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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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Honestly, I sort of understand. Where I live, it’s rural, no cases. In our, congregation, we are pretty much okay. 
I’m so grateful for Jehovah and his protection. Time will tell. I just see pictures ofthose mass graves in Brazil. 
No, this is real. Jehovah does not take the actions he has taken for a hoax, or, “flu”. 
He is protecting us, while the world thinks, “they can’t see the threat, so, no big deal”. 
If I were in the world, and paying attention to political leaders, and what is happening, things opening up. No big deal.

One of my favorite things is second hand shops. They are opening.

I think it is a tragedy.
I had to go into town the other day.  Some of my favorite stores were opened. 
Not essential, I say. 
Yes, this is very real.  

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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20 hours ago, ChocoBro said:

65.000 excess mortality with a total Corona death rate of 40.000? Where do the other 25.000 come from?

It's a good question Ruben. The fact is, we don't know. The 40,000 approx is where it's known to be Corona, some of the other 25,000 could be Corona, in fact much of it might be Corona, but we don't know for certain. Those who are dealing with the cases are swamped, and Satan's system has never been noted for efficiency anyway. Put another way, my wife was sure that she got Corona on December 25th because she's never been as sick as she was then and for the next few weeks, but Ireland officially didn't have Corona then. It's since being proved that a French man with no contacts with China had Corona on December 27th (they rechecked his samples), so my wife probably did have Corona but she never had the test so it won't be known in this system (and if she'd died which we were worried off it would have been put down to the flu). I got it myself (I wailed long and loud on this forum about it, but because I never got the test either I've been told several times that I didn't have it. 


Long story short. We know there were 25,000 unaccounted deaths in excess of what would be normally expected, but without detailed tests we'll never know why and the coronor's etc are swamped.


1 hour ago, ChocoBro said:

it's statements like "Think The Coronavirus Is A Hoax"... What does that mean? That they don't think the virus exists? Or that we're not told the truth about it?

I've met quite a few who considers its just a hoax, or just a normal flu. I had a neighbour a few days ago demand "How many people do you know who've died of it". With 1,695 deaths in Ireland most people won't know someone so he then tells them it's a myth. For me a workmate's uncle had died, when I mentioned that he just smiled and asked how I know it was Corona. Did you ever watch Contagion? While its a much more deadly plague there are many lines in that which you can hear being said in this real world case.


1 hour ago, ChocoBro said:

The other thing that bothers me is that this is again connecting conspiracy theories to a disdain for vaccinations. You are labelled a "conspiracy theorist" if you distrust big pharma or do not think that Bill Gates is the New Age Messiah, the biggest philanthropist since Jesus himself. 


Sorry, but I have no other term for that than "propaganda"

Again you're correct. This is still Satan's world after all. He splits people on issues, puts rights and wrongs on both sides so each side has reasons to promote their side and disdain the other, and then he laughs as they argue with each other. However the Society is telling us that we need to stay indoors when we can so we listen and obey and let Satan's world scream at itself. Keep safe my brother.


P.s. Please, @ChocoBro if anything I say is unclear, please feel free to ask me to repeat it. What makes sense in my brain often comes out as gibberish for everyone else, my apologies.

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3 hours ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

none of the store clerks were wearing masks or practicing safe distancing.

On behalf of shop workers everywhere my apologies Ross.


Firstly we (well those like me) are desperate for you to be able to get in and out quickly because the danger you face isn't people getting close to you, its the longer that you stay in the shop the more danger you're in. Also we need to get things on the shelves for people to buy them (a shop could be stripped clean in one to two hours when it's busy), again so people can get in and out quickly among other things.


Secondly, re face masks, they're only beneficial if worn correctly. I tried for a while and I realized I was just too ... well ...dumb and clumsy to do it right. So I use frequent hand washing instead. There's a number of dangers with the face masks but frequent hand washing (and not coughing into the air) works. For the record, face masks are not yet compulsory, if they become compulsory I'll wear them everytime.


But ... my apologies on behalf of shop workers everywhere. We don't want to infect you or our family but we can only do what we can do.

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Here is something that was admitted today regarding numbers infected in Scotland. 

Estimates can be dangerous things it seems. A lot of what you have pointed out may be correct

However I still say for safety sake to follow their direction for now. It is a dangerous disease for those susceptible. 





The first minister said that an estimated 4,500 people had the virus and were infectious in Scotland last Friday, compared with 11,500 the previous Friday.

However, she stressed that it was now thought that the 11,500 figure had been an over-estimate, so the number of infectious people had not more than halved in a week.


Edited by Mykyl
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16 minutes ago, Hugh O'D said:

Secondly, re face masks, they're only beneficial if worn correctly. I tried for a while and I realized I was just too ... well ...dumb and clumsy to do it right. So I use frequent hand washing instead. There's a number of dangers with the face masks but frequent hand washing (and not coughing into the air) works.

I have seen a lot of people that don't wear masks. The intent of the mask is to prevent you from spreading the virus. Washing your hands is to protect you from the people that don't wear masks.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Well, we have been educated. If this ever goes away, and, things are, “normal” again, we pretty well know how to avoid the flu. And, I think we are past thinking those with masks, are, “a bit out there”. 
I won’t take the flu shot, but, even when my husband has gotten a nasty cold, I have avoided it by keeping my hands away from mucus membranes. For years.
I remember one time, I was at a sister’s house, and, of all the things, drank out of a glass she drank out of. Straight shot. I got her miserable cold. 
I’m still tying to figure out why on earth I did that.  Drank out of her glass. 
As I get older, it will be more important that I avoid as much illness as possible. 
I really, really want to live to see Jehovah’s name setback where it belongs. 
Yes, I am hoping, “just around the corner”.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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6 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

People being selfish or ignorant.

That about sums it, Brother Jephthah. What I have found generally with the whole Coronavirus issue is this: you're either selfish, or you're ignorant.... 

In contrast, as Jehovah's people, we try to be both loving and informed.

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2 hours ago, Mykyl said:

Estimates can be dangerous things it seems.

There are 3 types of lies.  Lies, damn lies, and statistics. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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The reported cases went up 500,000 in just the last few days.
For many of us the first wave has passed. (Blue section of map)
I do not think it has peaked yet.

There are now 100,000 new cases every day.

I would not like to be in Brazil (or other 'red' zones...


Stay safe out there... 

Old (Downunder) Tone



Edited by Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz

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When Gov. Doug Ducey allowed Arizona’s stay-at-home order to expire on May 15, 340 patients were in intensive care units statewide due to the novel coronavirus — the largest number since the beginning of the pandemic. Public health experts at the University of Arizona spent the week before publicly pleading with Ducey to postpone reopening, suggesting cases in the state were still projected to grow.

About two weeks later, the maximum amount of time it takes the virus to incubate, Arizona began seeing a precipitous rise in cases and a flood of new hospitalizations, straining medical resources and forcing the state’s top medical official to reissue a March order urging all hospitals to activate emergency plans.

And the AZ Valley had unprecedented, recorded setting Temps in May and early June....thought the heat was going to kill it!!...guess it needs monsoon season with a little more humidity!

Keep Your Mask On! Wash your hands!

Don't get COVID-19 fatigue!
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3 minutes ago, Tbs77 said:

And the AZ Valley had unprecedented, recorded setting Temps in May and early June....thought the heat was going to kill it!!...guess it needs monsoon season with a little more humidity!

Keep Your Mask On! Wash your hands!

Don't get COVID-19 fatigue!

The heat would kill

it but the AC will

keep it comfortable.

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And the AZ Valley had unprecedented, recorded setting Temps in May and early June....thought the heat was going to kill it!!...guess it needs monsoon season with a little more humidity!



Keep Your Mask On! Wash your hands!


Don't get COVID-19 fatigue!

What a second! Isn't it humid in Houston from March to November...then what is up with this:




Houston on ‘Precipice of Disaster’ as Virus Cases Spread By Joe Carroll June 11, 2020, 4:34 PM EDT Updated on June 11, 2020, 5:48 PM EDT


Stay-home order may be revived, county and city leaders say


Threat-level sits at second-highest level on four-tier scale




I'm moving up my IMHO GT date to July 4 if they have to shelter-in!


Keep On The Watch

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14 minutes ago, Tbs77 said:

Houston on ‘Precipice of Disaster’ as Virus Cases Spread By Joe Carroll



Wow! Joe Carroll needs to be locked away and quarantined forever.  Who does he think he is spreading that virus all around?!  The absolute nerve of him!   :offtopic:


Edited by Omoyeme
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This is just a minor thought.  Jehovah is truly protecting his people worldwide.  But those outside the truth, the very one's we are writing to, texting, and or emailing, face book etc; wondering those who think it's a hoax or they just don't care (wearing masks/gloves and disinfecting) will eventually get Covid-19 and a LOT will be dying off before the G.T.  And then during the G.T., Jehovah will glorify himself against the world governments leaders and militia, after he has them destroy Babylon the Great (institutions) and all of us who are alive ourselves with our heads held up, Jehovah will magnify his sovereignty and his Holy Name.  


Just a thought, since this is now spreading like wildfire in 20 or more states since I read the report on the news yesterday. 

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20 minutes ago, Allabord4Jah said:

But those outside the truth, the very one's we are writing to, texting, and or emailing, face book etc; wondering those who think it's a hoax or they just don't care (wearing masks/gloves and disinfecting) will eventually get Covid-19 and a LOT will be dying off before the G.T. 

I've noticed that during natural disasters such as flooding and fires, there seems to be a few people that refuse to listen to the warnings and evacuate. Its interesting that the authorities are now broadcasting that anyone that doesn't listen to the warning is on their own, the rescue teams will not risk their lives to save them. I wonder if the authorities will or have reached that same point about masks. It seems that at some point the authorities will let them be victims of their own stupidity.  That's sad...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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6 hours ago, Allabord4Jah said:

This is just a minor thought.  Jehovah is truly protecting his people worldwide.  But those outside the truth, the very one's we are writing to, texting, and or emailing, face book etc; wondering those who think it's a hoax or they just don't care (wearing masks/gloves and disinfecting) will eventually get Covid-19 and a LOT will be dying off before the G.T. 

There is no basis for that idea, though. 


In a jw.org news piece dated April 30th, they mentioned 872 Corona deaths among the brothers. The global death rate was about 230.000 during this point in time. That's a ratio of about 1:260. The ratio of Witnesses to non-Witnesses is usually somewhere between 1:242 (Italy) and 1: 500 (France), this means that Jehovah's Witnesses are affected just like everyone else, or on average actually statistically at a greater risk (because in many affected countries, the average age of a Jehovah's Witnesses is older than in other countries, particularly Germany, France, Italy). This virus predominantly affects older people and the frail and sick. 


This is why I stress again, going outside, getting exercise and sunshine and just being optimistic is more likely to keep you alive than staying indoors. Not to mention your immune system needs a little dirt once in a while to function. And the better your cardiovascular system, the higher your chance at not even noticing you have Covid19... going out for a daily, brief jog in the forest, if possible, is the very best thing you can do, drink plenty of water and eat healthy on top. 



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7 hours ago, Allabord4Jah said:

wondering those who think it's a hoax or they just don't care (wearing masks/gloves and disinfecting) will eventually get Covid-19 and a LOT will be dying off before the G.T.

Here in Germany wearing a mask when you go shopping is not optionat. But going out and about is not required.


My daughter starts school again on Monday - regular class schedule for the entire elementary school (grades 1-4) from M-F. Just until summer school vacation starts, which for our area is the end of June. So almost 2 weeks. My daughter's class was told by her teacher if a student doesn't have asthma problems or doesn't wear glasses, then masks are required to wear during classroom learning. And that they will be seated in pairs, except those with asthma/glasses. But whoever has problems during class breathing can go to the window and get fresh air, as it will be open all the time. 🤨😬😷🙄 


I belong to a FB group for kids who started schooling in 2017 in Germany, and the comments from the parents...every school and province in Germany is different regarding how they are starting up again since the federal ministry of schooling declared normal class starting Monday. But a few are quite upset that their kids will be a 2 week rabbit experiment for the government to see what comes of it, and oh, if a few kids should pass it on to their weak parents or grandparents, oh well for them. Some feel it's the government's way to see about reopening all schools in September. Some on FB are willing to get fines and not send their kids the last 2 weeks, as it's not legal not to send your kids to school here.


Regardless, we told our daughter that if it disturbs her too much, then to remove the mask. Also all parents had to sign a declaration that they will in no uncertain terms send their kids to school should they display any signs of illness or sickness.


Anyway, I have mixed feelings. My daughter does well in school, and is not looking forward to getting up early again, but I think routine and discipline is good for her. Anyway, I've heard some parents not even looking at their school's website, including witness parents. If my daughter takes after me, then hopefully she also is an O blood type.

Edited by Lieblingskind

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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9 hours ago, Allabord4Jah said:

This is just a minor thought.  Jehovah is truly protecting his people worldwide.  But those outside the truth, the very one's we are writing to, texting, and or emailing, face book etc; wondering those who think it's a hoax or they just don't care (wearing masks/gloves and disinfecting) will eventually get Covid-19 and a LOT will be dying off before the G.T.  And then during the G.T., Jehovah will glorify himself against the world governments leaders and militia, after he has them destroy Babylon the Great (institutions) and all of us who are alive ourselves with our heads held up, Jehovah will magnify his sovereignty and his Holy Name.  


Just a thought, since this is now spreading like wildfire in 20 or more states since I read the report on the news yesterday. 

This virus is not Jehovah's way of bringing this system to an end.


Remember, many righteous ones have suffered and died as a result of the virus. Remember what Abraham said: Jehovah will never sweep away the righteous with the wicked. So we can liken the pandemic to a natural/man-made disaster that affects people indiscriminately. Neither the Spanish flu, nor the bubonic plague brought about Armageddon, neither will this. 


If it is Jehovah's time to bring an end to this system, he will, but not by a virus. That's not how our God operates.

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I know this friends, the virus is not the end or bring the end.  Nor did I state anything about our brother's and sister's who have died with Covid-19.  It seems that the people who are not serving Jehovah, are the ones who are running out side with no masks on, and not taking any precautions.  They are the ones who are now getting sick and spreading the virus.  The hospitals are filling up again.  Some even have to be turned away.   I mentioned the GT that is the start of the end, it did not say the virus will be the thing that brings the end.  Jehovah will bring the end at Armageddon his way not the this virus or any other pestilence that comes before the G.T.  





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8 minutes ago, ChocoBro said:

@BenJepthah I thought you might find this interesting



COVID testing is really unrealizable. Everyone in healthcare knows it. If you test positive that’s accurate into the high 90’s but if negative it’s only about 50%. I personally had a patient who tested negative on admission. Who subsequently tested positive. To complicate this issue that patient was anemic and received a transfusion. From what I have found out the blood supply remains I tested. He may have received contaminated blood. He went from afebrile doing fine on room air to needing 5L if O2 and running a fever within just 4 hours. Either he came in with it or he received a huge viral load from the blood. 
    As to the video , fortunately most hospitals like my own quickly adopted single patient room standards with a high degree of sanitation measures. In some cases mistakes are made. Early on my unit was “ THE COVID UNIT” in my facility. Management ( well intended) made an error in adjusting how the floor was ventilated. The Nurses on my floor are frequently outspoken former military and from EMS backgrounds so we had no fear to speak up to the management and forced ( yes forced) a correction which may have made a big difference and prevented cross contamination. 
     Other hospitals , the nurses may fear for their jobs and be less vocal. The nurse in the video will probably be sewed or fired for her efforts although that was very brave.

    What else: the political gripe against the president about ventilators . NYC had more than enough ventilators on paper, although for some reason they claimed otherwise. What is more, it was soon discovered that the nature of the illness made ventilators of little value. Certain local laws which made it illegal to refuse infected patients into nursing homes contributed to the greatest loss of life. I suspect from now on no hospital in the US will have multiple patient rooms if at all possible. 

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Coronavirus: the movie is somehow already here – but are we ready for it?

by Stuart Heritage


Canadian director Mostafa Keshvari has written and shot an entire coronavirus feature film.


Entitled Corona, the film takes place entirely within the confines of an elevator. Neighbours of different backgrounds enter – a Chinese lady, a pregnant woman, a wheelchair-bound Nazi with a swastika tattoo on his forehead – and panic begins to spread just as quickly as the disease. Or, as the movie’s tagline puts it, “Fear is a Virus”.


A trailer for the film has already been released. Not to give too much away but – if I’m reading this right – the Chinese woman starts coughing, which causes the elevator to stall. The lights go out. The emergency lights kick in, and for some reason they’re red flashing submarine-style lights. Someone screams: “We’re all going to die in here!” The Nazi pulls out a gun. The Chinese woman starts crying. And then a man says: “I think we’re all being tested,” which leads me to believe that Corona will posit that the spread of Covid-19 is down to an evil Saw-style puppet who created the virus in a lab as an unnecessarily complicated no-win morality test for humanity.





Movie Poster:



Wonder if there will be a sequel, like the Rocky and Star Trek and Jurassic Park movies?

Corona II...Corona III....Corona IV




Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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