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Russia invades Ukraine

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8 hours ago, Californiamama said:

Pardon my musings....


I have been thinking about a little detail about the Russian/Ukraine situation that I don't see talked about.  Yes, this is a bully nation being aggressive and brutal, many civilians are dying, millions of people are now refugees from war.....


But this has all happened before in recent years.  Many times this whole scenario has played out in Africa with families running for their lives and then living in refugee camps for decades.  And look at the Rohingyas in Myanmar.  We might hear outrage expressed but we didn't see companies pulling their business out of the countries or blocking imports.  Why is the entire world invested in this conflict in a way that has not happened in the past?  Is there a racial component?  Are white babies on the news more sympathetic than black or brown babies? The suffering is no greater.  Is it because Russia is larger and stronger? Scarier to the world in general? Is it because of the threat to NATO?


I think I've concluded that it is just has to be fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  It's not The Who, it's The When.  For the final prophecies to be fulfilled the globe needs to coalesce and that may have begun with the fight against Covid-19 and moved along with the threat of WWIII.  I just don't want to diminish what the victims in other conflicts have gone through.  I know Jehovah doesn't. ❤️ 



We were watching the news the other night and I made a smart comment to my wife to that effect.  'Look at all the nice looking white families with their nice cars & houses and clothes and little white children. Is that why this is in the news?'.


I am white but I wondered the same thing.

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4 hours ago, Shawnster said:

And that's my question to all individuals who do not trust western government corporate mainstream media. What is your criteria, your litmus test use use to determine what is trustworthy and what is not. 


Here is a litmus test the Watchtower suggests



Ask yourself: ‘Is the content legitimate news or just a meme?’


Ask yourself: ‘Does this news report blur the line between fact and opinion or present only one side of the story?’


Ask yourself: ‘Do I trust this information just because it is what I want to believe?’


Ask yourself: ‘Am I sharing this information because I know it is true?’


If your main criteria for accepting a news source is "anything that is opposite government corporate mainstream media" then aren't you really trusting this alternate source simply because you want to believe? 

So, the FIRST question is ‘Is the content legitimate news or just a meme?’


This means, according to the slave, I should be more likely to trust "legitimate news" or large organization that actually say they are news and who can be sued for intentionally telling untruths vs some YouTuber who can't be sued or held accountable AND who says his info is for entertainment purpose only (often known as "alt news"), right?


Ok, I'm happy to follow the advice of the slave!  AND it make sense. Thanks for posting.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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12 minutes ago, rolypoly said:

Look at all the nice looking white families with their nice cars & houses and clothes and little white children. Is that why this is in the news?'.

Firstly @rolypoly I'm not making a dig at you, why Ukraine is so much in the news has been raised several times so I'm addressing the subject.


Because they're white? Tell that to the people of Srebrenica. The Yugoslav wars dragged on with the whole world watching while... Let's just say terrible things went on. Also during the 2014 trouble there was not the out pouring of support being seen this time.


There's various issues:


1) Importantly is the pushing of the two Kings, they're definitely using this for their own ends.


2) News men like clear sides. Sorry to say this but places like Iraq and Syria were blatant quagmires that had no side to root for. ISIS gave a temporary reprieve for everyone to unite in hating but even they were in various forms of cahoots with multiple sides. Ukraine is a clear multi lingual/ cultural /ethnic land (which isn't riven with internecine strife) that has been invaded by a tyrant. It's a media circuses dream.


3) Zelensky is a good actor/comedian. He has pulled a series of publicity feats in his actions and speech. One of his early broadcasts that moved hardened politicians to tears also got them to agree to sanctions they were opposed to.



You don't have to read it, I've just included it as evidence.


4) The Ukrainian bravery. Their army has stunned the world by whipping the Spetznaz. The opposition politicians have united behind a leader they didn't actually like for their country. The Border guards to the Warships and the people in general. Plus there's the public displays of kindness to captured Russian soldiers.


People admire bravery, respect skill and are moved by kindness. The Ukranians have demonstrated all three.


On the other side remember when the Syrian civil war broke out. Many thought Assad wouldn't last long. It was when he demonstrated that he could hang on he started getting more help.


5) Does been white help? Maybe. It didn't help Bosnia but that was a seccesionist state and governments don't like that in case it gives their people ideas. On the other hand governments fear being overthrown by enemies and Ukraine is a media perfect example of an attempt to overthrow a "legitimate" government.


6) If Putin had had his "short victorious war" it's doubtful we'd be having this conversation. Same as with Bosnia and Syria, the longer the conflict is in the news the more push their is to get involved.


Now I'm sure the Demons also have their plans for this war but we also know things also don't always go their way so I don't know if it counts as a point 7.


😎 ignore this emoji please


Eight) I'm sure someone can come up with another point.



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1 hour ago, Geralyn said:

I don't want ANY of it to be true.... "Let Thy Kingdom Come!"   BUT there is a team of reporters, some very high in military, medical and legal qualifications that have in other administrations and times been deemed heroes but now have been "canceled" for calling out things against the narrative.  

I think you both missed and illustrated my point. 


You learned this information from a source you feel is legitimate journalism.  What criteria did you use the helped you determine this source is legitimate journalism? How did your source pass the sniff test for you? 

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Russia is a threat to the US because of NATO.  That’s why they get attention. Plus it’s just a revival of Cold War fighting. Even with that, the US and NATO don’t want to be physically involved. There’s sympathy, but more importantly, fear of what Russia will do next. So I don’t see this as a color issue either. 
The US or West will sympathize and do humanitarian effort to help all kinds of people. The real crux of the matter is Russia is involved. 


As far as what’s in the news…crisis and political controversy rule the day. As Hugh mentioned, this kind of thing is like crack for the media. Devils advocate….people want to know. Anything that captures attention will get a play by play from the media. They spent quite a lot of time after the Haiti earthquake and the Puertorican hurricane. But eventually the next thing grabs attention, like JLo or a Kardashian or a Trump or climate change. 🤷🏻‍♀️

There’s no real rhyme or reason to why things go from one thing to another. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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People say: why is this war different than others? The palestinians for example are occupied. Now its ok for ukrainians to throw molotov coctails, but if palestinians do it they get shot or arrested. 

The ukrainians are not letting coloured people leave Ukraine, but allows white people on the trains. They are not better than other but are viewed as heroes. 
The US has engaged in many wars around the world and killed many many people, they are pushing Russia with Nato so why are they the good guys and Russia the bad?


It is extremely important to be neutral and to see that this has to do with Bible prophecy. No government is better than the other. We are standing outside of this and all the kingdoms are ruled by Satan. We are waiting for Jehovah to step in. 

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I know what folks mean but it’s a bit irritating to me to see blanket terms used. Probably used them myself as well. 

The Ukrainians are not stopping black people from leaving. Some Ukrainians reportedly are.
The Russians are not bombing Ukraine. Some soldiers under orders are. 

I’ll give you some cast iron examples of those Russian or Ukrainian people not involved.
Not a single Russian or Ukrainian brother or sister is involved in the fighting killing or discrimination. That’s utterly guaranteed. 


To us, neither side is good or bad but certain actions from one side or another can indeed make it difficult to remember that at times. 

Neutrality is a difficult issue if we are not careful. 

We all know there is only one answer to the injustice and terror in this sick dying world. Jehovahs Kingdom.
Hopefully that will come sooner rather than later. 



Edited by Mykyl
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Of course we dont draw everybody over one line. I was just referring to what I hear around me. 
For example are russians in Sweden experiencing hate, just because they are from Russia. 
They have nothing to do with this. 
Its like walking on a thin line when people talk about this and to not take sides. 

By the way, I heard from my sisters friend (serbian) that all this is stirring up turmoil in former Yugoslavia and they are really afraid for something bad happening with their history in the 90’s. 


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Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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I really hated seeing that maternity hospital bombed.  I think it’s ridiculous all the claims about bio weapons being thrown around. But I also cringe at the glee and cheers when a Russian plane is shot down or a tank is destroyed. All I think about is that is some other mothers son who just died. We can be saddened over the actions taken by one side or the other.  That’s not a neutrality issue, it’s a human emotional reaction.  In the end, do we cheer in our heart over one side or the other?  That’s when we have to make adjustments.  

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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I didn't realize there was some racial discrimination among the refugees until I started looking at some of the reports this morning..It sounds like some of the Ukraine refugees want priority over anyone that doesn't look like a natural citizen. So the Blacks and Asians are put in the back of the line or a separate area, out of sight.


Wow, what a reminder that being the underdog doesn't make them a good guy. The racist attitude of a few Ukraine refugees may not represent the entire country but it appears to be a widespread problem.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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5 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

I didn't realize there was some racial discrimination among the refugees until I started looking at some of the reports this morning..It sounds like some of the Ukraine refugees want priority over anyone that doesn't look like a natural citizen. So the Blacks and Asians are put in the back of the line or a separate area, out of sight.


Wow, what a reminder that being the underdog doesn't make them a good guy. The racist attitude of a few Ukraine refugees may not represent the entire country but it appears to be a widespread problem.

I wasn't surprised at all, just sad. There is always racial discrimination against brown people, if they're there. Everywhere.  😒😔😭

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15 minutes ago, Hope said:

I wasn't surprised at all, just sad. There is always racial discrimination against brown people, if they're there. Everywhere.  😒😔😭

Except among Jehovah's people...

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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11 hours ago, trottigy said:

I should be more likely to trust "legitimate news" or large organization that actually say they are news and who can be sued for intentionally telling untruths vs some YouTuber who can't be sued or held accountable

 I think don't TRUST ANYTHING we are looking at news wise....   I only "consider" the alt news because the ANGST I see people feeling around what MSM puts out might be quite unnecessary.  Jah is on this with His Christ and our prayers  tells Jehovah we are keeping on the watch.  So we see a "situation" as reported at JW.org and we pray pray pray!  We cannot make the scriptures fit the world's news without human error.


So far as the "news" being in a position to be sued tells me you might not be fully aware of the powers at play BEHIND the "news".  NO ONE is being sued!  but the news people are self-destructing!   CNN is almost completely sex-addled news people getting gone. The whole of US (and the world) is reeling in worldly darkness right now because the "news" is bought and paid for by Soros NWO affiliates and the SOROS team is PUSHING "racism" against "white supremacy" but their actions are totally opposite.  

6 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

 The racist attitude of a few Ukraine refugees may not represent the entire country but it appears to be a widespread problem.

and the COURTS are almost all compromised (really really compromised!).  God help us!  lol  But in fact we don't rely on them.    In service a sister mention "how nice it is we JWs live in this little bubble of bliss!"    People are gonna ask what rock we been under!   

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9 minutes ago, Hope said:

Well, in this case it's a given because Witnesses are not stopping people at the border. I didn't think there was a need for that qualifier.. 🤔

Balm for the wound.  Dove was trying point to the silver lining in the dark Ukrainian racism cloud 

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16 minutes ago, Geralyn said:

think don't TRUST ANYTHING we are looking at news wise....   I o

I'm with you. And why should we when people lie so much? Having the lie reported on CNN or BBC does not make it more true. They only report what they are told. Sometimes these opinion based videos like the one posted here actually make more sense than the news to me. 


Right before this war started, I was reading that it was probably going to happen. Russia denied it. It was then reported that Russian troops were lined up on the border of Ukraine, so it really was looking like they were going to attack. Russia denied they were doing anything along these lines.  All of this stuff was reported on all kinds of mainstream news channels. It took the first bomb dropping to know who was telling the truth. 


These chemical and biological weapons labs in Ukraine. Russia says that US is up to something. US is saying that this is a trick for Russia to justify using them themselves. All reported on mainstream news and I still have no idea what is true. 


Of course this is just my train of thought. There will be plenty of people who will disagree, but that is okay. 


So glad to know this truth: That they all stand with Satan and all of this mess will be over with soon. 



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48 minutes ago, Hope said:

Well, in this case it's a given because Witnesses are not stopping people at the border. I didn't think there was a need for that qualifier.. 🤔

Sorry Sis, I didn't mean to correct you in any way, just what Shawnster said. It's always wonderful to remember in any of these situations how blessed we are to be part of this Brotherhood..❣️

Edited by Dove

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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Just been published:


Refugee Crisis—Millions Flee Ukraine



Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Russia has asked for a emergency UN Security Council meeting

Today’s meeting follows Russian allegations of US support for military biological research in Ukraine.


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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