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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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56 minutes ago, Sofia said:

So bear in mind... some false negative can happen :( :(


I think that's what happened to me. I was sick and the symptoms all fit perfectly with covid symptoms. Others in my family also were sick but with even weaker symptoms. And we were exposed to someone with covid.

I was shocked when the result said negative. 


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1 hour ago, Sofia said:

Dont forget: Diagnostic tests for Sars Cov 2 are not good. Some dont even recognize new variants. PCR tests will be discontinued because of lack of acurancy. Soon only antigen tests will be done. So bear in mind... some false negative can happen :( :(

A brother whose family all caught COVID  persistely tested negative, until almost died. He only had a positive test when he was almost dead. 

That’s what we are worried about. 😕. He’s only 6. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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3 hours ago, Shawnster said:

So, Poland is doing better against the Delta variant than Israel?

No, the chart shows Israel vs Russia. High vaccination levels in Israel help make Delta wave deaths minimal while in Russia low vaccination levels make death numbers soar during Delta wave.


This chart was made to encourage more people to vaccinate in Poland. Currently we have fully vaccinated around 50% population and were still before Delta wave (it’ll hit us probably in 2-4 weeks) - now there are 100-200 new cases daily for a 38 million people in total so it’s okay… for now. 


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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51 minutes ago, blue-jay said:

I think that's what happened to me. I was sick and the symptoms all fit perfectly with covid symptoms. Others in my family also were sick but with even weaker symptoms. And we were exposed to someone with covid.

I was shocked when the result said negative. 




Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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2 hours ago, Thesauron said:

We do it because it is a part of the command we have as Christians to obey the authorities.

 Matthew 5:40,: 41 And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment;  41 and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 

Study notes:

  • let him also have your outer garment: Jewish men often wore two garments, an inner garment (Greek, khi·tonʹ, a shirtlike tunic with long sleeves or half sleeves, reaching to the knees or ankles and worn next to the skin) and an outer garment (Greek, hi·maʹti·on, a loose robe or coat, or just a simple rectangular piece of material). A garment could be used as a pledge to guarantee payment of a debt. (Job 22:6) Jesus is saying that for the sake of peace, his followers should be willing to give up not only their inner garment but also their more valuable outer garment.

  • compels you into service: A reference to the compulsory service that the Roman authorities could demand from a citizen. They could, for example, press men or animals into service or commandeer whatever was considered necessary to expedite official business. That is what happened to Simon of Cyrene, whom Roman soldiers “compelled into service” to carry Jesus’ torture stake.—Mt 27:32.

    mile: Probably the Roman mile, measuring 1,479.5 m (4,854 ft).—See Glossary and App. B14.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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In a TV news report yesterday they discussed the part some religions have played in preventing people from taking the vaccinations. One pastor seemed rather please that in his estimation less than 1% of his congregation has had the vaccinations.


The lowest vaccination rate is apparently Mississippi, in fact the states in the deep south tend to be the worst.

Here's some of the latest news on how covid is affecting people in Mississippi.





Covid cases have soared in Mississippi over the last month, jumping almost tenfold from a seven-day average of 267 new cases per day a month ago to 2,640 as of Tuesday, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Deaths, while still relatively low, have similarly risen from a seven-day average of about three fatalities per day a month ago to more than 13, the data shows.


The state’s hospitals are getting crowded with Covid patients, which are taking up roughly 47% of the state’s available ICU beds, according to data compiled by the Department of Health and Human Services.




About 97% of new cases in the state are in unvaccinated people, and the vast majority of deaths following the new cases will be in unvaccinated people, he said. Daily hospitalizations in the state are at their highest since the start of the pandemic.


“We wouldn’t be having this situation at all if we had a higher vaccination rate,” Dobbs said.

The state has the lowest vaccination rate per capita in the United States, but daily vaccination rates have tripled in the state over the past month amid the spread of the dominant delta variant, according to state health officials.



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Smoke and soot from wildfires may be causing more Covid-19 cases and deaths, study finds

A new study published in the journal Science Advances found that increases in fine particulate matter from wildfire smoke in 2020 led to a surge in Covid-19 cases and deaths in California, Oregon and Washington.

“Fine particulate matter air pollution can be an additional vehicle for spreading the virus even faster,” Francesca Dominici, co-author of the study and professor of biostatistics, population and data science at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, told CNN. “Considering that we are seeing an increased risk of cases from the Delta [variant] and we already have the wildfires, that’s going to be concerning.”

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10 minutes ago, Lee49 said:


Smoke and soot from wildfires may be causing more Covid-19 cases and deaths, study finds

A new study published in the journal Science Advances found that increases in fine particulate matter from wildfire smoke in 2020 led to a surge in Covid-19 cases and deaths in California, Oregon and Washington.

“Fine particulate matter air pollution can be an additional vehicle for spreading the virus even faster,” Francesca Dominici, co-author of the study and professor of biostatistics, population and data science at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, told CNN. “Considering that we are seeing an increased risk of cases from the Delta [variant] and we already have the wildfires, that’s going to be concerning.”

I wonder will come from the smoke of medical pot? Medical or not, Potheads might be spreading it!!!

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Call me crazy and insane... But I don't think I believe in the pandemic any more..  Like I respect people are dying, and I feel terrible they are. Something may be killing them... But between the media, the news on all sides, and the reaction of normal people, vs what's on the news.. I don't believe the 'pandemic' part any more..


In the China vids they showed us people having seizures, and dying on the streets. When it came to the U.S none of that happened. Since the pandemic started, the flu levels have gone down, yes people got more hygienic, but the only time you heard of Flu, it was in cases of Covid together (my sister had Covid, Flu, and Pneumonia at once they said.) They recently said the PCR tests of the past could not differentiate between Flu and Covid, and they're being changed... Despite vaccination being said to be the 'end-all' those vaccinated still get, give, and transmit covid just lesser symptoms more possibility of no deaths. Yet, the media has still made it a point to blame the virus on unvaccinated to the point it's come down to almost near segregation and wars over being vaccinated or not unvaccinated. (I still remain unvaccinated as of now.)


There are dancing tiktok videos of nurses, and empty hospitals from last year. While I believe a few dances to throw off steam is good. This is more than a few, there are hundreds of these videos, and as one guy put it 'in a real pandemic you won't have empty hospitals and time off for medical professionals, people would be lined up to get in, and dying while waiting.' We hear 'hospital staff shortages' and 'not enough beds in the hospital' but then we have time off for them to choreograph a dance?


The media has just killed my outlook on this. I still mask, I still take Vitamin D (4000iu), C, and Zinc every day. But .. I'm not staying a shut-in anymore, and I think it's wide exaggerated of a virus that's like the flu, but was politicized. Especially when comparing the numbers of how many people die annually anyways from other things. And then also looking at how if you have a heart attack and covid, it's blamed on covid. But if you have a heart attack a day after the vaccine, it's the heart attack, no matter what. Vaccine only gets blamed if it was allergic reaction or instantly as you got the vaccination, but anything with covid is always covid...


When looking at the misinformation. I think this is was more a test for the GT than anything. Not in the virus itself, but the handling of it. The way people were shown to just give up everything and listen to the media. The media tells them to panic. They panicked. The media tells them millions are dying but can only show thousands. They believe it. The media tells them to get an experimental injection that's not FDA approved (yet novavax, the more traditional style of vaccination in technology that's been out much longer that they're making just got shut down until it's FDA approved.... ) and they take it. They tell them to blame those unvaccinated, they instantly turn against people, and treat them like garbage. They say the virus won't go away until 100% vaccinated, despite the stats and other doctors showing that max vaccination can be bad, and they turn around and listen to them and blame unvaxed even more and go so far as to illegally get a third shot for a 'booster.'


They are literally living on the media and doing everything wanted, and believing anything, no longer using common sense, discretion, or reasoning. So... when the media chooses to say Religion is dangerous, it must be given up, it must be blamed, it must be 100% gone. ... I can definitely see now after this 'pandemic' how people, the masses will give it up. But then how they'll blame and fight the ones (like the current unvaccinated, and 'my freedom' people) for trying to keep it. Because it's literally happening as a beta test right now.


This is just my thoughts lately, and pure opinion.


But another thing. I went to Maryland the 2nd-4th. I didn't fly and had a friend drive me because I was paranoid of the catching covid in ariports. I originally bought N95 masks and was going to double mask with cloth, and ninja around people to avoid it. ... In the end I gave up double masking because the N95 was head masks and the cloth ears, and they kept sliding down and fighting over which one would stay on my face. I gave up on the N95 just wore cloth. Because of the mask I kept dropping my glasses, like over 20 times, and put those germ infested back on my face. I rode Metro, Bus, and went to 2 restaurants on the 2nd in the middle of DC when I met a friend.

I went to 2 crowded museums in the same day. Spy museum and Sky/Space museum. I got turned away on my appointment the 4th for 'covid concerns' (allergies/sore throat I always get) and told to reschedule for 17th-19th. I went home, 2 weeks later, have not had covid despite all the risks I ended up taking. Only things I did in the end were the cloth mask, and D, C, and Zinc every day. Plus hand sanitizer a few times.


That's just my experience...


While I will continue to of course wear a cloth mask, and take the vitamins (since D levels were low in all covid cases) ... I still now hold to the opinion that this virus is highly exaggerated for the healthy. And it was underlying healths, old age, and other effects that led to the deaths like the flu.


Again, opinion and just how I see it now. But as a hypochondriac, even I am not going to worry and stay shut in my house paranoid as much as I have been anymore.

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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16 minutes ago, Nirex said:

Call me crazy and insane... But I don't think I believe in the pandemic any more..  Like I respect people are dying, and I feel terrible they are. Something may be killing them... But between the media, the news on all sides, and the reaction of normal people, vs what's on the news.. I don't believe the 'pandemic' part any more..


In the China vids they showed us people having seizures, and dying on the streets. When it came to the U.S none of that happened. Since the pandemic started, the flu levels have gone down, yes people got more hygienic, but the only time you heard of Flu, it was in cases of Covid together (my sister had Covid, Flu, and Pneumonia at once they said.) They recently said the PCR tests of the past could not differentiate between Flu and Covid, and they're being changed... Despite vaccination being said to be the 'end-all' those vaccinated still get, give, and transmit covid just lesser symptoms more possibility of no deaths. Yet, the media has still made it a point to blame the virus on unvaccinated to the point it's come down to almost near segregation and wars over being vaccinated or not unvaccinated. (I still remain unvaccinated as of now.)


There are dancing tiktok videos of nurses, and empty hospitals from last year. While I believe a few dances to throw off steam is good. This is more than a few, there are hundreds of these videos, and as one guy put it 'in a real pandemic you won't have empty hospitals and time off for medical professionals, people would be lined up to get in, and dying while waiting.' We hear 'hospital staff shortages' and 'not enough beds in the hospital' but then we have time off for them to choreograph a dance?


The media has just killed my outlook on this. I still mask, I still take Vitamin D (4000iu), C, and Zinc every day. But .. I'm not staying a shut-in anymore, and I think it's wide exaggerated of a virus that's like the flu, but was politicized. Especially when comparing the numbers of how many people die annually anyways from other things. And then also looking at how if you have a heart attack and covid, it's blamed on covid. But if you have a heart attack a day after the vaccine, it's the heart attack, no matter what. Vaccine only gets blamed if it was allergic reaction or instantly as you got the vaccination, but anything with covid is always covid...


When looking at the misinformation. I think this is was more a test for the GT than anything. Not in the virus itself, but the handling of it. The way people were shown to just give up everything and listen to the media. The media tells them to panic. They panicked. The media tells them millions are dying but can only show thousands. They believe it. The media tells them to get an experimental injection that's not FDA approved (yet novavax, the more traditional style of vaccination in technology that's been out much longer that they're making just got shut down until it's FDA approved.... ) and they take it. They tell them to blame those unvaccinated, they instantly turn against people, and treat them like garbage. They say the virus won't go away until 100% vaccinated, despite the stats and other doctors showing that max vaccination can be bad, and they turn around and listen to them and blame unvaxed even more and go so far as to illegally get a third shot for a 'booster.'


They are literally living on the media and doing everything wanted, and believing anything, no longer using common sense, discretion, or reasoning. So... when the media chooses to say Religion is dangerous, it must be given up, it must be blamed, it must be 100% gone. ... I can definitely see now after this 'pandemic' how people, the masses will give it up. But then how they'll blame and fight the ones (like the current unvaccinated, and 'my freedom' people) for trying to keep it. Because it's literally happening as a beta test right now.


This is just my thoughts lately, and pure opinion.


But another thing. I went to Maryland the 2nd-4th. I didn't fly and had a friend drive me because I was paranoid of the catching covid in ariports. I originally bought N95 masks and was going to double mask with cloth, and ninja around people to avoid it. ... In the end I gave up double masking because the N95 was head masks and the cloth ears, and they kept sliding down and fighting over which one would stay on my face. I gave up on the N95 just wore cloth. Because of the mask I kept dropping my glasses, like over 20 times, and put those germ infested back on my face. I rode Metro, Bus, and went to 2 restaurants on the 2nd in the middle of DC when I met a friend.

I went to 2 crowded museums in the same day. Spy museum and Sky/Space museum. I got turned away on my appointment the 4th for 'covid concerns' (allergies/sore throat I always get) and told to reschedule for 17th-19th. I went home, 2 weeks later, have not had covid despite all the risks I ended up taking. Only things I did in the end were the cloth mask, and D, C, and Zinc every day. Plus hand sanitizer a few times.


That's just my experience...


While I will continue to of course wear a cloth mask, and take the vitamins (since D levels were low in all covid cases) ... I still now hold to the opinion that this virus is highly exaggerated for the healthy. And it was underlying healths, old age, and other effects that led to the deaths like the flu.


Again, opinion and just how I see it now. But as a hypochondriac, even I am not going to worry and stay shut in my house paranoid as much as I have been anymore.

You may feel this way sis, but you have think about others too. What have they experienced, or went through? How many lives died because of this? This is not a game. This situation is very serious and it is not a joke.  Apply Romans 12:3 seriously sis. With much love from me too.

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3 minutes ago, Dustparticle said:

You may feel this way sis, but you have think about others too. What have they experienced, or went through? How many lives died because of this? This is not a game. This situation is very serious and it is not a joke.  Apply Romans 12:3 seriously sis. With much love from me too.

I understand this, and I said, I feel terrible for those people. But I also believe Covid has been exaggerated as the killer it's said to be. I had the Flu in 2017-2018 A. This was the deadliest flu year for ages they said. It killed thousands because the annual flu shot didn't work against it. Just like Covid, it caused pneumonia, and it was the pneumonia that killed the people, and other effects it led to.


I believe that there are deaths and that there is a cause of concern. But I believe it in the sense of the annual flu that has literally disappeared from the scene for the year of pandemic..

Edited by Nirex

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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6 minutes ago, Nirex said:

I understand this, and I said, I feel terrible for those people. But I also believe Covid has been exaggerated as the killer it's said to be. I had the Flu in 2017-2018 A. This was the deadliest flu year for ages they said. It killed thousands because the annual flu shot didn't work against it. Just like Covid, it caused pneumonia, and it was the pneumonia that killed the people, and other effects it led to.


I believe that there are deaths and that there is a cause of concern. But I believe it in the sense of the annual flu that has literally disappeared from the scene for the year of pandemic..

I understand sis. I went to the doctor two weeks ago and told him that pandemics last from 3 to 5 years. If so, this means anything can happen with this pandemic for 3 to 5 years. The world only think like Satan. They are for themselves and greed and politics is fueling the flame. What we see today is satanic. Be careful my sis. 

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6 minutes ago, Dustparticle said:

I understand sis. I went to the doctor two weeks ago and told him that pandemics last from 3 to 5 years. If so, this means anything can happen with this pandemic for 3 to 5 years. The world only think like Satan. They are for themselves and greed and politics is fueling the flame. What we see today is satanic. Be careful my sis. 

I will...


But here's an interesting question for thought. When P&S is declared. Will you believe the news?


This entire pandemic has taught me to be more skeptic and self-reflective at listening to the media and news, and the leaders of our countries.


If they're not going to have my well being in mind then, why should I believe they have it now?

Edited by Nirex

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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2 minutes ago, Nirex said:

I will...


But here's an interesting question for thought. When P&S is declared. Will you believe the news?


This entire pandemic has taught me to be more skeptic and self-reflective at listening to the media and news, and the leaders of our countries.

There will never be true P&S in this system. We do not want to be fool we this. Stay focus what happens afterwards and that is destruction of BTG and the Judgement Message too. I hope we be a part of doing this message. It will built or faith doing this too.

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Those in Bethel got vaccinated.   Why? Because of the Covid-19 virus.  Neither the GB nor most of the world-wide organization believes this to be a hoax or whatever people believe this to be.


We lost over 19,000 brothers and sisters world-wide and still counting to this pandemic.


I hope you take heed and listen to the GB who is the channel Jehovah is using to direct his earthly organization.


We are not exactly free to  move about.  In some areas there has been some let up and travel is feasible.  However, the bethelites were told to go visit family and come back and quarantine again.  They use precaution, distance, mask, hand washing, etc.


We have Drs. and scientist among us.  They know this pandemic is real.


The scriptures say that in the last days there would be pestilence among other things.  Well, this pestilence is world-wide among climate change and other tragedies that are happening world-wide.  Haiti just had another earthquake.  We wait now to see how many brothers we have lost.





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1 hour ago, Nirex said:

I will...


But here's an interesting question for thought. When P&S is declared. Will you believe the news?


This entire pandemic has taught me to be more skeptic and self-reflective at listening to the media and news, and the leaders of our countries.


If they're not going to have my well being in mind then, why should I believe they have it now?

Yes, like Proverbs 14:15, 16 says "The naive person believes every word, But the shrewd one ponders each step. The wise one is cautious and turns away from evil, But the stupid one is reckless and overconfident"

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Well to close down 100,000 Kingdom Halls and restrict all full time servants.. To shut down door to door preaching work for 8 million brothers and sisters and full time servants … this is the first time in the history of Jehovah’s people that this happened and yet cost many of our dear brothers lives… imagine if we were caviller and just followed a status quo attitude… and some how naively believe that this was a hoax.. we would be blood guilty as an organization… not something I am comfortable with.

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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1 hour ago, Nirex said:

But here's an interesting question for thought. When P&S is declared. Will you believe the news?


It would be inappropriate to replace healthy skepticism with paranoia.  The reasoning you are using can be just as easily applied to rejecting the commonly held beliefs that the Earth is round or that man landed on the moon.  


It would be inappropriate to twist what the Governing Body tells us in order to support our own theories or anti-establishment point of view.  In fact, here is what the Governing Body has recommended in regards trusting the mainstrem media:  



*** g 12/13 p. 7 Can You Trust the News Media? ***

A Need for Balance

While it is wise not to believe everything we read in the news, it does not follow that there is nothing we can trust. The key may be to have a healthy skepticism, while keeping an open mind.


The Bible says: “Does not the ear itself test out words as the palate tastes food?” (Job 12:11) Here, then, are some tips that will help us to test out the words we hear and read:


PROVIDER: Does the report come from a credible, authoritative person or organization? Does the program or publication have a reputation for seriousness or for sensationalism? Who provide the funds for the news source?


SOURCES: Is there evidence of thorough research? Is the story based on just one source? Are the sources reliable, fair, and objective? Are they balanced, or have they been selected to convey only one point of view?


 So, the direction from the Faithful Slave is to not blanketly dismiss what the mainstream media tells us.  Instead, we should investigate and see whether the news sources we trust are reliable, credible, authoritative, and thoroughly researched.  Yes, all media, including the mainstream media, can be manipulated and used for nefarious ends.  However, the bulk of what they report, especially in countries with freedom of speech like the United States, is trustworthy.  It might be biased toward a certain political point of view, but it's not made up out of whole cloth.


A lot of people, even Jehovah's Witnesses, believe conspiracy theories.  This is a plague upon our society today.  It's wise for all of us to review what the Slave has printed in regards these conspiracy theories.  https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/peace-happiness/conspiracy-theories-misinformation/#link0


The truth about conspiracy theories

“Conspiracy theories are playing a bigger role in people’s thinking and behavior possibly than ever,” says Shauna Bowes, a research psychologist. Here is what you need to know about conspiracy theories.


What is a conspiracy theory? A conspiracy theory is a claim that sinister and powerful groups have secretly plotted to cause a significant or tragic event.


Why are they dangerous? Conspiracy theories can undermine trust in legitimate sources of information, and some can cause people to reject health or safety advice. Such theories can promote prejudice and violence against the group thought to be involved in the conspiracy.


Why are they so popular? Conspiracy theories increase in popularity during “periods of widespread anxiety, uncertainty, or hardship,” states the Encyclopaedia Britannica, such as “during wars and economic depressions and in the aftermath of natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, and pandemics.” At such unsettling times, people accept conspiracy theories because these theories validate what they believe or help them to understand why bad things happen.


How can the Bible help you to protect yourself from conspiracy theories? The Bible offers practical advice that can help us control worry during stressful times. It reveals what is really behind the problems that exist as well as how those problems will be solved. To learn more, watch the video Why Study the Bible?


So here is the conspiracy theory that is being presented - The Coronavirus pandemic is a global hoax.  All the nations are in on this conspiracy.  Every doctor and medical scientist that claims to be working on the pandemic is really in on this hoax.  Is that really reasonable to believe?  Absolutely not.  The globe cannot even agree on a standard way to measure weight, distance, or temperature; nor can it agree on which side of the road to drive on.  Why is it reasonable that this world could agree on some vast hoax like the global pandemic that has ruined the economies of every nation?


Regina, I had hoped you would start a separate topic on how Satan rules the world.  You mentioned earlier how you felt that it was believable some shadow organization, some global boogeyman was really active behind the scenes pulling the strings and that this global cabal was controlled by Satan.  A study of the scriptures actually promotes the opposite.  Consider this passage from the Bible at Daniel 10:12-14 12 He then said to me: “Do not be afraid, O Daniel. Your words have been heard from the first day that you gave your heart to understanding and to humbling yourself before your God, and I have come because of your words. 13 But the prince of the royal realm of Persia stood in opposition to me for 21 days. But then Miʹcha·el, one of the foremost princes, came to help me; and I remained there beside the kings of Persia. 14 I have come to make you understand what will befall your people in the final part of the days, because it is a vision yet for the days to come.”


What does the Bible say here?  The Bible refers to a "prince of the royal realm of Persia" or a demon prevented the angel Gabriel from reaching Daniel.  Now this demon is said to be from Persia.  So, the Bible implies that that this demon was ultimately in charge of, or controlled, the nation of Persia during Daniel's day.  Now, since there was a demon of Persia, isn't it reasonable to conclude there is a demon that controls each nation?  Do these demons work in harmony with each other or against each other?  Well, how do nations act?  Nations do not work in cooperation.  No, nations are adversarial.  They work against each other.  It's reasonable to conclude that the demons are also working in opposition to each other.  It's like some chess game with multiple sides.  


This is the reason why Peace & Security is such a novel event that it has a Bible prophecy.  See, it would be in Satan's best interest for all the nations to collaborate and work together for the common good of man.  Satan has tried for 6,000 years to prove that humans are better off without God's rule.  Logically the best way to do this would be to manipulate the nations so that they all work together in harmony for world peace.  If there really was some global cabal being manipulated by Satan to control the entire world, then he would be using this shadow organization to bring about world peace and unity, not chaos and disorder that we see today.  Instead of a global pandemic, Satan would bend over backward to make sure that this planet was the safest and healthiest place possible without God's influence.


Regina, you admitted in another topic that you have been exposed to all kinds of fake news and false propaganda.  I'm very disappointed to see that you have been influenced by this propaganda to reach the conclusion you have reached.  The truth is there is a global pandemic.  Is it as bad as the media makes it out to be?  Maybe not.  Over 99% of those diagnosed recover.  We are not seeing bodies piled in the streets like cordwood.  Of course, our health systems are much better than they were 100 years ago.  We live in a much better time with the best medical facilities and conditions than any other time in history.  Perhaps the 21st century medical standards has contributed to that 99% survivability rate.


To deny we are in a global pandemic is to deny the Earth is round, man landed on the Moon, or that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.  Pandemic deniers are the living example of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 where the Bible said that people would not be open to any agreement.  The facts are overwhelming.   


I'm very disappointed.  This admission that you feel the pandemic is a hoax makes me extremely sad.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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the knights of the apocalypse is not fake, and it is not conspiracy theory, it is a reality, it is a fulfillment of prophecy The pandemic exists, the virus exists, and the deaths of several brothers exist! Just one more detail the land is not flat! And vaccines don't kill! Be wary of conspiracy theories! Beware of Satan, he likes to blind people's minds!

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3 hours ago, Nirex said:

Call me crazy and insane... 

It's a very difficult situation. 

For sure there has been a lot of misinformation and manipulation by the media and politicians. And there is no way to know the whole truth. Maybe one day we'll know. So we have to make a decision based on the information that we do have. 


In the end I asked myself: which decision would I regret more? Not taking the vaccine and then getting horribly sick and maybe even die? Not taking the vaccine and getting sick and maybe giving it to my young kids and them ending in hospital or worse? Or taking the vaccine and having horrible side effects or complications or maybe even worse?

A difficult decision.


I made my decision, not lightly, and I'll stand to it. Even if it turns out to have been the wrong decision. At this time I made it based on research and prayer.

It will not be the same decision for everyone.


And no one should be guilted for their decision. I would never want to pressure someone into taking or not taking the vaccine. If it should turn out to be the wrong decision for that person, I would feel so guilty. Maybe even bloodguilty.

Edited by blue-jay
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3 hours ago, Nirex said:

I understand this, and I said, I feel terrible for those people. But I also believe Covid has been exaggerated as the killer it's said to be.

Regina, I am seeking clarification (sorry I am easily confused :facepalmpo2:)

1. Do you believe that we are undergoing pandemic? (or is it conspiracy theory)

2. Or do you believe in pandemic, but feel that all reports are exaggerated? (it's a lighter disease then portrayed)




Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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1 hour ago, Shawnster said:

You mentioned earlier how you felt that it was believable some shadow organization, some global boogeyman was really active behind the scenes pulling the strings

Funny enough a guy at work who does nothing but listen to conspiracy theories all day mentioned this to my boss (also a JW). We had a conversation about the fact this young man needs the truth because this pulling of the strings is satan not some secret human organization that he’s imagining. Listening to all the theories does nothing to help this young man. He’s all hyped up about what’s going on. He has no peace or trust in anything. 
This is why we avoid listening to all the crazy stuff out there. This is why we listen to the faithful slave.  If the slave is taking it seriously, so should we. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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47 minutes ago, VisualizeUrParadise said:

At this point I wanna grab raw statistics data as to how many among us JWs used to die due to flu or similar cold-like diseases annually.

That's a good point.  It's unfortunate such data does not exist. Then again, we didn't have monthly Governing Body updates about the flu, either. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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