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Jehovah’s witnesses lowest income earning among other religions says Pew Research Center

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So I read this when it first came out and it has always stuck with me.. JW are the lowest earners compared to all the other religions... in almost all of the categories we are the lowest on the totem pole! I actually felt proud.. if anyone was following Jesus footsteps as far as his command not to be worried about monetary wealth and procuring items for ourselves... we are obviously following his commands.. some people (and I think back to Saducees and Pharisees) that think the poor “ordinary” people were worthless but really Jesus and Jehovah loved them very much! ... I was thinking.. maybe we’re the lowest earners because there is less of us? Just wondering what everyone else though about this survey. Sorry if it’s in the wrong area! 

Edited by Whitley M
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Another way to look at it is that the Truth attracts those that are poor and down trodded so there may be a larger percentage of poor ones that reduces the average income..


I also wonder how they gather their information. I have never done a survey that included my religion and income.

Edited by Tortuga
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Here's the raw data without extra commentary:



Given that the sample sizes range from over 5000 responses in some categories (Catholic, Evangelical Protestant, Mainline Protestant, and Unaffiliated) down to under 250 responses in other categories (Buddhist, Hindu, Jehovah's Witness, Muslim, and Orthodox Christian), the margin of error in this poll is going to be far higher than any of the results suggest.

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6 minutes ago, Stavro said:

Here's the raw data without extra commentary:



Given that the sample sizes range from over 5000 responses in some categories (Catholic, Evangelical Protestant, Mainline Protestant, and Unaffiliated) down to under 250 responses in other categories (Buddhist, Hindu, Jehovah's Witness, Muslim, and Orthodox Christian), the margin of error in this poll is going to be far higher than any of the results suggest.

I didn’t realize that!! Thank you for letting me know that! :)

8 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

Another way to look at it is that the Truth attracts those that are poor and down trodded so there may be a larger percentage of poor ones that reduces the average income..


I also wonder how they gather their information. I have never done a survey that included my religion and income.


I totally agree with that!!! That made me feel like another nail in the coffin so to speak - we have the right religion! ( among many other reasons of course!) 

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It may well be true that many of Jehovah's Witnesses have a relatively smaller income, but that is possibly because materialism is not our goal, and that we are thrifty enough to exist without needless luxuries. On the other hand, looking at this research model, it has done more than just rounding of numbers. As for the statistical sampling method, it is likely that many opted out of participating. It is noted that the statistics were recalculated to exclude non-responses.  P-E-W

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First thing I thought is prejudices creep in. We saw that with that other survey on mental illness. Then I thought.  Stop, and think. We are among some of the best dressed, nicest homes around. And we drive decent cars. And we support our God, and the hall, and our brothers and sisters around the  world. I don’t care wha the survey says. I know our God is proud of us, and I am so proud to be one of you! And, surveys  we are a happy people! (Mental illnessses or not!) 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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7 minutes ago, Thomas Walker said:

This study is about the wealth of the Catholic Church, itself, in Australia and admits it is probably falsified in view of pedofilic law suit payoffs. The PEW study is of families professing to belong to a number faiths, who responded to a survey. It also seems to be flawed, standard deviations aside. 


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California has a high cost of living and the median income is higher than many areas. I know many spiritually well grounded brothers and sisters that would blow that survey out of the water...

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21 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

First thing I thought is prejudices creep in. We saw that with that other survey on mental illness. Then I thought.  Stop, and think. We are among some of the best dressed, nicest homes around. And we drive decent cars. And we support our God, and the hall, and our brothers and sisters around the  world. I don’t care wha the survey says. I know our God is proud of us, and I am so proud to be one of you! And, surveys  we are a happy people! (Mental illnessses or not!) 

Yes, we stand out. Does anybody see us? Knowing your territory, what kind of response do you get at 'coffee breaks'?  I remember the funny looks we got at the Willow Creek Market in the morning before we had the meeting for service (10:00 AM) We all wore ties, but at 10:00 AM it was far too hot to wear coats.


I was a mere youth and you were a kid out there somewhere. Has anything changed?

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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We stand out a little more. The pot industry has taken over. Lots over counter culture, dredlocks, etc. But everyone prettlll knows us. The natural food store burned down, and a really sturdy building is being built. It’s a pot dispensary. Wine, etc. I don’tknow the class they expect. I’ve noticed, some of the trimmers are staying year around. Nice enough people. We still can’t find a place tney will allow us to use our carts!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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2 hours ago, Thomas Walker said:

Liars ... will not inherit God's Kingdom.


The Catholic Church in Victoria is worth more than $9 billion, making it the biggest non-government property owner in the state and much wealthier than it has admitted in evidence to major inquiries into child sexual abuse.

A six-month investigation by The Age has found that the church misled the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by grossly undervaluing its property portfolio while claiming that increased payments to abuse survivors would likely require cuts to its social programs.


Can't wait for BTG to go down...

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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2 hours ago, Tortuga said:

California has a high cost of living and the median income is higher than many areas. I know many spiritually well grounded brothers and sisters that would blow that survey out of the water...

Same here... I know many good spiritual brothers with income well over $150.000  -$200.000 a year (my local congregation)

Median house price within my territory is $2.300.000 million - 2.7 million (Melbourne and Sydney are expensive cities.)




Edited by Gregexplore

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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3 hours ago, Miss Bea said:

First thing I thought is prejudices creep in. We saw that with that other survey on mental illness. Then I thought.  Stop, and think. We are among some of the best dressed, nicest homes around. And we drive decent cars. And we support our God, and the hall, and our brothers and sisters around the  world. I don’t care wha the survey says. I know our God is proud of us, and I am so proud to be one of you! And, surveys  we are a happy people! (Mental illnessses or not!) 

I have to confess, this is what I was thinking as well.  A lower income is usually equated with lack of education.  I recently had to set my sister straight on her assumption that Jehovah's Witnesses are not an educated people, and that we have people from all walks of life.  


You're absolutely correct though, we're a good looking people in many ways and Jehovah IS proud of us!  :wub:

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2 minutes ago, cerebral ecstasy said:

I have to confess, this is what I was thinking as well.  A lower income is usually equated with lack of education.  I recently had to set my sister straight on her assumption that Jehovah's Witnesses are not an educated people, and that we have people from all walks of life.  


You're absolutely correct though, we're a good looking people in many ways and Jehovah IS proud of us!  :wub:

The least educated JW is 'smarter' than the best educated non-JW...

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Yesterday I had regular pioneer sister for lunch - She is well educated, PhD, and lecturer at the University

The median income for an employee with a PhD in Melbourne is around $80.000-$120.000. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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1 hour ago, Tortuga said:

The least educated JW is 'smarter' than the best educated non-JW...


Truly. How much more enlightened can a person be than to have the kind of knowledge that has the power to gain, give everlasting life..what other education can do that..

Edited by Dove

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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3 minutes ago, tekmantwo said:

That ties in well with Bob Angles sig line:


God does not call the qualified,  He qualifies the called..

I have hope then.... :lol1:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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I wouldn’t swap all the money in the world for my spiritual richness I now have.


Whether this survey is correct or not (in a way I hope it is) our focus is trained to be spiritual not physical. I have turned down full time work and a promotion quite a few times over the past 7 years. Every decision has been to simplify and create more time for spiritual interests. Me and my wife are both way below the national average wage and both work part time. Somehow (although I know why) I have gone from a little flat to now a little house with a garden and a garage, I have had a little holiday every year to somewhere warm/nice during winter and I seem to have more money for the things I want, yet I have not been persueing those things but been persueing kingdom interests. How did that happen?


Matthew 6:33Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.


Jesus was telling the truth that Jehovah would provide for us if we put him first. Those who do it get to experience first hand this miracle of Jehovah providing for them. It’s like a front row seat to your own personal miracle. I am glad it is like this as it means many of us rely on Jehovah and not the money that we earn.


I think if this survey is true it is evidence that we are being trained to rely on Jehovah and not our money.


Disclaimer:- This does not mean that Jehovah can’t do this for those with higher incomes. He does it for all those servants who put his kingdom interests first.


Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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12 hours ago, Tortuga said:

California has a high cost of living and the median income is higher than many areas. I know many spiritually well grounded brothers and sisters that would blow that survey out of the water...


9 hours ago, Gregexplore said:

Same here... I know many good spiritual brothers with income well over $150.000  -$200.000 a year (my local congregation)

Median house price within my territory is $2.300.000 million - 2.7 million (Melbourne and Sydney are expensive cities.)






This is a factor I think many will overlook.


Along this line is also the advice we get about spending wisely.  We may be at the low end of the totem pole in earnings, but where to Witnesses rank on spending money wisely?  Living a balanced, simple life leads to making wise financial decisions.  We're not encouraged to go into debt, especially large debts way over our heads.  


So let them have their nice big incomes.  They also inherit those nice big bills and debts.



Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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