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The whole building is corregated steel or aluminum...we just improved the front view with stucco ledge stone and new wrought iron.  Was chain link before .  Downtown area.


Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow these words, I may have to eat~


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  • 2 months later...

I just received invitations to help with a carpet project at the local Assembly Hall later this month. The project will take 4 weeks, Tuesday-Saturday from 07:30 to 5:00, a full 4 weeks is scheduled to prep and install new carpet. I checked BA and 78 volunteers have been invited to the project and most of them live several hours away. 


I haven't heard anything else about the project yet.


This is going to be a huge project!

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4 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

I just received invitations to help with a carpet project at the local Assembly Hall later this month. The project will take 4 weeks, Tuesday-Saturday from 07:30 to 5:00, a full 4 weeks is scheduled to prep and install new carpet. I checked BA and 78 volunteers have been invited to the project and most of them live several hours away. 


I haven't heard anything else about the project yet.


This is going to be a huge project!

Well, you'll just have to pick up the pace dear turtle ..:D

On a serious note: well done volunteering on such projects!

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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20 minutes ago, Gregexplore said:

Well, you'll just have to pick up the pace dear turtle ..:D

On a serious note: well done volunteering on such projects!

I hope they take pity on an old man...:)

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On 2/15/2018 at 9:20 PM, Gi-Gi said:

The whole building is corregated steel or aluminum...we just improved the front view with stucco ledge stone and new wrought iron.  Was chain link before .  Downtown area.


Whoops! No fall protection and no access ladder. :(

Ladder type scaffold frames are not legal access. I got a three hundred dollar fine for that 15 years ago.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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31 minutes ago, Old said:

Whoops! No fall protection and no access ladder. :(

Ladder type scaffold frames are not legal access. I got a three hundred dollar fine for that 15 years ago.

It looks like they need another rail on that scaffold even if that's the access point. Looks too easy to fall through. 


I am really impressed with the LDC proactive focus on safety. We even get weekly newsletters.

Edited by Tortuga
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3 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I am really impressed with the LDC proactive focus on safety. We even get weekly newsletters.

So true Br. Richard.  Plus we get additional updates between letters notifying us about special concerns and "near misses" alerts.  Despite our best intentions, we are still killing brothers and sisters on some of our projects (including Kingdom Halls).  As Br. Gary Breaux said...this is not acceptable.  Zero incidents is our goal, zero injuries is our expectation but zero deaths is mandatory.  Our God treasures life.

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So our local hub in FL just finished the homes in this area (about 80 mile circle) 100+ Houses

the other hubs should be finishing soon in north and central Fl

our instructions about pictures where explained .. no work pictures and the need to respect homeowners and friends (permissions given for these)

so some social pictures are ok ( would’t want to show poor work habits if they ever popped up)

Pic 1&2  KH - started with 20 Volunteers a week ended with over 200 per week)


Puerto Rico is still inviting - lots of work there and it was a great experience

pic 3&4 of my group at memorial and after work in PR


and since Tortola was mentioned - here is a finished picture

there was much praise to Jehovah and it was even mentioned by several radio stations as one of the first building to get redone

pic 5 Tortola KH ..Road Town








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  • 1 month later...
On 12/22/2017 at 6:22 PM, Qapla said:

We started the day by sweeping the entire Hall and floating the floor with the proper material. As soon as that dried we primed the floor with a sealer made for the way we were installing the carpet squares. They get installed with "Lokdots".

I helped to install carpet squares today at an AH with the lokdot system. It is really nice!


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Yes it is - the install goes quite quick, does it not!


BTW - as a side thought (not about carpet)


That part on the MWM about the new Hall in Stornoway - I found a picture and thought it was interesting:


This is the completed Hall as was seen on the video (I got this from Google Maps)



However, Google still has this:




This is the lot BEFORE the Hall was built :thumbsup:


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone! We just received info. from our group overseer that each group will have hall cleaning for one month! He also said: "With restructuring of the tasks, we do have it for the whole month.  But better organized/scheduled items.  Let me know tonight if able to assist this week!"


Is this a new arrangement? We did have cleaning for 1 week after each meeting, and no assignments were made. Each of the 3 congregations had one group to "tidy up" after their meeting, vacuuming only after mid-week meeting. Just curious what to expect as to "restructuring of tasks" and "better organized scheduled items" might be! Is this a branch guideline for everyone? My husband and I are very restricted by MCS and back related pain..it is hard to even attend the meetings, so I want to be prepared to answer the question "Can you help this week"? You may be thinking "Doesn't your overseer already understand your health limitations? The answer is "no", the case with many who have MCS. It is hard for a young healthy elder to understand sometimes..has been our experience for many years..hope we don't give the impression of "not wanting to work"!😯

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Our Hall still schedules cleaning on the weekly schedule. I do not think the Branch has given instructions for monthly scheduling, this sounds like something the local BOE has decided.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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11 minutes ago, Qapla said:

Our Hall still schedules cleaning on the weekly schedule. I do not think the Branch has given instructions for monthly scheduling, this sounds like something the local BOE has decided.

Thank you..yes..I remember years ago in NC we had the assignment for a month..it was hard.😌

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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