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Personal Study Ideas

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We could explore Bible characters in depth....dedicating fair amount of time to study each person......

We could divide our personal study into chapters ...like, chronology, younghood, family situation, devotion to Jehovah, personal challenges, outstanding aspects of personality worthy of imitation (or not) 




Salomon, ap Paul ....etc 


Also we could go through “less” known persons mentioned in Bible. 

And if someone want EXTRA hard challenge, then find answer to following question:

How many individuals in total are mentioned in the Bible? :whistling:
How many nations are mentioned in the Bible? 






Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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A brother recently mentioned the difference between meekness and humility. I plan to spend more time researching both of them and listing the similarities and differences. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Something i want to do: study the recent AWAKE! magazine about prejudice in light of current events, and the comments of brothers and sisters. 


I want to go through the articles and try to apply each of them to myself and world events. I find many brothers and sisters get very defensive/argumentative over a number of different prejudice/race related issues. I know what my current feelings/thoughts are, but I’ve been wanting to make sure it’s molded by the right sources. This magazine is almost the perfect guide for such an exercise. 


The goal: forge a more balanced viewpoint


In all honesty, deeply studying the material in any of the public publications and applying the info to yourself and current events, then recording your conclusions - new thoughts - in your own words can be helpful. Even studying publications for youths, despite being well past youth, can be of benefit to yourself. Often, the advice is only more clear in hindsight (read: age).

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Another started a thread about Charles Sinutko (hmmm ... wonder who that was) - he used to give a talk about the "spiritual man" and the "soulical man"


This was a really nice consideration the difference in the two ... soulical being, related to, or characterized by the soul, or animate existence; (hence) of or relating to the animal or corporeal life of man, as opposed to the spiritual.


You could delve into this - it makes an interesting study.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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21 hours ago, Hinata said:

Are there really that few women in the Scriptures?

Wikipedia lists 149 (still comparatively few).

Herbert Lockyer (pretty thorough chap) finds some 161 women and 1757 men named, but I haven't corroborated this against the Insight listings, hence a study project beckons................ It would be interesting to analyse the examples these set, i.e. how many women against how many men held up as good examples.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/1/2020 at 9:04 AM, Hinata said:


Are there really that few women in the Scriptures? Almost 2000 men but 100 women.


For legal reasons more men are named, due partly to tradition across Greek, Roman and Jewish society that men are the heads of households, and households were the primary economic unit. Women managed the internal affairs, while men managed the external ones.

Jesus however gave instructions to: honor your father and your mother, and you must love your neighbor as yourself.

Edited by Chris7

1 John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

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On 8/1/2020 at 2:48 AM, New World Explorer said:

Now ...please list them by name LOL :toothbrush:  ((93 women (49 by name) say others))

Here is a starter for 10,  please complete the other 83 with reasons to imitate ...
Be an *Esther *
Bold and courageous enough to stand for the TRUTH; to voice your opinion and fight for the good of others, even when it means to sacrifice yourself.  If Jehovah has put you in a position,  it is for a purpose.  Never be afraid to heed to that inner voice.

Be a *Ruth*
Loyal in all your relationships, walk the extra mile and don't quit when things get tough.  Someday, you'll see why it was all worth the effort.

Be a *Lydia*
Let your homes be open, let your hands be generous, let your hearts be big enough to help those in need.  Joy is greatest when shared.

Be a *Hannah*
Never cease to pray...for it will never be in vain.

Be a *Mary*
Humble and submissive.  You don't have to be great for Jehovah to use you; you just need humility and obedience.

Be a *Dorcus*
Use your talents, however small it may seem to bring a smile on someone's face. You'll never know how much it can mean to someone.

Be an *Abigail*
Remember how each decision can turn your life around for good or bad. Be wise.

Be an *Elizabeth *
Never doubt what Jehovah can do. He is the God of many miracles.

Be a *Rebekah*
Never forget that true beauty lies within.  Draw all your loved ones closer to Jehovah through Christ-like character.

Lastly, be a *Sarah*
Age doesn't matter. Trust and believe that all things are possible with Jehovah God, according to His time.

1 John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

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13 minutes ago, Gary910 said:

There is a family in my congregation that was in the process of watching all of the Monthly Programs starting with the first one.

For an obscure reason I read : 

There is a family in my congregation that was in the process of watching all of the Monty Pythons starting with the first one.


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4 hours ago, Dages said:

For an obscure reason I read : 

There is a family in my congregation that was in the process of watching all of the Monty Pythons starting with the first one.


I now bequeath unto you the title of Minister of Silly Walks. You are hereby commanded to fulfill the obligations of your office for 30 days. Let the Silly Walks serve as penance for you. May God have mercy on your soles.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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On 8/20/2020 at 9:32 PM, Chris7 said:

Here is a starter for 10,  please complete the other 83 with reasons to imitate ...

🤔 And what if we are not able to find a reason to imitate...... for instance Eve or Jezebel?   Maybe we can put down lessons learned about  what not to imitate form them? 

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50 minutes ago, ArcticShark said:

🤔 And what if we are not able to find a reason to imitate...... for instance Eve or Jezebel?   Maybe we can put down lessons learned about  what not to imitate form them? 

Excellent idea. By the way, let please let me give credit to  Sister Sandra "Land of Decoration" for the original posting the 10 women mentioned above who are excellent examples to imitate. Thank you sis. Sandra. 

1 John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

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On 7/31/2020 at 4:28 PM, Mephibosheth said:

A brother recently mentioned the difference between meekness and humility. I plan to spend more time researching both of them and listing the similarities and differences. 

After studying about Moses I have added Modesty to this project. The similarities and differences between humility, meekness and modesty is very interesting. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

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My personal study idea was to write a timeline of every date i came across in our books etc into a chronology of time from Adam to modern day.


Lots of dates to come across no doubt but recently have not come across many new ones so started adding important dates in history from Jesus time until today including England specific dates of Kings etc since i didnt know many and that gave me a background to who was ruling when more modern events happened such as Tyndales translation etc


Writing the King of the north and south dates down really helped me see how wonderfully bible prophecy is always fulfilled !

Bible Timeline 2020.docx

Edited by Darren G
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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure this is what is intended with this thread, but this is an article I  used for my personal study this week. This link is to the 2017 Study Edition of the Watchtower. Article entitled "Winning the Battle for your Mind"



Edited by Golfguy74

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