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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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IMHO, I'm speculating that all of the branches are currently enhancing, (or already did ), their IT bandwidth for anticipation of all the streaming that will be required globally through the Great Tribulation...here we go!

Keep On The Watch.....for what...LIVE STREAMING!

Just my speculation...IMHO.

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Coronavirus live updates: Another cruise ship kept from port; NY making its own sanitizer; stock market freefall



No sanitizer? No problem – New York is making it

A shortage of hand sanitizer and the growing cost of buying it has prompted New York to use its state-owned business to produce more than 100,000 gallons of week, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. Cuomo, speaking at a news briefing in which he revealed that coronavirus cases in New York surged to 142, said the hand sanitizer NYS Clean is being made in the prison system. The sanitizer will be distributed to schools, governments, prisons and some communities affected by the coronavirus, Cuomo said.

He said he scent is like a "floral bouquet" and will be less expensive through CorCraft, the state's prison-run business, than if the state bought it. "It’s much cheaper for us to make it ourselves than for us to buy it on the open market," Cuomo said


I gotta get their formula to make sure I'm in compliance!






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12 minutes ago, Lee49 said:



Coronavirus live updates: Another cruise ship kept from port; NY making its own sanitizer; stock market freefall



No sanitizer? No problem – New York is making it

A shortage of hand sanitizer and the growing cost of buying it has prompted New York to use its state-owned business to produce more than 100,000 gallons of week, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. Cuomo, speaking at a news briefing in which he revealed that coronavirus cases in New York surged to 142, said the hand sanitizer NYS Clean is being made in the prison system. The sanitizer will be distributed to schools, governments, prisons and some communities affected by the coronavirus, Cuomo said.

He said he scent is like a "floral bouquet" and will be less expensive through CorCraft, the state's prison-run business, than if the state bought it. "It’s much cheaper for us to make it ourselves than for us to buy it on the open market," Cuomo said


I gotta get their formula to make sure I'm in compliance!






I don't think to many men are going to want to smell like a floral bouquet. :D 

I bought some hand sanitizer with a perfumed fragrance that makes me sick.  It

also burned my hands.   The brand is 'Personal Care' and the label says it is made in China. :( 


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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Irish government announces cancellation of nation’s St. Patrick’s Day festivities due to COVID-19

Update 3:15 p.m. EDT March 9: Irish authorities announced the cancellation Monday of the nation’s St. Patrick’s day festivities due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

In a statement, officials said the decision was made based on the advice of the National Public Health Emergency Team.


“Due to the unique nature and scale of the St Patrick’s Day festivities, in terms of size, the mass gathering of local and international travelers and the continued progression of community transmission in some European countries, along with the emergence of a small number of cases of local transmission in Ireland, the government has decided that St Patrick’s Day parades, including the Dublin parade, will not proceed,” the statement said. [https://www.971theriver.com/news/national/coronavirus-live-updates-singapore-has-cases-mexico-has-first-cases/3Zgcf1dgrUNVzZA0VVFNdI/?utm_source&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=3913&fbclid=IwAR3pvQq7IeFcdeNtnxlpSB3CIr0zuLOFz9DC2w1wSzM0RRMP5UUDIgpEdZ4]

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5 hours ago, Lee49 said:

Why do you think the government resisted using the big P word?

Because people are already running around as headless chickens, if they call it a pandemics it will only contribute to the panic. Besides, it's true that big areas of the earth with a lot of population are not being affected yet, so it's not really a pandemics yet.


then there's the economic factor. If governments are forced to take stricter measures to control a pandemics, the economy will suffer a still much worse blow than it's doing already. The way things are right now, if this situation continues, soon thousands of companies will have to close and many millions of people will remain without a job. Hundreds of millions will not be able to pay their bills or feed their families. In the meantime, don't forget that despite all the hype hardly 4,000 people have died from this disease worldwide. Even if they become several times that amount, that's still a negligible number compared to people who die for other causes. It's not worth sending hundreds of millions into poverty.



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4 hours ago, Barbllm said:

From the above article:


The aircraft carrier then sailed to Pearl Harbor, and later flew to Johnson Space Center in Texas. 

I would a' paid good money to see that aircraft carrier fly from Pearl Harbor to Texas. :D 


All kidding aside...  An interesting read.  Thanks for sharing. :D 

Monk had the right idea. :D 






Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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I love how the brothers are always on top of giving us instructions, even before the government makes any announcements.


And I've always thought it would show who really appreciates Jehovah's instructions and showing obedience : If, in the future,  the governing body directs us to do one thing but then the  government officials direct us to do the opposite - whose instruction will we personally follow?

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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1 hour ago, rolypoly said:

Once it gets warm and the mosquitoes come out ( already here), I wonder what the zika and West Nile and all that kind of stuff is going to do. Could be a perfect storm!



According to this..you are right! I wonder if the hand sanitizers are good for pest control!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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3 minutes ago, cricket246 said:

I love how the brothers are always on top of giving us instructions, even before the government makes any announcements.


And I've always thought it would show who really appreciates Jehovah's instructions and showing obedience : If, in the future,  the governing body directs us to do one thing but then the  government officials direct us to do the opposite - whose instruction will we personally follow?

 Faith Slave sis and Jehovah will help.

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1 hour ago, carlos said:

Because people are already running around as headless chickens, if they call it a pandemics it will only contribute to the panic. Besides, it's true that big areas of the earth with a lot of population are not being affected yet, so it's not really a pandemics yet.


then there's the economic factor. If governments are forced to take stricter measures to control a pandemics, the economy will suffer a still much worse blow than it's doing already. The way things are right now, if this situation continues, soon thousands of companies will have to close and many millions of people will remain without a job. Hundreds of millions will not be able to pay their bills or feed their families. In the meantime, don't forget that despite all the hype hardly 4,000 people have died from this disease worldwide. Even if they become several times that amount, that's still a negligible number compared to people who die for other causes. It's not worth sending hundreds of millions into poverty.



True - so far.   The problem is that Corona virus is far more contagious than the flu - and more virulent than the flu.   There is an old saying - a stitch in time saves 9.   Jehovah's organization is taking seriously the threat, especially to us elderly, to get pneumonia and die from this virus.    As Jesus foretold, the nations do not know the way out (Luke 21:25).


Admitting the serious problems that exist will cause panic (not necessarily unreasonable panic).   But not admitting this will increase the rate the virus will spread.


For example, just a few hours ago Louisiana has their first case of Corona Virus - though officially not confirmed by the CDC (= Centers for disease control) in Atlanta, Georgia.   The person came from Jefferson parish (= county here in  Louisiana) - but hospitalized in New Orleans   The person  had not travelled and they do not know how they contracted the virus.    Just enough information to make us nervous.


But what they won't tell us is who the person is, what hospital they are in, and when they were in the emergency room (the time).  But they did say the person was in the emergency room for some time.


Here is the problem - if they would tell us which emergency room during what time, then those who were there at that time could self-quarantine - but now they don't know.


Frankly, they are telling us just enough information to cause panic, but not enough information to help those who had contact with mysterious person X to self-quarantine until tested.


Not to mention that it is difficult for a person to get tested.


Bottom line - more information, more panic but less spread of the virus.   Less information, less panic but more rapid spread of the virus.


Personally - I am nervous about attending our convention this Sunday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.   I am not  panicking.   The person did not contract Covid/Corona by travelling - so if we have not traveled we also could already be infected but without symptoms.


Edit: the latest:   The governor admitted they have several hundred test kits - that is deplorable!  Also, so far in Louisiana only 15 - yes 15 - people have been tested - 14 negative, 1 positive!   They also maintained their stand to not make public any more details about person x (ostensibly to protect their privacy) - good reason to panic don't you all think?


Remember the Aid's epidemic?   One reason it spread so far so fast is that it was illegal to reveal who had been tested positive for Aids!   But this epidemic is much worse for us who are chaste in conduct - the virus is not spread primarily by sexual contact - it is air borne and lasts on surfaces.   So we will  likely soon all be at risk.


Sorry - I am not really panicking - but I have no confidence that this country will take the way out - or even if they know the way out.


Their is an old saying: hope for the best, expect the worst.


Btw - the virus is continually mutating according to one health authority on TV - and you know if its on the media its true!


Just kidding!

Edited by Newtonian
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One more thing - the media correctly has informed us that no antibiotic helps since this is a virus, not a bacteria.   They also correctly have reported that there is no vaccine for this virus (any mutated variant).   But they are, very suspiciously, totally silent about anti-virals!!!!


There is no good reason to not tell us - but there are some really bad reasons to not tell us.


What they do say is that there is no drug approved by the FDA to treat Corona virus - I guess they think the virus will wait for FDA approval!


Btw - unfortunately I have allot of experience with bronchitis and some with pneumonia, and for me some things help - here are a few:


1.   Flax seed tea breaks up a cough so you can cough up the congestion.   The recipe:


2 teaspoons of flax seed,, 2 cups of water, boil for 2 minutes - add honey and lemon to taste.


When done, strain out the seeds before adding the honey and lemon (it can taste like lemonade) - however, the seeds are edible so no need to worry if some seeds are in the tea.


2.  A hot water bottle on the chest.  Most microbes/germs are better handled by the body if the infected location is hot - that's why fever helps - as long as your brain does not get too hot (an ice pack on the head will help with that).


3.  A menthol vapor goo - like Vicks or any generic with menthol - you can breathe in the vapor deep into the lungs - from up the nose/nostrils - it also helps.


4.   Blackberry brandy - one teaspoon swallowed about every 30 minutes - Alcohol also kills germs on contact.   Wine is too weak, whisky is way too strong.


5.  Chicken soup with cayenne - red pepper.  It also helps.   Black pepper irritates tissue, Cayenne/red pepper helps tissue heal - in moderation btw!


6.  Orange juice - or similar - helps a little - other healthy fluids help - but orange juice has vitamin C which helps.


7,  Deliberately cough up mucus in the bronchial tubes and lungs - this is where flax seed tea is crucial.   There are also drugs that can help with this - but flax seed is not a drug - it is actually a healthy food - but it has to be tea/liquid to help.


8. Echinacea - I take it as a pill - it is especially effective early on before onset of serious symptoms.   It is an herb.


But with a very virulent microbe (bacteria or virus) this won't be enough - you will also have to be hospitalized as I was  twice this past year.


But all of the above helped me survive as well - the most critical is flax seed tea since it helps you cough up the mucus so you can breathe.


Simply, you cannot live if you cannot breathe!

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Israeli scientists claim to be weeks away from coronavirus vaccine

February 28, 2020 | 7:45am | Updated

An Israeli scientist works at a laboratory at the MIGAL Research Institute in Kiryat Shmona in the upper Galilee in northern Israel.
An Israeli scientist works at a laboratory at the MIGAL Research Institute in Kiryat Shmona in the upper Galilee in northern Israel..........https://nypost.com/2020/02/28/israeli-scientists-claim-to-be-weeks-away-from-coronavirus-vaccine/........... this was posted back in February Israelis said that they may have a vaccine as early as 90 days.
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6 hours ago, Tbs77 said:

IMHO, I'm speculating that all of the branches are currently enhancing, (or already did emoji2960.pngemoji6.png), their IT bandwidth for anticipation of all the streaming that will be required globally through the Great Tribulation...here we go!

Keep On The Watch.....for what...LIVE STREAMING!

Just my speculation...IMHO.

How do you know this?

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16 hours ago, Zephyr said:

So does anybody know anybody that has covid19?

My mother attended a funeral at the Kingdom Hall last week - lots of hugging and kissing going on. Someone there has since been diagnosed with covid 19 and their meetings and service have been cancelled for two weeks.


I hope she didn't touch that person... :( 

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2 minutes ago, Hope said:

My mother attended a funeral at the Kingdom Hall last week - lots of hugging and kissing going on. Someone there has since been diagnosed with covid 19 and their meetings and service have been cancelled for two weeks.


I hope she didn't touch that person... :( 

 Too hard withhold love and comfort at such a time 😪

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