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Shooter in Las Vegas

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And this was not an act of Terrorism by IsIs, but home grown.  A 64 year old man who lost it.  This reminds me of the Texas Tower incident where a nut job was on the tower in Texas and he shot a lot of people, cannot remember how many, but two officers climbed up the tower and took him out.  The shooter was not from a foreign country, but right here in their own back yard.   The scriptures are being fulfilled  2 Tim 3:1-5, the attitudes and personalities are under control by a force that humans with no conscious can see.  We know who is behind all these acts of violence, but when we try to let people know who it is in the Bible, they won't listen.  1 John 5:19

Edited by Allabord4Jah
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It’s to the point now that if I want to attend a public function like a game or concert I almost am thinking twice about going, just because one has no idea if something would happen.  Time of the end ppl will become “faint out of fear...having no natural affection.”  Just unbelievable yet in a way not surprising considering how deep we are in this old system.

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This sort of hit home. A country music festival. Sounds like something I'd have enjoyed. Don't know, but I think the only crowd I want to be a part of is is theocratic events. I love music, dancing. But, I think I will wait. 

My husband has said that they won't take this sort of violence seriously until it starts happening in this country. Well, it has..


Jerry, you and the friends will have a job cut out for you. Consoling a community that has been torn apart. Jehovah be with you. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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If it's not terror related, it's something else that prompts these people to feel they have the right to end someone else's life for no reason!! It's pure wicked & evil & only goes to show what depths Satan will go to in his 'short period of time.'

our hearts go out to all the victims & their families affected by such senseless acts. :-( 

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41 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

Jerry is safe and at work this morning.  :sweat:

Did he know if any of the friends were affected?

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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The media is quoting witnesses as saying it sounded like fireworks or firecrackers going off.


Just a piece of advice that I hope none of you will ever need, firercrackers are easily identified due to the randomness in their volume and cadence. If you hear a regular-beat, regular volume tapping noise, that's automatic gunfire.

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2 hours ago, Cheeks said:

It’s to the point now that if I want to attend a public function like a game or concert I almost am thinking twice about going, just because one has no idea if something would happen.  Time of the end ppl will become “faint out of fear...having no natural affection.”  Just unbelievable yet in a way not surprising considering how deep we are in this old system.


I totally agree!! I'd much rather stay home or have some of the friends over for dinner and a game.  "No natural affection" rears its ugly head yet again and it will just get worse the closer we get to the end. Sad part is that this will over shadow the other bad things going on that aren't as gruesome or are as gruesome but may not affect as many. 


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2 hours ago, Jothob said:

If it's not terror related, it's something else that prompts these people to feel they have the right to end someone else's life for no reason!! It's pure wicked & evil & only goes to show what depths Satan will go to in his 'short period of time.'

our hearts go out to all the victims & their families affected by such senseless acts. :-( 

I guess its really too early to tell the motives. On the news I had heard that the police killed him but read different. ISIS appears to claim responsibility but the FBI apparently claims different? The numbers have gone up since I last saw.



58 people are dead and more than 515 are injured after a mass shooting in Las Vegas


Officers identified him as Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Nevada. They believe he was the only attacker, and that he killed himself before they arrived.

A statement from ISIS claimed that the attack was their doing, and that Paddock converted to Islam "a few months ago." The FBI contradicted this claim, saying that Paddock had "no connection with an international terrorist group."

Edited by M&M

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Interestingly, we had our Circuit Assembly this weekend. We have 2 circuits in Vegas. One went Saturday to St George and one went Sunday (Deb and I went to my brother's side on Sunday). So, at least 1/2 of the JWs in Vegas were out of town or just coming back Sunday night 

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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A lot of people are saying two different weapons being used simultaneously and that they can tell from different firing rates. After watching the video, I understand what they mean. Some people with Iraq backgrounds. If there were two shooters and only one was killed by police, then this is not over yet. Be careful the coming hours and days in NV

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Just now, Musky said:

And the conspiracy theories begin. But, at this point, nothing would surprise me. 


Not my intent to spread conspiracy theories. The police may be giving false information for tactical reasons at this point. Or they might not have a better lead. The stories and eyewitness accounts about multiple shooters may be incorrect. But after watching the video, I can't explain it away.

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2 hours ago, ChocoBro said:

The media is quoting witnesses as saying it sounded like fireworks or firecrackers going off.


Just a piece of advice that I hope none of you will ever need, firercrackers are easily identified due to the randomness in their volume and cadence. If you hear a regular-beat, regular volume tapping noise, that's automatic gunfire.


After reviewing this comment, I have to correct myself, I wasn't thinking about the implications and chose my words very poorly. I was comparing the difference between firecrackers and the sound of  machine gun fire, of course if someone shoots a pistol that could be mistaken for a few firecrackers. I guess it's always good to scan around for trouble when you hear loud popping noises in this system of things.

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 Unfortunately a sister from our area was there &  was one of the victims. One of our extended family members knew her. So sad, may thoughts and many prayers go out to their family. http://amp.fox25boston.com/news/it-doesnt-make-sense-tewksbury-mother-killed-in-vegas/618336619

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Part of Trump's comments today  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/02/us/transcript-video-trump-las-vegas.html




Scripture teaches us the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. We seek comfort in those words, for we know that God lives in the hearts of those who grieve. To the wounded who are now recovering in hospitals, we are praying for your full and speedy recovery, and pledge to you our support from this day forward.




In times such as these, I know we are searching for some kind of meaning in the chaos, some kind of light in the darkness. The answers do not come easy. But we can take solace knowing that even the darkest space can be brightened by a single light and even the most terrible despair can be illuminated by a single ray of hope.



Really?  Is this supposed to be comforting?  I'm so glad we have the Truth and know why these things happen.  We don't sit and wonder why there is such evil in the world.  We have the answers and we have the solution to gun violence.  It just pains my heart that so few people are willing to listen to us.  They would rather ask why than find out the answers.

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