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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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6 hours ago, Stormswift said:

Yes anyone with a compromised immune system is at greater risk.

But this isn't the small target they think it is - let's see why:

You have overworked nursing/doctor staff with lowered immunity

You have smokers

Diabetes - (there are 52% of American Adults with type II Diabetes or are pre-diabetic which is still immune resistant, or an immune compromise)

Cancer Patients



the list is long. 

I don't know many people even in the younger generation who don't have something wrong with them.






That'll be me!

Proverbs 27:11- Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him that taunts me.

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10 hours ago, JennyM said:

Chinese ministry in my city, baguio city, philippines is already cancelled.. They only focus on RV and bible study.. If there's one bro or sis is infected with corona, perhaps, meetings will be cancelled.. Bethel branch is preparing for it..... It was announced that we have to report to the elder  anyone who is hospitalized in 5 general hospitals here. 

Becareful sis.

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something to laugh about: 


 THE government has revealed its 12-point emergency plan to stop the coronavirus sweeping Britain and upsetting the markets. Read it immediately.

1: Do not get the coronavirus. 

2: If you do get the coronavirus, self-isolate from any still-viable economic units until recovery or ‘complete systems failure’. 

3: Remain in your home, ordering food and other vital supplies via the internet, keeping in contact with others via the internet and entertaining yourself via the internet. So no change there.

4: Do not spread panic via social media. Use the UK’s official panic promoter, the Daily Mail. 

5: Ensure you do not enjoy self-isolation too much and you are enthusiastic about returning to work, even if the cessation of your job such as estate agent has made the world better. 

6: If white, you may record a daily video diary criticising the authorities for your conditions, whether on a cruise ship or in a Tenerife hotel. If non-white, keep quiet because everyone thinks this is your fault. 

7: Once it has become clear that Britain is in the grip of the coronavirus, all borders will be closed and all travel halted. Brexiters may wish to hold a celebratory street party.

8: If venturing out for a cool Instagram photo of yourself on the deserted streets, ensure there aren’t loads of other Instagram idiots in the background taking the same picture 

9: If you are Zara Phillips or anyone else connected to the Royal Family, the aristocracy, the City of London or the Conservative party, ignore the previous points. Treat any infection with money. 

10: The coronavirus is expected to mainly be fatal among older voters. If you lose an elderly relative you must vote exactly as they would, as a mark of respect, for the next decade. 

11: When you re-emerge onto our shattered streets, be careful not to criticise the government response. The Chinese authorities have warned that even minor criticism can lead to the pandemic breaking out again. 

12: Anyone who has contracted the coronavirus will receive an £80 penalty notice for endangering public health. This rises to £240 if not paid within 28 days.

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Well - NZ has it's first confirmed case in Auckland - they claim it's 'contained' yet this 60 year old man arrived in NZ from Iran on Wednesday - the first two tests were negative ... now it's positive ... they are now going to contact the people two aisles in front and behind him from the plane.


I am positive that all those people have been just waiting around since Wednesday in a flight lounge waiting for the results of the third test before they continue with their lives. Contained. Yeah Nah.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Barf! Barf!


The pet dog of a coronavirus patient in Hong Kong was found to have a “low level” of the deadly virus, the autonomous region’s government said Friday.

















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The meetings and ministry arrangements have been officially cancelled in many congs including mine.

The hatred towards religions in general is getting intense in Korea, but especially so towards ShinCheonji church. (Meaning new heaven new earth)

For further info https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/health-environment/article/3052550/south-korea-mounting-anger-rumours-over-shincheonji


A letter from the Korean JW branch notes some ShinCheonJi church members have infiltrated into kingdom halls as interested ones.

They do this to other churches too, and one of them might have been infected already. 


And rumor has it that some of them put their infected saliva on the doorknobs of kingdom halls.

Not sure if it’s true but many kingdom halls stay closed, and not sure how long this will continue this way. 


This series of events will be imbedded in many people’s minds and might serve as a catalyst when the time comes to attack religion in Korea. 




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According to: 

Coronavirus COVID-19

Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE


The virus now has a foothold in 62 different countries. :( 

Disney is right.  It is a small world earth.gif.6b797bd61c7ccd18b0ee30deb8b4dcea.gif  afterall. :( 



Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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3 minutes ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

According to: 

Coronavirus COVID-19

Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE


The virus now has a foothold in 62 different countries. :( 

Disney is right.  It is a small world earth.gif.6b797bd61c7ccd18b0ee30deb8b4dcea.gif  afterall. :( 


....... infections in every continent except Antarctica....

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37 minutes ago, Tryin'SoHardToBeSpiritual said:

A letter from the Korean JW branch notes some ShinCheonJi church members have infiltrated into kingdom halls as interested ones.

They do this to other churches too, and one of them might have been infected already. 


And rumor has it that some of them put their infected saliva on the doorknobs of kingdom halls.

Not sure if it’s true but many kingdom halls stay closed, and not sure how long this will continue this way. 

This is ridiculous! Willful transmission of a potentially deadly disease.

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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 Well I personally have talked to a brother awhile back who said he was sick, went to work anyway and then said if I can go to work I can make the meetings ( as I reluctantly was shaking his hand)! This is the mind set of many Americans in general, known to save their sick days for vacation time, go to work sick and then many of the friends come to the meetings coughing, sneezing maybe not running a fever but contagious with something, shaking hands, touching microphones, door knobs etc., sad but true! They use to keep hand sanitizer on the back counters, haven't lately, so I will be bringing my own even though I contribute regularly and with the new online contribution making it easy to do so.



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Br. Lawrence, my hall "had" the same issue.  If your sick, even a sniffle, stay home, your children are sick? Stay home! If you sneeze, sneeze in your sleeve, or a kleenex.  Adults and children must be mindful.  So yesterday was my Theocratic Meeting, and a letter came from the Bethel.  It asks all in the congregation to stay home if they have a cough, sniffle, fever, and not to come to the meetings.  Even if you went to work sick, you are not to come to the meeting and infect the rest of the ones who are not sick.   Contact medical help if worse, and advise the elders.   For those of us at the meeting, wash your hands, keep some hand sanitizer on hand.   We have big bottle of Sanitizer and Lysol Wipes.


As for me greeting my brothers and sister's, I just tap their elbows.  And I wear a mask (mostly for the perfumes and colognes). I got a feeling that SOON, there will be more masks and not for the reason's why I wear one.  And then we could be asked to close down.  Am in Maryland, and so far they have found 2 people with the virus, but they are not 100 positive, so they are having them checked out.  They are in lock down. 

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We had our mid week meeting also and no letter concerning sickness only about our regional upcoming cleaning assignment and other local items, maybe next week, mean while,wait and see.Maybe when one of the friends sticks out their hand for a shake I'll pull out my travel bottle of hand sanitizer and offer some! 😁

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I found this on the web:
Is Coronavirus Spreading Faster Than SARS, Ebola, and Swine Flu?


"We have not fact-checked every second of this 10-minute video. We can say, however, that it appears that the numbers reported in this viral graph are accurate. YouTube user Abacaba posted sources for all of the data shown in this graph and we have verified the final numbers shown in this viral portion of the video.

"Reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirm that there were approximately 8,000 cases of SARS, 28,000 cases of Ebola, 60 million cases of swine flu, and approximately 500 million cases resulting in 50 million deaths from the Spanish flu. The number of coronavirus cases reported in this video (approximately 40,000) was taken from an interactive guide created by the University of Washington. While that was likely accurate when this video was released on Feb. 12, as of this writing, the number of reported coronavirus cases has grown to more than 80,000.... "

Link from article:

How does Coronavirus compare to Ebola, SARS, etc?


Just Older

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On 2/27/2020 at 5:39 PM, Bro Richard said:

I don't offer stock advice but if I did that in 2008 I wouldn't be retired now...

I'm not gonna retire anyway.  Almost 50, no real retirement $ in the 401k anyway. 


I kinda resent the fact that my parents insisted armageddon was 'any minute now'.  I didn't get any kind of education or trade, and I have struggled all my life.  50 sure did pop up quick and we are still here.  Not doubting it's close, just wishing I had been better prepared in life:(

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