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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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16 hours ago, Nirex said:

...If that happens I'm bringing all the strays that hang around my place inside. No argument. 😶

That's hoarding, they told us not to stockpile!!


just kidding----:poke:

(sorry, I know, I'm a terrible person)


my Miss Kitty is on my lap right now...

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14 hours ago, paulc said:

I remember when I was in Vietnam there weren’t any dogs running around.  I watched a lady one time holding a mouse by the tail, hold her head back and put that mouse in her mouth and swallow it.  Even though I was in the world back then I still thought that eating a mouse was a little bit.....unusual.  But that was par for course,  they thought nothing of that kind of stuff.  And now I think about what might be coming soon all over the world,  how conditions might be like those inside Jerusalem when the Romans had bottled up the city.  Paints a pretty ugly picture. People need to get out of the world NOW, if it’s not too late. This might be just a warm up to what’s about to hit the world.  Stay safe everyone.

This should have had a  warning to it.

My stomach was not ready for that type of image!🤮🤢

Proverbs 27:11- Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him that taunts me.

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3 hours ago, Stormswift said:

I can vouch for this recipe as far as keeping things away from you ... in fact when we used it as kids somehow we were the only group not surrounded by sandflies or other people!!  This is my mother's recipe not sure where she got it from. But with the dettol component - it certainly is better than nothing.

Methylated spirits is 95% alcohol, so maybe adjusting the spray so the alcohol content is increased.

as per the following:

Science teacher reveals how you can make a hand sanitiser with just two ingredients in an empty sauce bottle


Not everyone has aloe vera though and the aloe vera gel has been shopped out. Metho might still be available or sitting in the back of the cupboard.



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Eating dogs in Asian countries is normal.  I recall a Time magazine from around 1989 that had a picture of dogs hanging in a meat market.


There is a former missionary in our sister congregation.  He served in some island somewhere.  One of his bible students had a very friendly dog that our brother would play with during studies.  One day the brother was invited over to a big feast.  He noticed the dog was missing and asked about it.  The host pointed to the meal and said "you're eating it."

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5 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

Eating dogs in Asian countries is normal.  I recall a Time magazine from around 1989 that had a picture of dogs hanging in a meat market.


There is a former missionary in our sister congregation.  He served in some island somewhere.  One of his bible students had a very friendly dog that our brother would play with during studies.  One day the brother was invited over to a big feast.  He noticed the dog was missing and asked about it.  The host pointed to the meal and said "you're eating it."

Gr....oss! Wish you didn't share that.

I have 3 small devoted pups. Breaks my heart.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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19 minutes ago, Wren said:

Methylated spirits is 95% alcohol, so maybe adjusting the spray so the alcohol content is increased.

as per the following:

Science teacher reveals how you can make a hand sanitiser with just two ingredients in an empty sauce bottle


Not everyone has aloe vera though and the aloe vera gel has been shopped out. Metho might still be available or sitting in the back of the cupboard.



Yup a rejuggling of percentages of course, but we made it for sandflies not for viruses. haha. 

17 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

Eating dogs in Asian countries is normal.  I recall a Time magazine from around 1989 that had a picture of dogs hanging in a meat market.


There is a former missionary in our sister congregation.  He served in some island somewhere.  One of his bible students had a very friendly dog that our brother would play with during studies.  One day the brother was invited over to a big feast.  He noticed the dog was missing and asked about it.  The host pointed to the meal and said "you're eating it."

It's not just about WHAT they eat though because you rightly say - other countries eat what other people wouldn't - it's more about the hygiene practices of the markets - that being said Bats are known to carry pathogenes that do cause harm to people. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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There is a youtube video of a man claiming that Coronavirus is caused by 5G radiation.


The guy in the video, which came out on March 12th, 2020, is Thomas Cowan.  I looked him up and this is

what I found:



Dr. Cowan is a longtime holistic physician living and practicing in San Francisco who specializes in helping people heal through diet and natural medicines. His book How (and Why) to Eat More Vegetables describes why eating small amounts of a wide variety of vegetables is key to optimal health. He is the author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, published by Chelsea Green in 2016, is the primary author of The Fourfold Path to Healing, and co-author, with Sally Fallon, of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. He is one of the founding board members of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and he is trained and experienced in Anthroposophic medicine as well. He is also a passionate and knowledgeable grower of vegetables. He did, indeed, plant and tend many of the vegetables that were turned into these powders.


In the video, Cowan claims Wuhan was the first city in the world to be completely blanketed with 5G internet

and that 5G radiation poisoned people and that the Coronavirus is the result of these poisoned peoples' cells

sloughing off the poison.  


(Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?)


By the way, Wuhan was not the first city in the world, nor the only Chinese city, to be completely blanketed with 5G internet.  Korea had 5G up and running in Seoul nearly a year ago already.




APRIL 5, 2019 / 11:47 AM / A YEAR AGO

Who was first to launch 5G? Depends who you ask

Kenneth Li, Ju-min Park


NEW YORK/SEOUL (Reuters) - When it comes to who triumphed in the multi-billion dollar global race to launch the world’s first 5G next generation wireless network, the winner is clear ... depending on who you ask.



South Korea’s carriers had announced plans to launch their 5G networks by Friday.

But by 5 p.m. local time Wednesday word began to spread that Verizon was planning a surprise debut of its own 5G network as early as Thursday, a full week ahead of its original intended schedule, an official at South Korea’s Ministry of Science and ICT told Reuters.


To snatch victory from the jaws of Verizon, the South Korean carriers raced against the clock and agreed to collectively light up the country’s 5G networks just six hours after finding out about Verizon’s plans, said the official, who declined to be named.


South Korean carriers including SK Telecom and KT Corp flipped the switch at 11pm local time (1400 GMT/1000 EST), nearly an hour ahead of when Verizon confirmed it had launched in the two markets in the United States at 10:55am EST (1455 GMT).


That is not the only false claim Cowan makes in this video:



No, 5G Is Not Causing Coronavirus (or Anything Else)


Viral online posts claiming 5G is causing coronavirus are absolutely wrong.

By Sascha Segan

March 16, 2020


The false, superstitious belief that 5G cellular networks are somehow causing a global health crisis has found a new conspiracy theory: the idea that the global coronavirus pandemic is caused by 5G. It is not.


The current idiocy made its way into my Twitter feed via Keri Hilson, an R&B singer who for some reason has 4.2 million Twitter followers and 2.3 million Instagram followers. She has since deleted the tweet ("Management has asked me to delete vid/articles," she wrote in a follow-up tweet) but apparently got it from someone with 839,000 Instagram followers going by "chakabars," from a completely random chiropractor named Gloriane Giovanelli, and from the Wikipedia quick-fact snippet appearing on a search for "Who invented 5G?'"



Newsweek came out with this timely article on Wednesday, which debunks Cowan's claims and the video:






A YouTube video that suggests 5G internet causes COVID-19 has some people convinced their smartphones could kill them. Meanwhile, critics of the video—which was filmed at a March 12 health summit in Tucson, Arizona, and uploaded to YouTube by the account Parents for Healthcare Rights—are slamming it and saying that it's spreading bogus information in the midst of a very real and serious global crisis.


The video shows a presentation by Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D, who claims that, because Africa was not as affected by the coronavirus outbreak at first, there was reason to believe 5G could be the cause of the virus. His argument was, "Africa is not a 5G region." That line of thinking seems to be debunked as of Thursday, since the World Health Organization has confirmed around 640 cases of coronavirus in Africa, according tothe BBC.


5G is a new internet technology launched by mobile companies in 2020. It operates on the same concept as a 4G smartphone but is expected to be faster and more reliable when it comes to internet speeds.




Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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At the end of Cowan's youtube video,

he attributes evil to people's increased exposure to electrical radiation.

He says that the more people are being exposed to electricity,

the more evil they are becoming.


But, thanks to God's Word, we know the real source of evil is

Jehovah's chief adversary, the Devil,

and NOT our cell phones, toasters, TVs and blow dryers. :D 




Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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Wow. I keep losing job offer after job offer. It is crazy because of this virus. Entire job industries are freezing job opportunities and people are losing their jobs left right and centre just like that. Is anyone experiencing this? Or, have friends that they know of who are going through this right now?

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Worldometer Virus Report:




Last year's flu season: 



Published online 2019 Oct 22. doi: 10.7189/jogh.09.020421


Global mortality associated with seasonal influenza epidemics:

Until recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated the annual mortality burden of influenza to be 250 000 to 500 000 all-cause deaths globally; however, a 2017 study indicated a substantially higher mortality burden, at 290 000-650 000 influenza-associated deaths from respiratory causes alone, and a 2019 study estimated 99 000-200 000 deaths from lower respiratory tract infections directly caused by influenza.



Journal of Global Health is a peer-reviewed journal published by the the International Society of Global Health (ISoGH), a not-for-profit organisation registered in Edinburgh, UK 



Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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I could be wrong and this could blow over like the Australian bushfires - but here is why I really think this is something different.


1. Where we are in the stream of time. Brother Lett said that we are now in 'the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days.' Perhaps meaning the Governing Body (GB) think the Great Tribulation is about to happen any time now.


2.This virus is affecting everyone on planet Earth.


3. The virus is causing unprecedented disruption to everyone on Earth. World economies are sinking (I listened to an interesting interview where the specialist in finance said that globalisation as we have known it for the last few decades has well and truly ended - the virus has retaken the economies, supply chains in a completely different way - we are as he said in a new era), people are losing their jobs (like dropping dead flies), there are no jobs, industries are barely surviving (hospitality, aviation, tourism, etc.), people are frightened and confused, governments are struggling to know what to do and call it a war against the virus that they will win. Entire cities or countries are being locked down.


4. It is part of pestilence a notable feature of the last days.


5. Everything is closing shop i.e. shops, businesses, places of worship. What if this was Jehovah letting Satan's system close down (and this was not a rehearsal). Then again it could be argued that this is just what happens during a crisis. As mankind has had a pretty soft landing and has never known hard times since World War II. In other words we have had a pretty good 70 years in the Western World (more so).


6. We can now not meet like we used to. No more meetings, cart witnessing, door to door, conventions, Memorial, etc. face to face. I was wondering the other night and I asked myself - with our year text being 'Make Disciples etc.' why would Jehovah let this happen - will it bring more people in - shake them up with fear so to speak - or have we already finished most of the preaching work a lot earlier then we predicted. We are already from the annual meeting clocking in the most new witnesses. Perhaps this is not a practice round and Jehovah is prepping us now for what is about to happen - cry of peace and security and ban on all religions (the GT). I don't think Jehovah would call this a practice round (it could be) but this virus is reshaping the world so quickly in ways that we all could never have imagined. 


7. We are meeting in small groups now - like we will in the future - maybe it will not be in cellars, attics to begin with - but rather technology? Jehovah is God of Order - thinking about the Israelites leaving Egypt.


What do you think?

Edited by GraceH
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1 hour ago, GraceH said:

We are meeting in small groups now - like we will in the future - maybe it will not be in cellars, attics to begin with - but rather technology?

It's certainly less conspicuous for those to meet like this under a ban, as people don't have to go out and physically gather. The only thing people would have to watch is for government spies, hackers and so on.


Just recently the US have been trying to pass yet again, a law which will enable them to spy on people and read everyone's private messages online, but there are of course protests. But personally I wouldn't put it past them if they "already" did such a thing and didn't tell anyone.

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More Stats:
The older you are, the more cautious you need to be!


Just Older



Edited by Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz

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3 hours ago, GraceH said:

Wow. I keep losing job offer after job offer. It is crazy because of this virus. Entire job industries are freezing job opportunities and people are losing their jobs left right and centre just like that. Is anyone experiencing this? Or, have friends that they know of who are going through this right now?

i kept losing job since 2017.


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2 hours ago, GraceH said:

I could be wrong and this could blow over like the Australian bushfires - but here is why I really think this is something different.


1. Where we are in the stream of time. Brother Lett said that we are now in 'the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days.' Perhaps meaning the Governing Body (GB) think the Great Tribulation is about to happen any time now.


2.This virus is affecting everyone on planet Earth.


3. The virus is causing unprecedented disruption to everyone on Earth. World economies are sinking (I listened to an interesting interview where the specialist in finance said that globalisation as we have known it for the last few decades has well and truly ended - the virus has retaken the economies, supply chains in a completely different way - we are as he said in a new era), people are losing their jobs (like dropping dead flies), there are no jobs, industries are barely surviving (hospitality, aviation, tourism, etc.), people are frightened and confused, governments are struggling to know what to do and call it a war against the virus that they will win. Entire cities or countries are being locked down.


4. It is part of pestilence a notable feature of the last days.


5. Everything is closing shop i.e. shops, businesses, places of worship. What if this was Jehovah letting Satan's system close down (and this was not a rehearsal). Then again it could be argued that this is just what happens during a crisis. As mankind has had a pretty soft landing and has never known hard times since World War II. In other words we have had a pretty good 70 years in the Western World (more so).


6. We can now not meet like we used to. No more meetings, cart witnessing, door to door, conventions, Memorial, etc. face to face. I was wondering the other night and I asked myself - with our year text being 'Make Disciples etc.' why would Jehovah let this happen - will it bring more people in - shake them up with fear so to speak - or have we already finished most of the preaching work a lot earlier then we predicted. We are already from the annual meeting clocking in the most new witnesses. Perhaps this is not a practice round and Jehovah is prepping us now for what is about to happen - cry of peace and security and ban on all religions (the GT). I don't think Jehovah would call this a practice round (it could be) but this virus is reshaping the world so quickly in ways that we all could never have imagined. 


7. We are meeting in small groups now - like we will in the future - maybe it will not be in cellars, attics to begin with - but rather technology? Jehovah is God of Order - thinking about the Israelites leaving Egypt.


What do you think?

I know this post sounds morbid. Again, it was not meant to. It was just bringing together a number of happenings into one place. The outcome of it all is that we are nearly home. :)

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On 3/18/2020 at 3:50 PM, hatcheckgirl said:

Non-essential indoor gatherings of more than 100 people have been banned by the Federal Government as the country responds to the coronavirus pandemic.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison also warned Australians not to leave the country as the disease spreads, saying: "We haven't seen this sort of thing in Australia since the end of the First World War."


I think finally, it seems Australia is doing something more consistent to what the rest of the world is doing. 

Australians aren’t listening tho. More needs to be done. Too much of the “she’ll be right mate” attitude 😬

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Yes, I know, you’re so right. A lot of drongos out there. Things just got tighter too. 

New social distancing rules are in place. Here's what they mean for you, your local bars and restaurants

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2 hours ago, GraceH said:

I could be wrong and this could blow over like the Australian bushfires - but here is why I really think this is something different.


1. Where we are in the stream of time. Brother Lett said that we are now in 'the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days.' Perhaps meaning the Governing Body (GB) think the Great Tribulation is about to happen any time now.


2.This virus is affecting everyone on planet Earth.


3. The virus is causing unprecedented disruption to everyone on Earth. World economies are sinking (I listened to an interesting interview where the specialist in finance said that globalisation as we have known it for the last few decades has well and truly ended - the virus has retaken the economies, supply chains in a completely different way - we are as he said in a new era), people are losing their jobs (like dropping dead flies), there are no jobs, industries are barely surviving (hospitality, aviation, tourism, etc.), people are frightened and confused, governments are struggling to know what to do and call it a war against the virus that they will win. Entire cities or countries are being locked down.


4. It is part of pestilence a notable feature of the last days.


5. Everything is closing shop i.e. shops, businesses, places of worship. What if this was Jehovah letting Satan's system close down (and this was not a rehearsal). Then again it could be argued that this is just what happens during a crisis. As mankind has had a pretty soft landing and has never known hard times since World War II. In other words we have had a pretty good 70 years in the Western World (more so).


6. We can now not meet like we used to. No more meetings, cart witnessing, door to door, conventions, Memorial, etc. face to face. I was wondering the other night and I asked myself - with our year text being 'Make Disciples etc.' why would Jehovah let this happen - will it bring more people in - shake them up with fear so to speak - or have we already finished most of the preaching work a lot earlier then we predicted. We are already from the annual meeting clocking in the most new witnesses. Perhaps this is not a practice round and Jehovah is prepping us now for what is about to happen - cry of peace and security and ban on all religions (the GT). I don't think Jehovah would call this a practice round (it could be) but this virus is reshaping the world so quickly in ways that we all could never have imagined. 


7. We are meeting in small groups now - like we will in the future - maybe it will not be in cellars, attics to begin with - but rather technology? Jehovah is God of Order - thinking about the Israelites leaving Egypt.


What do you think?

Myself and others I have spoken to have had very similar thoughts. 

Will have to wait and see! 

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3 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Yes, I know, you’re so right. A lot of drongos out there. Things just got tighter too. 

New social distancing rules are in place. Here's what they mean for you, your local bars and restaurants

Yep. Each day it’s changing atm. 

I wonder if schools would be next? We have been keeping our daughters at home the past week, so confusing. The schools are half empty. So hard to know what to do with our government giving such conflicting information 

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Breaking News

Restriction should continue ‘most of a year’

Policies to limit the spread of coronavirus would need to be in place for "at least most of a year" to prevent intensive care units being overwhelmed, according to official scientific advice to the government.

The documents, prepared by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), said alternating between more and less strict measures could "plausibly be effective at keeping the number of critical care cases within capacity".

Edited by humblebumblebee
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