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Ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia Imminent?

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Psalm 121:4 "Look! He will never be drowsy nor go to sleep, The One guarding Israel." Jehovah is and will ALWAYS be with his people.


May Jeremiah 20:11 assures our dear brothers and sisters that NO MATTER WHAT, Jehovah will be with them (and with all his loyal worshippers) "like a fearsome warrior. That is why those persecuting me will stumble and will not prevail. They will be put to great shame, for they will not succeed. Their everlasting humiliation will not be forgotten."

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Reminds me of our yeartext and Wt Study last week. What can't we do in this situation? Know what's in authorities' minds, or stop what they may be planning. Solution: Trust in Jehovah. He sees it all!


What can we do? Pray for our brothers in Russia, pray that a ruling favoring our brothers to be given, pray for strength to endure.....etc.

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  On 3/8/2017 at 9:57 PM, Skye said:

Reminds me of our yeartext and Wt Study last week. What can't we do in this situation? Know what's in authorities' minds, or stop what they may be planning. Solution: Trust in Jehovah. He sees it all!


What can we do? Pray for our brothers in Russia, pray that a ruling favoring our brothers to be given, pray for strength to endure.....etc.


Nicely put, and in fact we would be wise to learn off our amazing brothers and sisters in Russia, to be concerned with matters we can do, not what we can't do. Jehovah has it sorted ... just means a real bumpy road to our destination in the meantime ... and probably for more than our Russian brotherhood.


Each day is a day closer to Jehovah's day. 

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Thanks Michael for posting this.

I was thinking that about how we have been encouraged to pray to Jehovah using specific names of people if possible. Now normally we would think of brothers/sisters in the news reports or videos where their names are given. But since we have also learned that we can at times pray for the "kings" or leaders of governments who have influence on Jehovah's people and His work, then I thought that maybe I would copy/paste this final part of the news report which gives the title of a person who is in Russia who is having great influence.

So I think in my prayers that I will mention this specific person/title to Jehovah "in order that [those in Russia] may go on leading a calm and quiet life with full godly devotion and seriousness.”(1 Tim 2:2)



Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world are gravely concerned for their fellow believers in Russia. With this second order, the Ministry of Justice has turned its attention to the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Based on the authorities’ latest actions, the Witnesses believe that the Prosecutor General is moving not only to liquidate all legal entities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia but also to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the Russian Federation.



*** w11 3/1 p. 29 Russia’s Summer District Conventions Bring Blessings ***
Whatever their situation may yet be, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia joyfully continue to meet together for spiritual instruction. They pray “concerning kings and all those who are in high station; in order that [they] may go on leading a calm and quiet life with full godly devotion and seriousness.”—1 Timothy 2:2.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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Once a ban becomes the rule of law,  the brothers will no longer share information with the authorities concerning who belongs to our community, where they live, how or when we meet etc.

However, under the circumstances today, it appears the Branch does not withhold such information.  To attempt to shield the brothers now, it seems, would be to invite a ban.  And yet, the Branch feels that a ban is imminent anyway. 

This is what is meant by " being caught between a rock and a hard place. "

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Scripture talks about a shout of praise that does not stop. In the modern day, as the brothers go global, this is made literally true, because as one brother ends his ministry after a long day, another is just getting started.


There's not a lot we can say that will be of practical help to any of our beloved friends in the affected area. What we can do, is promise you that your brothers around the world, day and night, are praying for your resolve to be strong, your trials to be short, and your blessings to be rich, even if you can't talk about them for a while.


As the earth turns, there is always someone waking up, and starting their day with a prayer for you.


It is a shout of praise, and a call for help that does not cease.


I would also say that no matter how intense your problems, they are temporary, something the other side cannot say. A million years of paradise, and this won't even be a bad memory anymore, but Jah will still remember, and appreciate what you have done in his name. The troubles ahead can't compare to the rewards to come.

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If banned totally at least our brothers will be able to access information from the faithful and discreet slave via the internet and thus stay informed and up to date with Jehovahs fast moving chariot. It will be far easier than in former times of persecution when everything was written/printed on paper and had to be smuggled around. I know they banned JW.org but that does not prevent accessing information via other web addresses.


I keep thinking that this is what is going to come to all of us in the very near future anyway no matter what country we reside in, I am sure we will learn a lot that will help us to prepare for it.

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25 And this is the writing that was inscribed: MEʹNE, MEʹNE, TEʹKEL, and PARʹSIN.

26 “This is the interpretation of the words: MEʹNE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end.+

27 “TEʹKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and found lacking.

28 “PEʹRES, your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and the Persians.”+

If they are banned, Jehovah will have a similar message for Putin.

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The midweek meeting this week, the personal stories about Russia during WWII, the friends sent to camps and to Siberia. The German's thought they could stop Jehovah's people, all they did was provide a way to make them spread even more.

Wonder how this new situation could play out. Jehovah's driving the train, we're riding along in the cars. Something good may come from it. Could be some in law enforcement or politics see what's happening to peaceful people, maybe it might change their minds. Could be.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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My heart is beating hard having read the article.  It seems they want the names of ALL OUR BROTHERS  in Russian and that can't be good.  Once they pass a ban they will have carte blanche to persecute each individual family... although I am upset (I can't help it, its like someone has threatened my own mother or children) I know Jehovah and I know the power of his spirit.  Jehovah will come to the aid of his people, he will strengthen them and protect them.   


Our God is mighty, they will endure and come off completely victorious in the end but they do need our prayers.




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The only positive thing in all this situation with our Brothers in Russia is that they will receive more help from Jehovah and that they will be more prepared for the GT than us. 

We love you, our Brothers in Russia! Stand firm! We are so close...

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.” 

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  On 3/11/2017 at 12:22 AM, Daniela said:

The only positive thing in all this situation with our Brothers in Russia is that they will receive more help from Jehovah and that they will be more prepared for the GT than us. 


I echo this sentiment as well.  My family and I were talking about this very thing.  Spiritually speaking, Is it reasonable to conclude that the friends who are currently experiencing relentless persecution and their ministry severely restricted and/or banned in other regions of the world are most likely to get through the Great Tribulation more than we who are now enjoying the freedom to worship Jehovah? In addition, last years' Remain Loyal to Jehovah RC was a profound benefit to all of Jah's servants.  But who may well have benefitted the most?  Our dear brothers and sisters in Russia? South Korea? Turkmenistan? Venezuela? Eritrean JW's who escaped their country's brutal regime?  Or we who have religious freedom for now?  

Edited by Omo_Yeme
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  On 3/11/2017 at 5:37 AM, campanula said:

Honestly speaking i have zero desire to be more "prepared" to the GT than anyone else and i would prefer to "enjoy religious freedom" than to stay here and wait until they come to arrest me.




I agree with you and we all love the religion freedom. I asure you that brothers in Russia (I have friends their) do not want to be persecuted. The GT and persecution is unavoidable! Brothers in Russia already have experience how to stay firm under the persecution and if the persecution continues in Russia brothers  will cultivate even more faith. Persecution strengthens the faith! I remember brothers in Georgia when we experienced persecution. Non of us liked it but we gained strong faith. 

Soon we all will go through the GT and our faith will be tested and strengthened. I hope that brothers in Russia will show good example of loyalty and their faith will strengthen us.

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Dearest Svetlana,


I appreciate your honesty, and I feel the same way too.  I think we all would rather not have to pass through the fire of persecution to prove our loyalty to Jehovah.  But the results, when we endure whatever satan throws at us is worth it all.  Soon, we all will be in the same firing line as you faithful brothers.  Already, Jehovah's Witnesses are "on the nose", so to speak, in Australia because of the Royal Commission investigation into religious organisation and child abuse.  There will be fall-out as the media skews the recommendations against us.  I've read this passage of scripture to remind me what it means for us to be Christians:


But you have closely followed my teaching, my course of life, my purpose, my faith, my patience, my love, my endurance, 11  the persecutions and sufferings such as I experienced in Antioch in I·coʹni·um,  in Lysʹtra.  I endured these persecutions, and the Lord rescued me from them all.  In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.  - 2 Tim 3:10-12


Jehovah knows how to deliver us in any situation, just like he helped Paul and all our brothers and sisters.  I need faith to keep going too, as it is a scary prospect to face trials and persecution.  But it is also exciting because our deliverance is near, isn't it?  Sending my warmest love to you faithful friends in Russia and Ukraine.  Keeping you all in my prayers.

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The rights activist, director of the "Sova" Center for News and Analysis, Alexander Verkhovsky thinks that it is premature to speak of the liquidation of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Why ?

 "I do not understand how it can be achieved; even Stalin was not able to eliminate them." ;-)


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