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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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We 100% already know what causes mRNA vaccine complications. We can even predict what the complications will be. Not only that, the mRNA is the most closely monitored vaccines ever.

None of the complications have to do with accidental blood stream injection. In fact, blood stream injection would be expected to decrease the complications.

Complications of vaccines are due to the body’s immune response to the vaccine, NOT due to the vaccine itself. You won’t really be getting as much immune response if it is improperly injected.

We can predict the vaccine side effect by looking at the immune problems that people develop after natural virus infections. For example, it is common to get Guillian Barre after flu infections, and it is extremely common to get myocarditis after covid infection, even after asymptomatic infection. For GBS it is due to the immune response to flu causing some immune attack on nerves, and for myocarditis, it is due to the immune response to covid causes an immune attack on the heart.

So we easily predict what side effects might occur, and we especially watch for those. Of course we know that a vaccine causes the body to make the immune reaction to a virus—except without the infection. It will be a similar immune response with similar side effects.

The great thing about vaccines is that the side effects after vaccine are hundreds of times less likely to happen compared to after the real virus. So vaccines are hundreds of times safer than getting a virus. In a situation ehere a virus is dpreading, you can choose something that is hundreds of times safer and will protect you from hospitalization and death, or you can take your chances.

But remember, if you get covid, you will get the same immune response you would have gotten from the vaccine, so if you were going to get a blood clot or myocardits from your reacton to the vaccne, you will get the same reaction only worse with live virus. So avoiding the vaccine to “take your chances with the virus” will never allow you to dodge any bullets.

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Almost a week ago, here in the province of Quebec, Canada, the number of new infections in the previous 24 hours was 3,768, the highest one-day increase than ever before during this pandemic! By the end of the year, they were telling us the number could be over 10 thousand.


But today, the number was 9,397 cases, more than three thousand more than yesterday!!! At this rate of increase, we will be well past 10,000 by tomorrow, with plenty of time left in the year! During the last wave, it was the province of Ontario to the west of us that had the highest increases, but this time we're breaking their records as well as ours!


Meanwhile, lines at walk-in testing clinics wrap around city blocks, with many waiting for hours in the cold. The government is recommending going to clinics by appointment only, and even there it takes a few days before your appointment comes up. The positivity rate is now 14.6%, which means that 14½% of those tested are positive, a higher rate than ever before. Several test centres are going appointment-only now because they can’t keep up.


Hospitals are filling quickly, especially in Montreal, with more coming in than those being discharged, and now they're cancelling elective surgeries to free up beds for COVID patients.


Today, I had my own test to see if my cold symptoms are more than just a cold. I should get my results in 2 or 3 days, or maybe sooner. And I have an appointment for a booster shot at the beginning of January.


Edited by Sheep
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59 minutes ago, Sofia said:

The great thing about vaccines is that the side effects after vaccine are hundreds of times less likely to happen compared to after the real virus. So vaccines are hundreds of times safer than getting a virus. In a situation ehere a virus is dpreading, you can choose something that is hundreds of times safer and will protect you from hospitalization and death, or you can take your chances.

I have been pondering this, too, over the past few weeks. One elderly sister I know had a horrible reaction to her vaccine, like having a horrible flu, but after a few days of not feeling well, she was glad to have done it, and that it wasn't the actual virus her body was fighting. She said she probably wouldn't survive if she did.

37 minutes ago, Sheep said:

Meanwhile, lines at walk-in testing clinics wrap around city blocks, with many waiting for hours in the cold.

I was just reading about the numbers in Canada too. Take care!

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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I´ve been to this for over a month now.

I got omicron, yes, I survived with milder symptoms.


It seems I catch coronavirus ahead of almost everyone... oh well. At least Im still alive, and this time no long-hauler.


What I´m seeing now?

a) this is a new type of sars. I dare to say: a different virus. Because people imune to sars CoV 2 are catching this. I have SARS COV 2 immunity and I got Omicron.

b) This virus dodges testing, I have tested lateral flow tests negative. But later I tested positive in imune test. So I know I had it. It seems a person tests positive only for a few days at beggining.

c) if it´s causing a upper respiratory tract disease, instead of sars cov 2 - then the disease is NOT quite the same. Omicron loves epithelial cells from upper tract, until the bronqui. Not lung alveoli, like sars cov 2 - Delta variant.

Omicron cant create syncices cells ( giant human cells with many nucleous) that can stimulate a cascade of citokine storm. Omicron doesnt seem to create citokine storm. So different from Delta variant and previous variants.

d) I dare to say that we may face a SARS CoV 3 virus in Omicron

e) if this variant causes a different type of symptoms... then the disease should be called COVID-21 

f) if Delta variant gets replaced by Omicron I dare to say that COVID-19 pandemic may be over in a few weeks/months

g) if Omicron doesn't go away, at this fast-spreading rhythm then the pandemic will soon turn into endemic. Which is great news, specially because it´s not associated to severe case requiring oxigen and thus no more increase of deaths.

h) unfortunately I dont believe current vaccines will do much... to stop omicron. And if you stop to think... are more vaccine boosts really necessary IF OMICRON CAUSES A MILD DISEASE?

                                         set up in the balance the vaccinal reactions VS Omicron disease. Is it worth it? But...

What if it causes mild disease ONLY TO VACCINATED AND RECOVERED? Are naïve people (without vaccines and without previous covid infection) prone to severe omicron disease? we need to wait and see. :)  I dont have enough data about this 😉 


Now let´s keep on the watch.

WHO will soon have all enough data from all over the World research to declare whatever it is.


If you think Im being too bold, I take that. I may be yes. sorry 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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This make a lot of sense, otherwise people go to hospital for care and there´s not enough staff to attend.

This will happen in many countries. We will see omicron adavncing and many people at home, positive. Post offices, transport companies, grouceries, public facilities - with lack of staff. MAny things will pause. I believe we can expect shortages in some things, slow delivery posts, etc.. basicaly many people will catch omicron variant soon in a short period. Do you imagine the consequences in economy? Schools? Banks? stores? 



The C.D.C. shortened isolation protocols for health care workers, as hospitals braced for Omicron’s rapid spread and increasing staff shortages.

Thursday, December 23, 2021 6:27 PM EST

The agency recommended that health care workers who are asymptomatic return to work after seven days and a negative test, adding that “isolation time can be cut further if there are staffing shortages.”

The agency also said that those workers who had received all recommended vaccine doses, including boosters, do not need to quarantine at home following high-risk exposures.

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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2 hours ago, Sofia said:

What if it causes mild disease ONLY TO VACCINATED AND RECOVERED? Are naïve people (without vaccines and without previous covid infection) prone to severe omicron disease? we need to wait and see. :)  I dont have enough data about this 😉 

That is the magic question.  It seems like a numbers game.  Omicron is weaker than Delta, but it infects way more people at a faster rate.  It's a numbers game.  If it sends 20%-30% less people to the hospital, but it infects 60%-70% more, then that's bad, and we'll see hospitals everywhere overrun by the sudden influx.  We're already seeing that in some areas.  But, if the 1st statistic is significantly higher because of the number of people vaccinated, then, that's good news, and we may be on our way to hybrid meetings.  Let's all hope(maybe even pray) for the 2nd scenario.  BTW, I got covid before it made news in my state of Washington.  I never got an anti-body test, but everyone who knew my symptoms told me I had covid.  I'm double vacc'ed and boosted.  Booster shot made the lymph node under my arm swell, otherwise I got the usual side effects.  For some reason, whiskey took them away, including the flu-like hypersensitivity.  Can't explain that one...  Only drank it cause I'm diabetic, and for some reason, our friends made all the mixed drinks sugary when we visited them.

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The media is looking at the organization, looking for defects, failures, the brothers of the governing body are attacked daily, so it is necessary for the brothers to warn about the vaccine as a matter of law,this is not to interfere and to change the personal decision of each one, it is a response to the authorities and the media that the organization is collaborating and doing its part. 

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7 hours ago, Jonadab said:

The media is looking at the organization, looking for defects, failures, the brothers of the governing body are attacked daily, so it is necessary for the brothers to warn about the vaccine as a matter of law,this is not to interfere and to change the personal decision of each one, it is a response to the authorities and the media that the organization is collaborating and doing its part. 

I don't view things that way. The Slave wouldn't tell us to do something just to save face with the media. They could have said nothing about vaccines and that wouldn't have broken any law. Instead, they have told us time after time that vaccines are effective and safe, and now in report #10, they have directly told us we should get vaccinated if possible. They show examples of the good witness that results when we get vaccinated despite popular pressure.


Of course it's a personal decision. The Slave will not physically force you to get the jab and will not take judicial measures if you don't. But they are saying what the wise course is. In the same report we are encouraged to take advantage of the pandemic to learn to read and write well. They quote a excerpt from a letter to the branches saying "Christians, in general, must be able to read and write well". It's still a personal choice. A brother who cannot read may decide he doesn't want to learn. It's his choice and it must be respected. But it's an unwise choice.

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3 hours ago, halfspanishlee said:

It's now reported in the uk that millions will be given a fourth vaccine jab am sorry having 3 jabs in my body is where I draw the line

It won’t work on omicron

that s not wise

will cause auto imune disease

jehovah! Help!

34 minutes ago, Dustparticle said:

I went to the doctor yesterday, he said you might get one every year like the flu shot.


but not 4 in a 6 month period

the consequences are unknown 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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2 hours ago, Sofia said:

It's now reported in the uk that millions will be given a fourth vaccine jab am sorry having 3 jabs in my body is where I draw the line

I'm looking toward the bethel family, personally.  If there's a fourth shot, and they're getting it, then I trust that it's safe.  After all, the same brothers that have done their research and find that it's safe enough for the family are the ones that head the hospital liaison committee.  They also determined which blood fractions will not break Jehovah's law on taking blood. I feel I can trust them.  I believe we can too.

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6 hours ago, carlos said:

They could have said nothing about vaccines and that wouldn't have broken any law. Instead, they have told us time after time that vaccines are effective and safe, and now in report #10, they have directly told us we should get vaccinated if possible. They show examples of the good witness that results when we get vaccinated despite popular pressure.

Nice points. 


And with the Covid-19 pandemic guidelines provided to elders, we can help the friends appreciate Romans 13:1-7 and really take note of the study note on verse 5.


We should appreciate the fine guidance of the Governing Body following clear scriptural guidance during the last of the last days. 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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1 hour ago, coolbrz731 said:

I'm looking toward the bethel family, personally.  If there's a fourth shot, and they're getting it, then I trust that it's safe.  After all, the same brothers that have done their research and find that it's safe enough for the family are the ones that head the hospital liaison committee.  They also determined which blood fractions will not break Jehovah's law on taking blood. I feel I can trust them.  I believe we can too.

May Jehovah protects His people. Because it´s not good for your body.

2 jabs ok, but after that it´s not wise at all. May we expect Jehovah to protect us from evil side effects from overvaccination due to government laws/recommendations?


Im not anti vaxeur... But I m aware of the pathologies associated to over vaccinating. We need help and fast!  It´s not wrong the vaccines... its to take a lot of them in a short period of time!

17 minutes ago, AH173 said:

We should appreciate the fine guidance of the Governing Body following clear scriptural guidance during the last of the last days. 

We sure do! Without them we would be totally lost!! Jehovah will certainly provide the correct guidance through the Holy Spirit surely.

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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In latest update from Dr John Campbell, his data is showing from UK :


1) omricon is more transmissable than the common cold virus

2) there is a 50 % chance if one has cold symptoms they may have omricon Covid-19 and

3) these are the symptoms from his data that omricon Covid-19 :





"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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7 hours ago, carlos said:

Eu não vejo as coisas dessa maneira. O Slave não nos diria para fazer algo apenas para salvar a cara da mídia. Eles não poderiam ter falado nada sobre vacinas e isso não teria infringido nenhuma lei. Em vez disso, eles nos disseram repetidas vezes que as vacinas são eficazes e seguras e, agora, no relatório nº 10, eles nos disseram diretamente que deveríamos ser vacinados, se possível. Eles mostram exemplos do bom testemunho que resulta quando somos vacinados, apesar da pressão popular.


Claro que é uma decisão pessoal. O Slave não o forçará fisicamente a receber o jab e não tomará medidas judiciais se você não o fizer. Mas eles estão dizendo qual é o caminho mais sábio. No mesmo relatório, somos incentivados a aproveitar as vantagens da pandemia para aprender a ler e escrever bem. Eles citam um trecho de uma carta aos ramos dizendo "Os cristãos, em geral, devem saber ler e escrever bem". Ainda é uma escolha pessoal. Um irmão que não sabe ler pode decidir que não quer aprender. A escolha é dele e deve ser respeitada. Mas é uma escolha insensata.

I hope you don't misinterpret me or change the context of what I mean! if the slave does not violate Jehovah's laws, he is concerned with cooperating with the local laws.

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1 hour ago, AH173 said:

In latest update from Dr John Campbell, his data is showing from UK :


1) omricon is more transmissable than the common cold virus

2) there is a 50 % chance if one has cold symptoms they may have omricon Covid-19 and

3) these are the symptoms from his data that omricon Covid-19 :





I had these symptoms for years. Put me down of the first one having it. 

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38 minutes ago, Sheep said:

I have cold symptoms, so I got myself tested yesterday. They already have the results for me!


It came out negative.

It doesn’t mean you don’t have omicron

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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17 minutes ago, Sofia said:

It doesn’t mean you don’t have omicron

Yes. The data is from the uk not USA or Canada.... Yet. 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Omicron symptoms: Is a runny nose a cold or Covid?

People with coronavirus have a wide range of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. Some will have none at all, but can still be infectious.


Symptoms may appear up to two weeks after exposure to coronavirus, but usually around day five.


Feeling breathless can be a sign of a more serious coronavirus infection.



Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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1 hour ago, Sheep said:

Ouch! Thank you for the encouragement.

Oooh xxooorry 🙄

I had omicron and tested negative…


hugs for you

get well fast ❤️❤️

25 minutes ago, Woanders said:

Now all can see why the vaccines dodge omicron variant… the spike protein which they are based is different in omicron 🙄

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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