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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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I haven't read the news lately because I have too many pressing things going on. But if I were to try to keep up with the latest developments regarding COVID-19, it would almost like a f/t job and IMO a lack of good judgment with regard to time. So, I decided to go to CNN just a minute ago, and WOW. Just exactly how we see the world illustrated in our publications - protests going on regarding that African-American man who was killed, fires, political fighting, worldwide COVID-19 deaths, predictions, droughts, famines, experimental vaccines, more China news, more Trump news, and so-on and so-forth. 


I appreciate getting updates on relevant things here regarding COVID, but i think it's a waste of energy to concentrate and criticize the decisions of worldly states and governments, WHO, and other similar agencies on here. Like everyone else said, follow the F&DS. It is their responsibility to lead us and direct us, not the political elements of this world and how we interpret that. I obey Jesus command to be "no part of the world." Besides, I wonder what he would think if he was physically among us. The whole WWJD thing do - concentrate on the world, no. Concentrate rather on the kingdom. Way better use of our time since we can't change the world and how it's promoted anyway.


I think this is why many of my bible studies are drawn to our meetings. In some of their former pentecostal, or african churches, there was so much fighting going on. So refreshing to see that Witnesses are different, trying to promote peace instead of misunderstandings.


“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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The PM of Australia said this today:


"While the pandemic has hurt many people and businesses economically, Mr Morrison said the government had been justified in imposing tough restrictions.

He said that the National Cabinet's three-step plan to balance the health and economic impacts of the pandemic was working. 

"The risk remains great, and always has been," he said.

"Australia's success can lead some to think that perhaps the risk was never there in the first place, but that is not true.

"We only need to look at countries as sophisticated as ours, as developed as ours, with health systems as strong as ours, who have death rates 100 times of what has occurred in Australia. 

"So, we would be foolish to think that we were immune or that we are immune."”


We here in Australia have largely benefitted from following the government's advice. So far things have worked out well for us here, despite the pain some have suffered. Though we don’t know how this will end up, I can see the wisdom in following the governmental authority, as does the branch. “Wisdom is proved righteous by its works” Matt 11:19

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8 hours ago, Bob said:

That's not fair. I've never said as such. Its just a sad narrative that's pushed by the media. If you are seen without a mask no matter the situation, you don't care about grandma and want to infect grandma. 

Im sorry if I overstepped or if what I said was not fair. That was not my intention and I apologize. 


In my defense, though, I can only say this is the image you are presenting.  You are being very vocal here and on other social media outlets. You are using your voice to share your opinion that the media is lying and twisting information in order to scare and manipulate the masses. In other words, you are saying the media is lying and it's time to wake up. 


This sounds to me like you are frustrated and giving voice to your frustration.  This frustration appears to be the result of what you feel are oppressive steps being taken to combat coronavirus.  So, in my opinion, this oppression has led to your frustration. 


7 hours ago, Bob said:

Mainstream media has sadly but clearly and cleverly crafted a narrative with this virus:


Stay locked in your home, stay constantly under the protection of a mask, and you’re taking this seriously.


Leave your home, be seen without a mask, and you’re throwing caution to the wind and taking it lightly. 

I am saddened that this false dichotomy has influenced the majority in our world.


So, then, this brings up the ultimate question. What do you hope to accomplish?  Are you voicing your opinion simply out of frustration, or are you hoping to move your listeners to some kind of action?  What would that action be? If you pursuade all of us to your point of view, then what's next?  


What's the goal of the discussion? 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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9 minutes ago, Bob said:

What do you mean?

I stated in my post what the GB says about it.


If the GB is worried enough to completely change our ways of doing things both spiritually and physically then I take it there is a serious reason behind it. Not just some reaction to media storms.


I know people who have been working front line on this. Try telling them its not as bad as that. I'm sure you wouldn't like the reaction you got. They have had to deal with some horrific stuff and this is with it as under control as it can be. 

If it had been left to just run riot it would have been much worse.

Whether some accept that as a fact or not is irrelevant.

Same with the coming end of this system, just because some don't accept that as a fact doesn't change anything. Its coming.


I am at the end of my tether with it all anyway. I have no desire to be around other people but that's just me. I want to be able to go and be by myself for the first time in months. 

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21 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

Im sorry if I overstepped or if what I said was not fair. That was not my intention and I apologize. 


In my defense, though, I can only say this is the image you are presenting.  You are being very vocal here and on other social media outlets. You are using your voice to share your opinion that the media is lying and twisting information in order to scare and manipulate the masses. In other words, you are saying the media is lying and it's time to wake up. 


This sounds to me like you are frustrated and giving voice to your frustration.  This frustration appears to be the result of what you feel are oppressive steps being taken to combat coronavirus.  So, in my opinion, this oppression has led to your frustration. 


So, then, this brings up the ultimate question. What do you hope to accomplish?  Are you voicing your opinion simply out of frustration, or are you hoping to move your listeners to some kind of action?  What would that action be? If you pursuade all of us to your point of view, then what's next?  


What's the goal of the discussion? 

Thanks and no worries.


To me, this is just a venue to vent a little bit because the message is clearly one sided, and in my view, I'm just following the Bible's advice to not believe every word. Other than that, the precautions we are to take are fine with me. That's it - I just like having a place to get it off my chest. 

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7 hours ago, bagwell1987 said:

They will do as they please. If they choose to not wear masks, well ok. I will and will use an anti viral spray as I go in.

I keep an antiviral bottle with me also when running essential errands. If I see anyone coming near me in the grocery store, I whip out my bottle and clearly make it known:  "Stay BACK!...or I'll spray! 


It works like a charm! :)


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It never ceases to amaze me what Satan can do with things like news media and putting people into a frenzy  persuading them to look over here look over here when we should be more focused on spiritual things I know things can frustrate you but we have to work at that right now not being frustrated and more Reliance on Jehovah for what's to come

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But each one is tried by being drawn out and entrapped by his own anxiety.  Then the anxiety, when it has become fertile, gives birth to frustration; in turn frustration, when it has been cultivated, brings forth anger - Jamesish 1:14,15

Edited by Bro Richard
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Lockdown is over and we are going back to normal in France, from the 2nd of June everything is opening again.
Lockdown was finished mid-may but we had a progressive opening, now, everything is better so we will get back on track.
We are already talking (locally) about going door to door in July... it's a relief :D 

Edited by Dages
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17 minutes ago, Dages said:

We are already talking (locally) about going door to door in July

Would this be your local Boe or Branch in France? 

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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21 minutes ago, Dages said:

Lockdown is over and we are going back to normal in France, from the 2nd of June everything is opening again.
Lockdown was finished mid-may but we had a progressive opening, now, everything is better so we will get back on track.
We are already talking (locally) about going door to door in July... it's a relief :D 

That is certainly good News!  Looking forward to going door to door.

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15 minutes ago, Dages said:

Lockdown is over and we are going back to normal in France, from the 2nd of June everything is opening again.
Lockdown was finished mid-may but we had a progressive opening, now, everything is better so we will get back on track.
We are already talking (locally) about going door to door in July... it's a relief :D 

I wonder if it will be so. With Jehovah’s organization. 
The system wants to get up and run, for obvious reasons. Look whose in charge. 
On the other hand, Jehovah’s organization is totally separate and autonomous from this world. 
Perhaps, so...

We know whose in charge of us. 
And, yes, this is getting tiresome. One of my sisters, a good friend, I am worried about her. As soon as I can, I’m going to suggest we take a drive, in separate vehicles. Get where we get, pull out our masks, and breathe in, um filtered air! 
( I’m one of those who almost hungers for fresh air. I open the house up, daily, weather permitting. I’d sleep outside, if I weren’t so lazy. (My dream is to sleep with my head at least, out the window) 

Yes, tiresome. However, unless Jehovah’s organization says it’s so, I’m hunkered down. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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25 minutes ago, Dages said:

We are already talking (locally) about going door to door in July... it's a relief :D 


6 minutes ago, AH173 said:

Would this be your local Boe or Branch in France? 

Or is this just speculation among the friends? 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Lockdown is over and we are going back to normal in France, from the 2nd of June everything is opening again.  :confused:


Here's what the people who live in France will be allowed to do from June 2, that they could not do during phase one of lockdown:

  • Go to a cafe, bar or restaurant, although they now will have to keep a distance of one metre from other tables
  • Travel more than 100 kilometres from their residences
  • Go to the theatre for a show, although social distancing measures will have to be in place
  • Take a swim in the pool or go to the gym
  • See a piece of artwork in a museum or visit a national monument, although they must wear a mask
  • Go to the beach or the lake throughout the country
  • Sit in the park or garden in areas such as Paris that were more heavily impacted by the epidemic
  • Attend secondary school or high school, many of which will reopen next week

Cafes and restaurants will reopen but there will be social distancing rules in place with a distance of one metre between tables and with groups limited to 10 people.


Cinemas will remain closed during phase two but can open from June 22.

Contact sports, nightclubs and large indoor gatherings will remain prohibited due to the risk of contact with a larger group of people.


Btw.....Greece is to open its doors to visitors from 29 countries from 15 June

However those countries do not include the UK, Italy, Spain and France - which have been badly hit by the pandemic.

Edited by Bluebell
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One of the first counties in California to open is closing again.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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10 hours ago, EccentricM said:

Oh please


This is insecure machoism, not manliness. Being a "man" or "tough", is not caring what others think or succumbing to peer pressure, as you do what you do.





Brother, you said something, (I think). That has stuck with me. (You see I have an amazing mind😖

That in the store, you still dance to the music. Um, I’ve had sisters tell me to stop, I was embarrassing them) Quietly dancing to the music.

And, as long as I live, I, “hope to dance to the music.”. 
Sorry, OT, (but I do try, sort of. To stay on topic. Sort of) 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Oh my bad. I was talking about the news report I link you to when the reporter said no one is wearing masks when his own crew wasn't. I'm not saying you DON'T have people ignoring the rules, but the media is totally dishonest in its coverage. They don't talk about the people following the rules.
They only focus on Covid deaths and rule breakers. World News Tonight with David Muir last night (A NATIONAL NEWS OUTLET) spent 10 minutes talking about a "Milestone" of 100k deaths. NO COVERAGE was given to the 500k recoveries.
So they love zapping hope and keeping people living in fear. They are allergic to anything that inspires hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. I choose not to trust it. 

It is a political ideology that media always is dishonest and twisted. It is much better to get your news from a number of reputable sources (Facebook and your neighbour does not count as reputable sources for news.)

It is true that people everywhere do not follow guidelines given. They say they are willing to go to great lengths to protect their country, fellow humans, etc., but wear a mask and stay at a distance, if that is what is asked of them.

The recoveries are known and not very interesting. They are good, but not interesting. What is interesting is why so many people die, and why they keep dying.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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12 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

It is a political ideology that media always is dishonest and twisted. It is much better to get your news from a number of reputable sources (Facebook and your neighbour does not count as reputable sources for news.)

It is true that people everywhere do not follow guidelines given. They say they are willing to go to great lengths to protect their country, fellow humans, etc., but wear a mask and stay at a distance, if that is what is asked of them.

The recoveries are known and not very interesting. They are good, but not interesting. What is interesting is why so many people die, and why they keep dying.

Recoveries are good and very interesting. They give us a clue to whether or not we have an immunity against Covid and can avoid potential reinfection, and if so, for how long. That information simply doesn't get clicks in masse right now because the media doesn't give it adequate attention. 


Immunity is how the pandemic ends. Ending the pandemic is what everyone wants. 

Edited by Bob
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Oh my bad. I was talking about the news report I link you to when the reporter said no one is wearing masks when his own crew wasn't. I'm not saying you DON'T have people ignoring the rules, but the media is totally dishonest in its coverage. They don't talk about the people following the rules.
They only focus on Covid deaths and rule breakers. World News Tonight with David Muir last night (A NATIONAL NEWS OUTLET) spent 10 minutes talking about a "Milestone" of 100k deaths. NO COVERAGE was given to the 500k recoveries.
So they love zapping hope and keeping people living in fear. They are allergic to anything that inspires hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. I choose not to trust it. 

It is a political ideology that media always is dishonest and twisted. It is much better to get your news from a number of reputable sources (Facebook and your neighbour does not count as reputable sources for news.)

It is true that people everywhere do not follow guidelines given. They say they are willing to go to great lengths to protect their country, fellow humans, etc., but wear a mask and stay at a distance, if that is what is asked of them.

The recoveries are known and not very interesting. They are good, but not interesting, in a way. What is interesting is why so many people die, and why they keep dying. Why do some people die while some survive? From the beginning, many theories have been brought forth, and media have been quick to report on them, but the picture that has been painted, that we begin to see now after a number of months with this plague, is that it is much more complicated than anyone at first anticipated. So, as long as people say, it is over, or nearly over, it is important to tell whoever want to hear, that people are still dying.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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The WORLDWIDE branch has stated that, even if the LOCAL governments lift restrictions and deem activities safe, we must follow the directions of the GB about resuming ANY public preaching activities, which includes door to door preaching.


I’m sure the brothers in France will wait for such direction.

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Recoveries are good and very interesting. They give us a clue to whether or not we have an immunity against Covid and can avoid potential reinfection, and if so, for how long. That information simply doesn't get clicks in masse right now because the media doesn't give it adequate attention. 
Immunity is how the pandemic ends. Ending the pandemic is what everyone wants. 

Yes, in a way, but most people who get well will never be reported to the authorities and cannot be studied.

Regarding immunity, it seems to be a lot harder to reach than was at first thought. No country has reached herd immunity yet. Is it over? No. How do we know? Because people keep dying.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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