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Russia invades Ukraine

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7 hours ago, Saffron said:

Just got a fresh update, which is terrible for people in this area. They are now cut off from from everything. Nothing going in or out, including them. No way to evacuate. Zoom got cut, but our site is still accessible. They are watching tons of videos to console themselves. The only other option available for watching anything on TV is Russian stations. 


Things can change so quickly. 

All that they ask is for us to pray for them. 

Dear sis ... the suspense is killing me... do you know about them yet? 😕  😕 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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11 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

your link to the Guardian is basically the same as I posted from the BBC.

Yes, yes it is. (Post 551) I didn't intend to slight that you'd already answered the question before it was raised three posts later. But I read your comment when getting ready for days text/breakfast/son to school and me to work, while I read sister Sophie's post over a hurried apple two hours later and replied during a brief lull two hours after that (before the manager yelled for me because of, believe it or not, a Russian with a problem, that I sorted).


Now from your other posts Sister Terri I'm sure you didn't actually feel slighted but I've felt bad for a good number of hours and finally get to reply. Oh, and that was a good BBC article btw, when I finally got around to reading it.

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I have not heard anything further @Sofia I hope to hear from her again soon, but the reality is that I may not.  She would never put herself in a dangerous situation, but it can not be avoided at this point. They are shooting all over the place and dropping bombs. They care nothing about hitting residential areas. 


Our CO was here and gave a nice talk. It was pretty much all about the end. Reminded us that the Red Sea was split, people just walked through in an orderly way. Jehovah's angel slaughtered the 185,000 Assyrians in one night, while His people on earth did nothing. As a people we will be protected. No lasting harm will come to any of us. I needed this talk. 


I am with the brother a few posts ago who said that everything feels like it's at a tipping point. This feeling has never been as strong as it is now. 



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20 minutes ago, Saffron said:


I have not heard anything further @Sofia I hope to hear from her again soon, but the reality is that I may not.  She would never put herself in a dangerous situation, but it can not be avoided at this point. They are shooting all over the place and dropping bombs. They care nothing about hitting residential areas. 


🙏🙏🙏 praying

praying A LOT



Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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9 hours ago, Tortuga said:

It's interesting that the article about Misinformation is posted on JW.org again. 


It's a good reminder that all news reports may be slanted. It's unfortunate that in this world of misinformation that we can't even be sure about the reports of possible misinformation. The reports of fake news may be fake news

This is very true and I agree and appreciate your reminder.

I am not sure if your reminder is directed at me specifically, but just to reassure you,  I am always careful to check the source is reputable and to make sure it is current and accurate, which is what the brothers say are two of the necessary criteria. And using social media to access information is just stupidity.


I don't know if you looked at the article from the BBC but they are showing not only what the fake news is, but also the sources where it is coming from. 

Isn't it better to start with information at one of the more known to be reputable news sources, and be able to check it out from there, than to find it on just as well known sites and then having the misinformation confirmed on other less than reputable sources?

Like Fox and CNN, which are two of the culprits spreading this fake news.


Here on the forum, I always double check shared sources and information where possible, and expect others to do the same with information I share.  I would never expect anyone to take information I share at face value.

However, there seems to be a lot of information shared on here about our brothers that doesn't have verifiable sources, but is just word of mouth and second hand information, which seems to be popular and believed, because it's about our brothers.  But how do we know that this information is factual and accurate?   I would rather  have firsthand information about the situation in Ukraine from brothers who are there at the coal-face so to speak, like brother Oleg.

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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2 hours ago, Hugh O'D said:

Now from your other posts Sister Terri I'm sure you didn't actually feel slighted but I've felt bad for a good number of hours and finally get to reply. Oh, and that was a good BBC article btw, when I finally got around to reading it.

Oh no. Gosh, don't feel bad on my account, please.  I didn't feel slighted, I just wondered if you had seen the BBC article.   

Having the same news story from both places is a good example of comparing information from reliable sources, as the brothers suggest in the article about misinformation on the website.

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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17 minutes ago, GeordieGirl said:

I am not sure if your reminder is directed at me

No, not at all. You comment about fake news was a good introduction for the article about misinformation. Thanks 👍

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Zelensky appears to be ready for a compromise with Putin.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Richard,  I suppose a compromise would appear to avert WWIII and the world could feel PEACE....oh yeah, and SECURITY.  On the other hand, Zelensky addressed the British Parliament asking for help and comparing his little country to England when Hitler wanted to invade it.  That would touch some Brits I bet.  My heart goes out to the portion of the 100,000 brothers left in the area who are hunkered down in their basements.  They aren't just hiding, they are expecting to be bombed. No power, no heat, dwindling food and water and very little news.  They truly need to trust Jehovah and remain calm. Psalm 34.


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1 hour ago, Tortuga said:



Zelensky appears to be ready for a compromise with Putin.

It's a good choice. Putin won't stop soon unless he can claim a victory, while for Ukraine joining NATO and regaining the break away districts aren't options.


Problems I'd see

1) Putin says "Donbass" but Russian controlled Donbass was only a small part of that region, I imagine he's going to demand all of Donbass.


2) He's demanded the Ukrainian army stop firing, that would be easy to engineer a breakdown with each side blaming the other.


3) He wants Ukraine demilitarized, Zelensky had been spending money on Infrastructure not the army and that route got them invaded, they won't be willing to take that route again.


4) Ultimately they're both just trying to look good to the public with this. It won't be a real peace, especially with rising levels of hatred for Russia among the Ukranians.


In other words it's as secure a deal as the Judeans "covenant with Death".

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No, zelinksyij wont his land to be demilisated.
Putin is a big lier, he can kill them all right after that. today every country have any kind of army.
Thats putin request is insane.
Yes to stop war, yes to take ukrainian parts of russian inhabitated land, yes to no go to nato, to be neutral, but other he will not give to putin.

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Not sure which Ukrainian thread for this .On a different line, my son's school has said everyone is to wear Ukrainian flag colours on Friday, he'd already resolved not to but it gave an opportunity for a discussion on neutrality.


I'm not worried, his school had had dressing up for things like Pride week before but never cared about non participation. But I know others get worse hassle over it.

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Question….all the talk has been about NATO not being willing to help Ukraine.  At what point do they consider UN peacekeeping?  When and how does that come into play?

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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6 minutes ago, BLEmom said:

Question….all the talk has been about NATO not being willing to help Ukraine.  At what point do they consider UN peacekeeping?  When and how does that come into play?

 Good question. The easy speculation is that Putin takes advantage of NATO not getting involved, the hostilities escalate and the UN finally grows some teeth and does something dramatic. 

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51 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

UN finally grows some teeth and does something dramatic. 

Like sending international peacekeeping soldiers to Ukraine (in a large number including Chinese presence ) and issues warning to Putin if even one tiny bullet hits those peacekeeping guards - You are declaring war on whole international community!  Possible? Don't know...

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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7 hours ago, BLEmom said:

Question….all the talk has been about NATO not being willing to help Ukraine.  At what point do they consider UN peacekeeping?  When and how does that come into play?

Any military action by the other nations besides Ukraine would turn this into WWIII and the risk of nuclear war increases. 


The UN cannot act against Russia as long as Russia is on the Security Council.  Russia is a permanent member with veto power. 


It's likely China would never agree with such a plan.  China is a permanent UN Security Council member with veto power. They abstained during the vote to condemn Russia, but is it likely they would abstain from voting to send UN troops against their ally? 

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8 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

Any military action by the other nations besides Ukraine would turn this into WWIII and the risk of nuclear war increases. 


The UN cannot act against Russia as long as Russia is on the Security Council.  Russia is a permanent member with veto power. 


It's likely China would never agree with such a plan.  China is a permanent UN Security Council member with veto power. They abstained during the vote to condemn Russia, but is it likely they would abstain from voting to send UN troops against their ally? 

Something has to change as it’s the UN that are the big player next in prophecy. Regardless of veto’s or current statuses we know that until the UN gets going it’s just blah blah blah from the nations as usual. 

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It makes sense why everyone would want to stay out of this, but I really feel like Russia is pushing it. People have sort of overlooked a lot, but when they bombed that children's hospital the other day, they may have crossed a line. How does everyone look just sitting there with half dead pregnant women and dead children being carried away from this place? The public reaction is very strong with this one. I'm wondering if people in general will start pushing their leaders to do something. 




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1 minute ago, Saffron said:

It makes sense why everyone would want to stay out of this, but I really feel like Russia is pushing it. People have sort of overlooked a lot, but when they bombed that children's hospital the other day, they may have crossed a line. How does everyone look just sitting there with half dead pregnant women and dead children being carried away from this place? The public reaction is very strong with this one. I'm wondering if people in general will start pushing their leaders to do something. 




Maybe... its time to see this being fullfilled soon:  Luke 21: 25  “Also, there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars,b and on the earth anguish of nations not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation. 26  People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken"

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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7 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Like sending international peacekeeping soldiers to Ukraine (in a large number including Chinese presence ) and issues warning to Putin if even one tiny bullet hits those peacekeeping guards - You are declaring war on whole international community!  Possible? Don't know...

Maybe Poland can give those migs to the UN to transfer to Ukraine.  Get the ball rolling.

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1 hour ago, Mykyl said:

Something has to change as it’s the UN that are the big player next in prophecy. 

That's only the attack on Babylon the Great, right?  The current UN structure can work on anything the Security Council agrees on.  If all world leaders hearts are moved to destroy religion, the UN can do it. 

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1 hour ago, Saffron said:

I have a quick story for you. 


My friend over there is still alive. She just  shared a story about a family there completely running out of food. They prayed and prayed hard. Right as the prayer concluded a bomb exploded nearby and a goose landed almost on top of the brother. He waited, thinking that this goose belonged to someone, but no one came. There was dinner. 


I saw a picture of the family standing there holding that goose. What struck me is that were all smiling, and those smiles looked genuine. As horrible of a situation as they are in, they are being cared for and their appreciation really shows. 


Taught me a lesson for sure. Need to work on adjusting my attitude about certain things in my own life. 

i have never in my life prepared a goose for dinner. how do you get the feathers off???its a long way from landing on your head to eating with sauce.....they  must know a thing or two more about how to do it than anyone i know.

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