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JW Broadcasting - May 2021

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The situation really shows Satan’s influence. 

On one hand you have the overzealous police that send 5 to 10 guys to individually arrest 1 or 2, maybe 3 witnesses, and STILL end up overburdening the court system so that they have to sit in that pre trial detention, sometimes for months.  (that’s just rotten)

Whereas in the “Attic” and “Basement” scenarios, where we are depicted as grouped together, unfortunately, that I can sort of understand. 

But their current methods (including some of that computer monitoring stuff that some of you have mentioned,) just strikes me as unbelievably disproportionate. 

Now, IN NO WAY do I want to sound like I am minimizing our brothers and sisters suffering, but in the big picture, where are you going with this plan?

The logistics, just don’t make sense. 

Not surprising, though, Satan keeps fighting knowing he is going to lose. 

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2 hours ago, Dages said:

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the "weird" thing the Slave will ask us during the GT is : get rid of your connected electronics.

I dont think so... but maybe GB creates or is creating APPs not traceable, undetected, so as we can use them.

But not get rid of electronic devices.

This photo is supposed to be from a GT meeting undercover - extracted from the Video song "eyes of faith" :


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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10 minutes ago, Sofia said:

This photo is supposed to be from a GT meeting undercover - extracted from the Video song "eyes of faith" :


Actually, I am not sure if that is a depiction of GT, or simply a meeting in a country where our work is banned. You can only know after the convention.


But I somewhat agree that I don’t think GB will ask us to destroy electronic devices or even erase personal data. The opposers will find a way anyway. Without internet, I think it would be extremely difficult to stay in touch with friends during GT, such as keeping an up-to-date information, etc.


Even this site contains what may be a dangerous information, if leaked to opposers during GT, such as one’s full name and their congregation. But we don’t mind using it now.


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1 hour ago, Hinata said:

Actually, I am not sure if that is a depiction of GT, or simply a meeting in a country where our work is banned. You can only know after the convention.

Right 👌😉 thank you 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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... if the government had legal access to my Google or Whatsapp account, nearly everyone of my contacts are Witnesses. It wouldn't take long for the government to correlate the data from several accounts and know the name and address of every witness.

They already have that with your phone calls. And it has been so for decades!

Any calls to the elders; any calls between elders; any calls to the CO;
CO reports to the Branch...

It's only 3 or 4 links to circle us all.
These are all logged and on file.

I watched a doco how law enforcement used call logs to work out an illegal drug ring and supply chain.
(Hence the popularity of 'burner phones' - which we don't use...lol)

All they need to do us label us as 'extremists ' , and they can use the proven technology to encircle us.

See: "How big data helps to catch criminals | Kaspersky official blog" https://www.kaspersky.com.au/blog/big-data-forensics/8300/

Old (Downunder) Tone

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1 minute ago, 👇 ꓤꓱꓷꓠꓵ🎵Tone said:



They already have that with your phone calls. And it has been so for decades!

Any calls to the elders; any calls between elders; any calls to the CO;
CO reports to the Branch...

It's only 3 or 4 links to circle us all.
These are all logged and on file.

emoji3073.pngOld (Downunder) Tone emoji854.png


Sad truth

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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3 hours ago, 👇 ꓤꓱꓷꓠꓵ🎵Tone said:



They already have that with your phone calls. And it has been so for decades!

Any calls to the elders; any calls between elders; any calls to the CO;
CO reports to the Branch...

It's only 3 or 4 links to circle us all.
These are all logged and on file.

I watched a doco how law enforcement used call logs to work out an illegal drug ring and supply chain.
(Hence the popularity of 'burner phones' - which we don't use...lol)

All they need to do us label us as 'extremists ' , and they can use the proven technology to encircle us.

See: "How big data helps to catch criminals | Kaspersky official blog" https://www.kaspersky.com.au/blog/big-data-forensics/8300/

emoji3073.pngOld (Downunder) Tone emoji854.png



Can confirm. I've worked for a computer/phone forensics tool company (for police/legal investigations). If they have your phone, they can know every everything they want.


Well, we will see. Jehovah will always be there.

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3 hours ago, 👇 ꓤꓱꓷꓠꓵ🎵Tone said:



They already have that with your phone calls. And it has been so for decades!

Any calls to the elders; any calls between elders; any calls to the CO;
CO reports to the Branch...

It's only 3 or 4 links to circle us all.
These are all logged and on file.

I watched a doco how law enforcement used call logs to work out an illegal drug ring and supply chain.
(Hence the popularity of 'burner phones' - which we don't use...lol)

All they need to do us label us as 'extremists ' , and they can use the proven technology to encircle us.

See: "How big data helps to catch criminals | Kaspersky official blog" https://www.kaspersky.com.au/blog/big-data-forensics/8300/

emoji3073.pngOld (Downunder) Tone emoji854.png



And yet it’s surprising the catch record for folks is still very low. :) Cameras all over the UK yet it’s still a nightmare for them to catch and convict many criminals.
I don’t believe it’s as easy as tv or myth would have us believe. They would focus on individuals rather than entire groups because of this. 
If it was so easy to gather and link that evidence then more people would be convicted. 

Of course law won’t come into it then. We will have no protection from the law at that time. 

Mind you I have wondered about being asked to throw away all technology at that time and not go back to our homes for a period of time. That would make it more difficult for them. Just putting down my thoughts on it all. No facts. 

Edited by Mykyl
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10 hours ago, Hinata said:


Actually, I am not sure if that is a depiction of GT, or simply a meeting in a country where our work is banned. You can only know after the convention.


You are right of course, we will only know that after the convention.


Yet our brothers pay a great attention to all details. David's sword in a recent WT comes to mind.

At this moment it will be hard to find our work banned in a country where a police uniform says "police department", an inmate uniform says "inmate", the buildings have a wood western (North America?) construction, the door has a pet entrance and so on.


Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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The singers of with eyes of faith sound like they have professional experiences in singing. 

Some do, but most are taught singing techniques by our coaches. They just have a willing spirit and a basic musicality. Some can’t even read music.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Don't forget about factoring Jehovah's holy spirit.

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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I wasn’t sure where else to post this, but watching the May broadcast the first part the video of what’s going on with her brothers in Russia I can’t help but wonder why the Russian government would allow our  brothers and sisters in the courtroom the hallways parking lot to encourage those that have been arrested and under trial that doesn’t make any sense and yet arrest the brother or sister why not arrest all of them there what’s the difference it doesn’t make any sense to me. But I’m also wondering how we get the videos of inside the kingdom halls the different buildings and it looks like the government has went and destroyed how do they have access to that where are we getting the videos of these things also the videos of what the brother or sister being let out of jail cell or a court room how are we getting these videos it just doesn’t make sense how this is even allowed or access being granted for that?

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Don't forget about factoring Jehovah's holy spirit.

That is true. Take our photographers both film and still, for example. True, some have had a professional career before coming to bethel. But most are untrained young brothers and sisters. The branch gives them the education they need, and then they gain experience as they work on our projects. After a while, they can produce fine media, and even work with special effects. They display the fruitage of the spirit in their work ethic, and Jehovah blesses that.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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31 minutes ago, Sackedbysapp said:

I wasn’t sure where else to post this, but watching the May broadcast the first part the video of what’s going on with her brothers in Russia I can’t help but wonder why the Russian government would allow our  brothers and sisters in the courtroom the hallways parking lot to encourage those that have been arrested and under trial that doesn’t make any sense and yet arrest the brother or sister why not arrest all of them there what’s the difference it doesn’t make any sense to me. But I’m also wondering how we get the videos of inside the kingdom halls the different buildings and it looks like the government has went and destroyed how do they have access to that where are we getting the videos of these things also the videos of what the brother or sister being let out of jail cell or a court room how are we getting these videos it just doesn’t make sense how this is even allowed or access being granted for that?

Br. Shawn, many of these pictures and videos are from the past.  We do not have meetings in the Kingdom Halls now.  As to how? Some of these were taken by brothers and sisters on their smart phones. As to why? The Russian authorities are targeting neighborhoods, or people.  there are 175,000 witnesses in Russia.  Only a couple of hundred are being arrested.  I think they believe in "intimidation" as a weapon to use against us.  Little do they realize it seldom works against God's people.


Many of the more recent situations shown are dramatizations or re-enactments using actors to portray the Russian attacks.

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9 hours ago, Sackedbysapp said:

I wasn’t sure where else to post this, but watching the May broadcast the first part the video of what’s going on with her brothers in Russia I can’t help but wonder why the Russian government would allow our  brothers and sisters in the courtroom the hallways parking lot to encourage those that have been arrested and under trial that doesn’t make any sense and yet arrest the brother or sister why not arrest all of them there what’s the difference it doesn’t make any sense to me. But I’m also wondering how we get the videos of inside the kingdom halls the different buildings and it looks like the government has went and destroyed how do they have access to that where are we getting the videos of these things also the videos of what the brother or sister being let out of jail cell or a court room how are we getting these videos it just doesn’t make sense how this is even allowed or access being granted for that?

They don't have 175000 cells for all of us. Maybe they think arresting some elements is enough. Jehovah wouldn't allow too much persecution anyway. This isn't the GT yet.

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Also, I think they need a proof that you’re one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in order to be imprisoned. So in Russia, if you just scream out in public “I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses,” you may be questioned, but they wouldn’t be able to jail you for that. Something like illegal literature (such as the Watch Tower publications) would constitute as physical proof.


I believe in China, (or in North Korea,) you can be arrested by their conviction that you’re one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. You often hear on news media about Russian brothers, but never about China. The situation is much more severe.


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Also, I think they need a proof that you’re one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in order to be imprisoned. So in Russia, if you just scream out in public “I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses,” you may be questioned, but they wouldn’t be able to jail you for that. Something like illegal literature (such as the Watch Tower publications) would constitute as physical proof.
I believe in China, (or in North Korea,) you can be arrested by their conviction that you’re one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. You often hear on news media about Russian brothers, but never about China. The situation is much more severe.

You do not hear anything about our brothers in China, except Hong Kong and Macau. Still, there are many brothers there. The congregations are organised, and they do get visits from abroad. But we do not talk about how that is done.

Russia is different, though. Jehovah’s witnesses are NOT banned, only certain publications and some of our legal tools. So, you can (or could pre COVID) go to a courtroom to encourage a brother or sister.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I appreciate all your comments very helpful thank you! And I understand we’re not meeting at Hall’s and things like that but they showed videos I would look like assembly halls of Kingdom Hall ripped apart micro phones laying on the floor I guess I just don’t understand the point of the Russian government doing those things arresting some but allowing brothers and sisters in the quart room in the hallways to cheer them on it just doesn’t even make any sense why are they wasting their time if they’re going to allow them to be encouraged by brothers and sisters that haven’t been arrested.

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39 minutes ago, Sackedbysapp said:

why are they wasting their time if they’re going to allow them to be encouraged by brothers and sisters that haven’t been arrested.

One reason is that the regime in Russia is still aware of public opinion to some extent in this media age. As the recent 70 year conference demonstrates, there are many influential Russian academics and authorities who do not approve of the unreasonable and repressive behaviour shown by some. They recognise it to be a violation of human rights and also the Russian constitution. They also see that toleration of this behaviour is to erode the hard won rights of all in Russia. There is still process and procedure to be followed, even if it is corrupted in the courts with suppression and falsification of evidence.


And also, never underestimate the power Jehovah has to ensure that every avenue of encouragement and support is utilised by the whole association of brothers.


Additionally, even parts of Satan's system are mobilised on behalf of brothers who are being persecuted. Compare Revelation 12:15,16 and the many explanatory references found at:  https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/s/r1/lp-e?q=Revelation 12%3A16&p=par&r=occ


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I had a reaction to the May broadcast that I've never had before.  I guess my emotions were welling up in me the whole time I was watching it without realizing it because as soon as the video "postcard" was over I just started bawling my eyes out.  I was shocked at my reaction.  I have teared up during some parts of other broadcasts but never has that happened to me before.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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