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War in the Middle East

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5 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

BBC News is attempting to verify what happened at the facility on Tuesday.

It would be nice if journalists would verify stories before running with them. They just refuse to do so. 

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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3 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

Protests break out around Middle East and North Africa after Gaza hospital blast


In Jordan, hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets in the western part of the capital, Amman, ...... 


In Lebanon, hundreds of protesters gathered in the square that leads to the US embassy north of Beirut on Tuesday and tried to break through security barriers ...... 


In Iraq, hundreds of people took to the streets in Baghdad chanting anti-Israel slogans.


In Iran, protests also took place outside the French and British embassies in Tehran ....... could be heard chanting "death to France, England, America, and the Zionists,".... 


In Tunisia, hundreds of people rallied in several areas in Tunis, the capital, following the hospital blast ..... 



All of this was going on while I was getting my beauty sleep. Better off remain in bed a not hearing this. Where were all the protests when Israel got attacked on day one? No matter what, it is one sick world.

Edited by Dustparticle
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In the meantime toothless UN mastered the skill of condemnations :whistling:... another one here.


UN Secretary-General António Guterres condemned the deadly blast at a hospital in Gaza while speaking Wednesday at the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, China.“The Secretary-General extends his sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wishes a swift recovery to those injured,” the statement said. https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-news-hamas-war-10-18-23/index.html

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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In Australia: 


The Albanese government has announced $50 million in grants to boost security at religious schools, places of worship and community facilities, amid warnings from intelligence agencies of the increased prospect of civil unrest as the war between Israel and Hamas escalates.https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/50m-security-boost-for-religious-facilities-as-violence-fears-flare-20231018-p5ed6s

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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On 10/14/2023 at 4:07 PM, Sofia said:

I may be wrong... But if Im right, BOY this is simply the most insane, demoniac, evil plan ever conceived!

Imagine that Russia to legitimate the attack on Ukraine suported Hamas to perform this terrorist attack.

This attack would by all means provoke Israel so much that obviously the response would be a full invasion of the Gaza strip, killing and destroying every thing and everyone.

Claims: "National Security", "demilitarization", 


If Israel does it and its not condemn, then Russia will claim "we are condemn for the same reasons. Why wont  Israel?"



It looks like I was right after all

take a look at this article 

if you can’t open it let me know

I try to post the pdf




Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Seems like a most infamous devilish plan ever conceived by the KOTN

To instigate Hamas to attack Israel ( at the same day of our AM) to provoke a retaliation from IDF against Gaza territory.

Now, if UN legitimates that self defense act…

How can they condemn Russia?

all these months condemning Russia will be lost. Russia will claim the same reasons for attacking Ukraine 


on the other hand if Russia is condemned…Then Israel will have to be condemned too. 


israel and the western NATO countries were mislead into a trap 


now I see that this 7 October attack is a KOTN xx KOTS push and Daniel prophecy in fullfillment 🙏😃😃😃

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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12 minutes ago, Sofia said:

Seems like a most infamous devilish plan ever conceived by the KOTN

To instigate Hamas to attack Israel ( at the same day of our AM) to provoke a retaliation from IDF against Gaza territory.

Now, if UN legitimates that self defense act…

How can they condemn Russia?

all these months condemning Russia will be lost. Russia will claim the same reasons for attacking Ukraine 


on the other hand if Russia is condemned…Then Israel will have to be condemned too. 


israel and the western NATO countries were mislead into a trap 


now I see that this 7 October attack is a KOTN xx KOTS push and Daniel prophecy in fullfillment 🙏😃😃😃

I don’t understand your reasoning here. Russia did not act in self-defense. It invaded Ukraine just as Hamas invaded Israel. 

Edited by Julsey

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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3 minutes ago, coolbrz731 said:

Looks like the UN was unable to do any condemning.  Their power could still come out of nowhere, with the nations suddenly deciding to empower it.

US vetoes UN resolution condemning all violence against civilians in Israel-Hamas war | AP News

Yes, the resolution made by Brazil, the USA vetoed it because in the text does not mention that Israel has the right to defend itself , even with 12 photos in favor and 1 against the USA used the power of veto

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57 minutes ago, Julsey said:

I don’t understand your reasoning here. Russia did not act in self-defense. It invaded Ukraine just as Hamas invaded Israel. 


But Russia claims it was self defense

that was the story all long

Claiming national security. Desnazification. Demilitarization. Saving the Russian people victims of Kiev s system.

this has been the story

Russia doesn’t care about the truth 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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4 hours ago, Sofia said:

Seems like a most infamous devilish plan ever conceived by the KOTN

To instigate Hamas to attack Israel ( at the same day of our AM) to provoke a retaliation from IDF against Gaza territory.

Now, if UN legitimates that self defense act…

How can they condemn Russia?

all these months condemning Russia will be lost. Russia will claim the same reasons for attacking Ukraine 


on the other hand if Russia is condemned…Then Israel will have to be condemned too. 


israel and the western NATO countries were mislead into a trap 


now I see that this 7 October attack is a KOTN xx KOTS push and Daniel prophecy in fullfillment 🙏😃😃😃


Just because that's what Russia claims, the world knows it wasn't so, and it never happened.  Ukraine didn't attack Russia for it to retaliate. 

Totally different set of circumstances. 


And I don't think our AM had anything to do with it. That was just coincidence. 


Let's just keep up with Jehovah's chariot, not go rushing ahead in our own, and wait for updates from our leader, Jesus, via his slave. 

Edited by GeordieGirl

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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19 hours ago, Dustparticle said:

 Where were all the protests when Israel got attacked on day one? No matter what, it is one sick world.


In the Middle East,  Israel is the red-headed stepchild.

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This evening, I just finished attending my Theocratic Meeting!  Wow, it was so refreshing!  Then I got off and went to check the local news, and what do I find, the President of the U.S., give a speech on the current upheaval, the full support towards Israel, the people of Palestine, Ukraine and Taiwan. Billions of $$$ to be sent to each nation to protect their security and democracy.  I got to these words, and quickly shut if off.  Am now on the weather for this coming weekend!  

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28 minutes ago, Allabord4Jah said:

This evening, I just finished attending my Theocratic Meeting!  Wow, it was so refreshing!  Then I got off and went to check the local news, and what do I find, the President of the U.S., give a speech on the current upheaval, the full support towards Israel, the people of Palestine, Ukraine and Taiwan. Billions of $$$ to be sent to each nation to protect their security and democracy.  I got to these words, and quickly shut if off.  Am now on the weather for this coming weekend!  

KOTS to protect territories against 





(or KOTN)

I saw the speach too. It s a reminder that Daniel s prophecy is in fullfillment.

close to end chapter 11

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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14 minutes ago, Osprey said:

Summit for peace in Egypt tomorrow? On the other side IDF incursion into Gaza seems imminent. Lets see what will happen.

Here is the link to it https://www.reuters.com/article/israel-palestinians-egypt-germany-idAFS8N3AN03Z

another one: https://www.businesstodayegypt.com/Article/1/3279/UN-and-12-country-leaders-to-attend-Cairo-Int-Peace

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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4 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

And then there's this....



US troops in the Middle East came under attack from suspected Iran-backed militias on Thursday night in an escalation that threatened to pull global powers into the Gaza conflict.

"Life can be understood by looking back but it must be lived by looking ahead".

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Well, for one thing, the foretold “sudden destruction” hasn’t
occurred yet.
● Also, the fulfillment has to be something striking enough to
justify its being recorded as a specific prophecy inspired by
The “peace and security” proclamation must be an exceptional
development, different from the many peace efforts that have been
made up until that time. But no matter what form the proclamation
takes or how convincing it may sound, it will only be a veneer.

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1 hour ago, MChill14 said:

Is it possible any of these events are being fulfilled with what is taking place? Correct me if I’m wrong, but vs 41 has already been fulfilled. So I guess I’m referring to vss 42,43.


GB has taught that verses 1-43 are already fullfilled or being fullfilled 


*** dp chap. 16 p. 280 par. 19 The Contending Kings Near Their End ***
19 Has the king of the north ruled over ‘the hidden treasures of Egypt’? He has indeed had a powerful influence on the way that the king of the south has used his financial resources. Because of fear of his rival, the king of the south has devoted huge sums to maintaining a formidable army, navy, and air force. To this extent, the king of the north ‘ruled over,’ or controlled, the disposition of the wealth of the king of the south.


verses 44 and 45 are going to be fullfilled soon…

this is our current understanding 

But things change fast. Sometimes we only understand properly some prophecies when they are fully fullfilled or in fullfillment 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Interesting article about the religious nature of this war.


The son of a Hamas founder said Hamas is even more dangerous than ISIS on Monday, claiming the mainstream media is afraid to call it a genocidal religious movement for fear of igniting a full-on religious war.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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