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How do English speaking brothers and sisters outside the US feel about watching jw videos with an American accent

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I’ve been wanting to do this topic for a while. I live in the US so I think nothing of the brothers “accents” when I watch videos on jw broadcasting... but I wonder... how do you English speaking brothers and sisters in the UK, South Africa, Australia and other parts of the world feel about our videos in the American accent. Are you guys used to it? It would be very different if all I heard were brothers from England in our videos. How do you guys feel?

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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The problem comes not in the spoken word but in the written word - we in NZ as with all English speaking countries in the commonwealth spell very differently to the US ... ie: Cheque - check - tyre - tire - colour - color etc etc ... so the mags come out in US English not UK English so it's quite difficult adapting to that, i find myself spelling the US English way at work and have to correct myself.  But as far as accents go ...Talks with US accent are not as profound as one would expect. You have Brother Jackson with his Australian twang - many experiences on jwbroadcasting from all over the world. It's just a slightly different flavour or flavor as it were lol. 


I have to say NZer's ears are tuned to the British, American, Canadian and Australian accents right from childhood - with all the programs that flood the networks here. 

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I'm actually not involved, but I visited Canada and went to meetings there. I loved hearing our French language brothers speaking English. There are wonderful ways of expressing thoughts that just warmed my heart. Plus, it reminded me of our brotherhood being international. A delightful experience! 

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5 hours ago, Brother Jack said:

I’ve been wanting to do this topic for a while. I live in the US so I think nothing of the brothers “accents” when I watch videos on jw broadcasting... but I wonder... how do you English speaking brothers and sisters in the UK, South Africa, Australia and other parts of the world feel about our videos in the American accent. Are you guys used to it? It would be very different if all I heard were brothers from England in our videos. How do you guys feel?

Brother Jack,


I always had the same question but never have asked to my congregation members.  I will ask some time in near future. :) 

I’m in London, most of the congregation members are local, English brothers and sisters. I have never heard them complain about the American accent of our videos but I heard that some of our brothers have said, en English English is the “proper” English  :D and they laughed after saying that. :) 

The fact itself that our videos are in American Accent and not being voiced over by en English brothers for the UK, I like. ;) 

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We hear a variety of accents on JW tv. So far I've enjoyed listening to these different accents, and often I especially like the American ones. :cowboy:

I think just about everyone's used to most American accents due to so many movies and tv shows being from the US, so it isn't difficult to understand them either.



American movies::gun-toot:

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I tend to tune into accents but I don't notice the brothers' accents too much unless they are very strong and I do notice words that are pronounced differently than ones that I'm used to.  I tend to not watch a lot of American TV or movies as I prefer English shows on the whole, so I am not really used to the American accent. However, when watching or listening to our brothers on JW.org I try to tune in more to the content than the actual sound.  Having said that, I have noticed that one of the brothers that reads the Bible is English. He has been reading the book of Daniel.  :) 

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I'm going to be a bit different and say I don't really enjoy the American accent that much - and that is due to the American movies that have saturated our entertainment since the year dot and all the hype of celebrity-dom nowadays.  I also tend to watch the British shows on tv, as I enjoy their sense of humour and type of entertainment.  

It can be especially hard because people hear the American accent and associate JW's as an American religion.  We know differently, but it was something I personally felt many years ago when coming into the truth (didn't like the accent in the dramas at the conventions, for example).  But, like others have said above, the truth is what I tune into so for me the accent doesn't grate like it once did.  We are all on the same page, regardless of our accents, hey?  Onya brothers and sisters!

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22 minutes ago, Guri said:



Why do you think it will never be adopted in the UK? 


Just because we have all been exposed to it for a few years now (since JW broadcasting and videos being more prevalent) yet I'm not hearing it used at all by anybody. Personally, id feel silly saying it (dont mean to offend those that do say it....its just because its not something thats ever been used over here)  Is it being used in your area Guri?

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2 hours ago, Peanuts said:

American accents dont bother me, and i actually think you hear quite a diverse range of accents on JW broadcasting. 


What i will never get used to is hearing brothers and sisters referred to as 'the friends'. I dont think that will ever be adopted in the UK!

I was literally just going to say the same! It took me a long time to get used to hearing the word 'the friends.'

Here in the U.K. We say brothers & sisters! But I'm getting used to it now. 

I actually always loved the American accent, I find it 'warm'...... :-)

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3 hours ago, Peanuts said:

What i will never get used to is hearing brothers and sisters referred to as 'the friends'. I dont think that will ever be adopted in the UK!


That's funny, I've heard that expression for years and it feels completely normal. It's like a pet name for a family member, it just rolls off the tongue without thinking about it...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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12 minutes ago, Tortuga said:


That's funny, I've heard that expression for years and it feels completely normal. It's like a pet name for a family member, it just rolls off the tongue without thinking about it...

Ive been in the truth for all of my 36 years and never heard it until JW broadcasting:lol: 


Friends of ours went to an international convention in US in 2014, and the fact that you use 'the friends' was reported back as part of the news of the trip :D it just doesnt sound right to my ear, i think a big part of the problem is the 'the' part. 


Back to accents, do americans find certain American accents harder to understand? Here in the UK accents vary hugely, im in the South but some Northern accents are hard for me to tune in to.


I live near the branch relocation so we are getting brothers from all over the country  (plus some Americans :)) at our meetings. Its nice to hear some different voices! 

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4 hours ago, Peanuts said:

American accents dont bother me, and i actually think you hear quite a diverse range of accents on JW broadcasting. 


What i will never get used to is hearing brothers and sisters referred to as 'the friends'. I dont think that will ever be adopted in the UK!

I hear you on “the friends” thing. Everybody here says that. I just say “brothers and sisters.” :) The apostle Paul used this expression at 3 John 14 where it says “The friends send you their greetings. Give my greetings to the friends by name.” I guess that’s where it comes from.

Edited by Brother Jack

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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24 minutes ago, Peanuts said:

Back to accents, do americans find certain American accents harder to understand? Here in the UK accents vary hugely, im in the South but some Northern accents are hard for me to tune in to

I can pretty much understand all American accents but I think most Americans would agree that the southern accent is the hardest to understand :lol: (I’m from the Deep South so I’m not poking fun). I love how urban people from Southern California and New York talk.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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I love the ' Boston' accent. One of our recent COs was a long time removed from there, but once in a while the old habits sneaked in. I do have a bit of a problem grasping the Deep South, although I love to hear it. My Dad was from the Brownsville, TX area but raised in the panhandle. He never lost his accent or odd choices of Spanish words that were prevalent in his circle. I do try to guess the area from which people come, based on their accent. Working in truck stop restaurants was a treat because of the vast distances covered by the drivers. I am sure we will all speak the same language in the New World, but I suspect we will retain our own Old World languages because they are so interesting.

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Ahh, but how about someone whose first language is not English? Years ago our book study conductor had a very strong accent. Funny story: he ones invited a brother who was attending the school for single brothers to come to our book study and relate some experiences. The conductor had attended the school in years past, and he first talked about being with all the "bed lights" (bethelites), and how the training was like "jews", or more clearly, "concentrated jews" (juice). Both comments resulted in confused looks from the people in attendance and required further clarification :) 

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4 hours ago, Brother Jack said:

I hear you on “the friends” thing. Everybody here says that. I just say “brothers and sisters.” :) The apostle Paul used this expression at 3 John 14 where it says “The friends send you their greetings. Give my greetings to the friends by name.” I guess that’s where it comes from.


This term "the friends" has been used since the Watchtower Society began.  Note some of the references and scriptures (nothing wrong with Brother or sister)...


*** jv chap. 6 p. 65 A Time of Testing (1914-1918) ***


The Watch Tower of January 15, 1917…..

mentioned above reported: “The friends everywhere had prayed earnestly for the Lord’s guidance and direction in the matter of the election; and when it was concluded, everyone was content and happy, believing that the Lord had directed their deliberations and answered their prayers. Perfect harmony prevailed amongst all present.”


John 15:14-15…”14 You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you…..15 But I have called you friends, because I have made known to you all the things I have heard from my Father.”


Luke 12:4…”4 Moreover, I say to you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more.”


3 John 14…”14b The friends send you their greetings. Give my greetings to the friends by name.”

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At least 'the friends' don't get excited over language, or do they? One of our 'friends' from NZ thinks Americans have a funny accent to our English?  Au contraire, Impossible, ridiculous,  we haven't spoken English for years. 

"Onya brothers and sisters!" That is pleasing to my ears, but I don't know what it means. :D




 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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The American accents in the dramas were always a subject of some amusement in the past, largely due to the way words seemed to be overpronounced, making it extra noticeable.  When doing a drama in our own congregation, we made a joke specifically about that fact in the opening song.  In the JW Broadcasting though, I don't think we've particularly noticed it.


9 hours ago, Peanuts said:

What i will never get used to is hearing brothers and sisters referred to as 'the friends'. I dont think that will ever be adopted in the UK!


Strangely, I never even noticed that phrase until recently, when I read the novels by E K Jonathan and noticed that the elders in those books referred to their congregations that way.  My first thought was that it was just a local custom of the author's.  Then I watched the next JW Broadcasting and noticed the phrase, and started questioning whether it was a coincidence that they'd just used it as the same time I'd seen it in a book, or whether they'd used it all along and I hadn't noticed it until now.  I had to ask some of the brothers in the congregation if they'd ever noticed it before.  They had, but they didn't like it much!  I don't have a problem with it myself - but it's true it doesn't seem popular over here.  Like the new song styles (you know - 'How Does It Make You Feel' and all those)!  We seem more resistant to that sort of change.

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