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JW Broadcast - January 2024

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4 hours ago, Doug said:

So we can now say with certainty,  except for those who "depart into everlasting cutting off" Mt. 25:46,


everyone else from Cain to the the great tribulation is now in the "We Don't Know" group.


With the exception of Judas?

I'd say that is about accurate.  As much as I enjoy being absolute and sure about things, it is good to see the humility of our brothers.  We can see how they aren't too proud to admit they don't know something, or even walk back some things about which we have been so dogmatic in the past.  I feel the theme for the annual meeting could have been "Lets not be Dogmatic."

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5 hours ago, Doug said:

everyone else from Cain to the great tribulation is now in the

"We Don't Know" group.


With the exception of Judas?

I don’t know about that, but let’s not be dogmatic about it. 😅

1 John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

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I think Brother Jackson put it well when he said - it's above our paygrade. It's not our job to judge or within our realm of our jurisdiction to try to determine who or who will not be resurrected. 


I loved this Broadcast -- it really put in words what many of us have felt about Jehovah's love and mercy but we had never heard it presented directly to us in regard to the resurrection. I've always felt that the resurrection hope isn't black and white.


I'm so happy that it gives brothers and sisters comfort knowing that we can trust Jehovah. He always does the right thing.


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Yes, I agree. It felt so bad to say I wish so-and-so will die so that they can get a resurrection. (He’s right, we’ve all said it).


And in hindsight with what was presented in those talks, we can see clearly how Jehovah has this all in hand, and will never leave anyone behind who is truly redeemable.

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Brother Splane mentioned a couple of Bible expressions we have always understood to mean something. Such as: "laid to rest with his forefathers." Back in the 1970s or 80s when I was studying, it was thought that it was another way of saying "in Sheol," which would indicate that person is going to be resurrected. Now, though, it looks like we can't be so sure.


So now we might be wondering about Jesus referring to Judas Iscariot as the "son of destruction." Are we unsure about that too? Or, of those who blaspheme against the holy spirit being guilty of "everlasting sin." How about those in the "lake of fire?"


Anyway, it makes me happy that I'm not the judge. I'd rather leave that to Jesus who is much more qualified to do that.


However, I just can't see the Nephilim being resurrected, or Adam and Eve, or Satan the Devil.

Edited by Sheep
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Just now, Dhanyel said:

The phrase peace and security were not mentioned once, is this prophecy already underway?  😃 I know, I know, we don't know, but it's very interesting, the emphasis was on the destruction of Babylon the great! Interesting days ahead 

The events covered will happen AFTER P&S announcement 

so it was not mentioned.

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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10 hours ago, Sheep said:

Brother Splane mentioned a couple of Bible expressions we have always understood to mean something. Such as: "laid to rest with his forefathers." Back in the 1970s or 80s when I was studying, it was thought that it was another way of saying "in Sheol," which would indicate that person is going to be resurrected. Now, though, it looks like we can't be so sure.


So now we might be wondering about Jesus referring to Judas Iscariot as the "son of destruction." Are we unsure about that too? Or, of those who blaspheme against the holy spirit being guilty of "everlasting sin." How about those in the "lake of fire?"


Anyway, it makes me happy that I'm not the judge. I'd rather leave that to Jesus who is much more qualified to do that.


However, I just can't see the Nephilim being resurrected, or Adam and Eve, or Satan the Devil.

I agree, Eric. Even if we are now taught that we cannot be dogmatic on many subjects, this does not mean that everything must be rethought, called into question. At least that's how I hear it. Just trust in Jehovah, in his wonderful mercy but also in his absolute justice. Only Jehovah has the right to evaluate and judge but the difference between obedience and disobedience, good and evil must still mean something, otherwise I don't understand anything anymore.

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"Armageddon will destroy only the incorrigibly wicked, and there will be “a great crowd” of survivors."


This quote is from the September 2011 Watchtower, Public Edition, in the article, "What Is Armageddon?" Notice the first sentence, and as we have discussed before, people have various opinions on the word "incorrigible". My view is as defined in dictionaries, that is, a person who CANNOT BE CORRECTED, a person so depraved/wicked, they cannot be reformed. 


Since that article, I have not read any follow up, or further discussion, but it always stayed with me, and I believe it to be very telling, especially in light of this new information

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11 hours ago, Sheep said:

So now we might be wondering about Jesus referring to Judas Iscariot as the "son of destruction." Are we unsure about that too? Or, of those who blaspheme against the holy spirit being guilty of "everlasting sin." How about those in the "lake of fire?"


What this new information changes is that we cannot point to a specific individual and say that person will or will not be saved. It doesn't mean that everyone will be saved.


The Bible does say some people are destroyed for good. For example, those judged as goats before Armageddon depart into everlasting cutting-off. Some people are in Gehenna and have no hope of a resurrection. Among them there are some of the Pharisees from Jesus' time, as well as some 1st century anointed Christians who became apostates. The lake of fire is a symbol of eternal destruction, so anyone who is thrown in it has no chance of a resurrection.


The point about kings "laid to rest with his forefathers" is quite logical. Who decided whether an individual was buried, and where? the next king? The court officials? Could these people really decide whether that person deserved a resurrection or not? That would be like forcing Jehovah to resurrecting them, or not to resurrect them. It didn't make sense.


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1 hour ago, carlos said:

That would be like forcing Jehovah to resurrecting them, or not to resurrect them. It didn't make sense

One of the points I appreciate about the direction our organization is taking is it's still separating itself even more from Babylon the Great.  Babylon the Great, with it's aspects of the Abrahamic parts of it seem to try to force Jehovah to do what they want to do.

When we declare that the Black Pope arrives, then the end times cometh.

When we seat the 12th Imam in his chair, Allah will drop his sword on the unbelievers

When we bless someone, the Lord will bring his soul to heaven

If we decline or curse someone, the Lord will condemn his soul to hell


They always tell God what to do.  Meanwhile, the faithful slave says, "We don't know".  Jehovah and Jesus will tell us what they will do at the proper time.  They're in charge.  It brings so much joy to my heart to see the organization getting us geared up for the GT in ways I never thought of.

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Wasn't it interesting to hear the process for decisions regarding new light, changes or corrections fully spelled out by Jeffrey Winder?  That is a line of sight into things that I didn't expect we would ever be privy to!  That is a fascinating topic, as it has been adjusted over the years.

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1 hour ago, RedRob said:

Wasn't it interesting to hear the process for decisions regarding new light, changes or corrections fully spelled out by Jeffrey Winder?  That is a line of sight into things that I didn't expect we would ever be privy to!  That is a fascinating topic, as it has been adjusted over the years.


It was one of my favorite bits. I love hearing how things happen - how the sausage gets made.. 😉  That sort of insight was simply amazing!

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The brother said that the GB gives the Research Department a topic to investigate, and provide information back to the GB along with recommendations. That really blew my mind! So the GB is not doing the research themselves, AND they are not even coming up with the recommendation themselves, they let the Research Dept do that. (And this Research Department, are they composed of only anointed?) It was all very surprising. Did anyone else notice this or feel surprise?

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8 minutes ago, M.J. said:

The brother said that the GB gives the Research Department a topic to investigate, and provide information back to the GB along with recommendations. That really blew my mind! So the GB is not doing the research themselves, AND they are not even coming up with the recommendation themselves, they let the Research Dept do that. (And this Research Department, are they composed of only anointed?) It was all very surprising. Did anyone else notice this or feel surprise?

Yes, that was incredible, and the research team does not need to be anointed to carry out this careful work, and even with the research ready, it is necessary for the governing body to look into the issues, Jehovah's spirit helping to be unanimous, is a great blessing!

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