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JW Broadcast for August 2017

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23 hours ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

Don't Peak Until You've Seen the Broadcast 5988b1b163f86_Nogrinning.gif.4306a1b5974ec3ca1b6eb559df67bdf8.gif
Spoiler Appreciating the role women play in Jehovah's theocratic arrangements--
Past and Present
Psalm 68:11
8.3 million publishers this past service year.
Half of Special Pioneers are women.
Three-quarters of Regular Pioneers are women.
Amazing experiences!!!!5988b1ffb1321_Happyexcited.GIF.592f7166d9bcb1f62686c31c425ac9df.GIF
New companion "Was It Designed?" video series. 5988b3447199a_ClappingBRAVO.gif.0c94592fb51665223f4949ff84f64792.gif 


This month's original song: "Precious Daughter"
(I sure hope Brother William posts a url to the transcript because,
with the exception of the title words in the chorus, I couldn't understand
any of the lyrics.Listening.gif.51d8d42d7b94bba6fde8dffa42ee1789.gif
Brother Lett's 'Morning Worship' talk. The second greatest commandment.
Greetings from our family in Saipan.5988b2767cb61_HiByeUpsidedownwavy.gif.a9e7f3ac9231f5b159de3bfae2a008a0.gif5988b2c6ad7e7_Lovedrawheart.gif.60c6c04c1e31b32b1e9cff612366bb25.gif
Awesome spiritual feast!!!  Clapping.gif.51d7f8dfee72386b73b7eeb043b20cba.gif
As always.  We are sooooooo spoiled. 


Through all her tender years,
He watched her grow.
Many the joys and tears,
She would come to know.
But when she gave her best
And came through each test,
She made His heart feel so good.

Precious daughter,
He's so proud of you.
Time won't alter His love for you.

Hard work and sacrifice—
That's just her way.
Thinking of His advice
Helps her through the day,
And she's so glad to know
That He loves her so.
It means so much to hear him say:

"Precious daughter,
I'm so proud of you.
Time won't alter my love for you."

Yes, Jehovah sees
And Jehovah knows
All the work you've done
And the love you've shown.
No, He won't forget
How you've loved His name
For all this time.

Precious daughter,
He's so proud of you.
Precious daughter,
He'll be there for you.
Precious daughter,
He will care for you.
Precious daughter,
He loves you.


Edited by Shawnster

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I really enjoyed the new song Precious Daughter. It reminds me somewhat of my three daughters, all of whom I am very proud. I leap for joy especially for my middle daughter, who married a Circuit Overseer almost five years ago! She's still there in her assignment with her husband, holding off having children so they can continue encouraging all the brothers and sisters in their circuit. I am always amazed at how much she has matured now, compared to what she was when she was pioneering here in our congregation. (But that's what happens when you hang out with a Circuit Overseer all the time. Wink.jpg.0a38a138052d9eceb4ccc6f714fa065e.jpg) But my pride for her pales in comparison to how Jehovah feels about her now, as the song expresses!


Anyway (I can't help but get sidetracked when I talk about her), the new song will not be released in mp3 format on JW Broadcasting for another couple of weeks. So for those who would like to listen to it on their iphones now, it's in my collection of songs. Please enjoy... :headphones:

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As a sister I can only say "EXCELLENT BROADCAST!"


I especially loved Sister Carpalium (sp?) her wisdom and spirit shone through.   Her confidence in Jehovah made me think of Romans 8:37 "To the contrary, in all these things we are coming of completely victorious through him that loved us"



Edited by sunshine
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11 hours ago, AH173 said:

You faithful sisters are very beloved by Jehovah and all of us brothers! :)

And I am saying  this from the bottom of my heart, my teaching skills mainly come from sisters. What I mean is when I need to know how to present a certain Biblical point in service or what have you, I get it from a sister.


I appreciated the point that even though sisters don't serve in the capacity of elder or MS, this frees them up for the most important work we have -- the disciple making work. Jehovah and Jesus know exactly what they're doing. Our sisters have more patience, are excellent and showing love and concern to potential brothers and sisters, and this makes them good  preachers and teachers.

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Why 'extra'?..we always pay heed, is there some special insight you have,  that you are hinting about? 

These kids have some good insights about our singing. And when they start rehearsing they also study why the song is sung, not just how.


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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1 minute ago, Thesauron said:

These kids have some good insights about our singing. And when they start rehearsing they also study why the song is sung, not just how.


Yes, I did see that. ..they, all of them,  were wonderful to listen to. ..and not just the singing parts. 

That was a very nice segment. ..


Thanks for your reply,  I appreciate it. ..

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Jehovah gives the command; the women proclaiming the good news are a large army.--Psalms 68:11.


I'm so pleased that the GB dedicated/focused a whole program to our sisters (young and old) in their service to Jehovah.  Thus far, this must be the most heartwarming of all JWB's.  It certainly was to mine. :wub: 


Thank you Heavenly Father!

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Not long watched it. I find it interesting, and something I have thought about, man dominating the woman is a part of the consequences of sin. I have  heard one opinion that in paradise the marriage arrangement will change for partners and that's what Jesus could of been referring to when people "do not marry, nor are they given in marriage". Nor a removal of relationships, but the former arrangement of male domination, they are "free just like angels". Though as discussed in another thread, Jesus was most likely talking about the anointed.  

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2 hours ago, EccentricM said:

Not long watched it. I find it interesting, and something I have thought about, man dominating the woman is a part of the consequences of sin. I have  heard one opinion that in paradise the marriage arrangement will change for partners and that's what Jesus could of been referring to when people "do not marry, nor are they given in marriage". Nor a removal of relationships, but the former arrangement of male domination, they are "free just like angels". Though as discussed in another thread, Jesus was most likely talking about the anointed.  


Male domination will no longer exist in the new world, but the headship arrangement will still be in force, as will marriage. From the beginning Jehovah intended man to be the family head. 1 Timothy 2:13 says that husband has authority over his wife "for Adam was formed first, then Eve." Perfect men will still be family heads in the new world, but no one of them will dominate his wive nor treat her tyrannically.


Jesus' words about the resurrected ones not marrying anymore clearly refer to the anointed. Luke 20:36 says "neither can they die anymore" and also "they are God’s children". That can only apply to the anointed. :)

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On 8/7/2017 at 10:33 AM, ALC said:

What an absolutely beautiful Broadcast!!!! Tissues recommended and the extra week of waiting was definitely worth it! 

Agreed!!! Just shared that exact sentiment with the Wife and a Sister this morning. Overwhelmingly loved the theme. I have "happily" cried on every one, and I want to believe that there will be ONE that I will not cry on or have my chest get all tight --- or not.  :uhhuh:

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12 hours ago, Tortuga said:

Did he say Phili-stine or Phi·lisʹtine?

Accent was on that first syllable... I noticed it myself!  B)

38 minutes ago, Earlynee said:

Agreed!!! Just shared that exact sentiment with the Wife and a Sister this morning. Overwhelmingly loved the theme. I have "happily" cried on every one, and I want to believe that there will be ONE that I will not cry on or have my chest get all tight --- or not.  :uhhuh:



Conversely, there has been only one that I HAVE cried on... this past June's broadcast.

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Sounded like Phili'-stine, even twice wasn't it?..the former way we said it, which is easier to say, to me..

Edited by Dove

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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I believe Wikipedia lists three different pronunciations, and various dictionaries does not seem to come to any kind of consensus either.


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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6 hours ago, EccentricM said:

I always preferred the pronunciation Philli-stien. 

..Phili-stiens from Phili-stia?

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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We used to have a circuit overseer who pronounced it the same way we pronounce the word, "intestine," with a short sound on the "i" and emphasis on the "lis". It actually seemed to make grammatical sense to pronounce it that way, although I've never heard anyone else pronounce it that way.

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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2 hours ago, minister159 said:

We used to have a circuit overseer who pronounced it the same way we pronounce the word, "intestine," with a short sound on the "i" and emphasis on the "lis". It actually seemed to make grammatical sense to pronounce it that way, although I've never heard anyone else pronounce it that way.

Just open the DVD Watchtower Library program, type in Philistine, click on reference and click on the speaker icon.  The brothers pronounce the word for you.  It is pronounced.... phi - LIS - teen.  I just follow the brothers lead.

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Now that I think about it; I'm the only brother in my family.....I'm surrounded by sisters; including my mother, grandmother, my aunts who are constantly  provide the needed encouragement when needed. My wife has always been an inexhaustible source of wisdom and encouragement; if it was not for her, I would have been pursuing  higher education ( she met me while doing just that) and perhaps make an infrequent appearance to the meetings....


That's the reason why we love our sisters!!!!

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