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October Watchtower 2021

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🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Quoting from Page: 27:


11. Why was Noah successful as “a preacher of righteousness”? (See cover picture.)

11 Early witnesses of Jehovah faced unresponsive listeners. For example, Noah was “a preacher of righteousness,” likely for decades. (2 Pet. 2:5) No doubt, he hoped that others would respond favorably to his preaching, but Jehovah gave no such indication. Rather, when  instructing Noah to build the ark, God said: “You must go into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you.” (Gen. 6:18) And considering the dimensions and capacity of the ark that God told him to build, Noah may have realized that any response to his preaching would be limited. (Gen. 6:15) As matters turned out, not one person from that violent world responded to Noah’s preaching. (Gen. 7:7) Did Jehovah view Noah as a failure? Not at all! In God’s eyes, Noah was a successful preacher because he faithfully did what Jehovah had asked him to do.—Gen. 6:22.


This is amazing! Never thought about this at all! ❤️ Thank you Jehovah!

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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I always look forward to article series "One Hundred Years Ago" published every October edition of the Watchtower. It really makes me surprise how our organisation has been zealous and courageous in preaching the God's words.


The Harp of God arrangement seems very interesting. It seems wasn't just a regular study book from what I have understand in the articles. I wonder if thw internet didn't exist and pandemic had spread out the globe, we would have to do the bible studies with social distancing through mailing and letters such as this way.


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8 hours ago, Sofia said:

Quoting from Page: 27:

 As matters turned out, not one person from that violent world responded to Noah’s preaching. (Gen. 7:7

Noah and his wife "had sons" ,  and the sons "had wives".  The wives were believers and worshippers of Jehovah.  Did they not , somehow , come out of that society of non-believers?  They must have already married into Noah's family before Noah received the assignment to build the ark.


Mathematically speaking , what were the odds that Noahs three sons found and married the only three woman alive that would worship Jehovah as they did , from about one million people then living?  It will sure be interesting to hear their story in the new world.

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1 hour ago, Hinata said:


And there are not even the mentions of their parents, nor the parents of Noah's wife. Maybe they served Jehovah but died before the preaching work began.


That's a possible explanation.  Is it also possible that the three wives were siblings?  Raised by God-fearing parents who died before Noah's assignment began?

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On 7/20/2021 at 10:09 PM, Hinata said:

I always look forward to article series "One Hundred Years Ago" published every October edition of the Watchtower. It really makes me surprise how our organisation has been zealous and courageous in preaching the God's words.


The Harp of God arrangement seems very interesting. It seems wasn't just a regular study book from what I have understand in the articles. I wonder if thw internet didn't exist and pandemic had spread out the globe, we would have to do the bible studies with social distancing through mailing and letters such as this way.


The Tulsa /Greenwood massacre is featured this time. 




"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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One thing that really stood out for me is the cover image where, for the first time, I saw a depiction of the pre flood sky... being a normal sky. For me this settles the question about how the GB thinks in relation to the canopy previously thought

They wouldn't put out this pic if that canopy weren't completly rulled out by now


Let's forget once and for all about the flood waters being the rupture and fallen down of that canopy




"Here John, from Middle Earth News. The sky is sunny, good temperature and no sign of rain for the foreseable future. Have a good day!"

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It's interesting that Noah's grandfather, Methuselah died the year the flood began - 2370 B.C.E and because the scriptures said he "died", it appears it wasn't that he perished in the flood.  So if the flood came a year or even months earlier perhaps, he probably would of been on the ark with Noah and his family.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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It's interesting that Noah's grandfather, Methuselah died the year the flood began - 2370 B.C.E and because the scriptures said he "died", it appears it wasn't that he perished in the flood.  So if the flood came a year or even months earlier perhaps, he probably would of been on the ark with Noah and his family.

Why do you say “probably”?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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6 hours ago, Thesauron said:

Why do you say “probably”?

Because the Bible doesn't specify Methusalah was righteous. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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1 hour ago, Shawnster said:

Because the Bible doesn't specify Methusalah was righteous. 

That is true and the Bible doesn't specify Methuselah was unrighteous either. Who is to say that he and his son Lemach had a role of building the ark or preaching? There is a lot to learn in the NW.

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Because the Bible doesn't specify Methusalah was righteous. 

The truth is, we don’t know much about him. We don’t even know for sure if he died before the flood. We can draw that conclusion due to the language used, but it is not conclusive.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Saw this Regarding Methuselah’s death


It 2 pg 388


“He died in 2370 B.C.E., the year in which the Flood began. But the Scriptures say that Methuselah “died,” not that he perished in the Deluge as a result of divine execution.—Ge 5:27; see LIFE SPAN.”

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We do know that for 100 years Noah was referred to as "walking with God" but those terms were not assigned to any other man living at the time.


*** w08 6/1 p. 6 Why God Favored Noah—Why We Should Care ***
Noah “proved himself faultless among his contemporaries.” (Genesis 6:9) 


*** w17 June p. 8 par. 17 Jehovah Provides Comfort in All Our Trials ***
Before the Flood, Seth’s descendant Lamech worshipped Jehovah. That family man said of his son Noah: “[He] will bring us comfort from our labor and from the painful toil of our hands because of the ground that Jehovah has cursed.” That prophecy was fulfilled when the curse on the ground was lifted. (Gen. 5:29; 8:21)

*** wp17 No. 1 p. 11 “He Had Pleased God Well” ***
Methuselah fathered a son named Lamech. Lamech’s life overlapped with that of his grandfather Enoch for over a century. And Lamech grew up to show notable faith. Jehovah inspired him to utter a prophecy about Noah, Lamech’s son, and that prophecy came true after the Flood. Noah, like his great-grandfather Enoch, was singled out as a man who walked with God. Noah never met Enoch. But Enoch left a rich legacy. Noah could have learned of that legacy from his own father, Lamech, or from his grandfather Methuselah or perhaps even from Jared, Enoch’s father, who died when Noah was 366 years old.—Genesis 5:25-29; 6:9; 9:1.

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On 7/22/2021 at 3:57 PM, jwhess said:

There are a lot more than 7 birds in this picture.  How many species do you think he needed to take inside?

Did you mean the word kind here?  Species can be confusing because different species can breed.  There are many species of dogs, but they can all breed, so they are all one kind.  There are different species of bear, but they are all one kind.  There was one just one species of giraffe, but that was changed over 20 years ago so that there were 6 species of giraffes, but they could all breed.  (Maybe that has changed again, but the last I heard there were 6 species.)  Wolves, dogs, coyotes, etc, have been known to breed, so they are all one kind.  The next classification up above species is genus, I believe, and the next one after that is family.  (Correct me if I am wrong, because I am writing this from memory.)

5 hours ago, jwhess said:

We do know that for 100 years Noah was referred to as "walking with God" but those terms were not assigned to any other man living at the time.


*** w08 6/1 p. 6 Why God Favored Noah—Why We Should Care ***
Noah “proved himself faultless among his contemporaries.” (Genesis 6:9) 


*** w17 June p. 8 par. 17 Jehovah Provides Comfort in All Our Trials ***
Before the Flood, Seth’s descendant Lamech worshipped Jehovah. That family man said of his son Noah: “[He] will bring us comfort from our labor and from the painful toil of our hands because of the ground that Jehovah has cursed.” That prophecy was fulfilled when the curse on the ground was lifted. (Gen. 5:29; 8:21)

*** wp17 No. 1 p. 11 “He Had Pleased God Well” ***
Methuselah fathered a son named Lamech. Lamech’s life overlapped with that of his grandfather Enoch for over a century. And Lamech grew up to show notable faith. Jehovah inspired him to utter a prophecy about Noah, Lamech’s son, and that prophecy came true after the Flood. Noah, like his great-grandfather Enoch, was singled out as a man who walked with God. Noah never met Enoch. But Enoch left a rich legacy. Noah could have learned of that legacy from his own father, Lamech, or from his grandfather Methuselah or perhaps even from Jared, Enoch’s father, who died when Noah was 366 years old.—Genesis 5:25-29; 6:9; 9:1.

Are you sure about the 100 years.  As I recall, Jehovah said the flood was coming 120 years before it came.  The scriptures say that Shem was 100 years old when the flood came.  I am not sure of 'how long' Noah "walked with God."  Possibly Noah "walked with God" for all of his adult life.  

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32 minutes ago, Witness1970 said:

Did you mean the word kind here?  Species can be confusing because different species can breed.  There are many species of dogs, but they can all breed, so they are all one kind.  There are different species of bear, but they are all one kind.  There was one just one species of giraffe, but that was changed over 20 years ago so that there were 6 species of giraffes, but they could all breed.  (Maybe that has changed again, but the last I heard there were 6 species.)  Wolves, dogs, coyotes, etc, have been known to breed, so they are all one kind.  The next classification up above species is genus, I believe, and the next one after that is family.  (Correct me if I am wrong, because I am writing this from memory.)

Are you sure about the 100 years.  As I recall, Jehovah said the flood was coming 120 years before it came.  The scriptures say that Shem was 100 years old when the flood came.  I am not sure of 'how long' Noah "walked with God."  Possibly Noah "walked with God" for all of his adult life.  

Brother Randall, all I can add is ...WOW.  I never thought a casual comment on how many birds you see in the picture could generate a scientific discussion.  Noah took 7 clean and 2 unclean animals on board (and I assumed that it included birds).  The picture shows many birds.  I was just reflecting on the fact that exceeded  the amount of 7 or 2.  If you want to add a comment on kinds, species or genus...jump right in.  We know he took doves and ravens.


As to the time Noah walked with God...I assume he did not get converted to the true faith from a follower of Nephilim.  So he was faithful his whole life.  How long God described him by the "title" of walking with him I do not know.  The point was focused in reference whether his extended family (especially Methuselah) were believers.  Methuselah and Lamech and even his great-great-grandfather Jared (Enoch's father) lived in his lifetime.  If Noah was the ONLY one who was blameless, righteous or walking with God, then that would exclude his relatives.  Several of them lived within 100 years of the Flood.  Did they support Noah in this work of building and preaching during their lifetimes?  That was why I chose a random but significant number like a century.  Make it 120 or another number and the question remains.

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3 hours ago, jwhess said:

Brother Randall, all I can add is ...WOW.  I never thought a casual comment on how many birds you see in the picture could generate a scientific discussion.  Noah took 7 clean and 2 unclean animals on board (and I assumed that it included birds).  The picture shows many birds.  I was just reflecting on the fact that exceeded  the amount of 7 or 2.  If you want to add a comment on kinds, species or genus...jump right in.  We know he took doves and ravens.


As to the time Noah walked with God...I assume he did not get converted to the true faith from a follower of Nephilim.  So he was faithful his whole life.  How long God described him by the "title" of walking with him I do not know.  The point was focused in reference whether his extended family (especially Methuselah) were believers.  Methuselah and Lamech and even his great-great-grandfather Jared (Enoch's father) lived in his lifetime.  If Noah was the ONLY one who was blameless, righteous or walking with God, then that would exclude his relatives.  Several of them lived within 100 years of the Flood.  Did they support Noah in this work of building and preaching during their lifetimes?  That was why I chose a random but significant number like a century.  Make it 120 or another number and the question remains.

I have often heard people say that all those animals could not fit on the ark because there are so many "species" of animals.  Every time I hear the word species, I always remember all the arguments I have heard.  And species is not close to the meaning of 'kind' in the Bible.


I think we sometimes get too deep in these thoughts.  Was Lamech faithful?  He died just 5 years before the flood.  Did he "walk with God?"  Apparently not in the same way Noah did.  If Lamech was faithful and yet he did not "walk with God" then what does that term mean?  Could Lamech and Methuselah and others have helped in building the ark.  Lamech was quite old, of course.  So, was he able to help build the ark.


If you get too deep into trying to figure those things out, you could spend a lot of time.  Just saying.  

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The most important part of this WT magazine is actually a specific part of the picture Joao shared of Noah’s Ark.

Below is this entire picture which shows this most important part that is based on a prophecy that has never been in any WT in history! 😲







(Isaiah 11:6)

 The wolf will reside for a while with the lamb,
And upon the Panda Bear the Koala Bear will ride!

(NSBV - Neil’s Spurious Bible Version) 😜



Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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  • 2 months later...
On 7/22/2021 at 5:21 AM, jayrtom said:

One thing that really stood out for me is the cover image where, for the first time, I saw a depiction of the pre flood sky... being a normal sky. For me this settles the question about how the GB thinks in relation to the canopy previously thought

They wouldn't put out this pic if that canopy weren't completly rulled out by now


Let's forget once and for all about the flood waters being the rupture and fallen down of that canopy




"Here John, from Middle Earth News. The sky is sunny, good temperature and no sign of rain for the foreseable future. Have a good day!"

We had the old Noah talk today... a full ten minutes about the canopy 😃

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1 hour ago, Hope said:

We had the old Noah talk today... a full ten minutes about the canopy 😃

Did you sing the song that said that Noah had never seen rain before? :lol1:

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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