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Pray For Our Ukrainian Brothers and Sisters

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1 hour ago, Dages said:

7 more 😢 

It’s amazing so many are surviving 

it’s Jehovah s love in action

protecting them with angels spirit and brave brothers and sisters that help eachothers 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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On 3/31/2022 at 11:26 PM, SUNRAY said:

Hello Sister! Have you heard anymore about where Alex and Vicki are now? Do you know if they were able to evacuate their families out of Kiev?


On 4/1/2022 at 11:51 AM, MyLien said:

Alex and Vicky live in Texas with their friend now.They're looking a car because they can't back home and they have plan stay here.Sorry i don't know about their family because I don't ask them too much in this time.

Following is a link to a YouTube video with a concert given by some brothers and sisters from last Saturday. At about the 50 minute mark, there is a segment about Ukrainian brothers; very interesting. At the 50:45 mark, Brother Alex Moskalenko is interviewed and plays some music.




At the end of Alex' music segment, the host mentions a PayPal address where you may send a gift to Alex.


Incidentally, Ed Salazar, the brother who organized the concert, is a painter and saxophonist. He is proposing several visits and there should be a concert every Saturday of the month for which you may register (there are 999 places).




(Okay, that last part is off topic... Sorry.)



Edited by Sheep

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1 hour ago, Sheep said:


Following is a link to a YouTube video with a concert given by some brothers and sisters from last Saturday. At about the 50 minute mark, there is a segment about Ukrainian brothers; very interesting. At the 50:45 mark, Brother Alex Moskalenko is interviewed and plays some music.




At the end of Alex' music segment, the host mentions a PayPal address where you may send a gift to Alex.


Incidentally, Ed Salazar, the brother who organized the concert, is a painter and saxophonist. He is proposing several visits and there should be a concert every Saturday of the month for which you may register (there are 999 places).




(Okay, that last part is off topic... Sorry.)



Thank you so much! Yes, when I had IG I enjoyed very much Ed's art work, and I remember he moved from NY to Texas. Thanks for the link!!! Ukraine update #5 on jw org really paints a picture in my mind of how Jehovah is caring for the brothers and sisters there. I look forward to these additional experiences!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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3 hours ago, Sheep said:

Following is a link to a YouTube video with a concert

Wow! Did you watch the video to the end where Ed had a slideshow of his artwork of Paradise with music by Ronnie Laws? Plus at the end interviews with Larry Grahm and Prince about the song named Stauros by Prince when he was only studying? Thanks again for the link!😃

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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5 hours ago, coolbrz731 said:

We have wonderful news!  Our congregation got asked to take in refugees!  Our daughter sometimes gets scared and sleeps in our room.  That means we have an extra room for a couple!  Even a family, since the bed is a loft bed and we can easily buy a very nice inflatable mattress.

Oh my !  I have happy tears!  Thank you Jehovah 

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And here we have update number 6:




"Sadly, more of our dear brothers and sisters have lost their lives as a result of the ongoing warfare in Ukraine. A total of 28 of Jehovah’s Witnesses have died." [As of 12 April 2022]



Edited by Parale
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My biggest fear is the capture. Torture and rape. This boggles my mind. I trust Jehovah but I cant stop thinking about them. I pray so many times a day for them... and for the brothers in Russia who cant leave the country easily. It seems almost impossible to leave Russia now... 

  • 18,097 publishers have fled to other countries and are being assisted by fellow worshippers - this is a comfort 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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5 minutes ago, Sofia said:

18,097 publishers have fled to other countries

The update says that:

  • 41,974 publishers were assisted directly by the DRCs to find safer accommodations

  • 18,097 publishers have fled to other countries and are being assisted by fellow worshippers

Therefore it appears that the majority - 23,877 publishers - have also fled their usual homes, but have stayed within the country in safer accommodation - I understand that Ukraine is still under martial law which means that men between the ages of 18 to 60 have been banned from leaving the country.



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1 hour ago, Parale said:

men between the ages of 18 to 60 have been banned from leaving

If they have any sort of disability or at least 3 children they are discharged from army service

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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10 hours ago, Parale said:

The update says that:

  • 41,974 publishers were assisted directly by the DRCs to find safer accommodations

  • 18,097 publishers have fled to other countries and are being assisted by fellow worshippers

Therefore it appears that the majority - 23,877 publishers - have also fled their usual homes, but have stayed within the country in safer accommodation - I understand that Ukraine is still under martial law which means that men between the ages of 18 to 60 have been banned from leaving the country.



Yes, but at least it seems there is no compulsory draft. I’d appreciate dome Ukrainian brother to confirm it. 


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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12 hours ago, Sofia said:

My biggest fear is the capture. Torture and rape. This boggles my mind. I trust Jehovah but I cant stop thinking about them. I pray so many times a day for them... and for the brothers in Russia who cant leave the country easily. It seems almost impossible to leave Russia now... 

  • 18,097 publishers have fled to other countries and are being assisted by fellow worshippers - this is a comfort 

That is my fear too.  I pray constantly for our brothers in Ukraine and Russia.  Such is my dismay that I forgot why all these things are happening to our brothers.  I went back to Eccl. 9 and remembered that "time and unforeseen occurrences" befalls us all.


Being in the wrong place at the wrong time. (still did not give me comfort) but acceptance.  Time also takes a toll on all humans and eventually takes us out.


I am more grateful for the ransom.  This week is the memorial.  I must admit, I am truly, truly upset mentally and emotionally in whats happening to my friends in Ukraine and Russia.  Now, I stay away from the news. I can't cope with it.


On a little bright side, I got a response from one of my letters and the person wants to come to the hall.  I wrote him back under the direction of my husband (he is so cautious) because he wants to meet me and wants more information of a "better government, the Kingdom.  We invited him to the KH.

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4 hours ago, Michał said:

Yes, but at least it seems there is no compulsory draft. I’d appreciate dome Ukrainian brother to confirm it. 

Right now there is no compulsory draft for "clergy of registered religious organizations", what we are. However, we need to take 2 years and 3 months alternative civilian service at minimal payment. And this is now very poorly organized in many regions. Therefore, many brothers are in a state of waiting for the instructions of the authorities.

My English is not very good, so if you see my mistakes, please tell me in the DM

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5 hours ago, cme said:

I must admit, I am truly, truly upset mentally and emotionally in whats happening to my friends in Ukraine and Russia.  Now, I stay away from the news. I can't cope with it.

200% -  me too. Too depressing .... and we are not in GT YET. Imagine when we are .... :( 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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21 minutes ago, Sofia said:

200% -  me too. Too depressing .... and we are not in GT YET. Imagine when we are .... :( 

It will be a time of mixed emotions. 

A tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.

And yet, as these things start to occur, we will raise ourselves erect and lift our heads up because our deliverance is near.

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40 minutes ago, Susan Cook said:

I absolutely will NOT be sad at the outbreak of the GT

I think during the time of the GT, our eyes will be on the prize.  Now we'll be figuratively touching it with our fingertips.  So even with those awful things happening on the news, all we'll see is the end of our problems and the coming blessings.

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9 minutes ago, cme said:

Sofia, once the GT hits, we are for sure going home.  We will be marked for salvation in the GT.  At that point I will leap for joy.  We all will.

Joy........... and extreme focus because it will really be the last meters of our race

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On 4/13/2022 at 10:47 PM, Sofia said:

My biggest fear is the capture. Torture and rape. This boggles my mind. I trust Jehovah but I cant stop thinking about them. I pray so many times a day for them... 

Same here. After the first week or so I was watching the news from Mariupol and thinking that while the Ukrainian soldiers are definitely brave the civilians and our Brothers and Sisters might be better off if they surrendered instead.


Then we started getting more tales of atrocities (and when does a human war not include atrocities against civilians and especially women) and started having to fight a feeling of "Azov battalion, keep going lads:thumbsup:". But neither view is Jehovah's neutrality.


On 4/13/2022 at 10:47 PM, Sofia said:

I pray so many times a day for them... and for the brothers in Russia


12 hours ago, cme said:

pray constantly for our brothers in Ukraine and Russia. 

That is all we can do, but it is powerful because it brings Jehovah into the matter and he can do anything. I also found throwing myself into the memorial campaign helped both as a mind reset and also as something I could do back at Satan who's behind all the terrible things being done in this war.


We pray for our Ukranian Brothers and Sisters.

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7 hours ago, Sofia said:

200% -  me too. Too depressing .... and we are not in GT YET. Imagine when we are .... :( 


6 hours ago, Doug said:

It will be a time of mixed emotions. 

A tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again

Brother Splane once said that when asked about the GT he'd ask "What part of Great Tribulation do you not understand?"


1) If our neighbor doesn't have electricity neither will we.


2) We won't suddenly stop feeling upset when we see one's suffering from violence, famine or other disasters. Worse we won't be able to think anymore "I hope they get a resurrection".


3) As brought out in the recent WT our current understanding is that the following who aren't Witnesses will all be dead men walking:


A) Our family

b) Our friends

C) Our neighbors

D) Our co workers/ class mates/ business partners

E) Our Bible Students

F) Our Return Visits

G) That nice person in the shop who's always pleasant and helpful to us.


It is going to be a tribulation for us as well, I suspect part of the reason the Great Crowd aren't officially marked until then is to see how we handle that time.


Please don't get me wrong, everyone saying things like

7 hours ago, Susan Cook said:

I absolutely will NOT be sad at the outbreak of the GT

has the right attitude. Jehovah's name is about to be sanctified which is wonderful. But it will be a tribulation.

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13 hours ago, cme said:

I must admit, I am truly, truly upset mentally and emotionally in whats happening to my friends in Ukraine and Russia. 

We have to remember there isn't a single tear that Jehovah doesn't see, there isn't a single broken heart that he doesn't feel. One day he will dry the eyes and mend the hearts of everyone that hurts over what is happening.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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