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4 minutes ago, Dages said:

The first article is pretty epic

Do you mind sharing what you mean or is this a guessing game..🤣

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I like the last sentence of paragraph 7 in the first article where it says: “The plain truth is that we cannot say that we trust in Jehovah if we do not trust in his earthly representatives—those whom Jehovah trusts.” 

Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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43 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

Do you mind sharing what you mean or is this a guessing game..🤣

All the good points about the GT and Paradise... I like that.
i mean (click on the image to get on the article) :


this kind of picture again


Par 15: As the end of this system of things draws near, we need to trust in Jehovah’s way of doing things as never before. Why? During the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical.


Par 16:There is another aspect that we would do well to consider—Jehovah’s judgments at the end of this system of things. Right now, we hold out hope for many who are not serving Jehovah, including our unbelieving relatives. But at Armageddon, Jehovah, through Jesus, will make the final decision about their future.


Par 18:Might we have similar thoughts after the great tribulation comes to its end? We do not know how much work will be involved in removing the effects of the destruction and in gradually making the earth a paradise. Likely, there will be a lot of work to do and some inconveniences at first.


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They are very good articles. But, a can of worms are still there. Take for instance par. 18, on page 7 talks about cleaning up after Armageddon. There are brothers who takes the lead do not want to get dirty and tell others to do it. The one elder told me a while ago that after Armageddon I might be digging up dead bodies in cemeteries. First of all, Jehovah can take care of those bodies in a split second. Second, why in the world he would say this?


This kind of mentality exist today. In beginning of the NW, there are going to be problems and I can see this too. No matter who were are, we will tell others do it yourself.  

More to come.



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13 minutes ago, Dages said:

We do not know how much work will be involved in removing the effects of the destruction and in gradually making the earth a paradise. Likely, there will be a lot of work to do and some inconveniences at first.

I think it's funny when I hear friends talk about building their dream home right after Armageddon. It's more likely we will go where we are told to go and do what we are told to do. It may be a long time before we get to do what we want to do.

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6 minutes ago, Jonadab said:

We must not complain like the Israelites when they left Egypt wanting what they had, like onions, leeks. we must be satisfied and have patience after Armageddon, we have a lot of work to do.

Even when they got to the promised land they had a lot of work to do. https://www.jw.org/finder?srcid=jwlshare&wtlocale=E&prefer=lang&bible=06017018&pub=nwtsty

Edited by Tortuga
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1 minute ago, Tortuga said:

Even when they got to the promised land they had a lot of work to do.

After all we have forever!
And in order to gradually become perfect and humble we will need many years doing NOT what WE want.

Hard work ahead to be sure.

The real reward is the sanctification of Jehovah’s name and eventual pure worship throughout the land.

On truth- once we are perfect and in union we might not even be bothered by what we once wanted. To add to that what we want is shaped but this life / world. We might find our desires completely changed. 

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14 minutes ago, Jonadab said:

We must not complain like the Israelites when they left Egypt wanting what they had, like onions, leeks. we must be satisfied and have patience after Armageddon, we have a lot of work to do.

Makes us wonder what the comments will be after 40 years of "oatmeal" for breakfast, lunch and supper...💗

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4 hours ago, Dustparticle said:

They are very good articles. But, a can of worms are still there. Take for instance par. 18, on page 7 talks about cleaning up after Armageddon. There are brothers who takes the lead do not want to get dirty and tell others to do it. The one elder told me a while ago that after Armageddon I might be digging up dead bodies in cemeteries. First of all, Jehovah can take care of those bodies in a split second. Second, why in the world he would say this?


This kind of mentality exist today. In beginning of the NW, there are going to be problems and I can see this too. No matter who were are, we will tell others do it yourself.  

More to come.



Re: Dead bodies - I'm curious how Jehovah will handle all that.  We know about the feast for the birds and animals... but dead bodies are a dangerous biohazard after about three days.  Rampant disease could occur if sanitation is not sorted pretty quick... 

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Jumping ahead to the third article,  Does Your Counsel "Make the Heart Rejoice"?   The experience related in par's 1-2 is that of Bro. Seth (can't think of his last name) one of the helpers.  He shared this experience in a video.  It was a shepherding call when he was a Circuit Overseer.

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16 minutes ago, Hope said:

Re: Dead bodies - I'm curious how Jehovah will handle all that.  We know about the feast for the birds and animals... but dead bodies are a dangerous biohazard after about three days.  Rampant disease could occur if sanitation is not sorted pretty quick... 

I’m curious too. I’ve always remembered this point from the old Nations will know book : “Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way. This remains for the survivors of the “war of the great day” to see and witness. We remember that Noah and his seven fellow survivors of the global Deluge were not burdened with burying the human victims of that world catastrophe after they came out of the ark and renewed Jehovah’s worship on earth”

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9 minutes ago, Doug said:

Jumping ahead to the third article,  Does Your Counsel "Make the Heart Rejoice"?   The experience related in par's 1-2 is that of Bro. Seth (can't think of his last name) one of the helpers.  He shared this experience in a video.  It was a shepherding call when he was a Circuit Overseer.

That was Seth Hyatt, "What Do You Want Me to Do For You?" 149th Gilead  ❤️ 

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4 hours ago, Jonadab said:

We must not complain like the Israelites when they left Egypt wanting what they had, like onions, leeks. we must be satisfied and have patience after Armageddon, we have a lot of work to do.

I’ve thought this very same thing. In many parts of the world today we have “fast” food available, where food can be prepared in 10 minutes or so. In the new world we may not be eating some of the foods we’re accustomed to and preparing them may take longer and more work. Will we be happy for what we have or complain like the unfaithful Israelites?

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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Paragraph 18 had me thinking about how exciting it would be if Jehovah temporarily gave us manna after Armageddon and we got to see what it tasted like 🙂

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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8 hours ago, Dages said:

Par 16:There is another aspect that we would do well to consider—Jehovah’s judgments at the end of this system of things. Right now, we hold out hope for many who are not serving Jehovah, including our unbelieving relatives. But at Armageddon, Jehovah, through Jesus, will make the final decision about their future.

So...? there is a chance of positive judgment? even slight one, low percentage one? 

My understanding is that Jehovah may choose to extend mercy in same cases and at the last moment.

If yes, that would mean a tiny new understanding or adjustment to what is already printed on the subject. 


Compare what is printed in Pure Worship Book:

To survive the coming destruction, individuals need to prove their faith now. As we saw earlier, those who survived Jerusalem’s destruction in 607 B.C.E. demonstrated beforehand their heartfelt rejection of wickedness and their devotion to pure worship. It is similar today. Before the destruction comes, individuals need to be “sighing and groaning”—deeply grieved at heart—over the wickedness of this world. And rather than hide their feelings, they must demonstrate by words and actions their devotion to pure worship. How can they do so? They need to react favorably to the preaching work that is being done today, to continue putting on a Christlike personality, to get baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah, and to support Christ’s brothers loyally. (Ezek. 9:4; Matt. 25:34-40; Eph. 4:22-24; 1 Pet. 3:21) Only those who pursue such a course now—and who enter the great tribulation as pure worshippers—will be in a position to be marked for survival.

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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I think the caution about our reaction to Jehovah’s future judgments goes both ways as well. Obviously if Jehovah determines that someone close to us is not fit for his new world, even though we might feel they’re a good person at heart or whatever other reason, we can understand what a challenging situation that would be to deal with. But might some also have to deal with overcoming deep-seated or resurfaced feelings of resentment at ones who have made their life and worship incredibly difficult, and who they might have resigned to destruction, but who have a seemingly last-minute change of heart and Jehovah decides to accept them? How might some feel at the prospect of spending eternity with this person who doesn’t seem to deserve mercy? This is yet another scenario highlighting how we need to trust Jehovah’s judgments now so that we are prepared for unexpected decisions in the future.

Yet another facet to these situations is exactly how Jehovah’s judgments on individuals are going to be communicated at that time. It might be easier to accept these decisions if a voice from heaven announced everyone’s fate, but that might not be the way it pans out. Jehovah may use human representatives of the earthly part of his organization to share that information in some way. Could that make things harder? Wouldn’t it be easy to feel that humans are making these decisions and not Jehovah himself? Of course, it’s not worth getting worried or upset over, as it’s only a possibility. But our feelings about that hypothetical situation might reveal how much we trust Jehovah’s decisions coming through his earthly representatives.

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10 hours ago, Hope said:

Re: Dead bodies - I'm curious how Jehovah will handle all that.  We know about the feast for the birds and animals... but dead bodies are a dangerous biohazard after about three days.  Rampant disease could occur if sanitation is not sorted pretty quick... 

I was referring to dead bodies buried in the graveyards. Jehovah can use ant-matter to get rid of it in a split second.

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10 hours ago, Hope said:

Re: Dead bodies - I'm curious how Jehovah will handle all that.  We know about the feast for the birds and animals... but dead bodies are a dangerous biohazard after about three days.  Rampant disease could occur if sanitation is not sorted pretty quick... 

What happened to the 185,000 the angel struck down in one night...who disposed of them?

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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15 minutes ago, Dustparticle said:


Or all of those vegetarian birds and animals that everyone wants to cuddle get a final meat meal...:whistling::lol1:

Edited by Tortuga
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