleeing to come to know Jehovah by crossing into countries that do have witnesses? What's your thoughts?

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 The latest I heard that there is no JW's in North Korea and Afghanistan.

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When they reach the countries they are trying to get to, then maybe it will be easier to preach to them.  Also after experiencing the effects of what happened to them, they might be more willing to listen to the good news.  After all, this is what they want, something better.


Many have gone to Germany.  Any reports from there?

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You might be interested in this topic in another forum. There are pictures of ones reading our literature and experiencies of ones witnessing to the refulgees:

I stole this picture from Astrid but hopefully not the thunder. (notice the publication they are reading)
My sister attended the Convention in Croatia  and met a sister from Budapest, Hungary. She works with the cart at the train station in Budapest that has been on the news and has had some amazing experiences. My sis also met refugees at the meeting in Slovenia who are progressing in the truth although they still live in a refugee camp.  Fleeing from Muslim countries is giving these refugees an opportunity to hear the truth for the first time.  For those who attend a meeting, they readily see the love displayed in comparison with the violent, radical Muslim treatment they have fled from.
Hopefully Astrid will post a link to the source so one can see a better picture.


Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I have to say it's so demoralising to see their plight but knowing that opportunities are opening up for these families who just want peace to be able now to come to know about Jehovah and his Kingdom rule by Christ Jesus is a powerful antedote. Thank you all for your responses they've helped tremendously ☺

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We have a brother in our congregation who was living in Lebanon ... He was preaching to the Syrian refugees and the local authorities found out and he was arrested and asked to leave Lebanon ...he is now persona non grata and cannot go back to Lebanon even though he is married to a Lebanese girl... Foreigners stand out and maybe are not as circumspect as the local brothers .. Good intentions are not always appreciated ...

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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My husband studies with 2 refugees from Syria. They attended the WT-STUDY "Your deliverance is getting near", and both told us that they could fully agree with the information. As they had just experienced it, deliverance depends on obedience.

If Satan reminds you of your past remind him of his future.

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I'm not sure if recall it correctly but was Syria one of the countries where there are no witnesses? If so, with this present tribulation for them is it possible that this is an opportunity for these fleeing to come to know Jehovah by crossing into countries that do have witnesses? What's your thoughts?

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If you look at English yearbooks you will find there have been brothers and sisters in every country like Afganistan,Syria etc over the years. Like Syria there was 191 pub. in 1975. One pioneer brother told me that 13 witnesess was comming to Oslo last week from Syria. They was so happy to meet the brothers and wanted to attend the only Arabic congregation we have in Oslo. I will try to confirm this during the weekend because we will have our English convention on Saturday.One brother was intervjued during the summer convention in Stockholm and he was from Iraq. Came as an refugee.

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When they reach the countries they are trying to get to, then maybe it will be easier to preach to them.  Also after experiencing the effects of what happened to them, they might be more willing to listen to the good news.  After all, this is what they want, something better.


Many have gone to Germany.  Any reports from there?


Yes, Jonathan, the stream of refugges has reached even our really small villages and communities.

It´s really amazing, how many of them are coming to Germany. :o

Chrissy :wave:

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this makes me wonder if Jehovah can (yeah, bad choice of words, lol) read one of their hearts, and expedite their flight to another country, which would afford them the opportunity to hear the Good News of the Kingdom. What do you think?

 have enjoyed these latest Watchtower study sessions so much! Talk about meaty information, and this new study book. Imitate their Faith! Wowser!!!

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I live in the Netherlands and at this moment there are many, MANY refugees. There are about a thousand refugees I guess, within my congregations territory, so... we have a work to be done!

Just seeing those people, with no place to call their home, I feel such a need to share the Kingdom truth! Today I engaged in Public Witnessing, and we were able to place some tracts with Arabic speaking refugees, show them the website and share some words we've learned from the latest JWlanguage update (which included Arabic!).

They are so grateful that we are really doing something to share a thought of hope with them. The smiles on their faces are priceless when they read the bibles promise of a beautiful paradise. (I like to use the tracts about the future and the one talking about the end of suffering).

Although I realize that it is hard for the refugees to feel at home here, I really hope that many of them are willing to accept Jehovah's invitation to join His household and worldwide family, and feel AT HOME

 Keep us update on this.

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A special pioneer sister serving in Slovenia sent me this message via whatsapp:

"Profughi siriani intrappolati nelle stazioni per la chiusura di frontiera in Ungheria! Centinaia di fratelli di gruppi e congregazioni Araba stanno dando loro ore e ore di conforto, bevande, e letteratura! I fratelli raccontano di essere rimasti stupiti nel sapere da loro che non sapevano della nostra esistenza né delle nostre pubblicazioni! E chiaro che Geova sta affrettando l'opera e la raccolta!

Use your ears to gain understanding and your tongue to heal. -w13 5/15 p. 22

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I had a friend who just came back from a trip to Jordan. I asked about the refugee situation there. He said there are almost 1 Million refugees from Syria there  :eek:




In a country that only has 6.5 Million people - that is A LOT!!!

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to thank all of you brothers and sistwre for the information you have provided here about this cvery sad and critical.

situation. It seem we all haave some of the same questions as we watch the nightly news and see the sad plight of so many of this people. It only makes your heart long even more for the peace and security God's New System can bring. But at the same time

how encouraging it is to heaer about the efforts of our brother intrying to reach out and help these people tro the extent that they

can. May many of themcome to experience the refugew they can find with god's people. and his permanent solutionin his Kingdom.



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Sorry, my bad. I forgot to edit the above comments before I hit post.



I am glad I am not only one with too many thumbs and too small a keyboard. Michael, should we start a club? You can be president. :)


For thumbs Jerry  -_-

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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Thanks Jerry. Yes maybe we should start a club. After I posted and read it I felt like saying Duh ! I feel so stupid.

Oh well, it just shows we are all human. Your comment at least makes me feel like I'm in good company. Good thing

you can't see my handwriting. It is even worse.



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I had a friend who just came back from a trip to Jordan. I asked about the refugee situation there. He said there are almost 1 Million refugees from Syria there   :eek:




In a country that only has 6.5 Million people - that is A LOT!!!


 What is sad, Jordan is a banned country.

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