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JW Broadcasting - March 2021

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Why should it bring us joy to watch a broadcast focusing on marriage when we are single? If I may say just this one point from the Circuit Assembly with Branch Representatives (yes 2): 


I learnt something very important this past weekend, that our joy can come from being happy for others(I've added the text in italics)


“Keep Jehovah before you constantly” - David Schaeffer

How do you feel when you learn about people in your own congregation who took a stand for Jehovah (perhaps they are doing their best as a husband/wife to follow Jehovah's principles for a happy marriage, OR they stayed in a marriage they would rather have left OR forgave a mate they could have chosen to leave). .....Maybe you recall working with them out in the ministry, and hearing how they express their faith despite the challenges they are facing, and yet, really honoring Jehovah in the process. Doesn’t it just draw you closer to that person, looking for how Jehovah is at work in the lives of his friends, ....listening for how Jehovah is blessing them. 


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Why should it bring us joy to watch a broadcast focusing on marriage when we are single? If I may say just this one point from the Circuit Assembly with Branch Representatives (yes 2): 

I learnt something very important this past weekend, that our joy can come from being happy for others(I've added the text in italics)
“Keep Jehovah before you constantly” - David Schaeffer
How do you feel when you learn about people in your own congregation who took a stand for Jehovah (perhaps they are doing their best as a husband/wife to follow Jehovah's principles for a happy marriage, OR they stayed in a marriage they would rather have left OR forgave a mate they could have chosen to leave). .....Maybe you recall working with them out in the ministry, and hearing how they express their faith despite the challenges they are facing, and yet, really honoring Jehovah in the process. Doesn’t it just draw you closer to that person, looking for how Jehovah is at work in the lives of his friends, ....listening for how Jehovah is blessing them. 


I do understand your point. And I really appreciate that you shared it.
But I think the feelings involved are deeper than "just" this. Ofcourse, I don't know if you are single yourself, but still..

Today I was already practicing in my head how to react to couples using this broadcast to somehow prove how much more 'difficult' their lives are.

"If they need to make a whole broadcast, then there is somehow a need. So please stop feeling sad as a single. WE are the ones in difficult situations".

One time an elder came to me and asked: what kind of problems could you possibly have? You only have to think about yourself. I have my family to take care of!!"

So, after I kindly reminded him that this was his own choice, I also reminded him that it is sometimes very hard to be" just by yourself". Especially now with the pandemic..

I do feel joy. Because I know it's food the friends need. But sometimes it can feel a little bittersweet

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On 2/17/2021 at 1:37 PM, Victor Gabriel said:

Oh no, it's not like "Oh, I'm the first". It is like receiving spiritual food and seeing what Jehovah prepares for us, and making sure that "the food is suitable for the time."


I love it so much, months that start on Monday seem more "organized". I think that is a little TOC 🤔😅

Why would you doubt that and have to see it before everyone else to ensure it is ok for us?

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2 hours ago, Sepie93 said:

I do understand your point. And I really appreciate that you shared it.
But I think the feelings involved are deeper than "just" this. Ofcourse, I don't know if you are single yourself, but still..

Today I was already practicing in my head how to react to couples using this broadcast to somehow prove how much more 'difficult' their lives are.

"If they need to make a whole broadcast, then there is somehow a need. So please stop feeling sad as a single. WE are the ones in difficult situations".

One time an elder came to me and asked: what kind of problems could you possibly have? You only have to think about yourself. I have my family to take care of!!"

So, after I kindly reminded him that this was his own choice, I also reminded him that it is sometimes very hard to be" just by yourself". Especially now with the pandemic..

I do feel joy. Because I know it's food the friends need. But sometimes it can feel a little bittersweetemoji28.png

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I hear every word... I hope one day they will have a Broadcast dedicated to everyday single life. Not just the *awesome* opportunities and "giftiness" of it... but how to deal with it under our regular circumstances, at all sorts of ages.  And how others can be aware and try to be their friends/family.


Also --- "Just having oneself to think about" doesn't really make things incredibly easy.  We still have to figure out how to pay rent, bills, stay inspired, manage a life with the same hours in the day with NO help and only one paycheck... if that, sometimes. My apartment costs the same no matter how many people live in it.  And this pandemic isolation is extremely challenging for those who live alone.  You marrieds/families who think you get sick of looking at each other??  Try having no one to look at.  It's not great 😕 

Edited by Hope
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It's up on JW.org so this thread isn't a spoiler anymore. The time between the video being available by link and available on the site is only a few hours, hardly enough time to cause dissension between those that want to use the link and those that want to wait until it's posted. Why should this create divisions in our heart?

Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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21 minutes ago, Hope said:

I hear every word... I hope one day they will have a Broadcast dedicated to everyday single life. Not just the *awesome* opportunities and "giftiness" of it... but how to deal with it under our regular circumstances, at all sorts of ages.  And how others can be aware and try to be their friends/family.


Also --- "Just having oneself to think about" doesn't really make things incredibly easy.  We still have to figure out how to pay rent, bills, stay inspired, manage a life with the same hours in the day with NO help and only one paycheck... if that, sometimes. My apartment costs the same no matter how many people live in it.  And this pandemic isolation is extremely challenging for those who live alone.  You marrieds/families who think you get sick of looking at each other??  Try having no one to look at.  It's not great 😕 

Thank you, Sister Uani. Couldn’t have said it better. 

Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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I hear every word... I hope one day they will have a Broadcast dedicated to everyday single life. Not just the *awesome* opportunities and "giftiness" of it... but how to deal with it under our regular circumstances, at all sorts of ages.  And how others can be aware and try to be their friends/family.
Also --- "Just having oneself to think about" doesn't really make things incredibly easy.  We still have to figure out how to pay rent, bills, stay inspired, manage a life with the same hours in the day with NO help and only one paycheck... if that, sometimes. My apartment costs the same no matter how many people live in it.  And this pandemic isolation is extremely challenging for those who live alone.  You marrieds/families who think you get sick of looking at each other??  Try having no one to look at.  It's not great  
I actually understand what you mean. Don't get me wrong.. I have so many days, weeks etc. I'm a happy single, because I try not to focus on the challenges.

But yeah.. When disappointment strikes (days like this), or couples make me feel like this, I have a hard time keeping my balance.

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4 hours ago, runner92 said:



Well, let me be positive. I'm happy the couples enjoyed it.

If you are going to have a house in Paradise, and now in the old system, people try to teach you information on architecture, plumbing, painting, color schemes, so that you will be ready to build that house in Paradise....why not be excited about it? Planning and dreaming about the future is part of the fun! Some of our brothers and sisters spend time now learning skills that they will put into practice in the New World. All the same applies to marriage talks.

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3 hours ago, Sepie93 said:

"If they need to make a whole broadcast, then there is somehow a need. So please stop feeling sad as a single. WE are the ones in difficult situations".

Did someone actually say this to you? It is just so sad because that person is focused on having a pity party competition. It's immature to feel the need to downplay other people's pain, just so that they can feel more justified in their own pain. It makes no sense. It is a worldly attitude. Sorry you had to go through that brother, stay away from those negative people.

3 hours ago, Sepie93 said:

One time an elder came to me and asked: what kind of problems could you possibly have? You only have to think about yourself. I have my family to take care of!!"

:nope: Completely insensitive. 




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:nope: Completely insensitive. 
Agree completely. Its actually like comparing apples and oranges.
There is no doubt singleness can be easier than marriage. The scriptures say so. But only in SOME ways.
When my son had cancer I was amazed how many people would compare him with others who had cancer.
Everyone's body is different, treatments are different and circumstances are different.

Lessons I leaned. To be compassionate and empathetic to all. Someone with a cold would winge a little to me then say oh I shouldn't complain other people are sicker than me. And while that may be true and its good to remember our blessings, that person felt sick and needed empathy not judgement.

To me the same applies. Married people should not think themselves better. Or life is harder etc. Its just different. Challenges maybe different. As single ones shouldn't be harsh on couples who are struggling by saying " you made your bed now lay in it"
Have compassion for each individuals hurt, pain etc.

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I really enjoy the broadcast each month, it is positive and encouraging no matter what our personal circumstances are. We show our love and respect to Jehovah when we maintain a positive attitude toward the spiritual food he gives us and let our conversation be upbuilding. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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10 hours ago, booboo said:

Don’t be disappointed, Whether you are married, not married, have no intention of being married or want to get married, there are lessons to be learned and applied for each and every one of us.

What about when you’re heartbroken because you’re widowed! 😔 

Really, I did enjoy the broadcast because like you say we can all use the principles in everyday life, but this broadcast just made me sad because it just emphasised the fact I’m now a widow, and I would love nothing more than to still be with my dear hubby to be able to apply the wonderful counsel from Jehovah... 

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What about when you’re heartbroken because you’re widowed!  
Really, I did enjoy the broadcast because like you say we can all use the principles in everyday life, but this broadcast just made me sad because it just emphasised the fact I’m now a widow, and I would love nothing more than to still be with my dear hubby to be able to apply the wonderful counsel from Jehovah... 
Im sorry. I cannot imagine loosing my husband. As im getting older I think of that all the time now. I can only say I'm so sorry. I should include ones like yourself in my prayers. And I will.
You have every right to feel sad. Much love.

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4 hours ago, M.J. said:

If you are going to have a house in Paradise, and now in the old system, people try to teach you information on architecture, plumbing, painting, color schemes, so that you will be ready to build that house in Paradise....why not be excited about it? Planning and dreaming about the future is part of the fun! Some of our brothers and sisters spend time now learning skills that they will put into practice in the New World. All the same applies to marriage talks.

That's true. Think about it as preparation. I try too. LOL

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4 hours ago, M.J. said:

If you are going to have a house in Paradise, and now in the old system, people try to teach you information on architecture, plumbing, painting, color schemes, so that you will be ready to build that house in Paradise....why not be excited about it? Planning and dreaming about the future is part of the fun! Some of our brothers and sisters spend time now learning skills that they will put into practice in the New World. All the same applies to marriage talks.

Learning how to do a house doesn't make my heart ache like seeing/hearing couples talking about life and holding hands on TV, though. For me, it's not terribly comparable... but it's a good line of thought :) 

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Although I’m single, I really enjoyed the broadcast! I was taking mental notes since my hope is to be married in God’s new world. I cried when they showed the brother baptize is formerly opposed wife. How beautiful!

And that children’s music video was the cutest one they’ve made! The dancing sun and moon was just too cute 😊

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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6 hours ago, Hope said:

I hear every word... I hope one day they will have a Broadcast dedicated to everyday single life. Not just the *awesome* opportunities and "giftiness" of it... but how to deal with it under our regular circumstances, at all sorts of ages.  And how others can be aware and try to be their friends/family.

Have you (and I'm using "you" in the general sense and not speaking specifically to Hope) written the Branch or the GB about these feelings? Have you spoken to the Circuit Overseer about these feelings?  Because if they hear enough feedback and reports about this, then the more likely they will address the topic in the favorable way you hope. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Yes I have, personally - a few times over these years since I started that "Singles Section" thread back in 2016.  We saw the wording of a couple of songs change and that was greatly appreciated. Not much else, though.  It's okay - I'm sure there are plenty of issues besides than sad singletons' that need addressing.  ☺️

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