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DISCUSS COURT CASE HERE JW.org - Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

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Maybe this time our letters will be addressed to the Supreme Court members and the ECHR?

The ECHR has a completely different view. I'd be surprised if they did not reprimand Russia in this. Nobody wants a large nation to be able to declare peace-loving citizens extremists. Also, a lot of other minorities ought to be afraid of this conclusion, but it might hit them too.


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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You're absolutely right Johan! Them fighting Jehovah is totally useless!

It reminds me of "Elisha and his attendant miraculously saw that, although they were surrounded by a Syrian military force, the mountainous region was full of angelic war chariots of fire sent by Jehovah."  (2 Ki 6: 13-17). 

Now of course we know that Jehovah is not going to perform miracles like that anymore, literally. But he is giving our Russian family eyes of faith which is enabling them to "see" Jehovah working in their behalf. 

Why else would they be smiling, with beaming faces? They know, are assured that no matter how this turns out Jehovah hasn't left them, and never will!

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I can't help but think that something will be said about new light regarding who the King of the North is at our upcoming convention in June. We'll have to wait and see. I think the governing body is paying close attention to what's happening on the world scene right now.

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2 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

The ECHR has a completely different view. I'd be surprised if they did not reprimand Russia in this. Nobody wants a large nation to be able to declare peace-loving citizens extremists. Also, a lot of other minorities ought to be afraid of this conclusion, but it might hit them too.


I agree 100%! If we were asked to write letters to the ECHR, it would be a message of support (the first ones were also supportive in their own way) of our worldwide brotherhood. The message might be worded differently, but we would once again be given the opportunity to show our unity and global love.

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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I have a feeling that the time for letter writing is over.  The ECHR already has ruled numerous times in our favor, but as mentioned before, it won't matter what they rule because Putin has signed a law saying that they don't have to abide by their rulings.  It's in Jehovah's capable hands now.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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5 minutes ago, EverlastingLifeInView said:

I can't help but think that something will be said about new light regarding who the King of the North is at our upcoming convention in June. We'll have to wait and see. I think the governing body is paying close attention to what's happening on the world scene right now.


I don't know about the King of the North... but I somehow feel this decision  means something in the scheme of things.  We have been banned in just about every country in the world at one time or another, but this feels different... nobody knows what the future holds, but I have a funny feeling, when we look back over the pre-tribulation events, this day will figure in it.  

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My daughters bff's family are on the eastern part of Ukraine, which means what happens in Russia affects them a lot (I think that's how she explained it to me). Many laws that govern Russia, ends up being things that  Govern them because they are more friendly and favorable to their laws of Russia. They are already feeling some of the effects there, is what I've been told. My three friends are baptized and live in Russia. My daughters' friend family are studying and lives in Ukraine. I should have explained that part better :blink: :yes:



  • Quote  

    I appreciate you concern, but this is about Russia, not the Ukraine. Totally seperate govenments and court systems.

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     I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.


 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.




Edited by JW1987

To add quite
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Now I have a better understanding of how King David felt when his enemies were all around and his subsequent entreaty to Jehovah.  (Psalms 58:6)


I, too have ran the gamut of emotion(s) for the last few hours and am mentally exhausted.  But, as ALWAYS...I trust implicitly in Jehovah to give me peace.  He's my strength, he's my hope, he's my confidence.  It's on Him I continue to rely.  And yes, I echo what others here have said, that this unjust decision by the RF kangaroo court may have been decided from the very outset.  But in the end, Jehovah has the final say and He alone has already set this matter to his will and purpose!  May the glorious name of Jehovah continue to be praised! 


Sister  Svetlana, Sister Victoria, Brother Felix, and the 175,000 friends there will remain in my daily prayers to our Heavenly Father.  We love you! :heart:  





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1 of the big concerns now is what Sister Elizabeth asked:

"Do the authorities have to hold back the liquidation of the Branch and KHs until the appeals are over? "


Sadly, I am thinking that likely the authorities are right now starting the process of liquidation after the verdict. The Ministry of Justice likely had already asked the police to be fully prepared to start the ban and liquidation immediately as the soon as the Supreme Court's decision was read. Kingdom Halls and the Branch Office will likely now be shut down as fast as possible.  I am thinking that this is similar to how in the U.S. and in many other countries when a court renders a verdict of "Guilty", the accused is immediately sent to prison, he is not free simply because an appeal was submitted. So likely the same in Russia with the verdict of this Ban and liquidation - effective immediately.


Adding to this sadness is what may happen in the days and weeks ahead throughout Russia by supporters of the Russian Orthodox Church. They may start causing serious problems for individual brothers and sisters, from possibly damaging their personal property and homes to even attacking them physically. I am not trying to be negative, but trying to be fully informed of the possible situation that our Russian brothers/sisters may now be immediately facing and for us to meditate and consider what to specifically ask our Father Jehovah's help for concerning our Russian family. So I know that I am going to try and be even more specific in my prayers, including asking Jehovah to please give our Russian brothers & sisters the "power beyond what is normal" starting today to help them endure this possible persecution while an appeal is pending.  As well as asking to help them spiritually as they will no longer be able to have any meetings or ministry publicly. In Court today notice what 1 of our lawyers stated as 1 of the major concerns if the decision was made by the Supreme Court to ban Jehovah's Witnesses.


Referring to the increasing violations of rights, Novakov(1 of our lawyers) says:

"Moreover, if the Court makes a decision on liquidation, this will produce even more tragic consequences throughout the country. Any Jehovah's Witness may be considered an extremist with all the ensuing consequences: widespread religious violence against Witnesses: from destruction and damage to property and attacks, to causing serious harm to health and killing peaceful religious citizens on the grounds of religious hatred. At any international level, blame for the connivance of violence and prosecution for far-fetched circumstances will be vested in state authorities in Russia. "

Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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From what I saw in the video the brothers reacted quietly when the verdict was read. Surely they had already prepared the heart to maintain loyalty to Jehovah before any decision. The Russian brothers have gone through many tests in the past and their determination to remain faithful is the same! In fact, before the decision was taken today, the most important decision had already been taken: it was when each of our brothers decided to dedicate themselves to Jehovah. And this decision the Court can not revoke!

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