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This isnt just an attack on Jehovah's people. They are doing the same thing to Hare Crishna's muslim study groups and other minorities. Which is good for us in one way only. It spreads the fire further a field and shows that countries true colours for everyone.  Yes we are the main people under attack but the fact they are breaking international human rights codes against more groups is good from our point of view.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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9 hours ago, Greg Dent said:

This isnt just an attack on Jehovah's people. They are doing the same thing to Hare Crishna's muslim study groups and other minorities. Which is good for us in one way only. It spreads the fire further a field and shows that countries true colours for everyone.  Yes we are the main people under attack but the fact they are breaking international human rights codes against more groups is good from our point of view.

that is nicely seen when you click on their "latest" page, and it's not just them - other countries also   ...   http://www.forum18.org 

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14 hours ago, timpin said:



Russia’s Supreme Court Rules to Liquidate Another Legal Entity on Extremism Charges


That is our legal entity and I was there when they planted banned publications. You know, frankly speaking, I AM SCARED!

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25 minutes ago, Victoria said:

That is our legal entity and I was there when they planted banned publications. You know, frankly speaking, I AM SCARED!


There's not a lot more we can offer you except the love and support and prayers of all of us here. 


Remember, that nobody has ever once succeeded in stopping the Truth. And that, in fact, when the Brothers were able to identify themselves again in Russia after they were last banned, they discovered that their numbers had only grown.


You have our best wishes, because we all know that there will come a time when all the brothers in every country of the world will be facing the kind of opposition that you are.


And above all, remember that nothing in earth or heaven can keep you apart from the love of Jah. You're not facing any of it alone. Something that nobody on the other side can say.

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The ruling is based on fabricated evidence. In February 2015 and January 2016, police planted banned religious literature in a facility that the Witnesses rent for religious worship and then “discovered” the publications. In the January incident, masked special police disrupted a religious meeting and planted literature under a chair in the presence of the attendees. (from the above link).


Frankly, how much more blatant is that?  Can they really think that they can succeed?  I know we are watching this from the outside, and you Victoria and our faithful ones in Russia are at the coalface with this happening directly to you.  So, it is very understandable to feel anxious.  Our WT study this week mentions this in the first two paragraphs.  But remember too,  the many times that Jehovah says he is the "Deliverer", and that is going to happen personally to you there in Russia, and in all parts of the earth when we are affected too.  We all are praying for you there, sis!

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Dear Sister Victoria, please take note of the loving words of our Great God Jehovah when he says to you:


'Do not be afraid, for I am with you. 

Do not be anxious, for I am your God.

I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, 

I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness.'--Isaiah 41:10,11.

Keep in mind dear sis that the persecution that is enveloping around you dear ones in Russia has been mounting under the insidious hand of the original serpent for quite some time. It is the great dragon who is "pulling the strings" of the authorities and they have perceived that they have won against God's servants.  However, the RF leadership, the corrupt police and kangaroo courts are now taunting Jehovah, the Sole Sovereign of the Universe so it's only a matter of time that HE will cause HIS will to be done there, as well as in Eritrea, South Korea, Turkmenistan and other regions.


Stand firm dear Victoria and temper your fears. Continue to pray for the assured victory of our Jehovah through his glorious and reigning Son, our Lord Christ Jesus!  Let your congregation know that millions of us are also praying for you all in the RF on a regular basis. (I pray for brothers and sisters there every night.) 


Please, be rest assured of our continued :heart: love and support! :heart:



Edited by Omo_Yeme
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On 16/02/2017 at 10:41 PM, rbrown1205 said:

I wonder what this will mean for the 172,000 + brothers and sisters there? Will they all be imprisoned?

I doubt it  Roberta, few countries have the capacity to jail near on 200,000 individuals (men women and children), unless the want to make room for them by freeing their prisons of drug dealers, rapists and gangster... and not even Russia would be able to stand against the international outrage such a move would evoke.  They will imprson some no doubt and persecute the few hoping to instill fear in the many.  Nothing new Satan never changes his tactics.   Sending them all off to Siberia is also no longer an option, but it's clear Satan and his coherts want to silence the brothers, intimidate them into stopping preaching; they think that if they ban our literature and close our branch there we will not be able to organize ourselves underground and that disorder will reign;   they THINK they can  scare Jehovah's people into silence and/or paint us in such vile colours that sheeplike ones will be fooled and increase will dry up.  Our brothers will suffer hardships as they are now and I'm certain there is much worse to come, but none of the above will work.  Evidently they do not know that "no weapon formed against [us] will have success" ; they don't know Jehovah's people and they certainly don't know JEHOVAH!   


Jehovah will hear  the  prayers for our dear brothers and sisters from around the world  and they will remain strong and spiritually cared for of that I am sure and they will give Satan a nasty poke in the eye with their integrity.  


Then when the time is right Jesus will crush Satan's ugly head.




Edited by sunshine
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9 hours ago, Victoria said:

That is our legal entity and I was there when they planted banned publications. You know, frankly speaking, I AM SCARED!


Remember Hezekiah, trust in Jehovah.



It would serve them right if someone would plant banned literature in the Russian Orthodox Churchs like the police do in KHs.  I would like to see the police raid the Churches and their hypocritical clergy.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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3 hours ago, campanula said:

So, if they don't have the room, will they be killed?  Adolf Hitler showed  how he did that.  Then, only a few hundred of us were among the millions of Jews who were killed.  Will they target our Russian brothers and sisters in the same way that Hitler did the Jews?

Edited by rbrown1205

Sorry, about now the upper classes in school are studying World War II. The sight of what happened then is still in my mind. I am trying to replace that sight with the sight of what happened to the Assyrian army in Hezekiah's time.
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22 minutes ago, rbrown1205 said:

So, if they don't have the room, will they be killed?  Adolf Hitler showed  how he did that.  Then, only a few hundred of us were among the millions of Jews who were killed.  Will they target our Russian brothers and sisters in the same way that Hitler did the Jews?


In line with our Watchtower lesson this week, let's not create anxiety (especially for our dear Russian brothers) over future events of which we have no individual control.  God is just and merciful and He will strengthen us for any challenge.  Focus on the work at hand an do not dwell on possible future negative challenges.  Our Russian brothers have faithfully endured much over the last 80 years and they will come off victorious in this case as well.  Love to them and us all.

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15 minutes ago, jwhess said:

In line with our Watchtower lesson this week, let's not create anxiety (especially for our dear Russian brothers) over future events of which we have no individual control.  God is just and merciful and He will strengthen us for any challenge.  Focus on the work at hand an do not dwell on possible future negative challenges.  Our Russian brothers have faithfully endured much over the last 80 years and they will come off victorious in this case as well.  Love to them and us all.

I have to remind myself of this, knowing that any weapon formed against us will have no success.

Amazing how Jehovah has been our Salvation when people threaten and persecute us.  And whatever happens, he can give us the strength to deal with it, and we will find the way out of it.

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12 hours ago, Victoria said:

You know, frankly speaking, I AM SCARED!


Victoria, as John mentioned above, please take to heart this week's Watchtower Study. Throw your anxieties on Jehovah. After all, he doesn't have any. See the thread on that topic. When I wrote the thought in post #3, who do you suppose I was thinking of?

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That is our legal entity and I was there when they planted banned publications. You know, frankly speaking, I AM SCARED!

Last scriptures read in the basement during the GT from 2016 Regional Convention:


Psalms 27

Of David.
27 Jehovah is my light+ and my salvation. Whom should I fear?+
Jehovah is the stronghold of my life.+
Whom should I dread?
2 When evil men attacked me to devour my flesh,+ My adversaries and my enemies were the ones who stumbled and fell.
3 Though an army should set up camp against me, My heart will not fear.+
Though war should break out against me, Even then I will remain confident.
4 One thing I have asked from Jehovah
—It is what I will look for—
That I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life,+ To gaze upon the pleasantness of Jehovah And to look with appreciation* upon his temple.*+
5 For he will hide me in his shelter on the day of calamity;+ He will conceal me in the secret place of his tent;+ High on a rock he will place me.+
6 Now my head is high above my enemies who surround me;
I will offer sacrifices at his tent with joyful shouting; I will sing praises* to Jehovah.
7 Hear me, O Jehovah, when I cry out;+
Show me favor and answer me.+
8 Speaking for you, my heart has said:
“Seek to find my face.”
Your face, O Jehovah, I will seek to find.+
9 Do not hide your face from me.+
Do not turn your servant away in your anger. You are my helper;+
Do not forsake me or leave me, my God of salvation.
10 Even if my own father and mother abandon me,+
Jehovah himself will take me in.+
11 Instruct me in your way, O Jehovah,+
Lead me in the path of uprightness because of my foes.
12 Do not hand me over to my adversaries,*+ For false witnesses have risen up against me,+ And they threaten me with violence.
13 Where would I be if I did not have faith That I would see Jehovah’s goodness in the land of the living?*+
14 Hope in Jehovah;+ Be courageous and strong of heart.+ Yes, hope in Jehovah.
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I was preparing this weeks bible reading isa 59:1 and 15-17 shows that Jehovah sees all the injustice and on his set time he will act for his people in the meantime his hand is not to short to support all of us to endure witch trial we face

( isa 59:1  Look! The hand of Jehovah is not too short to save, Nor is his ear too dull to hear.

isa 59:15-17 Truth has vanished, And anyone who turns away from bad is plundered. Jehovah saw this and was displeased, For there was no justice. 16 He saw that there was no man, And he was astonished that no one interceded, So his own arm brought about salvation, And his own righteousness supported him. 17 Then he put on righteousness like a coat of mail And the helmet of salvation on his head. He put on the garments of vengeance as his clothing And wrapped himself with zeal like a coat. 18 He will reward them for what they have done: Wrath to his adversaries, retribution to his enemies. And to the islands he will repay their due.)


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Think of today's text substituting Judea for Russia:


Jesus warned his followers in Russia, especially those in St. Petersburg, to 'be prepared for whatever'. 

'About to be confronted with one of the most challenging tests of their faith'.

'Need exceptional endurance and faith'.

'Act decisively'.

'Need to flee'.


The very thought of an evacuation from hostile, dangerous, regions for 172,000 citizens would have been inconceivable until a week ago when upwards of 188,000 were evacuated from the Oroville dam region.

Could it happen again, for entirely different reasons ?

Sounds hard to believe, but would it not be the greatest witness the world has ever known?  Imagine . . .

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