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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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1 hour ago, Tryin'SoHardToBeSpiritual said:

For them it's a source of income

A news article here in Australia regarding the churches able to claim Jobkeeper payments for their priests (this is a government payment made to employers to keep their employees on the books while the pandemic rages - $1500 per fortnight) is stirring up discussion.


Why are churches treated like "employers" and getting the subsidy when others have missed out, who are truly employing people?  The Catholic Church has asked some priests to hand over about a half of their payments to them?!  So people are understandably disturbed by this - a rich entity able to exploit the government to get the payment, and then asking the priests to pay them half of it!  People are not happy.  Even Catholics are upset, understandably.


"One senior Catholic Church employee, who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retribution, described the church's request to the clergy as "immoral".

"One of the fundamental principles of the church, and the priests who commit to joining it, is to help the poor," the employee said.

"For the church to use these funds in this way, while so many others in their community are excluded from JobKeeper or are seriously struggling financially at the moment, is simply shocking.""


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3 hours ago, bagwell1987 said:

Greaaat,  the virus is gonna explode.

I really hate to constantly be the one to tone down the panic, but wait and see what happens instead of panicking. Fear isn't healthy.


In Germany, we've had at least a dozen things happen from loosening restrictions to mass protests with a 100.000 young people (that's one in 800 population) on the same day, where everybdoy was constantly saying "Greaaat, the virus is gonna explode" and absolutel nothing happened. Except for one abattoir where they found 700 positives at once (none of whom were actually sick by the way), with some scientists linking that to a cross-reaction to the bovine Coronavirus vaccine. 


Yes, if you're in the risk group, stay safe. But don't panic.

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all quotes from BBC. news online:


Cases are accelerating just as people are "fed up" of lockdown, WHO head says


The World Health Organization has warned that the Covid-19 pandemic is entering a “new and dangerous” phase.

Thursday saw the most cases in a single day reported to the WHO.........

.......the virus was still spreading fast and the pandemic accelerating.....


The government of the state of Victoria in Australia has scrapped plans to ease Covid-19 restrictions after a spike in cases was reported
Victoria’s tally of coronavirus cases jumped by 25 to 1,817 on Saturday the biggest increase in more than a month



......and NO.....I am not panicking .........bad news are good news as they only confirm that we are living in the final days of the last days.....

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5 minutes ago, Bluebell said:

all quotes from BBC. news online:


Cases are accelerating just as people are "fed up" of lockdown, WHO head says



If people are "fed up" of lockdown because they can't get a haircut, that is something to be upset about. 


The thing is that these lockdowns are far more damaging in other areas. For example, farmers throwing food away because they are simply not allowed to ship it to the next logistics point. Or people in Third World countries forced to stay indoors where they have no supplies. These people aren't "fed up", they are struggling to survive.


EDIT: And I think what many people are really upset about is the lack of transparency in the data. They feel like they are being fed lies. For example. we had a "hot spot" of over 700 cases and they locked down an entire company with thousands of employees. 700 cases, that immediately implies 700 sick people, but the fact is that only a few showed any symptoms, mostly mild symptoms. The same goes for all the Corona-deaths that were falsely attributed to Corona despite negative tests because the patient exhibited Corona symptoms while dying. As Elon Musk asked, how do you die in general without coughing or shortness of breath? And it is things like this that are getting people, including me, to start being "fed up". 

Honesty, something I don't expect from this system, from politicians, from scientists, from corporations and from media, honesty is the best policy. 

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7 minutes ago, Bluebell said:

Victoria’s tally of coronavirus cases jumped by 25 to 1,817 on Saturday the biggest increase in more than a month

That figure of 1817 for Victoria is the total cases, not daily jump. Nationally, there has only been 26 new cases since 3pm yesterday, 25 in Victoria.


Victoria is struggling to contain cases as yes, there are more cases there now than anywhere else. New restrictions in that state that have been put in place “aim to address recent outbreaks and are based on advice from Chief Health Officer”. Coronavirus Australia app.

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It is really interesting to see how things are continuing, especially theocratically. I was actually questioned as to why I didn't respond to the invitation for the pioneer school in December. I was under the impression that all theocratic schools were cancelled this year, according to the letter we got read out at the meeting. But apparently my PSS is still being planned for end of year. I an excited. Now with this new broadcasting video, I wonder if that will change?


But if PSS is done over zoom, I would rather wait another year to be there in person and get the whole experience. I have been waiting anyway for years, moving countries, getting married, having child. The last 15 years have gone by like nothing. Another year wouldn't hurt.

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Friends, we have a different discussion about hoe the coronavirus is affecting our spiritual routine.  https://jwtalk.net/topic/44157-meetings-in-areas-hit-by-coronavirus/


Please keep this discussion about secular news. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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9 hours ago, ChocoBro said:

I really hate to constantly be the one to tone down the panic, but wait and see what happens instead of panicking. Fear isn't healthy.


In Germany, we've had at least a dozen things happen from loosening restrictions to mass protests with a 100.000 young people (that's one in 800 population) on the same day, where everybdoy was constantly saying "Greaaat, the virus is gonna explode" and absolutel nothing happened. Except for one abattoir where they found 700 positives at once (none of whom were actually sick by the way), with some scientists linking that to a cross-reaction to the bovine Coronavirus vaccine. 


Yes, if you're in the risk group, stay safe. But don't panic.

Not panicking brother. Just fed up with what I see as a blatant lack of good sense. We literally have thousands of people from Portland and Seattle areas flooding our beaches and communities, very, very few practicing any sort of prevention. I think, for me, it's also being fed up with visitors who are disrespectful of our communities as well. The amount of trash they leave behind for us to clean up is unbelievable. That's probably where some of my frustration comes from. That and they're setting up the tents to sell fireworks, the beaches will filled with thousands of people. At the end of 4th of July we will have 2 heaping dumpsters, over flowing, actually need 3 dumpsters, full of mattresses, furniture, parts of buildings,  you name it they bring it here, use it and leave it all for us to have to clean up. Yup, I guess that's what must be bothering me.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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I don't see any 1 event with thousands of people as the primary issue. It can be problematic but it's not like any one protester had close contact with 100,000 people that day.


The problem I see is the general feeling of people letting their guard down in ALL their activities day to day and not taking measures as strongly as they did initially. 'No spike in cases after such a big event so must mean this thing is not so bad.' This is what will result in future "waves" in my opinion. It's what we're seeing develop in US now...

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47 minutes ago, elisha said:

This is what will result in future "waves" in my opinion

I wonder if "waves" are really such a bad thing right now. It's summer on the northern hemisphere and people are more likely to survive Covid19, like any other flu or corona virus. 

Numbers seem to imply this. Since April 10, new daily cases in the USA have dropped by a mere 20.8 %, but daily deaths have dropped by a whopping 70.4 %. You can't explain this fact away with stuff like "social distancing" or "wearing masks": This can only be explained by the miracle that is the immune system.


Maybe someone has a better explanation. To the best of my knowledge, we haven't found a miracle treatment for severe cases yet.



I'm far more worried about this thing still being around in November / December, to be honest.

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Ministers have been accused of playing down the gravity of the coronavirus pandemic

after it emerged that more than 1,000 people died every day in the UK for 22 consecutive days

– in stark contrast with daily tolls announced by the government



Germany's R rate jumps to 1.79

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A brother in our congregation said he tested positive for corona virus antibodies. I am trying to process what that means, and how it affects the number of "positive" cases. 🤔😷

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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10 minutes ago, Lieblingskind said:

A brother in our congregation said he tested positive for corona virus antibodies. I am trying to process what that means, and how it affects the number of "positive" cases. 🤔😷

If he has  antibodies, that means he was in contact with the virus some time ago and the immune system managed to deal with it. 

These cases are also taken up into the statistic, if the tested person can not explain when he became sick / had no symptoms, they are put into the RKI current days statistic of the "Meldedatum" (Date when the case was noted)

The best antibody tests are about 97-98% reliable. 

Antibodies mean your body has a better chance at beating Covid19 and similar Corona viruses the second time round. Although the media constantly downplays the body's ability to immunize against Covid19, other scientists claim that it is obvious that the body can become immune against it, seeing as how many people don't even get symptoms. 

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41 minutes ago, ChocoBro said:

This is all related to a single hotspot. 1000 employees of a single factory, all tested positive but hardly any have any symptoms. That's why I say, don't buy into all these sensational numbers.

Even if people have little or no symptoms, the problem is they are still contagious if they test positive so therefore they can pass it on to their families.
If any of their family members come under the compromised category then it can explode before you know it. 
I think that’s why we can’t develop a casual  attitude just as brother Morris said. 

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43 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

a bit of good news preliminary results of COVID testing in Minnesota indicates no spike resulting from protests. That indicates reopening may be feasible. 

Has enough time passed for them to be certain though?

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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