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"Released": A Book By Thomas Walker

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Can someone explain more about this books? I never heard about it. It is not published by Watchtover, but personal prose writer of some brother Witness?
Is it a fact or fantasy? Prophecy fulfilment or? Thanks.

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Well, it's a week later now, and you guys might like to know that Released has climbed to the 'Top 40' on the 'Christian > Futuristic' category of Amazon.


I can check the sales figures of my books in near-real time, and I can tell my readers are all JW's at this point. How do I know that? Because there were no buyers at all yesterday. I'm guessing everyone was focused on the convention. :laugh:


It's been interesting reading everyone's comments thus far.


  On 7/18/2020 at 5:37 PM, .Ivan. said:

Can someone explain more about this books? I never heard about it. It is not published by Watchtover, but personal prose writer of some brother Witness?
Is it a fact or fantasy? Prophecy fulfilment or? Thanks.


(Waves to Ivan) Welcome to the show!


For the record, and for those who are just learning about these books now: I am a lifelong JW, but I'm not part of the writing committee or the FDS. This series began as a form of personal study, to help visualise life in Paradise. It was only meant to go as far as the first twenty thousand words, and somehow wound up as five volumes, covering the whole thousand years. There's a lot of it that's mostly my imagination, but a lot of the 'foundation' is from our publications. In the books, I've quoted scriptures, Watchtowers, and Insight volumes to justify some of the things I've settled on, and in places where there's no information at all, I tend to avoid making them central to the story or the characters. Things that are mostly my own invention are clearly indicated so that the Reader can make their own judgement.


  On 7/18/2020 at 5:15 AM, JudyO said:

No no no! FAST is NOT the way to read this last book in the series. I'm taking this slowly, even though I've always been the type of reader to flip to the end of the book first, and then start reading the beginning. But since I know there won't be another (boo hoo hiccup) I don't want this experience to be over too fast. I'm trying to savor it the way it was written.


Believe it or not, the first reader for this book was my mom. She spent three weeks reading the first half of the book, here and there as she could. When the 'Final Test' section started, she got the last half done in two days. I decided that was promising.



A tearful ending. A mix of feelings though. At the heart of it, only Jehovah's instructions mattered. Nice story! 


I've been mostly silent on this thread to avoid spoilers (Even if this thread is for discussion).


There isn't really a whole lot to add to what I said in the afterword. 


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  On 7/18/2020 at 2:55 PM, GodlyDevotion said:

That was incredibly epic. It nearly broke my heart. I had developed a close bond with both characters; it was hard losing them. 

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  On 7/18/2020 at 2:46 PM, GodlyDevotion said:

What I personally love about the last book is that humans — nigh perfection and after perfection — seem to rely on their technology. They quickly forgot that Jehovah is our sole protector and safeguard. No technology can match the safety that lies in the house of Jehovah. And I think that's what the author seems to pen in his book. 


Another balance between plot and prophecy:


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Over five books, I have created characters who all had a very different 'personal problem' overcome on their way to becoming true believers. Having 'one test fit all' was the hard part. It had to be personal for everyone.


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I am a believer in technology, too, in the New World. But I agree that the technology depicted in the last book was much Sci-Fi, but not totally unrealistic.


My eternal paradox: Trying to keep a book set a thousand years into the future from becoming a straight up scifi novel. I don't always succeed.


  On 7/18/2020 at 2:58 PM, Dages said:

I'm thinking about the technology trap for the end of the 1000 years... 

If we get a very low-tech start... we could get a Golden calf problem with technology early after A-day... it's interesting too


Believe it or not, I was aiming for something like this. I figured it's a fair point, especially given that we'll have billions of people who have never seen technology like ours before. I played with some version of this with Ingaret's first week in Paradise back in 'Now On Earth'. In fact, it's already happened on some level in modern history.


In Released, the idea was given a plot arc of it's own...


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  On 7/18/2020 at 3:00 PM, Miss Bea said:

Sorry, I had to put it away. When I feel up to it, I will get back to it. Too much hurt. 
I know it must end well, but...


I know, I'm sorry. There was no way around that, I'm afraid. Robert Frost said "No tears for The Writer, no tears for The Reader." This one was hard and teary for me too, in no small part because the saga is ending. 


In this series, I've had two books at least partly spent during GT. In each of them, I had someone who didn't make it because they weren't following direction. But those characters didn't get this kind of reaction because we had just met them. The Brothers are telling us not to call back on people who only show 'lukewarm' interest in the ministry. When I was writing Set Free, it suddenly occurred to me that it wasn't to save time and maximise our ability to call on people: It was also to protect us, when The Day rolled around. The ones we take with us into Paradise are the ones we can keep.


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But something that occurred to me during the 'bookstudy' this last week: When Jesus was in Gethsemane, praying for help, and angel came to him. The Angels aren't random 'good thoughts'. They are people. People that Jesus was personally involved in creating. That angel that came to him in the garden? Jesus knew his name. They'd spoken before. Maybe even been closer friends than usual. Who would you need reassurance from in hard moments, if not a lifelong friend?


So were the demons. Jesus knew every demon he expelled by name. There was an account in the bible of a particularly strong demon who couldn't be cast out by the human disciples. Jesus asked for details about the man being hurt, and took care of it personally. "Oh, this one? Yeah, this particular fiend needs something special."


The angels predate the universe, which has been around for 13.8 billion years. When the Final Test happens, Jehovah is going to be feeling this same melancholy tinge to His ultimate victory, because the people being judged won't just be the people like us.


When GT starts, it's the point of no return. Everyone of us know a few brothers with opposed relatives, or disfellowshipped kids. That's how I approached the Final Test, as Armageddon 2.0: It'll be victory, but it will be a rough day for some. But we all know that whatever comes after will be worth all of the nightmare we've gone through thus far. And so will the Final Test. 


To quote the central character in the series:


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  On 7/19/2020 at 12:50 AM, Thomas Walker said:

Well, it's a week later now, and you guys might like to know that Released has climbed to the 'Top 40' on the 'Christian > Futuristic' category of Amazon.


I can check the sales figures of my books in near-real time, and I can tell my readers are all JW's at this point. How do I know that? Because there were no buyers at all yesterday. I'm guessing everyone was focused on the convention. :laugh:


It's been interesting reading everyone's comments thus far.



Not having finished the book, I have just one thing to say:

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....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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Wow! Wow! Wow!


I just finished the last book. Definitely some tear jerking moments for me! What a great series.  I think I want to start it all over again at some point.  This book really made me think on certain things and I love that.  Has given me much to think about in a 'what if' perspective too. Some of it all very logical too. What I'd give to have this type of imagination and thought process. 


Thank you for this series @Thomas Walker.  

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Thomas, the last book was subtly different than the others. I felt sad that ones had suffered, conquered and succeeded only to fail in the end.

I really hope, (it's just fiction Cheryl), that we don't fail like that in reality.

You write so well, so eloquently, I hope you do another series. We know that before, during and after the thousand years there will be different stories but I hope you can conjure another story line we can follow. 

Much appreciation for your story that let's us follow the lives of several people, get to know them, get attached to them. Thanks.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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  On 7/25/2020 at 6:25 AM, Miss Bea said:

I have hard copies, but I’ve tried to put the series in Books in my iPad. 
The second one. Does it exist?


If you mean 'Now on Earth', then I have no idea if it's in the iTunes store. But you can DL here in a format that should work.

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  On 7/25/2020 at 6:43 AM, Thomas Walker said:

If you mean 'Now on Earth', then I have no idea if it's in the iTunes store. But you can DL here in a format that should work.


It wasn’t iTunes. It was Amazon I bought them from. I shall check. Thanks!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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  On 7/25/2020 at 3:33 AM, bagwell1987 said:

You write so well, so eloquently, I hope you do another series. We know that before, during and after the thousand years there will be different stories but I hope you can conjure another story line we can follow. 


Yes, I hope so too. A different storyline that makes us fall in love again with the characters. The only difference now is, I won't get attached anymore. Bro Walker is a breaker of hearts 😏

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  On 7/25/2020 at 4:05 PM, careful said:

is there a forum page on here for discussion of thomas walkers series of books? i am on the first one.  


Oh, you DO have some treats in store if you've just started the first book.


I think one of the things I most appreciate about this experience ( reading Matt's series) is that it has helped make the New System just as real as this life we're living now. In referring to OS, you change your perspective. The problems that seem so real to us right now are only temporary and the future is so much brighter than we can even imagine.

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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  On 7/28/2020 at 3:54 PM, JudyO said:

I think one of the things I most appreciate about this experience ( reading Matt's series) is that it has helped make the New System just as real as this life we're living now.


Exactly. Need moooooooooaaaaaaaar !

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 7/25/2020 at 3:33 AM, bagwell1987 said:

Thomas, the last book was subtly different than the others. I felt sad that ones had suffered, conquered and succeeded only to fail in the end.

I really hope, (it's just fiction Cheryl), that we don't fail like that in reality.

You write so well, so eloquently, I hope you do another series. We know that before, during and after the thousand years there will be different stories but I hope you can conjure another story line we can follow. 

Much appreciation for your story that let's us follow the lives of several people, get to know them, get attached to them. Thanks.


Can I make a suggestion? Knowing the ultimate end, maybe you could make smaller stories that fit within the framework of your already completed story. Remember the girl who was raised to believe that it was an honor to be sacrificed to the gods? There are millions of others like that, during all the eras that have passed. I think of Joan of Arc, the Huguenots (sp?) Amish people, a person who supported Hitler, etc. And what about the relationships between those who will be resurrected....when Abraham or Noah welcome back their fathers or Job his sons. And we get to experience all those resurrections right along with them. Each person who lived has their own perspective. Who volunteers to help Moses with his new computer "tablet"? Who shows Ruth and Naomi how a modern kitchen (blender and microwave?) work?


If anyone can do this, YOU can.

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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Matt, the elderly sister who loves your books would like to know when it will be released as a hard copy? I checked on Amazon, and nothing yet, so I hoped you might have some timeline? Thanks!

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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Great Surprise.

Great Imagination.

Investigative reality



Wow. I would like to congratulate you, Thomas, on your dedication to writing the books. Fascinating. :thumbsup:


I would like to know, sorry if you have asked before ... but are there other languages?:praying:

Any possibility of translating into Portuguese? I would like to present and present my wife and of course to friends here in Brazil.


Sincere congratulations on the initiative and excuse my ignorance of knowing just now.


Pure genius.:idea:

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  On 8/14/2020 at 4:24 PM, Leonard Match Valid said:


Great Surprise.

Great Imagination.

Investigative reality



Wow. I would like to congratulate you, Thomas, on your dedication to writing the books. Fascinating. :thumbsup:


I would like to know, sorry if you have asked before ... but are there other languages?:praying:

Any possibility of translating into Portuguese? I would like to present and present my wife and of course to friends here in Brazil.


Sincere congratulations on the initiative and excuse my ignorance of knowing just now.


Pure genius.:idea:


If you have the file, you can turn it into a docx then insert it in DEEPL website, it will translate it (quality is quite good) 

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  On 8/14/2020 at 4:48 PM, Dages said:

Se você tiver o arquivo, você pode transformá-lo em um docx e inseri-lo no site DEEPL, ele irá traduzi-lo (a qualidade é muito boa) 


Will it translate the entire file? No gross errors?


I say this because the sites here in Brazil are very fake for this type of work.


I want to thank you for your willingness to inform me of this, thank you. I will try to do that.


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  On 8/14/2020 at 4:53 PM, Leonard Match Valid said:

Will it translate the entire file? No gross errors?


I say this because the sites here in Brazil are very fake for this type of work.


I want to thank you for your willingness to inform me of this, thank you. I will try to do that.



DEEPL is an excellent tool that I use daily for my Translator job... it's not perfect, but it's incredibly good, and it has Brazilian Portuguese (DEEPL é uma excelente ferramenta que uso diariamente para meu trabalho de Tradutor... não é perfeito, mas é incrivelmente bom, e tem português brasileiro = with DeepL) :D 

Edited by Dages
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